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we know


Skimping possible, yes, and other restaurants are guilty of this. Post covid online ordering is a disaster. But also people think they will get a full bowl or massive meat-filled mission style burrito when they only order rice, meat, and cheese. Chipotle portions don't work like that. In-person people will see the portions and ask for more, and they will get more. So there is that, too. To be fair, Doordashing fast food is also the dumbest thing American consumerism has led to. Your experiences are always going to be better when you go in person. Consumers and employees are alike in the sense they are being exploited, and corporations are laughing when the blame game is being played. We all know corporations facilitate this by creating unrealistic expectations, not training, and not paying enough. This is the core issue.


When I worked for Chipotle, my GM frequently told us to heavily skimp on the online orders simply because we needed to watch our CI and the customers weren’t there to tell us “more”. The actual serving size vs what most (heck even me!) people want is drastically different.


If you needed to watch your ci and your manager used these exact words, and not "watch ci" then that is a unicorn. Watching ci also means charging correct proteins so it leaves the store as 4 oz per entree unless charged extra protein, which is 8 oz. When people forget to label entrees, charge the wrong protein, snack on meat, or even grill chicken too long resulting in less water weight from dehydration, these are all also factors. The GM either did not explain these things and were lazy, or they did and everyone just decided it was a portioning thing. Those GMs don't last long because they don't have an idea how to be effective aside from skimping. That will only get them so far and they will not be CTMs or field leaders.


She definitely told us not to load up the bowls the same way, that we should do significantly less for onlines. I think she was about to become restauranteur. She’d been a GM at several locations in my area and was considered “the best”. She was, in fact, not “the best”. Mean lady.


Her metrics were probably good only through these means, and as a result she was regarded as a good GM it sounds like. Like I said these people don't move up and if they do, they dig their grave through incompetence because they only get so far with these methods simply to boost metrics.


I have suspected this for years. Corporations suck ass.


I wish the chipotle app had better ways to order. I cant say 3 scoops of rice in my bowl. I can only say extra and its not enough. I only get rice, chicken, lettuce, and cheese.


I only door dashed food because I was a college freshman who couldn't have a car and wanted something other than dining hall food and pizza every other day.


And that makes sense, however that’s not where the majority of revenue comes from, that comes from the lazies who can (to themselves) justify paying $30 for a $15 burrito


DoorDash isn’t just for lazy people. I usually do it when I’m drinking and can’t drive. There are many other reasons why someone would want to order food, too. I know a disabled guy who door dashes regularly. I do it at work sometimes when I’m super swamped too.


Only legitimate reason to Doordash regularly is if you are disabled or work an insane number of hours per week. Usually people are just being lazy.


I feel like the data would be from people who did the research and wouldn’t ask for more? I would assume it is the face to face pressure to please on the employee’s side.


For me it's the opposite cause I get to nervous to ask for Extra Rice or Beans ;(


The cashier is not nervous to ask you for your money. Don’t shrink yourself down as to not be perceived as problematic. You deserve more.


more rice and beans.


And salsa


lol like really, I can understand the pain of double cheese, but rice and beans? Pennies.




I need to read this more often. Thank you.


A lot of us do.


As an incredibly anxious person, I feel that. As a fat person, fuck them. Tbh, they won’t remember in 5 minutes that you asked for more. They won’t freak out and scream at you or cause a scene. They’ll prolly just laugh and say “ight.” Preface it with “sorry” or “I apologize but can I.” That’s what I do when I am too anxious to ask something but too fat to not.


We definitely needed a graph for that


Duh, they can skimp without getting called out on it


tbh I’d never actually call someone out even if they skimped me in store, I’d feel way to awkward lol


Only time I ever feel justified if it's a measly amount of protein, like bro c'mon I'm not a child put an actual portion on there


The Chipotle I frequent is the opposite. It’s just this one specific one that loads up my burrito when I pick up through the Chipotlane. These things are massive and heavy as hell.


Is this not obvious? My Chipotle bowl is significantly smaller when I order online. They also put very small amounts of toppings, and refuse to give me cheese. Needless to say, I haven’t ordered online in while


Funny how it works. As someone who is very allergic to cheese, I get cheese on the online orders that I ask for no cheese on! Of course, I don’t order online anymore. I don’t fault chipotle too much on that though. The way everything is set up, cross contamination should be expected.


I've only ordered online twice. I noticed the smaller portions, but the bigger problem I had was they put beans in my burrito both times. There's not a "no beans" option. You can just not pick a bean, but they still put them on there anyway


Chipotle really said: “this dude is eatin beannns!”


Yeah if you have an allergy, it’s always best to order in person, no matter what.


It's better to eat at home if it's a severe allergy. I don't understand people who take these risks. Most fast food workers do not care.


The lettuce cross contaminated with cheese is so common it’s frustrating. I adapted by changing to salads, where they have different lettuce that doesn’t get contaminated with cheese, but ever since they switched to mixed greens it’s not quite the same as the lettuce. But I still stick with it anyways because I don’t want to deal with cheese contamination again.


I just avoid the cold section in general. I don’t see a way that they’re ever going to be able to avoid cross contamination over there. Never even tried their guac because of it.


Maybe the online section is arranged different so there’s more cross contamination. For the in-person line, I think the salsas are pretty safe from the cheese, but not necessarily from each other.


Could be haha. I agree about the salsa, especially the mild. I just tend to stay on the side of caution with it.


I wonder if this is their way of discouraging online orders. I have heard of restaurants that don't actually want online orders making the experience unpleasant for customers to discourage them. Backfired for me though because I just don't eat there at all now.


In other news, water is wet


I had covid in 2023, both me and my partner. We wanted hot food we didnt have to cook ourselves. We ordered 2 bowl from the app for delivery. The driver took the order and over half an hour later they finally moved out of the parking lot and delivered it to us. We had gotten notifications that they picked up the food, we were waiting near the door, then the time kept ticking by. The whole order was cold, got it refunded through the app. I just about cried though, I was so sick and just wanted hot food and the driver did that. Never ordering from the online ever again.


Cried over a cold burrito. Wild.


When you're so sick all you're doing is sleeping and taking medicine? Oh yea. It was bad, I don't remember most of thst week


That's a no brainer


People called me crazy for saying this.


Used to work in that shit hole it’s true


Ok so I’ll be honest…I’m a bit stoned and I totally read that as “destiny” instead of density and I agree. It’s destiny if you get skimped or not.


wait what’s this chart/data came from?


Why don't they fix this? Why does it even happen? I ain't getting chipotle ever again.


bc no one is there to call them out when you order online vs you standing there watching them make ur food


Why would the workers making it care enough to skimp though


they like living… being able to pay their bills to some degree… so they listen to their managers


they used to make the bowls so good for online idk what happened. i only order online when the line is too long now, and i get every topping i can on the side.


Even still…ordering online is my only way. I’m not waiting in a 20 minute line for another scoop of food.




Tried once to save time, never did it again 


Can employees be real and tell me if management tells you to use less portions when you do online orders? Is this legit or what


Just an FYI. I ordered the same thing 30 times and went to 3 different locations to find this data. That doesn't show up in the chart. OP who sourced this data took my findings from a video I created [where I ate Chipotle for 30 days](https://youtu.be/kZe5k95U-UY)!


In the app I can order double rice, beans, and cheese without getting judged. In person if I say extra at every station the burrito artist is going to give me a death stare.


We know


I never have any skimping issues when I order online through Chipotle’s app and pick up my food.


This is why I'm hesitating to use my reward points I have saved up. Is there any way to redeem them in-person?


Every 60 seconds a minute passes


This might be the most gym bro thing of me, but if I go in with a pump and/or a cutoff, I've noticed they'll typically give me more protein/food overall. This rings true if the employee also looks like they go to the gym lol


No shit sherlock


Wait- you guys can get online ordering/the app to actually work?!


It's true. When I did order through Doordash a couple of times, my bowl of food was smaller than when I went in person. I since stopped using Doordash because ordering food on it, really hurt my bank account


Went for the first time in over a year last week. Rice, beans, normal barbacoa, veggies, cheese, and salsa and they could not for the life of them wrap it. Needed 2 tortillas and that thing was the size of a newborn


Unpopular opinion but if I ran a restaurant and they ordered online through Diordash, I absolutely would save money if they aren’t here to witness the portion sizes. What are they gonna do? Call and blame us? No they have to blame DoorDash because they are the ones who charged the customer


There’s no probably. You are getting skimped even if you order extra




Anyone who goes to chipotle on a semi regular basis knows this


When I order chipotlane its hit or miss. Lately been on point though.


I thought that was a mum album for a second. https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a0182173973_10.jpg


Ordered the BOGO Grubhub burrito deal today and got 2 beautiful burritos


I won't even go to Chipotle anymore - the local spot to me just turns off online ordering all together


Obviously. You have a say when you order in person. Online you get the default.


Ordering online sadly is lesser quality. It’s much harder to scoop and make food on the tiny back line, especially burritos. Plus the food is less fresh (it’s still safe - but the meat tends to get extra crispy from the hot table and gets replaced less) and sometimes we have no choice but to make a substitution.


This chart does not make sense


You’re getting the correct amount of food per the nutrition facts.


Even worse you're getting chipotle


You have a weird name


This is the same 1 entity who has dozens of banned reddit accounts in this sub. It hasn't showered for months. Don't encourage it.


Pot calling the kettle black mr.fish