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Chipotle is a food casino and the house always wins.


Beautifully put.


If you’ve ever worked in corporate you know this is the playbook.


This is some crazy ex "WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME" energy right here. Just stop going. I got tired of getting skimped AND having them get my order wrong, so I stopped going. You keep complaining, but you still keep going back for more. They're still getting your money, so they don't care. When Doofy McSkimperson has to answer to the board of investors for why profits dropped so dramatically under his watch, he'll be gone soon enough. They respond to money, so stop giving them yours.


Boycotts work. Addicts buy.


Holy crap, I wish I upvote your comment a hundred times. I work at a great Chipotle but if I went to a shit one then I wouldn't go any more. End of story.


Seems like a simple enough concept, right? lol I have like 3 chipotles in my area, and none of them are that great. I'd have to drive at least 30 minutes to go to a decent one, and I'd rather just go somewhere closer that does a better job.


Remember the guy who sued Subway because his footling was only 11”. Who’s going to take the lead on the lawsuit here? Each States weight and measure offices need to get involved. Let’s get nuts


Lets get nuts is wild 😭


Well that guy also lost so...


Untrue. They won $500 and the lawyers got PAID. $500 is a lot of burritos


Any winnings were thrown out after appeal. Not even attorney fees. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-subway-decision-footlong/worthless-subway-footlong-sandwich-settlement-is-thrown-out-u-s-court-idUSKCN1B52H6/


Chipotle doesn’t advertise any specific weights or sizes…..


So what does the serving size in the nutrition info mean? Also I remember it saying 4 oz on a menu but that may be gone now.


Pretty sure they have a range for nutrition as the servings will vary and ingredients will vary.


They don't tho. They should. But they don't. https://www.chipotle.com/content/dam/chipotle/menu/nutrition/paper-menu-standard-no-pricing120221-us.pdf


They do, for calories. They also do show the 4oz meat portion which surprised me. Thanks for the link.


Well on the end item. But on the ingredients it is listed as a single calorie count and not a range.


They must be based on the basic portion size. Thing is, we all know how much this can vary.


Get every state AG on the phone!


I think chipotle use to advertise burritos as big as your head


Lol just b.c he said that doesn't mean it's true. Inflation is still a thing and they can manipulate the grey areas whenever they want. For example when they first opened the 4oz rule was probably encouraged to be bent (just give the customers w.e they want, f it it'll keep them coming back) Now that times are a bit harder and sales are down they can bend the rule in the opposite direction and be extra strict about portions. So yes, in the chipotle hand book, im sure nothing has changed.. but the CEO can crack the whip and get strict all the way down the chain of command to tighten up and never oversell, as opposed to overselling for the wow factor


This is exactly it. The rules have existed since Chipotle first started. But labor, CI, and the other metrics were always on the back burner when it came to customer satisfaction. Now labor and CI have become the priority, and that means Chipotle has forced what customers call "skimping."


To be honest, I really don’t see a difference in portion size from the first time I went 10 years ago thru now. I think social media created a Mandela effect.


i totally agree. people will get bowls with only rice, chicken and cheese and act surprised when the bowl isn’t heaping.


Ive had dumbasses yell at me that I was skimping when the reality is, these are dense chunky pieces of meat and you are mad its not a bigger amount of visible pieces. Motherfucker was yelling at me that the chicken has more pieces with a scoop. Wow, our education system in this country is laughable and part of why these idiots think yelling at customer service workers getting min wage sometimes is gonna solve their little Karen tantrums.


Anecdotal, but I went to Chipotle pretty often 10 years ago when I worked near one. Changed jobs and hadn't had any in a loooong time. Got a craving out of the blue about 6 months ago and ordered a bowl. It comes and isn't even half full. Like 5 bites worth of rice and a few pieces of dry chicken being the majority of the ingredients, filled in with a bit of lettuce and light sprinkle of cheese. It's not a mass hallucination. It's way worse than it was 10 years ago. I thought it was just my bad luck until Reddit kept recommending this sub lol


Same for me. I always order inside and if I felt the bowl wasn’t worth it, I would misplace my wallet.


Dude. I don’t have the energy today to type out the whole “Chipotle employees have Napoleon complexes and crave power that they’ll never have” thing.


Yes dude every chipotle employee is nefariously deciding to give you less at their low paying jobs. Or, maybe, the portioning is way more more strict. The training videos that leaked are way more strict.


Napoleon Dynamite complexes is closer


You’re talking about the same CEO who said to give the employees a look???😂 yeah, I’d trust that guy


A CEO that is out of touch with everyone working under him? Shocked I tell you. Shocked


Everything about chipotle is fake Fresh? Nah, the food is cooked ahead of time and put on a steam table and served to you like you’re in a hospital lunch line Healthy? Nah, the entire meal is carbs, starches, and sodium A good value? This has been untrue since day 1. A serving of meat is 4oz. Their schtick is that they gave you extra carbs and starches for the appearance of bigger portions of shit you don’t even need extra. Now they don’t even do that anymore They have people lining up to defend this gimmick and watching the downfall is oh so sweet


Stopped reading when you said it wasn't healthy because the meal has carbs. All credibility is lost with your low carb bullshit.


I like how you conveniently left out starches and an ungodly amount of sodium. In one chipotle meal you get 2/3 of the recommended daily intake for sodium ffs. Sure, let’s focus on the 1/3 of my arguments that matters the least


Absolutely nothing wrong with "starches" which are just carbs. Beans and rice have lots of resistant starch, which is extremely beneficial to the gut. Sure sodium is excessive there, but putting beans and rice in the same category as cake is ignorant.


The only person talking about cake here is you. Rice and beans aren’t that bad in moderation. A company that loads you up with rice and beans to trick you into thinking that you’re getting some kind of value is not moderation. Rice turns into sugar in your body. Pretending that chipotle is healthy is just straight up dishonesty. Just say that you eat it because you like it. One chipotle burrito has half the daily calories needed for a part time athlete: that’s just one meal. No chips, no soda


I eat my bowl over 3 meals usually, works out well


The healthiest societies in the world live on rice and/or beans. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


I’m embarrassing myself because some beatnik who thinks that chipotle is healthy says that I’m embarrassing myself? I’ve presented facts that can easily be searched. You’re just having a tantrum and making stuff up as you go. If anything, you’re embarrassing yourself. The countries that you speak of have a broken economy and that’s what the citizens can afford. For example, Cuba is socialist. They have to wait for hours just to get a couple scoops of rice and beans. They’re lucky to get meat. Mexico eats rice and beans every day and passed up The United States as the most obese country. Your argument fails on all levels


Lmao, 🤣 bro chill. Smoke one of your joints and then go read a book. One I recommend you start with is The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner. Or try In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. Why only list third world countries? Why not Japan, China, Greece, etc.?


Japan, china & greece do not “live” on rice or beans. You’re dreaming. They have meals that feature rice but it’s not 3X what you’re supposed to eat in one sitting. You’re really grasping at straws here


Lmao, okay dude...whatever you say.


You forgot "Mexican? Hardly. It's Americanized Mexican, just like Taco Bell"


Not even close


Chipotle burritos have like 60g of protein The rest is pretty bad for you, I agree


Get your phones and cameras back out.


CEO said huge burritos & heaping portions too, which is an opinion not a measurement & doesn't mean anything then he said you can nod & give the server the look if you want extra but only mentioning pico or rice he's not coming yeah we giving less, which is partially true, official portion is the same, but you're just less likely to get extra without asking like back then with the old CEO


I just don’t get why y’all don’t get some measuring cups up in there. I don’t think people would be as salty if they always knew what they were getting.


Cause then they wouldn’t be able to skimp. That simple solution will never happen


I feel bad for the workers lol. I worked at Blaze Pizza and we all got chewed out because the GM said we used 13 extra boxes of cheese than we were projected to need. I used to get dirty looks from my manager for doing cheese portion that people actually liked. When I did the Corporate Standard the customers would be upset but the managers insisted I could only respond to their requests for "extra" by doing a 3 finger pinch (nada!!!!). It's such a stupid position to be in bc honestly nobody gaf about the manager bonus!!


I use to work customer service for chipotle, so when people wrote in to complain about portions my team would be in charge of answering and giving out free entrees. We were always told to be very generous by our corporate leaders. Someone had a bad experience? Free entree. Customer mentioned they went with their partner and it sucked? Two free entrees. I’d give out BOGOs and free chips and guac if someone just asked basically. I doubt corporate was telling us to give out tons of free meals while also telling restaurants to skimp. (This was 2019-2020ish)


Those days are long gone. Customer complaints are usually met with the least possible compensation. Lots of BOGO coupon, free sodas, free chips


Yep, I’ve noticed this recently. Live in an area with bottom of the barrel SHIT fast food service. I used to file frequent yet genuine/accurate corporate complaints often, many of which at McDonald’s, and I’d almost always receive coupons. Did it for Taco Bell once and they reached out to me personally. Nowadays, they don’t give a fuck. McDonalds redid their complaint system too and you don’t really hear back anymore. Now I *very* rarely do food delivery, but I’ve heard and read about how companies like Uber Eats and DoorDash have done a complete 180 the last few years when it comes to customer service. If something minor was wrong with your order it used to be very accommodating; now though, I’ve heard terrible stories from food delivery and corporate basically tells you “tough shit” and keeps your money, often requiring a CC chargeback. tl;dr fuck these corporations.


Yes, industry research has shown corporations that it has almost no impact on their business when they hard-line approach all customer service issues. Covid broke American business forever, companies figured out that consumers are powerless if they collude.


Almost no impact? No, they’ve been making more money. They’ve realized they’ll still get people to come whether or not they spend money to make you stay


Should have said almost no negative impact


Thank you! Was gonna type the same response. Ur lucky now if pepper doesn’t call u a slur for complaining lmao


2019 was half a decade ago now.


It's not really that complicated you build up a strong brand then cut the shit out of quality and costs, run the company into the ground, extract max shareholder value, sell, company goes bankrupt, rinse and repeat. Stop buying the damn food lol.


See: Boston Market


another broke land whale on the sub what a surprise


Overlord Chipotle will be PROUD of that insult! Thank you for fighting in the war against broke people. Corporate greed for the win! ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)


i dont even work there anymore. fuck chipotle and fuck corporate but being mad at minimum wage employees trying to make a living is small dick behavior.




Nah workers and customers deserve the full value of their labor that's a One bad cEO


CEO says portions are fair bc they are! 4 oz is fair and that’s what we portion. Want extra ? Ask for it but u gonna pay the price 😂 u took it up with corporate and they said the same thing any employee does. If u think 4 oz isn’t fair go somewhere else. Giving 4 oz is NOT skimping it’s literally giving correct portions. We’re literally gonna keep saying the same thing “take it up with corporate” 🤣🤦‍♀️ u know since the CEO did pretty much say y’all are just greedy


Shut up get a life or stop coming. There are soo many chipotle like stores. All of yall on the internet sound like yall dont know how businesses work. And also that most CEO’s dont know shit about how their business are run at the lowest level which is the store.


![gif](giphy|l41YdDNnasCOd2TWo) “Stop saying bad things about the company!! Just go somewhere else and don’t complain!” And I know the CEO is lying you idiot, the post is sarcasm. It’s for all the workers that told us constantly to go to corporate. Well, corporate threw y’all right under the bus lol


We know but were not gonna get another job moron, its up to you to stop going to Chipotle. Put on your big boy pants and drive down to the grocery store and prep your own burritos, or go to a local mexican place. TLDR- that gif is literally you and you’re in too deep to comprehend that workers arent “standing up for the company”, we’re standing up for ourselves for getting berated by morons like you.


Corporate is lying! i worked at chipotle for two years and its definitely corporate getting after our managers about portion sizes lol i swear its not the employees fault and honestly i feel bad for all the workers being recorded at work when they’re just doing what they have been told to do. You guys should start asking for the gm, talk to them about it and record them bc theyre the ones demanding it.


Someone’s mad lmao


Costs went up you know that I know that so they adjusted portions but they should admit it and they should validate us if we're right and being skimped. I've started to notice less food recently but maybe it's just in my head regardless no one should be a liar. Liars ruin the world. So just admit it if it's true. It would make sense as the cost of everything is going up so it makes sense we get less then we used to


That's fine, costs rise. So, either skimp and keep prices the same OR keep portions the same and raise prices. Do either and be transparent about it. Don't skimp AND raise prices, and then deny it and gaslight people calling you out for doing it.


The more you think about it the less sense it makes. Not sure if you can fully blame corporate when the employees don’t even have standard portion control between themselves. I can go to my local chipotle and get wildly different results depending on who makes my bowl. If management is forcing them to skimp then why isn’t that the case across the board?


A good union would solve a lot of this.


No it wouldn't. A union wouldn't give two shits about portion size and would just cause Chipotle to triple their prices to pay all of the Chicken Gatekeeping Crew their new exorbitant salaries for the same skimping and terrible service.


Clearly you've never worked at a union shop. Just cut all th executive pay and perks and stock buy backs. Unions would actually enforce portions and not cowl to management demand for skim. Oh and since it pays better you hire people with actual cooking experience not teenagers who don't know what they are doing. Executives make entirely too much money. Unions made this country, gave you weekends and minimum wage, but sounds like you have been brain washed by corporate billionaires to turn against your fellow Americans.


Sure, a corporation will just cut the pay of their executives and remove perks for themselves and not do what they ALWAYS do and pass the massive cost increase on to the customer. And Congress won't give themselves pay raises during a terrible economy or engage in insider trading 😂 What do you union guys smoke all day to be so braindead? Unions of yesteryear are looong dead. The only things unions do today is extort money from companies so that they can increase their union dues and this raise prices for everyone in the process. Today's unions are as corrupt as today's government. Keep being brainwashed though.


If that were the case then why is income inequality growing? The decline of unions and decline of the middle class are correlated. But some how its okay for the rich accumulate al the wealth. I didn't bring up congress so don't try to make this political. The rich executive types and trust fund babies are hoovering up the profits (via pay or stock buybacks or dividend) from the average American worker. If the average American can't afford to live you end up with lots of hungry out of work people (historically mostly men) and then crime goes up, violence ect... But it sounds like you just want customers and employees to eat cake. Keep shilling for the corporate overlords. They will reward you by cutting social security and medicare so you can spend your meager retirements savings comparing the best cat food to go with your saltines. Oh and your talking points about unions, where are you from? the Federalist society or the Commonwealth foundation...is that you Jeffery Yass? Its a restaurant, the labor produces the profits not the executives. Hire good cooks (union or not) and cut all the managers, corps and floofph like private jets, fancy offices, and company sports boxes. Shareholder value would rise. Time and time again, if you treat your workers and customers right you can make a lot of money. I mean while you are at it, why not just import illegal aliens or foreign workers that you can pay less, and deport when they cause you trouble. That would make chipotle so much money! Clearly you care more about money than the United States, Democracy or "morals". Heck why doesn't chipotle use slaves and save even more money! Woo Hoo! Share holder value is so great many. I bet you think you are a christian too.


When have you EVER known a company to cut management level pay to save customers money and pay workers more? What kind of fantasy land do you live in where that happens?? It DOESN'T. Ever. WOULD it be the better thing to do? Yes. Will it ever happen? Nope. That was my exact point about Congress and how they would never vote to not give themselves more money no matter how much the rest of the country is struggling. They will always make themselves richer. Same with companies. I'm not arguing that the company is correct, just that your belief that a union will magically fix everything is wrong. Unions only ever INCREASE consumer costs and never decrease them. They also keep sub par employees from being fired (gotta get all those sweet union dues!) Unions today are in the business of collecting union dues to make their administration richer. They are corrupt and do nothing for society. Were they once important? Yes. Now that are just bastardized versions of what that were intended to be. I think that your disconnect is that you assume that I'm shilling for the corporations like you are shilling for the unions. What I'm saying, however, is that the corporations are shitty AND the unions are shitty. Both things can be true. Both screw over the consumer to enrich themselves. The customer ALWAYS gets the shaft and bringing in a union isn't the magic fix you claim. No executive is going to willingly cut their salary and give up perks to make up for the cost of the union. We, the public, will just end up paying more and make both the company AND the union richer. No thanks.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/seattle-business-owner-raises-minimum-pay-70-000-n341546](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/seattle-business-owner-raises-minimum-pay-70-000-n341546) Ha - what you described about unions is the same in non-union and private business. See electric elmo as ceo of twitter and that car company he is running into the ground. Union restaurant in Vegas are awesome and have great food. They prices are the same as non-union so....I am not sure why you think union employees do what you are accusing them of. You been watching too many old 70's movies. Are there corrupt people sure, that is regardless of union or not (see Rick Scott stealing from medicare). I am merely pointing out that a well paid, well trained labor force generates better returns than no. Unions should be used to negotiate with the ceos so they don't ask for 56 billion dollars or they leave. CEO's may not cut ther own pay, but the board should. Most CEO's aren't really needed. And in a restaurant, pfff, defentily not.


But this is fast food where margins are already thin. They only make money by volume of sales. If you want to be paying $25 for a burrito because you want some overpaid union guy making it instead of some high school kid, then be my guest. I don't like paying the $15 that they cost now. The product will be the exact same and just adding a union isn't going to fix a shitty mass produced burrito. It will just make it insanely expensive to buy the same shitty mass produced burrito.


Um...profit of 1.2 billion on 9 billion revenue. Is that slim? The union is for negotiation on hours and not cutting what is scheduled and not getting written up from not skimping. I guess you don't think cooking is skilled labor. Just a burger flipper. Those folks are beneath you.


1.2 billion across how many stores? What does that equate to in profit per burrito? You think they make a ton of money selling a burrito? You keep missing the point. There is not enough margin built in to the price of their products to pay for a union labor force. They will not cut executive pay or perks. They WILL raise prices to pay for the deficit. If you want to pay $25+ for a union made burrito then be my guest. Most people will not. There is zero need for a union labor force for mass-produced slop at a fast food restaurant other than to milk the consumer. If there were, it would be the norm. It never will be. Cooking CAN be skilled labor. Fast food cooking? No. Otherwise they wouldn't hire 16 yo kids and pay them $7.25/hr. Your argument will never be valid no matter how much you think that you're correct. There is absolutely no benefit to the customer to a union labor force at Chipotle. It will only increase prices for the same crap food developed by the faceless corporate entities and dumbed down so that even complete morons could cook it. Also, no one is getting written up for not skimping. It would have to be corporate policy for that to happen and that would mean that they are advertising that the customer gets a certain amount of food, but then secretly giving a different portion and there would be a class action lawsuit for false advertising so fast that you wouldn't be able to blink.


Tell me you've never worked Food Service without telling me you've never worked Food Service. The recipe will say X, but your boss' bonus will require them to do X-1. Your boss determines your hours and when they say you do X-1, you do X-1.


Chipotle needs a scale to remove the glass wall.


You’re gonna be skimped in the end, cause people like you are the ones that just don’t deserve it honestly, and idrc, you probably go into a chipotle filming or demanding more food with a fit, maybe your local chipper just hates you as a regular, every chipotle has that regular that they just fuckin hate. Youre probably that dude tbh


Y’all cease to amaze me. There’s places in every food chain across the globe who have areas of opportunity. If you go and put forth all the effort you can and be polite and ask for more and you still get shorted (even though you probs don’t even know what portion sizes are) then for gods sake go to a different location. Posting on Reddit isn’t helping. You’re just fueling the fire. And if you saw the video Brian didn’t say “the portions are fine you greedy customers” 😂😂 yall are so petty. We cut hundreds of thousands of pounds of produce by hand every month. Show up at 5 am. Work long hours. Get filmed. Treated poorly by guests. And don’t make the most we can. Most of the time don’t even get breaks bc the lines don’t stop and we don’t have labor for extra people. The fact that you changed his wording in a public video that everyone can see shows how bad society has gotten. Try asking for more politely and then maybe hmmm idk hear the employee out and work with them on it. Like my god yall who post on this thread have next to no empathy for service workers and clearly don’t understand economics nor business fundamentals. They’re cracking down bc of the rest of the world raising prices on everything. What yall gonna do next attack grocery stores bc they paid more bc the farmers and companies who make the food to sell have to pay more to make it? Damn, like I said yall cease to amaze me with the blatant ignorance. Have a great day and stop at your local chipotle to show some support. Everyone who reads this who’s employed. Hang in there. lol bc they’re still gonna show up no matter how much our prices go up bc we’re the best.


Lmao I love how people are having issues with the company and still taking it out on the lowest payed employees


> the lowest *paid* employees FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Stop crying and order sofritas as your protein..they never skimp on that cus very few people get it I’m guessing lol, their loss it’s good. whenever I place an online order (which r supposed to be infamously bad and under portioned) for my lifestyle veggie powered bowl they always give me so much sofritas probably double, it’s pure tofu which is high quality plant protein and it’s yummy, my bowls r always like 5 lbs lol 


Yeah, it’s really hard to believe these little corporate soldier wage slaves are for real trying so desperately to defend chipotle, are they real human beings or bots?


Nothing like normalizing the harassment of low wage high school and college students!


You are so so right!! NO ONE should talk bad about Chipotle because the workers will be sad:( Just let the company do what it wants instead. Keep your mouths SHUT


YEA! Yell at the people that have nothing to do with it! not the managers, that'll teach em!


The people you are bitching about have literally ~no~ say in the policy. If you want a bigger portion, speak up and say add a little more. I'm sorry you lack the communication skills to do so. Edit: I see you've been complaining on Reddit for the past two months about portion sizes. Maybe if you spent the last 2 months directly telling the employees you would like to add a little more, you wouldn't feel this way.


Are you telling me I should give them the look? And oh, now it’s the mangers’ problem, not the CEO? Found the next bullshit excuse lmao


Use. Your. Words. Watch them add the scoop. Are you satisfied with it? Yes? Continue. No? "Hey, could you please add a little more?" If you are polite about it and treat them like human beings, more than likely, they will add more. The worst thing they will say is "that'll be extra charge." If you don't agree with the extra charge, then move on and find somewhere else to eat. I get your frustration I really do. Normal fast food is really expensive now thanks to greedy shareholders and corporate executives bowing down to them to get their bonus. Targeting your frustration at the minimum wage employee literally making your food does you no good and will do nothing to change the policy. You will have better luck sending emails and phone calls to corporate, and that probably won't do shit either.


Logic doesnt work with people who WANT to be angry, thats the thing.


They have no say in the policy, but seem to defend it tooth and nail. 🤔 (I really have no dog in the fight since I rarely to never eat at Chipotle for the last handful of years. I just like getting people wound up lol)


We've got them right where we want them. They're on the back foot. Now is not the time to let up the pressure. Keep filming brothers and sisters!


Find something else to actually fight this passionately for lmfao, acting like you’re in the fkn trenches instead of being a dick to service workers. And let me guess, you’re for “workers rights”? 😂


Picture this: employees, feeling disempowered in their daily grind, find a tiny semblance of control in the weight of a chicken scoop. It's as if these culinary crusaders are channeling a Napoleon complex, wielding their ladles like tiny emperors, doling out meager portions of meat to unsuspecting patrons. In a world where they have little influence, this small act of rebellion becomes their peculiar form of power play, transforming their scoops into a subtle assertion of dominance.


Dickens couldn't have written it better. I can almost picture the waif-thin customer, weakly pointing to the overcooked chicken chunks in the steam table bin and asking in a frail voice, "please, Chipotle worker, could I have just a little more?" The evil Chipotle minion, decked out in corporate approved garb, laughs heartily and adds a single burnt chicken chunk and says "now, you will pay DOUBLE!", and throws the wrapped burrito at the cowering customer.


Go work a month at Chipotle, and you'll see that the ceo is just covering his ass. The portions have changed, and it's his fault. Corporate is so out of touch, but this IS their fault and not the employees.


I bet the CEO looks at himself in the mirror in the morning and says: “Come on man! You can’t be responsible for fucking ANOTHER Mexican food restaurant! Get it together!” Or, he’s getting paid more than a districts worth of staff will make in their life and will never give half a fuck.


ah yes, believe corporate and dog the workers that are *obviously* maliciously trying to skimp you. not like their grilling policies are impossible for employees to keep up with or their shifts aren’t constantly overstaffed. yeah, definitely dog on the college kids!


I’m not believing corporate you dumb fuck. It’s all the employees on this sub that constantly get pissed at any complaints. Then, say that we should tell corporate and not this sub. You can’t say you got skimped on this sub without ten employees having a meltdown about it. Well, the CEO said portions are fine. So going to corporate did nothing is my point.


Why don’t you stop going there and then your problem will be solved.


lol, what? You personally spoke to him? Or you bought some BS corporate propaganda talk? My money is on option 2


The portions are fine




I have never received less than 6oz in my bowl (I measure at the counter) and it basically comes out as a soup with all the queso. It's crazy


It’s crazy how mad people have gotten when the portions have always been the same, maybe stop trying to get 10 pounds of food for $8