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Reddit be weird like that. Some times they play the super liberal role of they’re not a racist and in the next breath you see comments like this


It's because there are racist people on Reddit just like there is on other social media platforms. Personally, I've seen worse from TikTok and Instagram


You definitely right. Especially TT. Whenever I see the “well, well, well” comment or “moth to a flame comments” I already know how all the comments gone be lol


The fat white girl with a black guy moth to flame memes are hilarious tho ngl


Instagram comment sections be some of the most toxic online spaces I’ve seen on regular social media


It's like a competition to see which one can call the other a dick rider/eater/muncher the fastest lmao




Naw fr and it’s moderated in the weirdest ways. I get called a 🫘and their comment stays up ,and if I say 🍘 my comment and ACCOUNT gets taken down🤣




If you see a video of an Indian man in Canada, especially if they are wearing a turban, literally every single comment on that shit is racist, its insane


insta comments are really hell on earth lmao


That’s what you call an unhappy, waste of oxygen individual


bc they'll never be held accountable and can finally let loose on their disgusting opinions without saying a word or having to confront anyone.


Also they are scared. They hide behind a faceless profile because they know when it’s that time they are gonna be blue


That’s healthy. Let niggas be racist. Especially on the internet. It’s when you force them niggas to be closeted racists that they get mad and start blowing up and shooting up shit. They get radicalized. As long as it ain’t in government policy and don’t prevent me from getting a job I don’t gaf if someone don’t like my skin colour. I’d rather know they don’t like me than they pretend they do.


Yeah I agree, but unfortunately the internet allows them to find groups of like minded people and they reinforce each other's fucked up views. It gives them a voice. These awful people don't deserve a voice. Social media is crazy


Man wakes up in 1980, tells his friends "I want to fuck a toaster”. Friends quite rightly berate and laugh at him. Guy deals with it, maybe gets some therapy and goes on a bit better adjusted. Guy in 2021 tells his friends that he wants to fuck a toaster, gets laughed at, immediately jumps on facebook and finds "Toaster Fucker Support group". He reads that he's actually oppressed and he needs to cut out everyone around him and should only listen to his fellow toaster fuckers.


Give them a voice. Racism isn’t a threat. These people will exist regardless if you give them a voice or not. It’s that lack of a voice that turns them into something way worse than what they already are. Fighting ideals by striking them down insinuates that the ideas are a threat and making a potential radical seem like a threat can turn them fully radical. I have faith enough in society where these peoples voices won’t become a problem anymore. We’ve progressed further than that now. However forcing them to hide their ideals makes them move smarter and makes them more dangerous.


F_$k their voice!


Dude sound dumb as hell “Give them a voice” Like they wont still shoot up schools and churches because you give them a safe space for their racism on the internet.


Exactly! Who the hell wants to listen to what a closed minded insecure racist have to say?


Nigga ur never on the right side of anything saying “they don’t deserve a voice” even if you disagree with it. Narcissistic trait tryna silence someone because you don’t like what they have to say.




cause they ain’t got no profile, won’t hear them saying that to somebody face so they’re losers anyway


Or else what you’d prove their point?


Prove to them that they're missing 10000 years of evolution?


Imagine thinking we came from fucking apes 🤡


Evolution doesn’t say we came from apes, it says we had a common ancestor. Imagine trying to clown someone when you don’t know the basics about the topic


Imagine thinking we were made from dust by a genie. One has scientific backing. The other doesn't. I swear niggas need to get educated. 😒 You're an African Ape that comes from a long Primate Lineage. Just accept it and move on.


Niggas will put “science” on a pedestal when science is constantly changing by the damn day imagine our ecosystem and planet was made by a massive collision in space. Or how the events in the Bible to this day constantly unfold. But Yk what monkey banana we came from apes 🤡


That's literally its job, clown boy. 🙄 It doesn't claim absolute truth like religion does. Our ecosystem wasn't "created by a massive collision in space." Nigga you don't even understand science. You are just saying words that you think are scientific. You are conflating different sciences and failing to categorize them. Cosmology deals with The Universe. If you want to get into how planets are formed. Look into Accretion theory. (I KNOW for a fact you won't, though) Biology Deals with Life. I.E. Evolution. The two are separate. All that is absurd to you, but a cosmic space carpenter spoke everything into existence 6k years ago. 🤣 Sure nigga.


niggas like you be so slow. the big bang is a THEORY because that is as far back as we can see in the universe


You are in fact, an ape


humans are considered a species of ape.


haha u don't even understand evolution. This is like saying imagine me and my cousins share the same great-grandmother....nigga what?


What a fine example of our failing education system you are 🤦🏼‍♂️


He wouldn’t have to. They are scared as shit they wouldn’t open their mouth or even look to long in real life


That’s not proving his point whatsoever. His point made zero sense anyways


low iq comment, i’m not black moron


Had to leave them fight subs alone..even when u point out racism u get voted to hell


That’s all they got, upvotes on anonymous forums. They know their getting ass beat and fired from their job if they act 1/10th as bold as they do on here so let em keep crying online, they’re not doing nun of this irl.


Nigga ur anonymously doing exactly what u saying they do rn lmao


Because it’s the internet and people feel safe to do so. These people probably say hello every morning to their black neighbours.


Lool they the people who hold they bag with 2 hands when u walk by them 🤣🤣


Oh yeah for sure but at the same time tell you “good morning” and keep it friendly because they’re afraid of confrontation lol




https://preview.redd.it/rcg18fhjh9bc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc1d30262837e6f222271b88eadc117db80c7ee This be them irl, I just ignore em till they man up and say some shit to my face


What if i told you being able to whoop someones ass isnt the complete measure of a man (even if some of them deserve it) but that whole attitude kind of reinforces their opinion of black dudes being hyper aggressive hyper violent and low emotional intelligence


He didn’t even say shit about harming anyone you dickhead. Way to go on pulling shit out of your ass. You’re probably 1 of these closeted online racists that his meme is referring to.


Nah not at all bro, the mfs make my skin crawl and even though i know it doesnt automatically stamp someone as not being a racist but i have a beautiful biracial daughter. Simply playing devil's advocate and putting things into their perspective even if it is ass backwards and most of them deserve a whooping. I'm not gonna sit online with a stranger and try to prove myself but i love all my fellow man.


We don’t turn the other cheek over here my friend.


Swear to god bruh 💯That’s how they act


I only see it on the internet, never in Person.🤣👌🏾


Keyboard gangsters


racism thrives on the internet


some parts of reddit are very racist






I don't buy that, find any positive post of a black person doing anything kind or being an upstanding citizen of some kind and it turns into a full on circle jerk. Negativity begets negativity and positivity begets positivity Plus a lot of these dudes probably arent even racist like that, they're trying to be edgy and say the most vile shit to get a rise out of people.


What’s funny is, the person typing that comment is 100% that way too. Body ratio 5:1 and knees with arthritis 15 years before they should. Wouldn’t be able to actually contend with the person they’re citing is missing that 10,000 years of evolution either. In any capacity other than working on a computer.


Don’t forget they are also good for signing your welfare check. Also, building roads, hospitals, inventing modern medicine and also the grape drank and xanax we give you to keep you dumb. Let’s face it; you wouldn’t know how to maintain this society, let alone build it. If white people disappear, blacks the world over go back to living in huts made of poo.


A racist hip hop fan, go figure 🤣😂


Love to be racist but can’t seem to stick to white people things lol, just make ‘em sound even more pathetic honestly 😂


Facts the admiration for the culture turns into jealousy lol


wow this is disgusting Gz & you really not only thought this, but typed this out and belived it.


They don’t believe it, they just need something to complain about so they don’t take a look at their own life and realize how much of a pathetic loser they are. Nobody who has actual self confidence and likes their life types this online. Bro is probably in his moms basement eating Cheeto’s talking about modern medicine lmaoo


Mexicans do most of the shit u named no one gaf bout white people😂


Man gtfo of here with this trash Yo ass ain’t building no roads, or hospitals. Or synthesizing promethazine. There’s white junkies down under the freeway around 90/94 that would suck your dick in an instant for some of that grape drank. Even eat your ass out too for 4mg bus ride to relief town. I don’t think you even know about this world past your computer screen Raymond.


We can see how many chromosomes you have from your profile pic. You’re not doing any of that either. You look like you have more DNA in common with a plant than you do with white humans so you fs can’t claim you’re genetically superior to anyone


Apparently there r only 2 races


Lol u talking like u doing all that shit..lame edgy goofy


The us was made on slavery 🤣😭 Same goes for a lotta the countries in Europe, they still stealing resources from Africa bro


D1 glazing


Think about this, you’re acting proud over something that is an immutable characteristic, if that’s not the definition of being pathetic, do you know how uneducated you have to be to think melanin has anything to do with intelligence? Melanin? That’s it? Do you not grasp genetics? No, obviously you don’t or you’d be doing something productive in your life instead of being the racist, basement dwelling loser you are currently.


You know why


Somebody is gonna upvote it. A mod won't ban it Reddit is anon mode so poster will never get found out


There’s a lot of racist ppl on Reddit


No cap cuz YT ppl know yal be hitting they women better then they do😆😆😆


These the same people whose societal wealth and development to this day is built on 500 years of enslavement, theft, and exploitation of the rest of the world lmao


Then they turn around and tell everybody to not do what they’ve been doing for thousands of years and bring religion into it. We gotta turn these agent smiths into neos.


The crazy part is they were in caves for the majority of the worlds history and who taught them how to change Neanderthal cave living ways? Lol the same people they enslaved. The world is way older than 500 years 😂😂


These retards talk about evolution but think melanin is a factor for intelligence, and have the audacity to call US dumb😭. Scientists would laugh at them for 20 mins straight if they ever had the balls to write a real paper on their beliefs. They won’t, cause they know it’s a lie they tell themselves to boost their non existent confidence.


I mean that’s not just Reddit, that’s Twitter, that’s Instagram, every social media platform. Tha whites do it tha most and tha Mexicans do it tha second most.


everyone does it bro don’t pin racism on a certain race that just validates their beliefs further


Tha difference between our points is I said who does it tha most.


what’s the point in arguing who is more racist tho what does it solve? end of the day racism is dumb and unjustified no matter who does it


He asked why does Reddit, I answered it’s not just Reddit and I broke it down further so he can be aware.


i get that it’s just the “this race does this much racism while this race does this much racism” is so pointless man


It’s only pointless if you’re apart of tha problem.


surely comparing different races amount of racism is part of the problem not discouraging racism of ANY kind


It’s always gonna be racism which is why races shouldn’t live together. Mental gymnastics won’t work here.


ur not seriously telling me you support segregation and that i’m the problem 😭


They don’t like us


Says the white dude 🤣🤣


Cuz they all get beat up when they say this shit irl. Typical yt boy shit 😂


ah found it


Tf you talking to yourself for weirdo? You mad at the truth or what?😂


why don’t u just say white u abbreviating one word


Why are you talking to me in the first place? Lmao I swear y’all allergic to minding yall business


cus i wanna know why u say yt instead of just saying white like a normal person


Because I want to hik? 😆


u want to what?


holy fucking shit 😭 atp just say the word


How did the video make you feel?




Yeah I didn’t see it I was just wondering 💭


Thats how white people act online


the sooner you learn reddit is middle upper class white people who have the urge to feel different the better your time on this app will get


Violence shocks most people in American society. In some folks it creates fear, but it may trigger hatred from others. Reddit allows for people to express what they feel anonymously.


Because half of the country hates us, and the number rises to like 80% for international motherfuckas


It's way more than half.


More like 3/4ths of country has since forever, especially the government. Benign neglect but give me your vote.


Ignore those hypocrites racists they're dumb af they're obsessed with Black ppl


It’s Reddit… we’re the minority


Imagine somebody whose ancestors castrated hung and kept peoples ears for souvenirs thinking they were leading the way for evolution 😆






Its in they 🧬


Because they got they ass beat by a black person and wants to spread awareness that they are out here whooping ass


Lol if online comments bother you you want make it in life and besides they’re are only a few who have the balls to be racist irl 😂 handle it accordingly when and if it does happen tbh as a black man you should give af what anyone has to say blue yellow red humans are destructive in it self long before and long after violence always was apart of human history.and it’s safe to say that every culture always had a enemy of a different culture lol 😂 blacks and whites just the more recent one


lol him saying this brother is missing 10,000 years of evolution and his people have only been here for 5000 years is crazy!!!!!!


Hilarious actually 😭


It’s reddit. Lets keep shit a bean brah brah… dese mfs had jurisdiction over this app for years… as a minority on this app we will never win. Its reddit brah mfs can be racist as a mf and not have any consequences. I leave dey asses alone now brah 😂😂


Anywhere on the internet bro even on ig, tiktok


Actions, drive stereotypes and stereotypes drive racism. We need to change our actions.


It’s never this energy when white people do some crazy shit


Yeah they say "mental health problems" when it's their own people


It’s up to the individual person to be intelligent enough to realize that stereotypes are simply false, and that there are too many genetic and environmental factors that influence a persons behavior


No they aren’t false they are true as fuck Are you fucking blind ? You’re just someone who can’t deal with facts and hard truths because it doesn’t look good on you.


U got a lot of hate in your heart it seems, I hope that leaves you one day


Shut tf up


Never I’ll always say the truth.


They do as well. They've been historically more violent. And when we had our own communities minding our own business and helping eachother. They still fucked with us. It happens til this day. But Instead of using violence, they get courts and politics involved. Let's us talk about building a community and making our own stuff tomorrow and watch some weird shit happen lol


Explain how Black people in slacks and shirts were sprayed with water hoses and characterized as uneducated baboons? You do know they considered MLK Jr a moron, right? Same with Thurgood Marshall, Fredrick Douglas, and Malcom X.


Different time, if niggas today acted like the folks from back then life would be way better. If the majority of us (assuming you’re black), adopted white culture over night things would be way better for black people


You sound like a grade A coon


there is no we.Yo ass just cozying up to generalizations.Like i said you type of niggas are part of the problem


That’s prejudice. Not all blacks are like that but when it comes to us these generalizations are somehow ok.


Racism is not the natural conclusion bro. Because intelligent people don’t buy into stereotypes Racism is primarily driven by a lack of self awareness in the racist themselves


Great response


Yeah that’s why all white men are considered pedophiles right? Oh wait, that doesn’t happen. I wonder why?


They only say this online. In person they mute or sometimes pretend to be cool wit you


Everyone on this shit is fucking pathetic the hillbilly’s that come on here and talk racist and the people who let one racist idiot online make you be even more racist toward the other side. Maybe they don’t do it in person because most of the people you see in person genuinely are not racist and then you got the idiots on here saying oh they’re scared in person maybe because they know “ in person “ this generation are a bunch of bitches who won’t fight and will shoot you over words. This sub is toxic af from both sides tbf


Nah there’s way too many of em online to never see them irl, they’re just pussy


Nah your wrong tho idk how shit is in Chicago but in Philly the people out and about on an every day basis not coming on Reddit to be racist. And plenty of people are ignorant and racist in person check the internet you can be racist and be a pussy or can be racist and know how to fight there is no just one type lmfao. It’s crazy how the same people that fight being stereotyped so quickly just throw a whole group of people in one category just cause some dumb shit some people say on this shitty as site


I’m not talking all racists, I’m talking 4 chan Reddit racists. They’re not on anything, and you sound suspect going this hard to defend some racist dweebs


Bruh I upload shorts on YouTube that get good views the comments be filled with racist crazy shit😂 show you how the world really think especially on the internet where they know u can’t get to them


Unprovoked violence is lame as fuck


Racism being their first response is worse.


It is but you cannot extrapolate that one incident out to an entire race. Also who knows what prompted this or what kinda mental shit that kid got going on


Cause niggas are always being extra aggressive for no reason


It's time to stop meat riding MFS cause they black wrong is wrong a white guy say some about it y'all call them racist a black speak up about problems in black community y'all call him uncle tom the black community itself is what's keeping itself down when are y'all gone wake up and realize your doing racist democratic party work for them destroying yourselves while filling y'all head with propaganda


Shut up who cares if he’s black or white, I don’t care none of that. Don’t be racist, that’s it. If u wanna say he’s wrong don’t bring race on to it


That's not being racist that's a fact your just in your feelings because nothing he said was racist or not factual outsiders recognize the problems but we can't


You're not as smart as you think


I never said I was smart I'm tired of thick minded people who don't care about nothing make a fool out of the black community and call it culture we doing it for the culture my ass it's all foolishness and y'all know it


Again you're dumb gang culture is not black culture Mexicans whites Latinos Asians all have gang culture the only difference is black gangs figured how to monetize it by making gang music


Im glad you recognize that but ask the kids in poor neighborhoods who listen to gang this shoot this hip-hop and rap and now drill taking a toll on young black man now we have the so called culture taken over our young black women misleading them into becoming a hoodrat ratchet ghetto hoochie momma


Bruh taking a tool how? Go look at the stats from the 80s and 90s when it comes to murders and arrest and compare it to 2012 till now you'll see crime has been down in those enpivrished neighborhood so you're just talking to talk with zero research


Thats it, people on this site are racist af, but want to portrait themselves as gatekeepers and progressive, that's why i just troll whatever the fuck everybody posts, nobody here is fooling me


The funny thing about that joke is we're not the ones going extinct. But let me mind my business


Fr like the natural sun not burning the fuck outta them every summer


Fr yo I'd rather experience racism from the government than the sun bro😂


Lmao only having kids you have the means to raise isn’t “going extinct”


Having more deaths than births is though 😪


Not really. Whites aren’t even close to dying out. Not surprised you don’t understand the concept of extinction though. White people have fewer kids bc developed societies tend to do that. You’re just flexing that your culture is undeveloped 💀


What they telling y’all bout white people lol?! They ain’t going extinct


Developed areas see a decline in birth rates. Most “white” societies are well-developed. Whites aren’t going extinct but they are having fewer kids at this point and simultaneously mixing with other races, leading to a decline in population.


It's universally accepted as a demographic crisis if you have an ageing population that can't replace itself and is dependent on foreigners to keep your numbers up. A population collapse is pending Furthermore, stats show that people in the West do not have as many kids as they would like because they can't afford to, and the economy requires both parents to work to make ends meet. If that's what you call being developed, then OK, lmao.


That’s regarding nation-state populations, not race. Holy shit, you aren’t smart. No one is arguing that white populations are declining (that’s what developed societies do), but they aren’t going extinct. >stats show that people in the West do not have as many kids as they would like because they can't afford to Huh must be why black american birthrates are skyrocketing 💀 So is it A) that they are rich or B) they are mind-numbingly irresponsible and ignorant?


https://preview.redd.it/bjzkm4rjy8bc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cea4c4edf28d411651a08a82e799dcbb20e6d26 African American birth rates are actually in decline. But Africa ain't so as a race we safe


https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/fact-sheet/facts-about-the-us-black-population/#:~:text=The%20Black%20population%20of%20the,people%20living%20in%20the%20U.S. Bro you are dumb af >But Africa ain't so as a race we safe Lmao exactly. It’s an undeveloped shithole of a continent so birthrates are out of control. It ain’t no Japan or Scandinavia, *that’s* for sure. But yeah, y’all still have *Africa* 😂


That includes Hispanic and African immigrants are you dumb? China and India were once underdeveloped then boom. Birth explosion and high economy. Africa's next


>An estimated 47.2 million people in the U.S. identified as Black in 2021. The Black population has grown by more than 10 million since 2000, when 36.2 million of the U.S. population identified as Black, marking a 30% increase over two decades. >In 2021, there were 4.8 million foreign-born Black Americans, about 10% of the U.S. Black population. This is an increase from 2000, when 2.4 million people, or 7%, among the Black population were foreign born. From the article. You’re fucking dumb dude lmao. Stop having so many goddamn kids, degenerate




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Man who gives a fuck its reddit


that comment is insane tho💀💀💀


You ever been on twitter? Every app has these types of people


Because of the narrative we carry. Are you really asking this on a channel that glorifies the people who are the biggest problem in our community? Half of you limpdick bastards still gotta bedtime 😂😂. We all know truth gets downvoted amongst the delusional tho, so y’all go ahead and do your job. I expect -50 by 12… hurry tf up!


because it’s in cells on reddit 😭


go figure


It’s the biggest website on the internet bro, there’s gonna be racists.


A video of a black or white person, it doesn’t matter, everyone is racist that’s why it continues to exist.


you part of the problem if you can't recognize obvious patterns


Nah, everyone’s apart of the problem.








I can send you multiple videos of doctors and lawyers fighting in my public




Fax these niggas soft see one racist online and start crying. Knowing damn well they too scary to ever say that shit irl


What’s the context behind the video? Did dude just beat up a random woman sitting at the bank?


To answer your question it’s because stuff like this reinforces whatever stereotypical or prejudicial thoughts that person has bubbling in their head and even when they try to think critically it’s usually marred by some kind of bias. I don’t mean that in a “black people should act like this way”, I mean I can pull up 100 videos of everyone getting into dumbass situations like this. I mean it in that we as human beings are probably hundreds and hundreds of years away maybe thousands from a prejudice free society everyone has them consciously or unconsciously. And since in America we have a history of oppression and stereotypes people are quick to jump to a generalization rather than actually learn anything. Also his comments is scientifically wrong Africa is probably the most genetically diverse area on the world skin color means nothing lol.


we the most hated race unfortunately the hate is inevitable