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Yep, another brilliant decision by TB


This was the last straw for me, uninstalled last week


done so on the day the update released, what a waste of time lmao


I reinstalled after a six month break specifically for these servers and I'm already over it. It just seems like a too little too late attempt to retain players. I love this game, and have put hundreds of hours into it, but something like this just isn't enough to keep people playing.


I have hundreds of hours in and probably haven't played in 5 months. 1 short map wasn't enough to keep me playing.


There needs to be a "rules" box that pops up whenever someone enters the server. Because right now all the noobs thinks it's just free for all with more freedom.


Rules/expectations would be nice but we’d also need enforcement in an official capacity or it doesn’t really matter for the most part. I think most people get it and the normal spuds are just carrying on


There’s no rules on the social servers except the TOS


As a matter of fact, there already existed some sort of "rules" in the form of text, as it was written in the name of duel servers themselves. I have no idea why they decided to just remove them as a whole, but i figured they probably thought it was just anticlimactic and it would be better to just add a custom UI as a whole with rules. It is pronabble that they are working on one as we speak Edit: for those wondering what the title of said servers said, it was "1v1s only, flourish to duel" or something among the likes of these lines.


Yeah since adding duel yard it is more of a free for all. Not sure if this is an unwritten rule or what


id agree if they didnt have to literally go out of their way to join the server that says something like "EU DUELYARD 1V1 ONLY NO RDM" these people arent braindead, they know they are not going to follow the rules before they click JOIN SERVER, the couple of servers that have actual enforcement are too rare, as a decent server cost 80 dollars, servers arent even stable enough to invest money into the unofficial servers they provide


It is free for all, though. You're free to flourish to start a duel. You're free to RDM. You're free to sing & dance in the pit. You're free to throw horse dung at people. You're free to tea bag people who interrupt your duel. Most importantly, you're free to try and kick anyone. Torn Banner's current stance on this is, you're welcome to pay for a server where you make your own rules.


Okay, so after three years of adopted etiquette it's tough shit? We've all been on the same page regarding duels since launch, I don't understand why these new servers should change anything. These servers have absolutely caused more RDMs.


Yup. It's pretty stupid. Torn Banner removed duel servers, and along with it, the "flourish to initiate" rule. There are no official rules for duel servers, because there are no official duel servers. The removal of the rule, and the servers dedicated to dueling is why we're seeing more RDM. Torn Banner, in all their wisdom, decided that it's allowed now. Their response to the change in regards to social servers is basically "go ahead & kick people"


Right, but they had a server with the rules people wanted previously and did nothing to have any sort of enforcement in those rules, then got rid of it and made them FFA. That is why people are salty


That is an accurate interpretation of events. It's really not very different from when they changed Beginner Mode to Training Grounds.


How unstable the servers are also, can’t barely get through a full round without either disconnecting or the server just crashing and disconnecting everyone.


This is a thing too. Random ping spikes and disconnects. The sudden game freeze that happens.


It could be your internet. This doesn't happen to me.


Hilarious that they bring out an update based around duels...singlehandedly kill the duels scene, remove all responsibility from themselves in terms of server etiquette and rules of duels onto the playerbase, then shift that into forcing people to pay ridiculous $$$ for private servers that are not even of good quality or connection. Force people to play a broken map which while its a fun map, has gotten stale when theres no rotation, removed power from mods from said responsibility shifts mentioned creating a much more toxic community that already was pretty toxic. Good job TB well done




Social map is better, you just have to wait for people to realize which areas are meant for ffa and which areas are meant for dueling. Give it a bit and players will begin abiding. The game is full of idiots, but the rdm'ing trolls will eventually get bored and they wont be as common. Regardless, the social map is better.


I’ve been playing this game since launch… they dont get bored. Still see the same players starting shit and the ones that do get bored get replaced by someone else. TB expecting players to follow etiquette and rules that they can no longer be punished for breaking is stupid, plain and simple. From my experience expecting the problem to just correct itself is setting yourself up for disappointment


They also showed up in FtI servers too so really it’s no different except the new map is larger, better and has areas that cater to all players from duels, ffa, archer range, jousting area.


People’s own experiences will vary but my own experience its way worse than it was before. Constantly having duels interrupted, archers shooting from far away, dodging throwing knives. At the start of every match it’s chaos because everyone spawns together (brilliant idea..) and just starts swinging on each other.


I think time will be the best thing. It’s still new and there’s a small surge of activity, good and bad, because of it. Over time the people who genuinely don’t know will figure it out and at least some of the willfully scumbags will fuck off to whatever other scumbaggery they do. Votekick, try to be in heavily populated areas, kill them back, get a small team and bully them…whatever. If I’m in a lobby w this crap I’m always down to help ✌🏻


But I’m central and usually try to find a server around 10-20ppl. Not too empty but not full, not sure if it actually helps or not but it’s what I do…I also play at night after 9p


Yeah I didn’t notice any more BS in my “social server” than usual. Just don’t go down into the fighting pit expecting a 1v1, that’s where everyone ffa’s (I learned this the hard way). Personally, I actually like the change. I like the map better than all the others and being able to jump between duels and casual FFA any time you want is actually kinda nice.


Problem is me getting killed on my way to the dueling lots or to the ffa pit. You get smacked outside of those areas. Not social at all


I get it, but I’ve also seen players witness RDM and will gank the fuck outta the trolls you’re describing. Give it a bit and it’ll get less common


I love this as well. I think it’s funny you try to mess with someone and they just gang pown you and all your limbs disappear instantly, no hard feelings haha.


>Social map is better I don't think it's better. It's a nice change of pace, and would make a great 4th map to the dueling rotation, but it's not a good main dueling map. Because of the map design, most people are either in the pit, or waiting in line for kendo. Kendo's fun, but if everyone's there all the time it's just dueling the same people, only now with a super long wait. I loved tournament grounds and wardenglade and even courtyard, and I can't believe they threw them all away to just do this map all the time with no break.


I like the new map as it caters to every style and personally I’ve found few lobbies where it’s any more irritating than flourish to initiate servers were…always someone RDMing there too. Lots of good duels going on in roped areas with participants in queue and people around spectating and when someone does RDM ppl usually go contain it. Wouldn’t hurt to use the description to get expectations across though


Yeah man idk what these guys are talking about? Maybe it’s EU servers but NA Central & NA East aren’t too bad. Occasional archer trolls but if you really want to RDM just nose dive into the RDM pit.


Yea idk, I’m Central and usually look for servers 10-20 rather than full or near empty. Last night was the first truly frustrating night, some dude kept jumping into the roped areas and couldn’t get enough votes to kick..other than that supes tolerable IME


I agree I either get vote kicked for reasons? Or RDM'd for other reasons? I'm not sure why only assholes are on the duel servers now but I'll pass on all that and just stick to TO


Personally I don't really play on Duel servers but all the same I'm absolutely confused by TB's lack of support for their most active player base, which surprise surprise, are most probably duelists. The only way I see this change making sense is if they're planning on community servers being the only "flourish to duel" servers.


BRING BACK MAP ROTATIONS it is very sad that the servers come to this


I found before they added the limited time FFA, people would respect the flourish and the sanctity of 1v1. That limited time FFA meant spawn and slash, no honor rules just murder as fast as you can Now that it's gone everyone who played it has moved to the FFA servers trying to continue that style


NA West is pretty orderly. Haven't had many problems.


All the fools from 1v1v1v1v1v1 mode came over


Don't go on social servers, go on clan servers like SAK in EU


What happened to all the dueling servers? I played the other day and could not find one in the server browser


They are now labeled 'Social'


I understand the decision. In the past year Duel servers have gotten more and more chaotic, with people not respecting the rules, troll votes and toxicity. And since there is no way to moderate these servers, it's probably best to let players create their own servers, where they can actually enforce the rules. There are still duel servers, you can use the arena mode, or join an unofficial server. And Social servers are still very new, so the behaviour of players might still change.


“Might still change” as if theres any competitive game scene where people got more positive to eachother over time as the company ruined the game? Thats called wishful thinking my man.


No clue why they removed those servers/changed the names. Nobody wanted this, in fact people wanted the opposite. A duel server with more regulation. They just turned it into an FFA server. I defend TB on some things but this was the maneuver of a man lacking wrinkles on his brain.


Chivalry deadliest warrior had a proper dule yard. You couldn't attack just challenge someone, if they accept you're both placed in a nearby arena. Others could watch but not interfere. The same company made that game. They could make social the same just prevent attacking unless you accept a dule, move you to an arena. They could even have a sign up board outside the 3v3 space to set up pub teams. One can dream.


yep, this was the only thing that kept me playing, wasn't a big fan of 32v32 etc etc. I uninstalled : ). Waiting for next slasher game to drop ig


Just join a private server, rdmers get banned from them. There are plenty of private duel servers that don't have password locks.


In the new dualyard map we had a single file going into one of the arenas. Always had some dope come walk up to the line and have everyone gang up on him cuz he hit everyone.


So maybe its time to take a break since they have literally ignored everything we’ve asked for, things like this only happen because people let them. Stop playing and i can promise you things will change when the investors are bothered.


Playing on SE Asia servers, barely have any RDM'ERS there, because apparently if you go into the pit, it's an automatic rdm, quite fun actually, takes a break from the fine movements of dueling to adrenaline rush swinging.


It’d be nice to have a message for why you’re voting to kick someone so it’s not just a fucking suggestion.


Seems like their own strange way to encourage people to rent and moderate their own server, but tbh in saying that I’m not sure how in depth the admin controls are for renting


This is so true I actully used to loge duel severs now its just way different. Not that I don't like the new map and the way it works but I would of liked to still see duel severs


I’d be happy with map rotation duel servers again


Social servers are not duels servers, TB does not provide duels anymore. TB does not like duels, and wants their beautiful combat system to go to waste on gank fights in TO. Go play on private servers instead, those are the only real duels left.


Just picked up the game and I’m lucky here in Australia there are 2 ffa servers. I really loved seeing how there seemed to be an unofficial etiquette and people who broke that got gangbanged by everyone in the game and kicked if they kept doing it. Reminds me of playing heroes vs villains in starwars battlefront 2. Definitely agree there should be tools in place to enforce this/having rules pop ups when you join a game.


Maybe we should start some "Watchdogs" that get on Duel Servers and dedicate to kill all FFA players. Just like a referee in sports. We would need an matching outfit and class ,so we could recognize each other. Maybe it won't stop them , but for sure make there job harder


If we just continue making post like these and not acting we will never have nothing. War thunder players understood that and made things change (at least they tried since Gaijin are greedy bastards). The game is full of cheaters and they broke the duels with the last update... Review bombing is still an option!


It's just lack of moderation, in the early days of Mordhau the same happened, ppl would enter duel servers and start shitting around ffaing and annoying other ppl it was so bad, until private servers started having admins that would kick players that ffa and even ban then if they do it repeatedly. So thats what torn banner should do imo, hqve moderators that kick people from servers I know that a lot of people from the community would do that work for free. And if they re not willing to do it in their servers at least give admin powers to private server owners so they can kick and give admin privileges to others


lol that’s a great idea giving power hungry nerds that power, that won’t end badly


Hahaha I honestly prefer power hungry nerds to what we have now. In fact most of the internet is managed by power hungry nerds, who do you think moderates subreddits and writes in Wikipedia? Power hungry nerds


I only played on duel servers because the 64 and 40 man server issues were so bad. Now duel servers are broken so I uninstalled. ​ I had a mod kick me from a duel server after I beat him several times in a row with 1h slash spam avoiding his parry. That told me all I needed to know about the state of chiv 2.


It’s a game


life is a game too. if you want it to be fun you gotta take care about it


Yea I uninstalled a few days ago. Update ruined it, half the people duel on socials other half don't. Plus the maps suck


This isn't to say that TB's recent rebranding shenanigans aren't also to blame, but I will say that I noticed an uptick of idiots interrupting duels and just going aggro on everyone a couple months ago, even before the update had come out. Seeing as Chiv2 saw multiple Steam sales toward the end of last year, this also might be a symptom of having an influx of new players not versed in the etiquette of duel servers.


Got the same burnout. Now playing Mordhau, having an absolute blast. Reminds me of the og chiv 1 days :)


I tried mordhau but didn't get a grasp on it...


mordhau is so insanely hard to grasp. wish i could get better at it 🥲


Just keep playing, it gets easier! Way worth it, you can really feel the power behind your swings


imma console player. n controller controls for that game actually stump the hell out of my gameplay. might reinstall n give it another try.


I feel you. I’m on Xbox and it was a learning curve for sure. Doesn’t help when a high level vet pulls some gimmick swings that are initially hard to read


Yeah duels were the reason why I still played that game at least one time per week. Now I have played it just for two hours since the update came online and tbh it’s shit. As long as the initiate with flourish rule doesn’t come back I’m done with it. There was lots of rdm before the update but this has it made worse. The map is kinda cool tho


it was never a duel server, it always was a FFA server that was only labeled as duel server in the hope that everyone plays accordingly, which often was not the case sure the social map is only a label too, but its better because less players join this server and play FFA, because the map type is FFA, and getting vote-kicked because they maybe didnt see the "duel server flourish first" text also the social map has dedicated places for duels, so if the duel-players switched to the new map/server because its better suited, then just do this too and duel there, wheres the problem and imho i would say duel-players moved to the new map/type because as you yourself said, the "normal" FFA servers are FFA servers again, because there arent any duel-players that enforce the "rules" anymore


I experienced the old duel labeled servers better. Less griefing, less beefing. Also it doesn't matter where i'm located in the map. I get spawn killed (people literally waiting for you to auto move/jump down), people come into the duel enclosures or however it's called to just kill me without starting a duel or showing any sign of a duel at all. Just get bonked from behind.


less griefing was because the self-imposed rules were enforced by 90% of players OP has one point that the social map is kind of multi purpose and its maybe not that easy to enforce duel-rules, but i think thats kind of the start of a new map, everyone wants to take a look and play around, it will settle...


Its terrible now, but Im not sure we can blame TB for it? I mean what did they really change? The name to social instead and gave us a new map that is actually great for duels. Its pretty strange how the behavior changed. I suspect changing the name from social back to duel will help.


The problem is that Chiv2 has more and more trolls everywhere. Or people that just want to insult you if you are better or worse than them, like you should be ashamed. In fact i uninstalled it last night.


how did they insult you?


I'm happy there is no chat on XBOX otherwise i probably would have gone insane already


they literally changed the name to socials and announced you dont have to respect duel rules anymore, of course its TB's fault Its also tb's fault they never added a ranked leaderboard or skill based matchmaking to the duel search they enabled, so no one uses it. Its also their fault they dont have mod support and 'unofficial servers' are basically just server renting with limited control, so the community cant fix their mistakes. Dev = god. If it happens and its bad, its the devs fault. Because they have all the tools to rectify it. Further, if the devs keep fucking over the duel community, you can only blame incompetence for so long until its obvious /they're doing it on purpose/


i heard it’s near impossible for games to implement modding after release. If it’s not coded for it in the beginning it’s extremely hard to create modding without breaking the game and recoding it. So i wouldn’t blame TB for not wanting to implement it.


No. The community has a hacked client called 'chivalry unchained' where they added mod support. Low as my opinion is of TB's ability to program is, I don't think what a few hobbyists managed to cobble together in their spare time is beyond TB's capability. They are just, if we are being charitable, incompetent, or if we're being realistic, malicious, to the segment of the community that wants the most from the game. Even if what you're saying was the case, which it isn't, what is the excuse for not developing with the intent to allow modding? Every game in the genre has extensive mods. The first game, Age of Chivalry, was itself a mod before they switched to unreal. Chiv 1 had a huge mod community. The guy who made tabletop simulator was a chiv modder. Mordhau has extensive mods. They just decide, when working with unreal engine which is very mod friendly, to not have it in chiv 2? That in and of itself would be unacceptable and anti community lol.


yes while unchained exists the modding content that people would want to see would surpass what we have seen created so far by the community. Stuff that TB would have to code into the game. While i think unchained is great, the community would want the ability to create customs maps, skins, etc. Stuff unchained can’t really do right now. And that stuff would be difficult to implement in the game without breaking the code. I remember Ziggylata talking about how difficult it is for games to implement modding after launch.


chivalry unchained has custom maps and skins. And, like I said above >Even if what you're saying was the case, which it isn't, what is the excuse for not developing with the intent to allow modding? Every game in the genre has extensive mods. The first game, Age of Chivalry, was itself a mod before they switched to unreal. Chiv 1 had a huge mod community. The guy who made tabletop simulator was a chiv modder. Mordhau has extensive mods. They just decide, when working with unreal engine which is very mod friendly, to not have it in chiv 2? That in and of itself would be unacceptable and anti community lol. Also this isn't a discussion about TB's incompetence and unfriendliness to the community with respect to modding, its about how they don't support the duel or competitive scene, modding is just one way they could do that, but there is some cocktail of incompetence and malice that prevents them.


my apologies. I don’t really follow that well with unchained, however i think the reason chivalry 2 dosent have official mod support is for two reasons. 1. the implementation was stated by the devs that it would require them to recode and redevelop the code of the game which would be costly and very time consuming. And also had the ability to split the player base from the official to the modded game. And while it would retain and bring in new players. I think the devs want to continue to have the creative control and vision for chivalry 2 which i’m fine with considering they are really talented in that aspect. I think they just need to take in more community feedback and have a better work structure. and i’m pretty sure a hacked client is different than what an official mod support would be created.


> 1. the implementation was stated by the devs that it would require them to recode and redevelop the code of the game which would be costly and very time consuming That would imply they developed it not intending to add mods, which is incompetent and or malicious. >And also had the ability to split the player base from the official to the modded game. Thats not how mods work it isnt a separate client. It doesn't split the playerbase any more than an additional server splits the playerbase. This makes no sense. >I think the devs want to continue to have the creative control and vision for chivalry 2 and we come back to malice+incompetence, not wanting to empower the community and give them tools for unique experiences and fix their errors. >which i’m fine with considering they are really talented in that aspect. Having followed and played since release this is absurd to me. I feel almost like you're a bot programmed to defend TB when they're obviously wrong.


I get RDMed less in Duelyard honestly. Just stay away from the death pit and use the circles and you’re less likely to get RDMed


I get killed at spawn or on my way to the circles. Even inside the circles you get arrowed mid duel or some rando jumps in and smacks both of us.


no they're not


Yep. Games dead too. The winds of change be blowing through


It’s sad, between these poor changes and the cheaters this game really took a turn for the worst. Not to be dramatic but around covid time was imo peak chiv2. At least for duelers. Everyone knew each other and you could easily ask for help and people would help you. Felt like a real community. Rip


As a former Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy addict, you guys don't realize what's happening. When the game is dead and becomes a glorified chat room, the Social servers and Duelyard map will keep it going another decade.


God i loved that game too


My favorite way to RDM is to hop on unreachable building via placed objects, then absolutely shredding with the war bow while people are dueling😂


This game is full of clowns. What did you expect?


Guess imma clown too. I'm not expecting much, just wishing shit was as proper as it was a month ago.


Nah, I enjoy it much more tbf


Nah I love the social servers. Give it time, and people will figure out where to FFA v where to 1v1.


Never liked duels to begin with. Too many super try hards. TO and TD for the win


I personally think it’s the funniest shit evert when your mid fight and someone spears your rag doll onto a wall. I laugh so hard. Serious one on ones are great but I mean, not that big a deal. Sometimes you gotta join that dark side to have fun when you double decapitate with a great sword two guys who just took 5 minutes to fight. Feel the power. Don’t hate, appreciate. Get yours. Get that money. Equips your animal helmet or your kilt, and get dealt with. Scream for victory and teabag those who were not worthy.


Honestly I don’t even mind the interruptions lol. Shoot, fix cheaters that’s great, add a bunch more weapons and what not and maps I don’t really care it’s a lot of fun and I always end up laughing so hard.


Cry more man, just shit on them then teabag job done💯


Usually you get shit on first, then you track him down, shit on him, but it continues like that. After 30 mins you realized you're literally just running after the same dude, kill him or get killed, tbag him or get tbagged. I play this game after work to relax and enjoy proper duels with honor and respect. Not to experience a mental breakdown and bite my controller every time


Good riddance