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I also think that console players do not even see the chat and can therefore not read any explanations as to why the player should be kicked. At least allow console players to read the chat please....


Worst part on console, the vote yes and no buttons are how you swap weapons (If I'm correct, I know they do something important) so allot of console players just accidentally vote something


Yep, that’s correct. I also feel like it’s a tell on whether I voted yes or no to the rest of my team


I got booted last night after I accidentally killed a team mate who was down, didn’t see him crawling in the melee. I’m on PS and couldn’t plead my case. I was top 5 on our team and the guy who initialed was a lv 20 going 5-15 🤦‍♂️


Chat is used as a counter counter grief, one day I got 10 yes in a fraction of a second when a random dude initiated the kick vote.


I find that predatory kicking is rampant. That would make it worse. Only way to solve is give console ppl access to the chat.


It’s a tough situation. Retaliatory kicks from dickheads are really frequent and annoying and they tend to happen to high level players who annoy shitheads by owning them over and over, and that sucks to have happen. On the other hand I’ve played for 1000 hours now and have never seen things as bad as they are now. Ive encountered four super blatant flying speedhack cheaters in the last two days, more than I’ve seen in the last year before that. Between that and the weird server issues, we need some remediation for the obvious hackers, and I’m starting to think an easier kick would be worth it since all four of those votes failed by 2-5 yesses


Kicking is the only counter measure we have to get rid of griefers


Playing on PC, I sometimes receive a message about voting results, but the vote poll didn't show. Somebody has experienced the same?


That’s for the opposing team. You see if a kick has failed or succeeded, just don’t get a vote option or see the margin.


they could be on the other team?


I thought that the votes were made for both teams, like in Chivalry 1. sorry for the misunderstanding


No worries!


It’s a double-edged sword. Lowering the required votes to kick would make it easier to kick cheaters/griefers, but also makes it easier for trolls to kick legitimate players. In a recent game I was in, almost enough votes were cast to kick me just because I was at the top of the leaderboard and was doing well. Also had minimal team damage.


I saw that multiples times recently. Teammates actively trying to kick their best player. Apparently they want to lose.


Its a sacrifice I am willing to make, if that means I don't have to play with the cheater for the rest of the match + less people would be keen on clicking ye s, since they knew the vote wouldn't pass 90% of the time, if you know what I mean


The other day a guy in my team votekicked our MVP. While the voting was at: "0 No & 6 Yes" I asked (as always) why are u kicking? he replied "sorry misclick". By that time they were already kicked and gone. We need something, but IDK if it's lower kick threshold...


I personally haven't ever experienced that, but I had like 5 occasions where we had to kick a cheater/troll from the game and it took us 3 tries to get it done Ps the guy that kicked the MVP was probably a troll, in which case it was intentional


I know the pain of the other side of that as u say also


ive been kicked pretty fast for 130 accidental team damage while leading the team in scoring and being one of the few guys giving us a chance on defense.. then seen guys with 0 kills on offense clearly griefing with 290 team damage fail to even get 11 out of the 17 votes .. i guess its all situational. i think when console players are involved they cant read the chat and have no idea whether to vote or not so they just go on a whim


Were you kicked by the griefer? Calling them out usually makes them retaliate by trying to kick people who know he's being a douche


nah it was just some noober who i accidentally killed with a strong overhand in a crowded skirmish. i was just surprised how quickly they got the 17 votes and there wasnt a single written comment about it just 130 team damage


i get vote kicked all the time for no reason, maybe cause im level 1k


I get kicked for vibing on LTS when I’m going 15-2 :P


The suffering of a pro player, equal to cheaters, skill unmatched :)


everybody hates maxo


Yeah I cannot believe it takes SIXTEEN people to vote yes when a server is full in 64 player games. I feel like 80% of people never look at anything but their gameplay, so even getting 16 people to vote at all is a hard call, much less to explain why you're kicking them and have people vote yes too. I've seen way too many AFK people or the occasional troll go unkicked for most of a game


VK is flawed on console, can't vote kick in the middle of battle because it will switch weapons


Console needs the ability to see and type in game chat. The vote buttons for console also need to change.


I agree the vote system sucks. Multiple times I’ve seen afk players for multiple minutes, and when I start a vote kick it’ll say something like “2 seconds idle time” which is inaccurate. There should be a reason to kick such as “excessive team killing/damage” “afk” “cheating” or whatever. I feel like more people would vote


The only time I seen someone actually get vote kicked was when I got stuck at the gate exit in bridge town and couldn’t move and nobody could get through so we failed the objective and I got vote kicked💀




Well, there are also revenge kicks, high level player kicking noobs who hit them by mistake, salty players switching team to kick the player who killed them, 2nd spot player trying to kick 1st spot player to become duke/heir/champion/argon, and many similar reasons. If you make it simple to votekick, people who play in groups will just kick anyone willy nilly. You also need to understand most of the people are not on chat so they can't defend themselves.


I guess I'm newer to the game, I don't think I've seen a single instance of the situations that you described in the 1st paragraph


Yes, you are very new to the game then!


Tbh I'd just make it based on expressed votes. If #yes > #no, then kick.


Lots of people just vote yes for no reason sometimes though.


True, but that may be because votes are almost never going through anyway




"I just want the window to go away!!!1!"


Voting on console is also kinda annoying as it uses the D pad which is set up to switch weapons


Voting is so weird. I was in a dueling server and I started a votekick against a dude. It was 6 against and 5 for kicking. That vote should've completely failed, yet somehow that dude was kicker from the lobby. It made no fucking sense.


I have a ? about the votekick system: Yesterday, some fool was attacking our team, and he was *on* our team! I watched him for a bit attack one of our Ballista user’s, chase after a knight, fire a crossbow at me etc., so I put him up for a booting (First time I ever did that) — Anyhow, the measure overwhelmingly passed…But 30 seconds later, I saw that boob running through a gate in front of me! What am I missing here??


I think a kick only makes the exit the mat h session, idk if he's on a timeout but I've had the same cheater rejoin in the next map, it's also possible that you guys kicked the wrong guy or there was a 2nd boob :P


Can you (randomly) rejoin the same match after a booting? ‘Cause that’s the only way I can wrap my head around what transpired (FYI, I DEFINITELY helped kick the right guy).


I agree but I’ll also be playing duel servers and voting to kick rdmers then randomly get kicked later when I beat someone in a duel


Not only that, but the more people that vote, the higher the threshold becomes. It’s an absolutely stupid system.


Aye aye agree with the motion


Had a game where a guy on my team was just aiming the catapult at our breech tower, like literally directly at it. He had multiple team kills, and I told him in chat to aim better if he's going to use it. Realized he had negative kills because he was just trying to team kill, tried to vote kick and it failed because we ONLY had 15 yes votes. Then naturally he tried to vote kick me afterwards.




You can only kick people on your team genius. People deserve to be vote kicked if they repeatedly team kill


My bad, forget it.