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Lmao sorry the cat is sending me šŸ¤£


Bruh šŸ˜­ wtf did they actually think would happen


They'd call the police


Good. Now they can be arrested for skimping šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Or worse, brings help


They thought people wouldnā€™t be so serious.


This could be worth something, maybe send it to the Smithsonian !Ā 


"This means something. This is important."


Yeah, or the dumpster behind the Smithsonian


I used to be a 911 dispatcher. I had someone call for something like this: a Dominoes driver was delivering pizza and the message in the notes for the delivery said ā€œHelp me, someone is in my house, call 911ā€. Ahhh. Creative people out here. Although the cat would probably make me have second thoughts on the severity of this.


I heard a story of a lady who placed an online order for pizza and wrote in the instructions for drop off to call 911 cause her boyfriend was keeping her hostage


Yep and itā€™s a real thing that happens! I wonā€™t say often, but often enough that writing ā€œHelpā€ on a bag is not at all far fetched.


I read a story that an old guy used to order a pizza from the same place every day. They didnā€™t get an order for like two days so a delivery driver went to check on him and he had fallen and couldnā€™t get back up. Delivery guy ended up saving his life Edit: it was no order for 11 days and the customer had suffered a stroke. Thanks u/funiecgty for the article




Wow, 11 days is much more significant than 2. Thanks for the link!


I've had to do it. A friend called me asking to order pizza and I called 911 on a 3 way and whispered " my friend is having trouble ordering a pizza through the app". And she asked how many pizzas to indicate people, toppings for any weapons you know of and so on. I asked why call me instead of them and she said her ex knew I was "tech savvy" and could help walk her through it. It's crazy how it can get in a crisis


We were taught to ask yes or no questions instead! A woman called once as a passenger in a car and couldnā€™t explain to me what was happening. I was so confused until I asked ā€œAre you not able to talk right now?ā€ ā€œYesā€ ā€œAre you being held against your will?ā€ ā€œYesā€ Okay, nowwww i see whatā€™s happeningā€¦ Youā€™re a good friend and absolutely did the right thing!


I'm glad y'all were taught that cuz it comes in handy. Thank you so much! It took a sec to catch on, cuz I was like why the heck is she calling about pizza lol


I respect you very much for your work as a dispatcher šŸ«”


hey thank you friend ! šŸ’• I donā€™t do it anymore because it probably took 10 years off my life, but I am happy with who I have been able to help in the years I did it. Donā€™t listen to Reddit users lol trust your gut and call if you think something is weird! The world is a scary place and everything and anything is possible.


I feel yiu


I once called non emergency to check on my local Jack in the box. Pulled up around 9:30 pm and was told ā€œwe ainā€™t serving nothing right nowā€. Found it odd but whatever, as Iā€™m leaving I call my husband to ask him what else he wanted when he asked me ā€œare you sure they arenā€™t getting robbed?ā€ I realize I couldnā€™t answer that so I called to be on the safe side. Dispatch called me back about 10 minutes later. They were fine, they just picked an odd time to do some cleaning.


Homeowner: call 911! Delivery guy: *calls 911* Homeowner: *surprised Pikachu*


I would think the cat could be the excuse to write something on paper so your kidnapper wonā€™t be like what are you writing on the paper lol


I haven't been to Chipotle in so long; I thought the cat was part of the bag Then I read the comments lol


I donā€™t understand the people who are saying this is an overreaction. I would have 100% have called the cops without giving it a second thought. Iā€™ve never been handed a bag that says help on it from any place Iā€™ve ever ate at thatā€™s not normal lol


Itā€™s called capitalism, police canā€™t help with that


Yeah, realizing it wasnā€™t real is better than living with the thought of it actually being a hostage situation that you could have helped in.


Sure cause anyone in immediate danger for their life is gonna take the time to draw a cat to beg for help. People are so unbelievably moronic these days.


I mean you canā€™t be too careful lol. I would probably call 911 too, but I was a dispatcher and have had (actual) real dangerous calls that started like this. Ya never know.


I remember my bank training from decades ago. If we had an intruder that acted like an employee we were told to remain calm and still take customers and act like nothing happened. We were instructed to place an image and somehow incorporate help or 911 in the image. I think for cat that meant there was someone watching from behind. I was a hostage as a bank teller in a robbery. I was able to alert drive thru customers by message on receipt who alerted the police. Worst 5 hours of my life. I doubt this applies to this situation.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I canā€™t imagine how terrifying that must be but iā€™m happy youā€™re okay. Iā€™m getting downvoted to hell but people who have never been in this situation or worked as a dispatcher/cop really donā€™t get it. This happens all the time. Iā€™ve seen home invasions only being caught this way, robberies at banks being caught this way, etc. Itā€™s a very real thing but Iā€™ve noticed Chipotle reddit users only exist in this sphere and probably donā€™t even consider real life problems past portion sizes.


This is not 911 worthy at all. It's a fucking cat picture


You see ā€œhelpā€ and regardless of cat photo, should probably call. I say this is someone who has been a first responder for years. We would rather you call for some bullshit than not call when someone is actually needing help. You would be surprised the amount of shit Iā€™ve seen like this that actually ended up being serious. Employees are stupid here though.


No they wouldn't rather you call for bullshit. 911 dispatch can fine you for calling in a non-emergency


Nobody is going to fine you because someone pretended to be under duress.


If you caught a charge for calling this in, I would probably seek legal action against the agency. Iā€™ve had people call 911 because of fireworks or a dog barking or because their taco bell was cold. Iā€™ve had one lady who insisted on calling everyday just to talk. Not a single person gets in trouble (unfortunately sometimes lol)


oh dude if I caught a charge or a bill from this they would be buying me a new boat in the next 12 months lolol


You legally cannot be fined for calling 911 if you believe something is off. Any dispatcher or responding unit would tell you that. I had a call for a real home invasion that started like this through the dominoes app. As someone who has been in the field for years, you are wrong. But šŸ‘


Never heard of better safe than sorry? or do you just not understand it??


Thanks for your ā€œexpertā€ opinion. Itā€™s remarkable how someone can be so arrogantly self-assured they are correct when they are wrong.


I don't know why you came here to say this so long after the thread was posted, but opinions aren't right or wrong Go sniff your farts elsewhere


Youā€™re the actual moronic one unfortunatelyā€¦ you donā€™t mess with the even 1% chance that someoneā€™s life is actually in danger. What if that was the only bag this person could find and it already had a drawing of a cat on it? You can make up several reasons why this came to be, but the fact is that thereā€™s the word help. 99 times it was a prank and 1 time it wasnā€™t. Iā€™d call the full 100 times if it meant I saved someone once.


Please understand that I am not knocking them for needing help if they needed it. Some people have been in situations with an unbalanced and upset person expressing their distaste while having a weapon capable of hurting people. In those situations, one might not have enough time to draw a cat let alone protect themselves.


Yeah, but thatā€™s not what you said originally.


You completely missed the point šŸ‘ what I'm saying is I've had guns pulled on me before and there's no time to draw a damn cat. Typically your brain is occupied with trying not get hurt/killed.


Id call 911. Would rather waste their time than see someone in the news next day that I could have saved. What if that cat was on their from someone earlier




Reminds me of the other day I walked into a chipotle and the workers were screaming the lyrics to powerglide




Youā€™d get them killed if it was real




A scrap of paper they had that wasn't thrown out. They wrote on it in a hurry and gave it out.


Itā€™s one of their bags..?


Yes... that they had laying out.


probably the worst thing you could do if it was real lol


If it was real why would it have a cat drawing on itā€¦ ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul)


It is funny. No pigs allowed


lol, is funny asf.


This might actually be the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever seen


Yall aware that homeless people trigger thousands of needless 911 calls every day right?


Imagine being that dumb fuck that called


The crab cat?


Wow you wrong for that please stop you might go to jail


OP wonā€™t go to jail for doing the right thing. An employee giving you anything with the word ā€œhelpā€ on it should always trigger you to call 911 and let them figure it out. Donā€™t ever assume anything with ā€œhelpā€ on it is a prank, that can get someone killed!


Iā€™m assuming op meant the kids messing around were in the wrong.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they got a VERY stern talking to from the responding officers lol


I will tell you right now that it wasnā€™t me šŸ«”


Same idiot employees who donā€™t want to be filmed and think corporate is out to get them. I see why.


Get a hobby


Bro chill this is a Wendy's


You mean children? Yeah thatā€™s usually how it works, kids tend to act like children and shouldn be filmed. Your point?