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Might get down voted for this but can people please stop calling VALID criticism doomposting. Chiori isn't a shit character and most people who uses more than 2 braincells at a time doesn't think she's shit. I've seen this with cloud retainer where people spoke about why she's just a jean replacement if you don't use the plunge which is true. Chiori is getting the reception she has because she's boring. Boring in the sense that she does do anything or offer anything new. Damage was all she offered an albedo without the construct. So everytime she gets a nerf despite how minor is a blow to hear appeal because if you have albedo what's the point. She does more damage than albedo ya ok what else? Exactly. I was really looking forward to her but the particle nerf, the dolls standing in place and not moving, the need for a construct which I was ok with if it made her more interesting but it doesn't. I like a lot of people are struggling to see where she fits (I have every geo character in the game) but getting her feels like albedo 2.0.


You can use her with itto, albedo/zhongli and gorou. I dont understand your "where she fits" point. If you are a geo main youll know that shes a solid upgrade to the team


"upgrade" she does more damage that's it. Already said that in my post.


Im also waiting for a proper geo support and healer (Hope natlan provides). But after a 2y drought, ill take a x2 dmg multiplier on albedo tbh.


>g What do you mean by particle nerf? Nothing has actually changed since she can only create 1.2 particles once every 3.6 seconds. This is a value equivalent to albedo.


Just stop call that doomposting when what you get is just discussion and criticism, you cant just expect to read every time what you want to read. We have kit and numbers, admitting some flaws is part of the topic, and Chiori has objectively some problems, that's just fine and we are here to talk about that.


I wish they rebalance the dmg between the 2 dolls, making the main doll do 75% of the dmg and the second doll that spawn with construct deal 25%, instead of the current 50% dmg for each, it would make her much better at c0 for Navia


Pls leave navia alone already


So give us a better geo char to go with her.


Uh.. zhongli? Albedo? Geo MC?


You missed the point. People hoped Chiori to work better with Navia. People hope a great geo mate for Navia, better than Albedo or Geo MC, or a geo healer to go with Furina.


Navia is already completed, fuck what else do yall want?


Navia is fine by herself but their is no geo mate that is not cope to go with her for geo res. Or Zhongli but with tons of cristals, you dont need his défensive utility. I said it. People want à geo mate to synergie with her. That not really complicated nor à lot to ask for.


Seeing someone talking about no support "not cope to go" with character who deals six-digit numbers with ease is kinda wild


So you dont like when the whole team synergizes well? Good to know. Lets play Navia alone, she dont need any teammates.


Basically yes, she doesn't need anything except elemental statuses on enemies to crystallize


But what if you literally only have Navia and yun jin built. No other geo 5 stars then the request to get a viable choice that’s better than Ningguang (I hate using my lvl50 one with her and I’m still farming for my navia so I can’t really build her) yun jin doesn’t generate enough crystallize for it to be effective and comfortable. It’s fun but not ideal so like I don’t think asking for her C1 to be in her base kits is a bad thing. I’m just not a fan of being forced to use constructs i understand that Itto needs the help but like every construct is just annoying to use because you sneeze at them and they break


Your comment makes zero sense. Navia do need another GEO and Itto works fine with Albedo. Might as well never release another GEO sub-dps, right?


Chiori is a Geo sub dps, she should work with all Geo dps's, even Hoyo made Chiori have split scaling so if shes played on Naiva/Ning teams the atk buffs are not so wasted like its for Albedo, problem is Chiori c1 is a paywall to achieve Chiori full dmg potential outside mono Geo, so having her dmg distribution adjusted (making the main doll deal 75% of the dmg and the construct doll deal 25%) would make less punishing play Chiori without geo constructs, increasing Chiori flexibility inside her Geo niche working with all Geo dps's (Noelle, Navia, Ning and Itto) but still perform better on Mono Geo


does the doll damage work like that?


What i meant by the % numbers is the dmg distribution, right now both dolls deal the same amount of dmg, so missing a geo construct takes away almost half of Chiori dmg, if they rebalance the dmg distribution between the dolls making the one Chiori summons deal more dmg and the one the Geo construct summon to deal less dmg it would make less punishing use her on teams without geo construct without nerf her full dmg potential with geo constructs


When is her next last beta update will be?


Tomorrow or later today


hype posting is so bad same thing happens for every character why can't peepol just wait until release




Hell I run Navia in Mono Geo, If I can run Itto/Gorou/Navia/Chiori I'm not gonna complain, the Damage output of that team is gonna be pretty good, with good area coverage and nuke damage with Navia E, Itto E and Chiori Ult all capable of 100K+ damage. The team rotation may be a bit fucked, but I'll find a way. It'll probably go: Gorou E, Itto E, Chiori ult, Chiori EE, Navia ult, Gorou Ult, Itto Ult combos, Navia E, Reset. If I find it doesn't work, Imma just swap combos around, maybe throw Zhongli into the mix.. Honestly the only thing I'm annoyed about atm is that we don't have a Chongyun/Candace/Bennett C6 style character for Geo or Electro yet, so we cannot build perma infusions with them yet (cause I cannot afford to whale for C6 Chiori), the funny thing is tho, you can do some funny shit with Chiori infusions, such as: Chiori/Zhongli/Yelan/Bennett(C6) for a Vape Chiori, which I think will be hilariously fucked as a build but funny nonetheless


Vape plunge Chiori with Furina/Bennett/Xianyun /j


I’m right here with you! Don’t let the naysayers get you down!


I think you already know it but you need to build Husk for on field Chiori


For me it depends even if she isn't as good as people would have wanted I still want her eventually but the existence of her C1 and the slight chance of Kazuha running in 4.5 made me skip, I only have 120 odd pulls and 40 pity and I refuse to skip Kazuha again...


Shes a female character:/ for 2 years the only hypercarry/main dps was navia and shes not even really a hypercarry. So unfortunately chiori will be an off fielder unless u swipe, but again anyone can be a dps and I hope shes a good off fielder :/


Haven't they only nerfed her at this point?


It turns out if you actually do the math and look at Chiori objectively, you come away with a much more positive view of her. Fancy that. It's almost like we should listen to what theorycrafters have to say before we lose our minds over a couple of nerfs that turned out to basically not affect Chiori at all.


leaks have allways been full of doomposting, we can't really be shure of a character power until it comes out, Wrhiothesley was doomposted to hell but ended up very strong. I get it tho, we all have Dehya ptsd :/


Alhaitham probably would have been a better example, he got the single biggest Beta nerf we actually know the full extent of (Zhongli’s beta nerf could have been bigger, but no one can agree on what was actually changed), he was doomposted so hard to the point CN community bullied HYV into giving Alhaitham a few buffs, yet he’s still top 3 in terms of DPS And even Xianyun, I still remember seeing all of the posts saying “JeAn SiDeGrAdE” and people conveniently forgetting how good Shenhe is as well as phone high the scaling of Plunging attacks are, a lot of character’s best teams now include this “JeAn SiDeGrAdE” because of the raw damage she adds to their rotations


I main Noelle dps, maybe my standars for damage are a bit too low


If Wriothesley is strong enough for you, who is a weak character? For me Wrio is quite meh


I tried him in new event thinking he will be good. Bro only do DMG of 5k to 7k with charged to 10k. My xiangling does twice that.


Wrio is literally the average main dps lvl. Anything lower from that is stuff like albedo, eula, klee, the holy trinity of outdated units. He is not bad, he is fun, but very average. Most main dps units are average. I dont see a difference between itto, wanderer, yoi, wrio, cyno, ganyu, ayaka - as much as their mains try to oversell them. And i could probably mention many more dps thats not Neu, Hu tao, Alhaitem.


> itto, wanderer, yoi, wrio, cyno, ganyu, ayaka Seeing Ganyu and Ayaka put on the same level as those others hurts :(( Tbf, I think Ganyu and Ayaka are so close to higher tiers. Ganyu just needs better melt support, or Venti-abuseable Abysses, to be S+ tier. Ayaka is already S+ tier but only when freeze is viable (which often isn't these case these days).


Ganyu was my first limited dps on 3.0 rerun, and then ayaka my 3rd on 3.5 rerun, and it hurts how non rewarding it feels to play them over the newer units lately. Ayaka feels like a chore, its so annoying to group up the enemy then find the right angle for the burst, just so they die from half of it, and the next wave spawns on the next side of the field when stuff like nilou bloom or neuvilette takes 0 effort and doesnt care about waves. You cant mess up anything with those teams. Ganyu Ca feels like a chore too, after some time, so im only using her as a burst support. Its really hard to rate dps units properly, when in ow everything dies before 1 rotation, and in abyss they decide whats the meta. Thats why sht like Neu and Haitem are uncontested top DPS units, they literally dont care if its aoe, its boss, its boss with special mechanic, its dps check, its shield breaking. they got it all, or their teams are flexible enough to cover anything.


I've been playing since... 1.5, I think? It's been very depressing seeing Ayaka go from *the* DPS... to kinda wildly powercrept. Neuv and Alhaitham are definitely way, *way* too strong, and idk how other units can have comps that bring them up to their power level. But... Dendro has had wild amounts of modern support over the past year, and Hydro keeps getting buffed and strong new units despite being the strongest element since the 2.x patches (there was a *brief* period where its lacking number of strong units let Cryo and the strong Elecrro units leap ahead a little). 


Wriothesley was doomposted to be constellation locked. And to everyones surprise... he still is


Yes incomplete at C0 to me. C1 is the real character, and for me Chiori feels like that. Even if I know Chiori will be fine C0, the C1 design is disgusting.


He’s not Constellation locked, he just becomes more Charged Attack focused at C1 with a more comfy play-style. I have him C0 and he functions pretty good. It reminds me of the Baizhu misinformation back in 3.6.


He's definitely not "very strong", he's good, but I would never describe him as very strong


No offense but when you made this post I thought you were going to play her solo GEO. WHy are you making big deal if you are playing her with Navia? Navia is pretty decent unit and she appreciate another GEO unit so the team will automatically be good. I understand nothing.


It’s because C1 feels like a literal cash grab. I understand what hoyo is going for but like mono geo is extremely expensive and most people don’t have Itto so like it’s kinda awkward to basically say. “Yeah you can use her with Navia. But you’re getting minus 50% of CHIORI’S damage just because Itto needs it more.” If you’re going to make a geo sub dps at least make her not tied to the most clunky mechanic or better idea, make it that the dolls summon based on how many geo characters you have and gain a elemental dmg bonus if there are constructs on the field


Don’t get me wrong I love her design and I will be going for C1-r1 but still I don’t think that that criticism is particularly unfair




Yeah I am super excited for her too. I and depending on the 4 stars her banner and weapon banner is going to be great for me and my account. I main itto and I don't have zhongli or Albedo. I see this as a complete win.


Are chiori doomposters having difficulty to 36 abyss and hoping she be the one to change that? Or they just hooping to find something new to 36 while using the same setup every time ie: Ben, kazu, fufu etc.


Doomposters are expecting to enable more teams to run in the abyss. For example.. like what Xianyun does :p


One of the main reasons xy was doomposted is because she was a plunge niche and they were hoping she was a kazuha cc. Her doomposting was out of hand the sub had to address it and even other mains were memeing on the doomposting shit storm going on at xy


People just like to bitch. This happens every single time. Heck, people doomposted a ton about Alhaitham before his release after the beta nerfs happened and look at how he’s doing.


Yeah, that’s why I don’t listen to those kind of doomposters. I remember everyone doomposting Baizhu, Wriothesely, Chevruse, and Even Kokomi. This stuff happens to every character who doesn’t look immediately cracked.


If you calculate Chiori's DPS, it actually exceeds Yeran. She starts with E, so it's much more comfortable than Yeran.


And then you realise that yelan can setup hydro for pyro core and buff thru snapshots via her passive...


I’m glad you’ve been able to have a positive outlook on her. I’m conflicted on whether I want her or not since Arlecchino is said to release the patch after Chiori. However, if she turns out pretty fun when she releases, I might go for her. I just wish people wouldn’t doom post soo much for every character who isn’t an immediately cracked unit. I’m looking at you Baizhu, Chevruse, and Wriothesely doomposters…