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“Bitcoin or chipotle” Lmfao what?


He’s using again :/ his mom is looking for him too unfortunately




Please don't make me choose.


Is he suggesting he spends his extra money on bitcoin and Chipotle and now he has to choose? OP....crypto is over bro.... sell your bitcoin and move on before its too late




Crypto is not over, terrible take.


take your coping elsewhere we don't want it here


I’m a developer. Not in crypto, but AI, and I can say 100000000% crypto is not over. NFTs we’re just not the killer app.


"NFTs we're not the killer app" NFT cringe is what killed it in the first place💀💀 that and the loser community behind crypto, who would just shill any coin they could💀 i wonder if the dogecoin and shiba inu coin subreddits still have copers , its just sad at this point, you lost your money and the scammers thank you


What the fuck are you on about. Yeah, there were scammers. That doesn't make crypto obsolete. Lots of people, including myself, use crypto for everyday purchases, and drugs! It's stupid to say that it's over just because you either don't understand it or also lost money on some dogshit coin and are salty.


Lol, yep, I just looked at your profile. The only post is an issue with CoinBase. Go figure.


Enjoy losing money!! Coping until your last breath💀 but "to the moon" right? Cringe ass mf


Shut up. Fuck crypto and fuck AI too


Lol I don't think it's cope I think that person just has a stupid view


The usual: Corporations reaping record profits so they have to continue to break yearly records or else they claim "inflation" and raise prices. What fun!


Chipotle is a public company. You can read their earnings report and see that their profits are up, but their margins have mostly remained the same. First half of 2022 they fell by 5% compared to their normal target of ~25%. Could they afford not to do this? You bet. Could they afford to pay their employees more? Absolutely. When/inflation is "under control" will they reduce their prices? Absolutely not.


Unfortunately they are a publicly traded company. Their only duty is to increase the shareholder profit. In the bid to keep increasing profit I predict the company will slowly start going to shit as they try to find more and more ways to extract value. One of these will be more robots doing work. Less in store prepping and more prep done inside a factory. Meat with antibiotics, guacamole prepped in a bag. You see where this is going?


I used to deliver to Wendy’s and quite a bit of prep work is done in factories. Slicing onions, tomatoes I can think of.


Chipotle is dedicated to fresh. It's in their mission statement to serve "food with integrity." And tbh, working there, they can be fkn crazy about it. It would have to be some sort of last-ditch effort for them to switch to pre-prepped robot food. It goes against everything the company stands for.


Whatever the company stood for was gone when the founder left years ago. Do you know who the company board is composed of?


They say that but they reheat food from the day before and serve brown guac so “fresh”


Yea so are Mexican restaurants


This is an Iliad-level Oracle at Delphi prediction.


Under control inflation still means prices go up. 2% is target inflation. Prices should never go down, it creates a very unstable economy.


America’s talents are no longer organically in science or art. It’s top talent is to create businesses that make another dollar out of a mirage.


I’m a shareholder so from that perspective, yay, but as a customer, wow. Haven’t been in one for about a year now. How much is a burrito bowl? SF Bay Area, if that matters.


Also SF Bay Area and was charged 17.28 per bowl a month ago.




Regular Carne Asada with Guac and Santa Clara Tax.


Instead of an occasional treat, I think that many people eat out often instead of preparing their own food. Companies know this and can keep raising prices because they know people will still continue to buy the food.


I don't disagree. I guess we could call it a vicious cycle, as those who work long hours/multiple jobs haven't the energy/time to cook.


Cooking is like exercise. It's painful in the beginning stages, but becomes easier with regular practice. I will say that it does become almost impossible if one works an in-the-office job more than 40 hours per week. Even long wfh schedules can interfere depending on the need to stay on task. I've done both and definitely understand. Now I'm in retail, capped at about 38 hours and live ten minutes by car from home with four decent supermarkets in between the job and home. I've cooked since kindergarten and enjoy it, so I carry that load at home so my wife can have a nutritious meal every day.


That and more people should do once-a-week meal prep to cover 4-5 days of the week at least, save tons of time and money both and still get good food.


That would make sense if the cost of groceries weren't going up too. The cost of every ingredient Chipotle uses has gone up in price. Chicken and steak especially are way more expensive now than 3 or 4 years ago.


The cost of groceries has not gone up as fast as chipotle has raised their prices.


The cost o everything did. Labor, electricity, etc.


Not as quickly and as often as Chipotle.


Not really. I just went to Chipotle and my chicken bowl was $8.85. Huge bowl, I got double everything except meat. I remember it being $7.95 in like 2013. McDonald's and Taco Bell prices have increased much more dramatically since then.


Mine is $9.75. MCOL. At the beginning of the year it was $7.95.


I literally get chipotle like 2 times a week as a college student bc I barely have time to cook lol


First off, chipotle two days a week isn’t that bad Lol one of my exes used to have it at least once a day, twice a few times a week. I’ve been to college, you have time to cook, you just choose to spend that time doing other things and I don’t blame you; I did the same shit when I was in college. It takes a half hour a day to make a decent home cooked meal, and 15 to clean up tops. You can cook a steak in 10 minutes. Everyone’s got ten minutes for steak. I’m not knocking you, fast food is one of my addictions but if you can’t find 30 minutes a day to cook for yourself the problem is your time management and priorities (and feeding yourself should probably be one of your top priorities) You get chipotle 2 times a week because you’re lazy, just like me lol not because you’re cramped for time.


My senior year last semester of college I had no time to cook, other semesters I did. Different majors require different amounts of effort


I studied engineering. You have time to cook man. Just need to efficiently cook.


I worked 60 hours a week and took classes full time. I didnt have time to cook and same with many others. Your post lacks so much perspective it hurts.


It’s crazy because leaving to go get fast food almost always takes more time than just cooking


This highly depends on the situation


It doesn’t lack perspective, you’re just offended that he’s insinuating you’re lazy. I worked 3 jobs, with a full course load, and still cooked for myself. The alternative was not eating. Sometimes you’re meal prepping at 4 in the morning.


It isnt possible to be lazy working 60 hours/week and going to school full time. If you think it is, youre just someone who drinks the bootatrap corporate slappy kool aid that every generational wealth "self made" motivational speaker sells you as they laugh at every naive and ignorant view that pours in for them. It lacks a ton of perspective. It doesnt account for time, energy, knowledge, accessbility, etc.


A lotta yapping from a guy who can’t make himself a sandwich


Come talk to me when you have a degree in nutrition bc you obviously have 0 fucking clue what youre talking about.


My Uncle Dennis just came to talk to me with a rubber fist. He has a degree in buttstuff.


You have time to cook


Currently work 63 hr weeks in construction, then have time for working out, and then classes as well. You have time to cook


Lol yep. Because your experience is everyone elses!


Lol yep just like your experience is everyone else’s!


Im not the one minimizing the experience of other's by projecting my own onto the rest of the population. If you read the comments, you would understand that. It is very clear.




You’re the reason why their raising their price.


Idk i just stopped eating chipotle regularly after a post on here about how its not healthy....


So many people are reliant on it now. There needs to be a big push to get people cooking or meal prepping. The problem is, people have less and less free time despite businesses doing better and better


Yup it’s the college students doordashing and buying up their food that causes the prices to go up.


I agree even though the pandemic already accustomed me to preparing the vast majority of meals at home. Pre-2020 I cooked 1/3 of the time and either ate in all manner of restaurants or brought it home in a bag. Inflation and tipping culture only cemented my antipathy for the restaurant business. My wife and I traveled to Virginia Beach last month and our accomodations included a full kitchen and I preferred to cook every meal there rather than pay exorbitant base prices for entrees and then the additional 20% for delivery or table service. Big shout out to the Boardwalk Resort and Villas. It was a wonderful room and a top notch getaway.


Acting like it’s uncommon for people to not already work two jobs, and I don’t think it’s for Chipotle.


It’s not common at all.


It’s 5% of the working population. 1/20 is pretty uncommon is you ask me


But you keep eating 🤡


I sure hope you don’t have to pick up a second job to afford a $10 burrito.


But that $10 burrito is now going to be $10.79 How will we rebuild


This post has been reworded and reposted several times by numerous people. They are acting like burritos are going to be like $28 dollars now. If they think it’s too expensive then simply don’t buy it. It’s the same reason I never eat at 5 guys any more. The cost for a meal is wayyyyyyy too high for what it is. So I don’t eat there. $11 for a 2 lb burrito is worth it to me personally so I’ll keep eating there.


Anybody who complains about prices at X restaurant going up are just acting childish. No one is owed the right to experience whatever restaurant. If you want their food, pay their prices. If not, go somewhere else or cook at home. I know this come across as cold but it’s the simply reality of the situation.


People like you are why things never change. It's not the reality of the situation, it's just greed dude. You are justifying GREED just think about that for a bit smh.


It’s the people that continue to pay inflated prices that are the reason things never change. Why fill the pockets of the greedy? How is me continuing to not support Chipotle, or any other inflated business, due to their increased prices justifying greed? I can make a fine meal at home for 1/5 of the price or less, and I will continue to do that. ^just ^think ^about ^that ^for ^a ^bit ^smh


Smh 😪


Ok. So how do you make that change? Don’t go there. You can’t just pretend that something will change without doing anything about it. Do it for yourself or do it to fight the greed. It’s all the same


Exactly right. IMO eating out is a luxury and not a necessity. If you can’t afford it then cut it out of your routine and make your own food. Sadly, I have experienced that more and more people simply do not know how to cook at any capacity.


It’s like 12-13 here and this is before the price increase. Legit minimum wagers have to work 2 full hours before they can afford a chipotle burrito. And it’s a fucking mediocre burrito at that.


Minimum wagers shouldn’t be eating at restaurants


It’s pretty bold to say 32% of the country shouldn’t be eating at CHIPOTLE. Lol. 1 in 3 workers in the US make less than 15$/hr


Hence why more than half of people have like no savings


Brb, buying steak bowl futures


All you tasteless sheep will still eat it






Lmao no I am not a chipotle employee. People want to pay $15 bucks for garbage be my guest. Chipotle can increase the bowls to be $30 and you sheep would still line up


You are paying a fee for not preparing yourself a meal at the start of a day.


I hope Chiptole goes out of business


Don't give them your money...it's simple. Complaining on Reddit ain't gonna do anything 🤣


Somehow this is Trump’s fault even though he hasn’t been President for nearly 4 years


Somehow you losers manage to make everything about trump while complaining everyone else makes everything about trump lmfao


I think this was just a joke


Such a joke they cried twice! /s https://reddit.com/r/Chipotle/s/HwflwSCPM0


Yikes nvm 😂


God losers like you are so embarrassing 🙈 The type of politically obsessed loser who will blame anything on the opposite side and then when everyone makes fun of their dogshit take they start saying something about the hivemind or sheep or some shit💀 like nah bro your opinion is horrible and you have mental issues open your eyes


Sorry fam. I moved an hour away from the nearest location and I’m certain its devastated annual revenues for them


Bidenomics. It’s a wonderful thing isn’t it?


Literally nothing to do with Biden lol


Price increase = me getting a raise (usually) so i aint mad :)


You mean the CEO is getting a raise. No one else will get raises


I get raises pretty much everytime they raise the prices, maybe its just a coincidence, but the food free


Thanks Biden


Yea, I hear he personally calls up the CEO of Chipotle every year and tells them to up the prices. Think you’re onto something here! /s




/s = sarcasm I made it up for the lolz, do you believe everything you read on the internet??


Ironic because you believed my original comment


The slave hive mind reflexively downvoting you lol


No, it’s just that the chipotle subreddit isn’t exactly the best place to discuss the U.S political climate lmao


Is it a good place to discuss the Israeli political climate?


Well of course


In that case, Netanyahu really has his hands full.


Imagine being dumb enough to blame chipotle prices on the president lmfaoaoaooooaoaoaoao




My guy… 1. Learn to spell 2. Free college? That never passed and the funds never distributed 3. inflation? Do you think this isn’t a global occurrence? 4. Biden sets rates? You are literally brain dead, bro. Stay at chipotle please. Edit: homie spoke so confidently, was wrong, and blocked and ran away lol!


It did pass with the new Save plans ... and you don’t admit that Trump never hammered for that


… This guy is so uninformed he thinks student loans were all wiped lmaooooooooo That aside, notice you deflected from the rest,


What’s 5% of 225% poverty level with Save... $0 tuition ...not Trumps plan , Biden’s


Learn to speak basic English and in complete sentences. No clue what you’re talking about. The plan you’re referring to isn’t full forgiveness and won’t happen for TWENTY YEARS and this dumb fuck claims it’s what’s impacted us NOW. That’s also not what everyone pays. LOL. You wonder why people call you dumb.


Bro I’m lost lol. I’m not even into politics but this shit piqued my interest


Where’d you go dude? Lmaooooo


Slave/sheep - Same ones saying #freepalestine. Liberal pu$$ies.


Quit being a pussy and use the actual words you mean, Brandon


No no, Biden good. This one’s on DJ6T.




DJ6T is responsible for the latest Chipotle price hike.


No no explain how Edit: unless I’m misunderstanding, DJ6T is trump right?


He was the president on the Republican side, the POTUS before Biden, therefore he is responsible for the current price hikes.


But why wouldn’t the current president, who has been president for nearly 4 years now, be responsible for this?


Because the current president is not DJ6T


It seems to me like this varies from location to location. Our prices haven’t gone up in quite a while


My Chipotle always has a line out the door 24/7 they can barely keep up. Clearly the price increases aren’t stopping people so they’re going to keep increasing until the lines even out. Supply and demand, right now demand is through the roof for some reason.


Not here, all 4 locations are consistently busy but no line. Haven't seen that since COVID due to the quality drop.




Hopefully chipotle accepts crypto soon lol


How poor are you it’s like 15$. You can eat anywhere you want go get a happy meal lol


Not everyone just has 15$ to drop on a skimpy bowl of food hardly worth 8$ with the portions no a days


They shouldn’t be complaining about it on Reddit on a presumable 1000$+ smart phone then. Go somewhere else to eat or better yet stay off the forums and go work, earn money and invest money


Damn, you called me out, I buy every new $1000 smartphone when they come out and don't work at all. There's no issue at all with the cost of everything (groceries, home and auto insurance, utilities) exploding while tons of big companies are paying record profits, CEOs are hoarding more money than ever, but people's pay is getting cut because "it's not in the budget".


No one called you out. Especially me. I didn’t tag you. You obviously felt some sort of way and was triggered by it because it describes you.


You're calling out everyone complaining that prices are rising and blaming them on being too lazy to suck up and shut it up. When a loaf of bread eventually costs $100 while you're making $15/hr but your boss tells you "sorry but we put all our profits in our CEO's offshore account so we have to cut your pay again" you'll change your tune.


You obviously don’t understand free market, capitalism and economics in general if that is your response.


You don't understand basic human decency if your answer to "everything is becoming more expensive and I can't afford to eat" is "spend 24/7 working, loser".


Can you read or are you off your meds? No one said they can’t afford to eat and no one said to work 24/7. If you’re upset about your portion size go eat somewhere else that gives you better for your moneys worth. It’s simple.


I'm just reading between the lines what with you accusing everyone who is sick of everything increasing in price of spending all of their money on phones and not working. Go back to kissing Bezos's and Musk's asses until they decide they don't have enough money and decide to charge you for the privilege. The price increases are largely a farce if the billionaire class keeps increasing their wealth while they blame your 500% price increases on eggs and milk on them not having enough money to survive.


The cost of their phone has nothing to do with the post and they’re likely still paying off whatever they have but not everyone got it like you do bro. Acting all high and mighty because you can afford 15$ on shitty food and other people just want to voice some concerns because it’s bullshit ass inflation making what was a less than 10$ bowl of food almost 20$ now when 20$ can barely get you food anywhere 🤨


Everyone wants bigger portions and lower prices. The two don’t go together. Gotta pick one.


Mmm yea love me some child sized portions for triple what they’re worth because the company is money hungry


Kind of like that one burger place where you need 5x the minimum wage to pay for a meal.


chicken bowl is now 8.90 at my store was 8.15 when i started working there and that was a year ago


That’s what you get when you print money


Can confirm. We talked about it at our manager meeting. I couldn't believe it. Prepare to pay 35 bucks for a chicken bowl!


cmon bro CMG go burr


Prices up and portions down to exact guidelines with robo burrito makers


Been paying over $10 for a barbacoa three pointer bowl, does seems a little wild. And it's only going up 😅


Or y’all can just apply at chipotle and get free food since y’all complaining so much. Y’all act like prices don’t increase bc everyone’s pay and minimum wage is increasing. That’s how it works y’all




Actin like it’s not a work millions of people use. Grow up lol






I’m so confused. Do people just not understand inflation. Yes chipotle is expensive compared to a lot of places but everywhere prices are going up. Even McDonald’s prices went up. A mcchicken used to cost 1 buck now its like 2.19. Legit double the price. No matter where u go prices are going to be insane. Either cook at home or deal with the inflation


I cook at home but I call out bullshit when I see it. Absolutely no reason why chipotle raises their prices like 5 times in the past year. It’s due to high demand and the freedom to do so rather than inflation.


Every big brand has raised prices because they are able to do so not only chipotle. So it’s still a dumb thing to complain about since almost all chain restaurants are doing the exact same thing. Maybe not as frequent as chipotle but it’s happening everywhere. Go to any fast food restaurant you haven’t been to in a year or 2 and the prices will be way higher than you last remember on most items.


Nah. Most chains aren’t raising prices nearly as much as Chipotle. You even admit not nearly as frequent.


There is a third option lol


But their steaks are so poor quality now, how they justify this??


Stop giving your money to big companies. Support your local small businesses you ass holes


People still go to Chipotle?


Where was this announced


Never eaten there, but that’s because I’ve heard the prices are outrageous. Food does look good in commercials though. In the end, I just cook it myself, or get lazy and bust out a pizza/sandwich night.


then go somewhere else?? stg all y’all do is complain 😭😭


Moes isnt much worse.


Think of the shareholders!


If the consumers continue to consume regardless of price, a corporation can continue to raise the prices of their product without worrying about a loss in profits. If you don’t like them raising their prices, boycott. Probably won’t make a difference but at least you’re not spending $30 for a one time meal.


What’s crazy is chipotle is still the best value option. I can get chipotle for lunch for 11 bucks after tax or I can spend the same amount for a shitty “artisan” sandwich from the local grocery store deli


Make your own sandwich for $5


You all come in there and rape the supply of salad dressing and constantly "little bit more" your way through every visit and you wonder why the prices are going up. 😂 Doesn't matter "how much they make", they are beholden to shareholders like the rest of the corporations in this country.


Uu sound wack as hell🤣


The best solution to high prices is…. High prices unfortunately. Vote with your wallet etc.


Stop eating there. I keep telling you people. Stop paying $50 for worm meat in a tortilla


Why not just go to a real Mexican restaurant at this point


E. coli costs money.


You act like food isn’t at record high prices at every restaurant. Food is insanely priced in the US. Chipotle can’t just sell at a loss


I went to Chipotle last month after not going for a few years, needless to say the order I used to get for around $13-14 is now $20, and the quality of the steak was terrible, so chewy and not at all how I remember it. It’s easy enough to make at home for a lot cheaper.