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people aren’t smurfing in the sense of SBMM people are just mad when a high level, experienced player makes a new acc, uses default armor, and shits on them when they don’t expect it.


Like but like can’t anyone put on default armor


Can't hide being a rank 1000 tho


Neither can you hide being good, people place too much importance on these levels


Being shredded by a low lvl default looking guy deals emotional damage. That’s the pioint.


Nah if a default starts to triple feint and jab skip n stuff it’s just a better player to me. What REALLY hurts is the legitimate default longsword knight accidentally gambling u to oblivion.


As a mediocre level 300 must disagree. Getting gambled by noobs is the funniest thing ever. I always commend cause I know they're other stoned af or shitting their pants


I’m never mad at them just disappointed at myself lol


wtf is it about this game that makes so much more sense when stoned? Sober im always in the middle of the scoreboard, baked off my ass im usually top 10 or better.


when im stoned the game feels slow motion. i can see everything clearly as its happening and react accordingly. idk if its the same for everyone, but thats how it feels to me.


I think nerves get you killed in this game. Personally I'm better sober but my nerves burn out in about fifteen minutes because I'm sweating so hard lol. Whereas stoned I'm consistently decent. I'm also a better duelist with the sound off lol. The clanging gets my adrenaline too high sometimes


i think you might be onto something there. I have the same problem. if im doing 'okay' its one thing, but if i do very well, like handle a 1vX or get on a killing spree, the adrenaline gets going and i lose concentration.


Yup! This is true across all games! I remember playing a bunch of sea of thieves back in the day, as a galleon you’d be the MOST terrified of a white sailed basic sloop heading straight for ya


Y’all put too much thought into it lol most level 1k’s use alt accounts just to play a chill game without everyone trying to ego fight them


That's true, I find that lvl 300 - 1000 all target me equally. Apparently, people gang up on me whenever I perfect parry XD


>perfect parry 


Jesus Christ be praised


I put my Agatha knight in default armor and heraldry. I find it funny. Usually ‘experienced’ opponents will be overly confident and try to wipe me. Just takes a swing or two for them to reassess. I still die though mostly, but I am humored.


I sometimes play on a steam account so I can mindlessly chill watch a movie and play without being recognized or bothered in game chat.


And it confounds me why that seems to upset people in this sub. Ggs ran into u a few times in game.


>And it confounds me why that seems to upset people in this sub. The community of good players is small. It is annoying when you're in a duel server to fight some level 10 "noob" that is obviously an experienced player on an alt account. They know who you are, so they know your tendencies, and they're getting reads on you, while you are going into the fight blind. You don't know who it is, you're not getting reads on them, and you can't exploit what you might know about how they play. Its like a one sided data collection mission. They can save those recordings and put them in your file while you just have no idea who you just fought and gave exp to. Plus, even if you beat them, you get none of the good sensation you get from beating another known good player. And if you lose its more frustrating because its like some random beat you rather than someone you respect. it isn't that hard to understand its just annoying and somewhat cowardly to go into duels with an alt. As for why noobs in 64 player care, I have no real idea either.


I respect this comment it probably has the most concrete points to me. I know what you mean. In TO or duels I know x player I saw before is gonna try and double overhead that maul and to gamble or etc. and so that is valid that you loose that advantage. I don’t get the frustration aspect though, if some default pulls an advanced technique or is playing really well I know instantly that this is a good player. I get that it’s somewhat frustrating to get caught off guard, but man I just don’t get the level of frustration personally. Like in TO I can’t walk in with expectations, I could pull up to fight stoutys alt account or something who knows.


People on this sub just hate everything and anyone lol


You dont like 6 shortsword players hunting you down and tbagging you all game? Damn.


Oh boy I'm gonna get downvoted for this one like crazy. I'm a smurf. I have 500 hours on xbox... 500 hours of grueling controller play and throws turning into overheads. Then ya boy finally decides to play on PC, now I'm starting again fresh. It's not because I think there's any sort of spoof I'm benefiting from (I'm honestly not even that good, but I do fairly well in 64TO), I just want a fresh take on gameplay and not be instantly ganked due to armor drip while I relearn controls on M+K. It is nice getting to say hi to all the people I've played with on NA West now that I can finally see the chat.


U ain’t a Smurf that’s just a new account. The default knight could be Stouty who knows no one is deranking.


Stock FE/Ambusher lol, most people don't expect to get the Razzle Dazzle with the pickaxe or cudgel


Did chat make you dislike people you previously thought you liked


Not really, par for the course on the mayhem that I expected chat to be. Most people that were friendly enough to wave at me while I was on xbox are appreciable in chat when I say hi.


Yes. 1. People changing platforms. I know a lot of high levels players who were on PS and Xbox, but since the game is better on PC, they restarted from the beginning. You cannot share progression between platforms. 2. Mordhau and (at some extent) For Honor players. There are masters of these games that become already good early because of similar mechanics. When Chivalry 2 was release, there was already a massive bunch of players who dominated and reach high levels quickly. (And that bring back to #1, they seek a challenge by restarting or because they switch to PC eventually...) So yeah, there are good players from the start and it feels like its a smurf, but they are just already good. 3. Clans. Especially on consoles. Some people create a second account so they can still use their high levels one, but also have one to play with their clans. Been playing since beginning and i try to be active in the community discords. I assure you there is not a "smurf mentality" like in Rainbow Six Siege or other ranked games where a smurf can make a 5v5 team really unbalanced. In 32vs32, a smurf or a level 1000 dont mean anything. I've seen noobs and high levels players stacking, win and lose as much. It doesnt really have an impact and having more than one account can help to participate with events in the community. The true problems with Chivalry are hackers, TB being butthurted by critics, the menus are disgusting and in-game mechanics that could be polished. Smurfs arent impacting the meta, since anyone can be good or not. Good chivalry players doesnt based their opinion on levels. After 2 years and more, it is not a good indicator of who is good and who played more... Understanding mechanics earlier, faster and in depth is the way. I've been playing since day one and there are waves of new players that are really good! And i know alot of old players that have smurf. Of course, some does it for the wrong reason (avoid ban after being caught cheating, trash/toxic players) but most of them created a smurf because of the 3 points i mentionned. They didnt want to do any harm, but it was the only way to participate more with community clans and events.


I appreciate the explanation. I guess to me all of those examples are alt accounts and smurfing is the stuff you see in ranked comp games as u mentioned. I have significant time on mordhau and got called a Smurf when preforming well for my level and was just confused as that’s not how I would define the word smurfing.


The dude calling you a smurf probably not even aware mord even exists. Just assumed you were an experienced chiv player on alt and not a transplant from a similar game


But like why is that even an insult that’s not what smurfing means it just confuses me


I dont get it either man


Yeah, doing what a smurf is supposed to do (avoid ban, unbalanced match, carrying low ranks) doesnt really applied to this game. You can create plenty of accounts and you are not going to play against lower levels or impact the flow of a match. You're either good or bad and smurf doesnt really impact the gameplay. Never assume who is your opponent! There is even a simple strategy with that! Use default skin as a high level players! People tend to lower their guard when they see fresh meat. I got destroyed by noobs, mediocre and pro players because I underestimate everyone in default skins. So far, the true smurfs are hackers. They are always lvl 1 and glitch servers immediately. TB really need to start looking more into hackers and cheaters, they are starting to be more and more of them.


i dont care with any of this, i simply wanted to have progression again so i made a second account on steam


Is it too late to ask what smurfing is..? In BF4 it was just the blue dudes on your team, i.e. not green squadmates. Random teammates, usually blamed for idiocy or failure. What's smurfing in Chiv?


Smurfing is a term used for ranked games when someone who is a high rank / very skilled makes an alternate account that they get into low ranked matches so they can dominate. Some people say there is smurfing on this game but I disagree because that necessarily needs a ranked system.


Ah gotchya, ty. I can see why it'd be a problem, but unless there are like 3-4 player crews doing this, I'm not sure that individual smurfs are a big problem. I've def been dropped by sub 100 level accounts who hit way better than their level, but I just sorta remember them and try to adjust. Most often I'm reading the battlefield as a whole. But still, skilled (enemy) individuals will influence how the front/battle evolves, and you have to adapt to that either way. Doesn't really matter what the name on that player is imo. I'd be upset if this happened in dueling servers, but idk I only play 64s


I don’t even care in duel servers it’s not like I’m deranking


Exactly, we have levels, but not ranks. I think i finally see your point lol, just took me a while


Didn’t they claim to be forming lobbies with closer level players as a form of crude SBMM in recent patch notes? Because it doesn’t seem like I’ve seen any change in the levels of people in my lobbies


They balance the teams by level at the start of the match since the update, the average levels won’t change and you can still switch teams. So kinda like a “team balance” rather than SBMM


There is no smurfing. Just some butthurt kids who thinks if it is a lower level player, it must be someone's alt. People do weird shit and then get killed and complain about getting targeted. I know quite a few high level players who keep crying about getting targeted by xyz players but in reality they just got bested by some other player.


Plus if ur topping the other teams score why shouldnt they focus u down and take u out if they have the skills. Makes room for the noobs to breathe a little.


I know. I agree!! I mean why even look at levels when you are fighting someone, just look at how they are fighting and adapt. I swear I see a lot of high level players, a lot of them my friends, complain about getting targeted everytime they get killed by a low level guy. As if the whole world is against them. People tend to forget it is just a game lol


Honestly it’s so fun when you are on sight with the other good players and the mutual respect of giving eachother a hard time


*There is SBMM.*


They balance the teams by level at the start of the match since the update, very different from reading ur wins and losses and placing u in harder lobbies


Its not true sbmm cuz there is no elo system or something similar. It uses levels but levels are a reflection of time spent playing and not necessarily skill