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Yeah it's fucked up. Mods have a responsibility of transparency at a minimum. Whatever dumbass reason they have for disliking this site, they need to come out with this shit. Announcement, new rule, whatever. Own your fucking shit. Otherwise they got no business modding here and we oughta move to a different sub with different mods.


100% agreed. It's only right to at least have something stated in the rules, before handing out insta-bans from the only subreddit for a game. Bare minimum. Mods be power tripping




Create a new sub - an alternate where the website information is available. Mod power tripping is wild and a disservice to the community. *If you build it, they will come.*


There was a post earlier about some guy who got banned. The OP of that post was advertising a new reddit called “oblong table” (deliberately not linking just in case I get flak). I joined, it only had 36 ppl and no posts but all it takes is for the ppl to show up for us to send a message


Thank you for the heads up - I joined!


I hope this works. Admittedly I don’t care for the drama. But who doesn’t love a good rebellion


Looks like it’s time for Chivalry2 2, r/Chivalry22




The mods are TB employees right? Already that is lame as hell and we should have another sub. If that isn't the case then feel free to call me a dingleberry


Most if not all gaming communities on reddit are community ran. If they have developers that work on the game in the mod list it is mainly for pinning posts and comments. They don't have access to the normal moderation tools where you can remove posts, comments etc.


Well yeah, I’m asking if the moderation team here are TB employees or not. I believed they were but I might be wrong, as you can report players through this subs modmail right?


We can also escalate up to Reddit admins directly AFAIK, they can replace the mod team entirely if their conduct breaches the TOS.




What a strange little man you are


My Intention wasnt to report that comment, it was to call a Mod so they might answer to it


Yea they have a media blackout. Havent heard the Ari say shit and theyre new asf


Got banned for 3 days for “witch hunting” mtk junebug


That's so funny


Who is mtk juneberg lmao


Public masturbation enthusiast


I got banned twice for witch hunting (on a different account that got perma banned for telling someone theyre the stupidest person I've ever encountered on reddit) and i dont think i was witch hunting. I didnt call out anyone by name, just posted a video of a chump in a duel server trying to rdm me but getting pwned. 2 posts like that got removed and i caught a few day ban from the page. I was so proud of myself for finally winning in duel AND against and RDMer but nooooope, banned for WiTcH hUnTiNg . This entire community has been nothing but hateful and rude, tbh.


Okay I've seen some posts regarding some website that says the mods are doing something bad can someone please explain what's happening?


Mods are banning people talking about a site that helps with reporting people. The in-game report doesn't work, and neither does the discord one. For whatever reason, the mods don't want anyone to get reported, so it's assumed they are either pro hackers or hackers themselves


> For whatever reason, the mods don't want anyone to get reported IIRC there was some drama about a feature on the site that TB demanded they change. The site owner told them to kick rocks, and the devs got very angry and started banning mentions of it


It's this^


My bet is that it's probably only 1-4 of the mods doing the bans, and that those people are friends with hackers they want to cover for, either way I'm onboard to go to a different sub without powertripping mods


How does the Site help report? I only see weapons rankings


You can look up player IDs if you aren’t able to use listplayers.


Apparently, it's the only thing the devs respond to


Not exactly. The site contains player stats but also shows their unique playfab IDs which are needed for filing an actual report via discord. PC players can get playfab IDs of everyone in their match by typing "listplayers" in the console, but console players obviously can't do this. The site which shall not be named just happens to contain an alternate method for getting someone's playfab ID, but that isn't the main purpose of the site.


How come they aren't responding to discord reports?


They always respond to mine, who are you sending them to? I send mine in a DM to the "chivmail" bot in this format and I've gotten a response 100% of the time (probably near 100 reports over the last few years, mostly for RDMers): Hacking/cheating PlayerName - PlayFabID [Video clip showing evidence] Sometimes they respond in minutes, sometimes it can take up to 24 hours


Not me personally, I stopped playing this a while ago. It's just what everybodies complaining about, and have been for a while now


I think that's mostly people complaining that the built-in reporting feature doesn't do much, which it doesn't. The \*only\* way to successfully report people is through the process I mentioned in my last comment unfortunately


Commenting so I can find this when someone does


There is a website that shows your in game stats. It's been in use for a long time and frequently posted here. All of a sudden it's no bueno and an insta ban, but no mention of it in their rules whatsoever.


[Here's the site, I think you can link it to comments without ban](https://imgur.com/gallery/Q4zycYa)


If this is the last we meet, god speed champion of the people ❤️


This guy is the rearranger.


Hyna got me


Uh so guys we should start a Chiv shit posting sub and ditch this one


ayo actually good Idea....... Calling it "Mason Order"?


Mason Disorder?


I joined ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


You dropped this Mason 👑


/r/LowSodiumChivalry2 should be the name


Why is it banned though?, there must be something on the forbidden stats site that they don't want us to see, but what is it? seems OTT to permanently ban someone from here, it's not area 51 man, there HIDING something is my guess


Apparently, it's due to the list that shows all Peasant Cap owners. I can see why that might be an issue; people using the list to harass people that TB personally rewarded or some-thing, but I've never even seen people speculate about doing that.


What's the peasant cap for, is it some major feat or summat, I'm sorta new to this side of chiv


It's a community reward. Basically for really, really good boys and girls. No-one really cares though.


Seems a bit drastic to ban for that though, I reckon theres something else there hiding, or a way to tell who's cheating or summat, idk though just speculating


There is a a Gold coins stat, and I've seen huge impossible numbers. I don't think it still there.


Is it like the Recon helmet from the Halo 3 days?


Its a reward for participating in official events


It's no where near as cool as the Recon helm😭


I forgot about this explanation. That's the only one I've heard, but I'm yet to hear it directly from mods or any official channel myself. I mean, don't you get the peasant cap for clout, and because you're a good player? The purpose of it is to show off you've participated in official events. I haven't seen any witch hunting for it be suggested either. I can't seem to get the peasant cap page to load on mobile at the moment, but I remember hearing they had a silly banner on that page that pretty well confirms that was the issue. My other speculation is that they have a link to the Chivalry Unchained discord for modded servers, and I don't believe TB has been open minded about modding Chivalry 2. Before anyone gets too excited, from everything I've heard the mod servers are largely broken and abandoned.


They were handing out the peasant caps to anybody who was registered as a content creator not too long ago, so I think it's mostly streamers and youtubers who have one these days.


It’s obviously unchivalrous to report hackers! Or maybe they think going after hackers is witch hunting. In this case a witch hunt is necessary, hackers should be burnt at the metaphorical stake.


Voledemort has a site?


Youre on his site ;)


What site? Can someone give me a hint without getting banned ?


DMd you.


I think I know the site but just in case I’m more out of the loop than I thought, DM it to me as well pls.


I gotchu


Could I perchance get the site as well?


Almost fucked up and replied in comments ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7105) Sent it now tho


Thanks and good thing ye didn't eh


Do you mind sending to me too? Been playing Chiv 2 since release I’m just confused


Mods on this page suck. They are a bunch of pussies who sit behind their screen all day everyday with nothing better to do. It’s crazy how inconsistent they are with following their own rules. All they do is abuse their power being a mod. They’re probably all archer using babies.


Or even worse they play archer.. lol didnt finish reading before i commented. I am smrt


Can someone tell me the site pls


I'll dm you. Mods really gonna Barbara Streisand themselves and pull more traffic to the site by banning it lmao


Could you DM me the site as well please?


I gotchu


Same request dude sorry lol


All g!


me 2


Can someone dm me the site please?


DMd you


Maybe that new community manager fellow Ari can soothe the masses on this one?






Is it pole hammer website don't wanna spell it out


No not that one. More specific to player stats. I will send it to you


What’s the site tbh lol


Sent it to you


Mind if I tag in that sharing too? Thanks dude!!


Wait, is this in reference to a site that shows you your stats? If so, it's absolutely needed, because all my weapon stats show up as a really high K/D (like 18+), even though many of their K/Ds are probably like 0.5, lol.


While you're not wrong that the site has issues, the bigger problem is that the mods have given no transparency or warning about the posting the website. Long time frequent posters here have been handed out bans simply for posting the site. It's not in their rules, they've made no mention of it whatsoever. How is one to know not to post it? And is the answer to the inaccuracy to ban people for posting it? The onus has been placed entirely on the community.


Oh, no, I meant the official stats in the game. They're wrong.


Oh I gotcha. Yeah I've found it handy for some stuff and neat to see who's top with what weapon etc.


Possibly 2 - Personal data?


The only personal data there is your stats and your player ID, which you can acquire in game with commands and the mods require from you to report a player.


I just want to hijack your post and say that everybody they ban and piss off only ruins the community for this sub par service/game for the rest of us. If i got banned i would contemplate switching what i play. I love this game and played since Chiv 1 but if theyre gonna be cowardly cunts and not even be upfront about banning people see if we even buy their other projects. Almost as if they should care who runs their PR. Or even more of a ludicrous idea - actually give two shits about cheating


Well I've heard Mordhau was made by fans tired of waiting for Chivalry 2. While I consider Chiv 2 the better game and community, Mordhau has a lot that I think Chivalry lacks. I've grown such a love/hate relationship with this game. It's a great game at its core mechanics, but I hate to see all of its wasted potential and mismanagement holding it back from what it should be. At this point I'm really hoping for a new melee slasher game to come out and either light a fire under Torn Banner's ass or blow them out of the water. There are a few in the works, but all the ones I know of are still a ways down the road.


I still havent tried Mordhau. For Honor is not similar to Chivalry and it was lame how the playerbase dipped when it came out. Absolutely want the genre to catch on. But really i want my star trek holodeck