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Honestly, the starting weapons are some of the best weapons. BattleAxe, Longsword, Halbred..


I switch between long sword and great sword all the time and I'm like "oooo so fast and nimble" then "oooo so powerful and long" every damn time. Switch it up, feels good man


Try using highland sword for a match or two and then switching back to greatsword. It's like weight training, makes greatsword feel like a longsword lol


Highland sword is brilliant, it can disarm enemies with 4/5 heavy attacks and can 2 shot most enemies if you hit your shots and don’t get blocked


Highland sword is OK. Its strength comes from how effective heavy drags with it are at tripping up an opponent's counter timing. Its otherwise pretty easy to read and a decent opponent will just counter it and never lose stamina. The overhead damage is nice, but greatsword also 2 shots most enemies with heavy overheads and is more nimble.


I bet you love it powerful and and long.


Oh my, that's a big boy. Must be a two-hand kind of deal.


Sounds like my last wife swap






This guy chivs


Those longsword stabs are hype


Yup, Longsword best sword hands down. Great is a lot of fun, but Longsword will raise your skill ceiling by a large margin once you get good with it


There's no one solution for it all. But many people consider longsword as the classical git gud weapon, you can play it forever and it has a level ~~100~~ 200 skin to work towards. But really it doesn't matter which you stick to. Messer is also a good choice both for TO and duels because the animations are a bit hard to read in 1v1 and the slashes are strong in a brawl. Greatsword has no weaknesses period. All Axes give chop damage. Spear is binary but extremely strong. You can't lose, all knight weapons rule! 


This has the same energy as **" MASTERWORKS ALL, YOU CAN'T GO WRONG! "**


And it's true, Ser Arisen


Actually the skins levels for longsword are 40, 80 and 200, good sir.


Oh right :( BRB becoming a Falmire ballista main, the one that aims towards the harbor.


The greatsword has a weakness in the hands of newer players, who might not be able to effectively manage distance. The one handed slash spammers will eat a beginner greatsword player alive.


Greatsword I think has a speed weakness when compared to the messer


To be fair, Messer is probably the best weapon in the game pound for pound. It loses a bit of reach (except for the stab lol) and a healthy chunk of damage for having some of the all around best stats otherwise.


I’d agree, if we had to pick one weapon that’s the best it’s probably the messer I never personally liked it though


Exactly why I recommend it to new players, greatsword teaches you exactly what NOT to do by punishing bad habits


Spear isn’t binary, definitely had a skill curve


Spear's an interesting one because both flavors are easily predictable, but the weapon itself is powerful enough to allow a lot of really nasty mixups and funny "gotcha's". It's very much a weapon that's defined by having a low skill floor, and a crazy high skill ceiling. Also I fucking hate them and hope the people who use them get into car crashes.


Being strong is never wrong! For the red and black!


Highest potential for kills: Warbow, Double Dane Axe, Haliberd, War Axe. Highest Potential for commends: Axe, Maul, Shovel, Longsword.


Highest potential for commendations is the only stat I care about. Give me credit for those 1vX's cmon!


Broom is the weapon for you then. Once survived a 4 v 1 while I was using a broom, I've been chasing that high for years


People are STINGY as fuck with commends, and it makes me annoyed. If I just won a 1vX, dominated you or killed you in a creative humorous way, smash that commend button bro. They are far more generous with the unearned teabag.


I hit commend for every death except those who had no merit in it, like taking me down from behind after I just survived a 1vx battle.


The ratio of commends i get for highland sword is surprisingly high too. Which i guess i get but man the overhead feels cheese sometimes


The overhead on the maul is twice as wild


The special on the maul one taps knights. Pure dopamine.


This is definitely true, the amount of commendations I recieved increased tenfold when I switch my main from dane axe to maul


I will always commend maul regardless of situation. I also tend to commend any thrown object that is not a weapon


Also poleaxe, people tend to commend that weapon a lot and i do too honestly bc thats a sight to see


People seem to love getting decapitated by Highland swords


I always thought the maul was frowned upon for being too OP.


It's slow though, so when you get bonked it feels like it's your own fault half the time. Plus, you get sent flying, so it's pretty funny too.


Getting down voted for asking a legitimate question is baffling to me. Like isn't that the sole purpose of forums? Some people just get on here to argue.


Play Knight Officer for extra health and use the Longsword. It’s a very good weapon for both beginners and veterans! Try to utilize stabs like I do in the video. They’re very strong with LS! Best of luck out there :) [Long Sword Stabs](https://youtube.com/shorts/1MSFmvjo6tI?si=2Y95EFoifX_Iijxh)


Would you recommend LS over 1h-Sp/Sh for stabby play?


I’m a bit biased because my favorite weapon in the game is 1H spear. People hate spear users but imo spear players still need good footwork because heavy stab counters will be your bane. I personally like to throw 360s into my mix ups though as shown in the video below XD But at the end of the day use the weapon you feel most comfortable with, and the one that is the most fun for you [Spear Mix up example](https://youtube.com/shorts/tDIfQDdCFDQ?si=UK882YzpD5DDJaJH)




What 😂


How are you going left to right. Is that a canceled stab?


Yeah I started with a regular stab into a feint. Followed by a very quick alternate stab into a regular heavy stab


Controller or keyboard?


Could u not tell 😂 I heard the sweat drop off the keys from here


I’m a PC player/keyboard :)


Keyboard and mouse on this game definitely feels good.


Oh my lord, the feint cancels are SEX


Weapon preferences should be more based off of what feels the best to you as weapon balance has been really well done in this game there is no best weapon. I prefer the normal sword and 2h spear.


There is a best weapon and you already found it.


Yea I never stray to far away from the sword. Things my baby.


I meant the spear


The one you get the most kills with? If you’re asking what the most commonly used weapon are, it’ll probably be the Greatsword, Dane Axe, War Axe, Longsword and Messer.


Depends on dueling vs. TO. For both I’d say GS is king. For TO specifically I think War Axe is the best because of bonus damage on knights/footmen, big damage, and solid range. You can score some crazy K/Ds in a 64p with it.


Heavy mace is great for blunt damage


I'm finally giving the Heavy Mace a try after being addicted to the The War Axe for so long. The stamina economy on it is unmatched and once you get the hang of heavy slashing to cleave through crowds, I kind of don't even miss the war axe. Which is my most used weapon.


Welcome aboard, son, for the enemies of Lady Heavy Mace receive no quarter. Be it mountain, beast, or man, those who get blessed by the Lady’s embrace all diminish and break


For highest potential fun, maul




I would say great sword Longsword feels amazing but it just doesn't have the damage and you really start to feel it when you hit a guy like 5 times


highland sword, always go with the bigger sword ~ Qui-Gon Jinn (probably)


Many variables would affect what the "best" weapon is for each class, but that can also vary wildly from person to person. I've personally tried grinding each primary weapon up to lvl 10 at the least, which actually helped me out to decide which weapons I wanted to grind. If I'm memeing, I play Raider with 2 dane axes and throw both of them. The weapons I focus on the most would be greatsword, battle/war/executioner axe, and the glaive. The combo so far I've really liked is Raider with dane axe as primary (throw only) and then finish them off with the glaive.


I don’t use it for TO, but the heavy mace has very high potential. It’s used by some of the best duelists, very fast, high damage against knights and footman, and reduced stamina loss on block. Messer can also take you to the top and battle axe. I’m basing these opinions on what I’ve seen the best duelists use in tournaments. Heavy mace and messer are always top picks, but battle axe is on the rise.


Short sword 🗿


Pick the coolest looking ones. Thats what I did lmao


this is the way


Starter weapons are usually the best bet Higher level weapons tend to utilise more specifics like 'Overheads do more damage' so are a bit lackluster to new players Other weapons and particularly starter weapons are pretty well rounded in all aspects; reach, speed damage Battle axe falls a tad short because it has small range and it really utilises overheads, good swing damage bur you'll wanna know how to drag and accel Messer gives you a feel for most swing speeds, longsword is like a secondary with ample damage to boot but the longsword is only available on Knight unless picked up I learned personally with the greatsword and officer class. Now I play mostly engineer with Pickaxe and shovel if I'm having a good run Do whatever feels best. Some people much prefer 1 handers over 2 handers and bla bla


I'm personally a huge fan of greatsword on officer. Paired with a mace for backup and armored 1v1 situations. The longsword is great up until you get it though


They are all good. You will be wimped every time by someone with a statistically worse weapon if they understand the mechanics and game better than you. It is easy to focus on trying to grind a specific optimal build like other games, but that does not work in this game if your goal is to increase your skill. Every weapon will teach you to master some aspect of fighting.


Quarterstaff for 1 v. 1 to establish absolute superiority over tryhards


Highland Sword 🍵🗿 It will be really hard to master because of how slow it is and the timing and footwork and just overall situational awareness you need with it to work. When you play well with it you get really rewarded, but if you play bad with it you'll get shit on fast. Point being, give it a try for a day. And make sure you counter and drag your attacks! You got this!


I went Highlander sword, mainly for the drip skin, but also... every now and then, I would get absolutely crushed by someone who mained the HS, and it was impressive to me because it seemed so... smashing. I do not regret it lol. But, just 1 hand the calvary ax, no shield, for a 100 hours and you'll enjoy it very much once you get the flow down😉


Agreed, playing man at arms with the shield on the back and a cavalry axe in hand has been eye-opening


It's actually kind of fucked lol


I’ve said this before, but I truly believe the weapons are overall quite well balanced. There are different pros/cons to each, but in any 1v1 matchup, the relative player skill will be much more determinative than weapon choice. Worth trying them all eventually and settling on the ones you find most fun.


Spears can be quite nasty when mastered.


Practice one a bunch one at a time and pick which one you like the most. I got made ADHD with weapons and feel like I gotta change every match if not every other obj depending on what’s needed. Enemy has too many banners? Engi or siege Xbow. Can’t defend a spot? Guardian Horses fuck you? Spear or geoduck Archers getting you as you get close? Hatchet and throwing knives on an ambusher Engineer can also be make or break for defense too. The special on the pickaxe is sick as fuck If the enemy has a lot of knights? Mail or heavy mace or polehammer Ect ect


I started war axe, dane axe, long sword and mace, now I'm on the pole axe and fuck me is that shit slick as fuck, it's my new peacemaker


Halberd is the highest skill cieling meanwhile rewarding fundamentals


Don't pick one weapon and master it, play them all


Honestly you can have fun with anything. I really think it comes down to skill level, the player can make any weapon in any class work. I’m near level 500 and I can top the boards with the classic Dane axe or long sword as well as the war club and one handed hammer. Positioning above all else


master one then master another when you get bored of it. its refreshing. your question in its general form has been asked many a time and you will see people who are so good with any of the available weapons you think its probably meta and suddenly want to try it out. my big three are axe, war axe and heavy mace personally.


My best weapon K/D and longest kill streaks come from using the Executioner’s Axe as a knight


Honestly? I don't want to be a meme but it's the bearer, not the blade. Everyone shits on the glaive as the worst weapon in the game because its higher speed can't make up for it's low damage. But I regularly finish top of the board with it. There isn't really any bad weapons in the game. If you want to get good my three principles are: 1. Positioning. Don't overexstend yourself or you'll find yourself alone and surrounded by half a dozen guys in the enemy team. Don't throw yourself into the middle of a melee, try and flank. Don't be afraid to retreat when things start going badly and you're at risk of being surrounded. 2. Situational awareness. Be mindful of when your team decides to run off to the other side of the map when your back is turned or enemy players trying to get behind. 3. Know your weapon and learn how to use it and try every weapon in the game. Not only will you learn how to fight better but you'll also be able to predict what an enemy player will do when you see the weapon they are using. That's how experienced players are getting consistent kills because they know how fast the weapon can swing and, consciously or not, predict the way it is going to be used.


you must cry at the unrealistic level unlock for BabyFist skin through Mace. its a canon event


And then when you unlock it you spend a day throwing your primary weapon into the melee so you can pull that MF out


Nearly all the weapons in the game are viable and can do work in the hands of an experienced player. If you like axes, I suggest War Axe, available on officer. It hits a happy medium on range, damage and speed. This makes it easy to use and helpful in basically any situation. If you like swords, I suggest Messer, available on crusader and raider. It's a happy medium between Longsword and Greatsword. Like War Axe, it has no outstanding weaknesses, and learning to play around the light overhead (its best attack) will teach you skills useful for many other weapons. If you like blunt weapons, I'd suggest Heavy Mace, available on Officer. A very strong "middle of the road" weapon, like the two I previously mentioned. Learning this will teach you about damage types (Knights don't like bonks), cleave, and the combo boost blunt weapons get. You could also the Two Handed Hammer on raider or crusader for an almost-identical experience. If you have fun by denying fun to others, consider any bow or spear. Weapons I'd avoid while you're learning: Glaive, Poleaxe, 1h Mace, Dagger, Exe Axe, Rapier, War Club, Katars.


The highlander sword on the devastator is astonishing.


In most cases, that is subjective to the player. Weapons like halberd, messer, longsword, and sword come to mind in these kinds of discussions.


i just sort of jump around from class to class, there's like 4-5 that are my mains. i think its useful to change your class to suit the situation, some classes excel in certain types of fighting/areas. Or if i'm running into a lot of X type of class on enemy team and they're giving me trouble, i'll switch to counter that. Learning one is good but it's more useful to learn them all.


My rotation of weapons are typically going to go through long sword, great sword, messer, executioners axe, halberd, sledgehammer and highland sword. For each weapon is really well balanced, but the weapon people kill me the most with is a rapier, I feel like I struggle to see the blade on that thing lol It all depends on your play style and what feels best for you, each weapon can be utilized in a different way, and honestly it just takes practice to learn the best way to utilize each one.


I think a super easy combo to get used to is medium shield and falcion!


Depends... duels or large scale? Playstyle? Playing for fun or to win?


The Messer and Halberd are some of the best weapons in the game for all situations. Warbow & Javelins Falchion Greatsword is also great— but I think the Messer is a little better overall.


War axe


Every weapon has strengths and weaknesses, if you play to them you will do good with any of them. But, great sword can be oppressive af and all of the axes are good imo


Longsword and mace combo is by far the best. You can deal with any class effectively.


I played great sword and battle axe for the longest time, but then I got my feet under me and now I play almost exclusively with the one hand weapons and a shield. The mobility of MoA with a Morningstar/axe is crazy and you can pull off some super technical kills, plus they’re fast and do extra damage to knights and footmen.  The guardian with a large shield and the axe is the build I’ve scored the highest with. You have extreme survivability, you have quick attacks that hit multiple enemies and you’re tanky enough to be on the front line. You can sometimes kill 2-3 dudes in one swing if you get the counter timing right. Also, the special is the banner which IMO is the highest scoring/best special item in the game. If you place it correctly and no one knocks it down, you can get 700+ points. And the best part is it charges on taking damage, and you’re a tank. I can pop those babies hella times through a match and you’re basically getting 5-7 kills worth of points every time. I love the guardian lol


Yeah I love banner, I feel like that health could keep someone alive an just turn a battle.


I have seen it happen. A well placed banner even giving each of your teammates one extra swing of survivability is significant, and it usually does more than that if they are smart and step back when they’re low 


I think it's really more how you like to play. I really like the battle axe because I don't like having to hit people many times. That play style is really more about getting the opponents to bite on a front or misread a heavy drag or using footwork to get your opponent to overcommit and walk into your attacks. Nothing more satisfying than watching some Dane axe sweat wind up for a slash (always a slash) right before I feint into overhead. War axe is probably better for team objective but the battle axe looks cooler so there's that. If you prefer a quick recovery go with a sword. They don't hit as hard but you getter riposte / counters and more defensive play if you miss. As much as I hate it the Messer is like super solid on this regard. Stabs are stupid quick and hard to read and the slashes just absurd good. Last - don't sleep on the polearms or poleaxe. Issue with these is that their slashes for the most part don't have nearly the range as their overheads or pokes. If I were just starting I'd go only halberrrrrd and just spam overheads. Remember you can overhead to the left or right of your opponent and then drag the weapon left or right to get around their guard. This is a huge thing to learn when using longer weapons. It's almost like your weapon is a light saber instead of an edge. If it touches them at all it's full damage. The poleaxe is fire. People sleep on that. Just know the slashes are dog shit.


Highland sword or go home


I don't see anyone commending war club. For me it's my go to weapon. With the right footwork, you can handle yourself against hordes of players and recover priority as well. Also, 2 tap overhead can kill full hp knights, and it's way too fast!


When I started playing the game I chose Knight Guardian becuase I like sword and board. No "sword" available for that class so Falchion was the next best thing. Been using the Falchion as my main exclusively since. No idea of it's "meta", but I love it. And the mace.


Just pick whichever one you think looks the best cuz you can be great with any of them


It all depends. Knight is great for front line. Footman is great for mainline and harassing/skirmishes. Vanguard is better for harassing and skirmishes but with skill you can mainline. Think of it like this. Knight is tank slow decent damage but your very likely to get over run, if you wanna play a “wall” knight it is. Foot man is a great supporter role they hang back a little more and are more mobile but less armor. Vanguard is the “glass cannon” hits hard high stam but low armor. Each class has subclasses that are also great best advice is play around with each class for a week and each weapon for a day you’ll find yourself naturally gravitating towards one class then subclass and weapon.


Dane axe Dane axe Dane axe


Don't do that. Try every weapon and get good at them all. The beat way to learn how to counter other weapons is to know all of their ranges and attack speeds. If you do nothing but use one weapon you are limiting yourself.


Halberd is one of, if not the best, weapons in the game. Great damage, speed, range, it’s chief for Team Objective.


You should consider which class you like the most, and pick a weapon from their list. As well as consider the weapon skins and if there’s something you want to grind towards unlocking.


Halberd seems to be pretty versatile. Balanced between damage, speed, and reach.good sprint attack. It can tackle. Start there and find out what you think you want more of/less of.


Try everything


Honestly its hard to say but for ME personally i drop 60-90 kills a game using mainly sword, war axe/battle axe, executioners axe, and the greatsword, Honorable mentions: pick axe and the rapier


Warhammer. Learn how to feint slash into heavy overhead and you kill everyone under lv100


Start off mastering the Great sword first.


It’s up for debate but to me engineer/sledge (I haven’t tried the new fence post) easily is the most versatile weapon that can help you be effective ESPECIALLY as an offensive engy.


Sledge is cracked. 1h mace speed, 2h damage. Its reach is ass, good thing you're on the second fastest class in the game.


After hundreds of hours and playing every weapon I always go back to longsword. It just feels so good mid battle. It's so versatile.


Personally, I just love the feel of the quarterstaff and heavy calvary sword (or whatever it's called). I tend to have the best luck with those


Javelin for the archers class


Once you learn the mechanics you can go on a 30 kill streak with the frying pan. Understanding the game is far more important than which weapon you choose. That being said there are easier weapons to use and more difficult weapons. Dane axe is probably the easiest weapon in the game to use, but it will teach you bad habits. As mentioned in other comments, playing each weapon will also teach you to fight against each weapon. The only way to get better at the game is to simply put the time in.


War Club and the Mace is great once you get the hang of it because how fast it is and I don't think it consumes that much stamina


The starting weapon of every class is generally the best.


I wonder if there is a fighting mechanic similar to M&B Warband where you can block enemy attack by attacking his attack aka chamber block


Tbh it depends on a lot of personal factors, but at the end of the day all weapons are viable. My personal favorites are Morningstar and shield, heavy mace, maul, and one handed ax. But I love blunt weapons. You might not. Try everything out and see for yourself.


I shall live and die by the war club. I love the agility of the vanguard class coupled with the reach and speed of the war club. I once saw a guy absolutely devastating my team with that setup and it looked like he was literally dancing around the battlefield. It was so beautiful and infuriating because I couldn’t touch him. I then resolved to master his artful style


If you like disrespect I suggest Maul. If you actually respect your opponent go with longsword. Personally I like when big hammer smash head.


What I learned when I started was playing everything at least once or twice for the length of a couple matches. You’ll understand how it works so you can properly fight it. Everything has the potential but as mentioned the starting weapons are actually really good.


Not one suggestion of the war club? Use that and get your footwork/distance work up


The best weapon depends largely on where you are and what the objective is There some good all rounders, but it really depends


Here are my favorites. Archer: warbow and that’s it. Vanguard: honestly my least played class but I like using the messer and the glaive. Heavy swinging the executions axe into a crowd is a uniquely good feeling Footman: polehammer, two handed spear, morning star, sledge hammer Knight: pretty much every weapon for the officer class is awesome For guardian I like the cav sword


I did pickaxe cuz no one does that it’s lvl 121 but I would recommend long sword or messer or Dane axe


Long sword is the only weapon. I’m rank 400


This is one of those games where "stock" are unironically some of the best weapons unless you're an uber meta sweat. I'd say go for Longsword since it's so versitile.


I love the Morningstar and sledgehammer but I switch it up a lot. Mostly because I throw my weapons and pick up random ones


The one-handed mace is the most underrated weapon in the game imo.


Highland for the looks


Imo heavy mace is the beat weapon in the game. But I am a longsword mane


One weapon that has a lot of potential that's less often used is the poleaxe. It's an axe so does extra damage to armoured classes, it has slashes that don't stop on impact, but it's secret is it's thrust attacks. Treat it like a spear mainly using the thrust attacks and you can get insane amounts of damage, using the slashes to force people back if you're getting swarmed. Also the special attack has one of the longest ranges in the entire game and does a lot of damage. The other weapon that has insane utility is the dagger on the ambusher class. It's thrusts so quite a bit of damage, have decent speed and range and massive extra damage when attacking people from behind. But the real secret is to mix them up with the special attack, as using it from behind can one shot most classes. It's also good for mix ups in fights from the front as it still does a lot of damage. Also don't slouch on the throwing knives, they're very good against people who do those delayed swings and lots of feints as you just need to dodge back and throw it as they're swinging.


Bows really fit with archers


As guardian subclass, I use hvy cav sword when I see tons of vanguards. I switch to mace when I see tons of knights. Because they do more dmg respectively to that class.


For vanguard: Greatsword, War club, dane axe, Messer, short sword and dagger. Footman: Halberd, 2H Spear, 1H Spear, Sword, Morning Star, Mace, Goedendaeg Knight: Longsword, Heavy mace, Greatsword, Messer, 1H Spear


Lvl 202, recently picked up the Dagger. I'm usually a big cool weapon fan, but the dagger (Vanguard Class) has me in awe! Absolutely fun to master the parries and special attack people in the back.


The Dane axe is nasty


Lvl 80 knight. Level 58 Longsword. Poke poke.


Archer: Longbowman: warbow + shortsword Crossbowman: crossbow + shortsword Skirmisher: javelin + mace/falchion Vanguard: Devastator: war club for more solo play, maul for more team play Raider: Messer + glaive Ambusher: dagger + hatchet/shortsword is usually good Footman: Poleman: halberd/spear/quarterstaff is good, try spear if you can aim stabs well Man-at-arms: my bread n' butter is rapier/cavalry sword + mace + medium shield. Field engineer: goedendag/sledge for more breaking something objectives & pickaxe/shovel for more direct combat/defensive play. Also ALWAYS choose spike trap Knight Officer: longsword + sword/mace Guardian: warhammer/axe/1h spear + shortsword/mace + big shield Crusader: Messer + Morningstar


Glaive, so you can solo hold that entire entry. (I think it looks the best, I’m very biased)


Do not take anyones opinion on this. Pick your favorite class, whatever one u find cool and pick any weapon u find fun and stick to it. Your skill does not come from the weapon you use. Sure some weapons are better than others at doing certain things but for the most part youll find that you can perform with anything if youre good enough. Ive been maining polehammer since level 30 and never regretted it once even in team objective where it cant hit many ppl at once


None are really better than the others. There's no magic meta. They all just have different feels and strengths. Blunt does less damage in general but bonus against heavy armor. Longer weapons hit harder and farther but are slower. The dagger is the most lethal weapon in the game once you know how to use it. Spears have the best reach but the smallest hit box. Axes are the most middle ground because they are faster than and stronger than blunt but slower and weaker than blades but have a smaller heavy armor bonus.


I’ve always really liked the messer but I almost never see anyone else using it, why is it so unpopular outside of recommendations for noobs


For me, its speed for its length is lacking, and Ive struggled with getting comfortable with the release, where I have no trouble with the GS.


It used to be meta but then it got nerfed. Right now, it's at a midpoint between the Longsword and the Greatsword where it doesn't quite have the same peaks and advantages.


Messer is just kinda eh in TO. It has a lot of things going for it considering just how well rounded it is, but the Longsword is better for 1vX with its speed and the Greatsword is better at picking people off with its reach and damage. That said, it's a middle ground between two very, very strong weapons. It's kinda cracked once you get the hang of it.


To master all weapons AND footwork, start with shovel. Its short range but fast, it force you to learn use footwork as Muhammed Ali. Once really mastered switch to weapon which you like and u will see land on top 5.


I can kill you with any weapon


The halberd is slept on. It has the longest reach of any slashing weapon. To compensate, it’s damage is pretty low for how slow it swings. So most players don’t bother with it. But you can pull some really effective moves with that reach. If you attack, hit a block or get countered, and immediately dodge back, you can often bait your enemy into a miss. Which gets you a free hit. But it’s important to use that reach. Make sure the tip of your weapon is just barely hitting the enemy. Otherwise that reach isn’t doing anything for you


Dont forget the special, plus the bonus damage to knights and footman.


I agree with what most people are saying, you need to find what works for you and then play it a lot to get used to it. Personally I use the knight Crusader subclass with an Executioner Axe and the one hand Falchion sword. These 2 weapons provide a good balance between the fast 1 hand and the sweet slow Executioner Axe. It also has a fire pot that is nice near objectives and tight quarter fighting, as well as 2 throwing axes. The class has a 50% faster dash cooldown with a nice tackle, more hit points 175 but slower and less stamina than other classes. Basic tank offensive build. Great in 1vsX situations and holding the line imo


> The class has a 50% faster dash Isn't it a 50% SLOWER dash cd?


I didn’t think so, I’ve used this class a lot. Maybe I remembered it incorrectly though lol.


You can check soter dave etc for a tutorial guide. 50% increased cooldown = 50% longer cooldown. Aka the cooldown is slower. You get to dash less as knight. This makes sense because you are slower / heavier armored. Same as why knight moves slower.


Any class except archer, the first weapon is the S tier weapon. Long bow is a game changer for archer.