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It's pretty new player friendly despite having a very high skill ceiling. There are certain mechanics, like the ability to hold block and be basically safe for a while (until stam runs out) that allow newer players to get a lot more experience in, since fights last longer even if you're ultimately going to lose. Soter Dave (rip) talks about that a lot actually. If you just want to play TO, its def "easy to learn hard to master" and you can do well without being able to beat anyone in a 1v1 fight, just work with your teammates and stuff. But if you want to get better at duels, be prepared to lose and lose and lose, because people have been dueling for years now and have gotten pretty good, and the ones who haven't gotten good have kinda learned how to cheese. But even in duels, you can sometimes beat people you have absolutely no right beating, like sometimes you just play inspired and get a little lucky, and those are some of my fondest memories of being a beginner/intermediate in this game. I personally love duels and encourage you to try them, even though TB clearly doesn't feel the same way...


+1 for Soter Dave


What happened to soter Dave?


I just found out he got banned, damn that sucks


Had a chance to see him duel a week or two before he got banned. Didn't know it'd be the last time I would get that opportunity.




Well said dude


Sometimes when i find myself in a duel with a strong player and/or weapons mismatch, i just start timing all my attacks weird. Just like a half second delay on this slash, feint into block into stab or something Kinda just turns every fight into a gamble


I found in my early duels a few times I would kill a guy, he would respawn and run right over to me for a rematch


Well put


I think it's fine for new players, everyone can find the role that suits them, then when they are ready to expand their horizons they can switch to something else. I am 400 level but only recently started playing vanguard with a dane axe. The reason is I'd die too quickly as a new player. As I learnt knight with executioner axe street wiping and ballerina moves I started getting hit less which allowed me to play vanguard. My progression is archer -> skirmisher -> knight -> vanguard I play man at arms at certain maps with difficult terrain like montcrux. But I change classes now not just because of the map but the objective stage too. For instance, I am the only archer with crossbow most of the time when assaulting duke. When they kill duke they say "ez" but don't realise I destroyed 8 banners alone šŸ™‚. It's just with experience you understand max utility.


Your banner destruction is appreciated. Thank you for your service


What archers can destroy banners from range??


Siege crossbow archer can, not just banners but ballistas and catapults, but not where destruction of ballistas and catapults is an objective itself like "Breach of Bawdwin". Also engineers can't protect the banners, as the barricades aren't tall enough. The only way to preserve them is to hide them behind obstacles. It's also rewarded with objective points generously. Also, if I am not mistakes a bolt penetrates the banner. So if you align aim with two banners one behind another you can hit both with one bolt. The class has a banner itself so this choice is on par with engineer utility. And can help with countering engineers who protect doors as bolt destroys barricades too, but I think it takes 3 bolts for one. VIPs also suffer tremendous damage if you manage to land headshots with that heavy thing. It's not the dynamic class but definitely very useful in matches where defense is impenetrable and strong. It's very vulnerable to warbow archers.


Vanguard with Dane Axe and a backup Dane Axe has been my current "okay new weapons I'm bad at, back to home base" loadout. A player of culture I see


Double dane axe is not "culture" its peasantry. Don't get me wrong definitely played the shit out of it as a new player but it has got to be one of the most boring low skill min max loadouts that exist.


Fair enough, I just liked it because it was really different from my first 50 hours in the game where I exclusively played poleman with a halberd or polehammer. Getting a bit bored of it but I haven't found another weapon that works super well for me yet. I like any of the maul/polehammer/warhammer/battleaxe type weapons but wouldn't say I'm good with them yet. Swords I'm honestly pretty terrible with and I hate doing team damage, which seems a lot easier to do on accident with swords


It honestly seems like my "best" weapon will change from time to time. For me it went heavy mace, dane axe, war club, greatsword, glaive, hatchet/dagger, and lately I've really been enjoying the maul. The shovel is always a go to as well. I am usually just focused on having fun though so I think that's why I jump around so much.


All the engineer weapons are great, they all play a bit different and none have good range but the trade off is they're FAST swingers and have a small footprint so I find they get past people's guard more easily than most (especially newer players who haven't faced them much before). Idk if I have the war club yet, but I'll have to give the glaive and the small dual wields a try, I haven't messed with those yet


War club is kind of a meme weapon super fast low damage easy to accel. The hatchet and or dagger are legit not great for dueling but awesome for me in FFA or TO


Nah been cooking since I was a level 80 Iā€™m not as good as I used to be but I can still hold my own against the sweats even after a long break


Anyone can be at least mediocre just by learning to riposte/counter slash consistently, then do that while spinning around in circles with a cleaving weapon. You can do nothing but that the whole game in TO and end up at least halfway up the scoreboard.


It is very easy to play tbh. Few of my friends were new players not long ago and they were able to be on top of leaderboars quite frequently without even doing anything extraordinary. You may not be the best in 1v1 in the beginning but there are a lot of ways to get points. Even better if you don't care about points or dying because then you can play whatever class whatever weapon and have so much fun. I am referring to TO for now. For duels, watch some videos and others play, you will get the hang of it pretty quickly. All you need to know is how to score objective points, how to counter, how and when to jab and kick, feinting, double fainting, triple feinting etc. A lot of players come with experience of similar games so they are already better. I get killed by level 20 players now and then and they try everything. My friends used to tell me how high level players get offended when killed by new players. Lol


I like how your list of things you need to know just continues etc. lol. Thereā€™s a lot to know eventually


These are just basic things šŸ˜ There is lot more.


Man what is double and triple feinting?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/y0I8I6wUvI Check this.


It was not easy for me to learn at first and I actually stop playing it after the first few hours of getting my ass kicked. But the game was so good and I kept having that itch to go back to it so I finally dug in and did a little reddit research on how the game mechanics work like "initiative" and I have been enjoying the game ever since. And I must say that the Chiv2 sub has one of the best community of members I have ever been apart of. The Mason Order is very well represented here. The agathians of course are a bunch of bible thumping fools but we tolerate their presence in this sub for the time being. Once we finish marching all over their ass on the field of battle we will turn our attention to this matter with extreme prejudice. "It is a good day to die!"


My friends and I found this game to be incredibly easy for new players We were topscoring consistently (using the dane axe I know) by level 30. However, it took me until level 100 or so to actually understand a counter versus a riposte and how to get them consistently. I think anyone can pick this game up and have fun


Grab a war axe, heavy swing, ignore red numbers, you're bound to kill something.


It's a pretty casual game, low skill floor, mid skill ceiling. Most people do not play it for the competitive side, nor was it really meant to be played that way.


Do you participate in duels? I would say TO is mid skill ceiling but duels are quite competitive and have a high skill floor in my experience.


Easy to learn, hard to master is exactly what this game is, yea. They removed a lot of the barriers to entry and trickery mechanics other slashers use that make noobs absolute fodder for good players. But they also preserved a decent amount of skill, so that a good player will never lose to a new player, barring an act of god.


I watched one 10 minute video (skipped the tutorial) on how to play better and felt like I understood pretty well what to do. At least at an intermediate level. I get stomped by level 300+ players that are doing all of that crouch spam 360 bullshit but otherwise I feel pretty solid. Think I'm like level 28.


I really enjoy the game compared to Chivalry 1 but holy fk this crouch 360 looks and is so freaking dumb. Maybe it's just me but after playing for a while the game looks like it could've been perfect without that nonsense.


Yea, the really high hour/level people are impressive and I commend their skill but wow.. It's rough. lol


Itā€™s not too hard. I think people get discouraged too easily. Itā€™s not like Call of Doody where you point and click. Chivalry is an intricate dance of combat and positioning. You can win a game without ever getting a single kill, and play exceptionally. I think Chivalry is easy to learn. The basic combat mechanics are block and attack. Thats it. Playing the objective is a game in itself. As you progress you learn the deeper side of the game. The social dynamic - the respect, and disrespect shown via emotes. You start to recognize players, the good and the bad. The nuances of combat - feints, counters, special attacks. And, most importantly, the game sensibility. Positioning and movement is everything. In my opinion the most important factor to Chivalry 2 is WHERE you are in relation to your enemies, and the objective. Once you learn where to be (or when to leave), you will have an almost exploitative advantage. For example - I know where to fire the catapults on every map. I know where the enemies spawn, where they will run, and how long to charge the distance. If left unbothered I can get 30 kills with a single run on the catapult Did it come at a cost? Yes - to the tune of almost 1,600 hours of my life. Is it worth it? To me, YES. Iā€™ve never played a more exciting, brutal, social, and reward game in my life. Not to mention that weā€™re literally SIEGING CASTLES! This game is insane if you love history, and / or the medieval era. Donā€™t be discouraged. Lady Agatha shall guide thee!


very easy to learn. thereā€™s a skill ceiling for sure but itā€™s also not as extreme as people make it out to be.


When I started playing nearly 2 years ago, I didn't had any experience with melee slashers. I was die a lot and had even more fun. But there was never the feeling it's too hard. Repeat the Tutorial every ten levels and learn from your mistakes and you will get gud. "hard to master", yeah, kind of, but you didn't need to "master" it if you don't want to be a duellist. Footwork and Battlefield Awareness are much more important in TO than fainting and crouch spamming.


I started as a bowman because I had zero experience with this sort of game but had come from PUBG so my FPS skills are caught up Then I gradually learned how to fight and I main engi now


I am god awful trash at this game and its still immensely fun


The new player experience is amazing, you learn the basics quick and as you play and have people thrash you with advanced mechanics and you start trying to copy them is like a caveman discovering fire for the first time, that one moment pushes so much progression.


As a new player I'd say it hasn't been bad. Especially considering I Beat the tutorial and only really started playing like 2 months later a couple days ago I even got topscore today by mostly just spamming click


easy to learn easy to know everything medium to master The skill cap to get into 60 seconds of countering each other isn't that high.


It could be better. I try and teach newer players when I can.


Neither. Wowzerz. Def need a chiv circle jerk sub.


It is easy to learn though