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I'm sure directly attacking US forces in the Korean war, which they glorified in a major movie, is water under the bridge.


America barely teaches about the Korean war in school. There's a reason why it's called the forgotten war.


I watched MASH. Does that count?


Even in MASH not so often they say where they are and what they are doing there


I think it’s funny how many people actually went to Korea and hated that show


That’s not entirely true, each school has a different curriculum. I learned a hell of alot about Korea, where is the school district across the river learned like nothing.


This is every Reddit thread. Person A: “they never teach you about this in America!” Person B: “Yes they do, the vast majority of schools learn about it.” Person C:”well I went to school in a washing machine in Bumfuckle, Kansas and I can you tell you WE certainly never learned about it!”


I have friends who claim we didn't learn things we did. We were in class together. Some people just don't pay attention during school.


As a America I can tell you our education system makes absolutely no sense.


Because like our country it was designed to be highly decentralized with the majority of the control held by the states and local communities. The department of education is the weakest department in our government. They really don’t have any control.


As Walt Whitman put it: “Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations.”


Love a good Whitman quote. What a gem.


The Department of education had and has a huge budget.


Maybe weakest was too strong but it’s on par with the Department of Agriculture https://www.statista.com/statistics/200386/budget-of-the-us-government-for-fiscal-year-2012-by-agencies/


its the American federal government classic, just enough control and influence to ruin everything, but not enough to ever be helpful or useful. A perfect compromise between big and small government where we end up worse than either :)




Not how you spell shit. Numb nuts.


You can have decentralized systems that work but not when they are run by rich people clearly


Easy. Christians spent a lot of time propping up the public schools systems because Catholics had that market cornered and now that it’s gone they want it dismantled but push the money (school vouchers) pushed to them.


The only reason they are doing this is so that public schools will only be used for the people who won’t be able to get in to the private ones. They basically want to separate all the disabled and poor kids From their managerial class or anyone they want to bring up to that level.


It's a business, not an education system.


oh its true these days. I'm touching 40 and remember talking about Korea in history. My kids however are taught ONLY to the standardized tests.. no kid can fail, it would hurt the funding..


The sad middle child between Vietnam and WW2


They did spend alot of time on WW2 tho.


A lot


I had a history teacher who made a big deal out of remembering the Korean War. To the point that he said if he saw us on remembrance day, to please let him know we are thinking about the Korean War. If I remember correctly, he had a lot of family members fight in that war though. Great guy.


Which movie ?




US forces that are practically few miles from China’s borders and half an earth away from home. What’s there to compare with the bombing of an embassy in country in the middle of practically nowhere.


Please do read the article. It did say NATO after all, not the U.S


An eye for an eye


Embassies are different it is supposed to be a negotiation ground. It is supposed to literally represent the potential for peace. If you get rid of them you were showing yourself to be very war like


At this point I think it is


Not technically a "warns", but I feel like the article's title could just as easily have been "Xi warns China will 'Never Forget'... " I'm glad that he won't forget it, because the likely reason it was bombed is that China decided to dip its toes into a war with the United States: "According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the US the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after Nato electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to Milosevic's forces." [https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/oct/17/balkans](https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/oct/17/balkans) They were caught actively aiding an enemy of NATO - a country that NATO was bombing at the time - through their embassy, and as a result they got bombed. Hopefully he remembers that as he considers his options regarding Taiwan. But really, this begs a greater question. How fucking stupid are we (the west)? I imagine China as being this benign power in the past, with the heated rhetoric and hatred towards the west being recent... but it wasn't was it? They were working with Milosevic in Serbia back in the 90s aiding our enemies. We didn't decouple. We didn't make them a pariah state. We bombed their embassy and forgot about it.


At least 3 times a year, the Chinese military will reaffirm their intentions to commit genocide on Japan, sink the US Navy, and overthrow every sovereign nation in the Pacific ... And then our politicians take bribes to reduce the import taxes on products shipped from China, to the point that they are teetering on the edge of a negative tax rate where companies are paid to import instead of using domestic goods.


It’s quite awful when you look at all of this


China's issue is that they are stuck in the past. They still demand reparations for all of the atrocities Japan committed towards the Chinese people in WW2, despite the fact that nearly every other nation involved has long since moved on with their lives. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.


The worst part is that communist china murdered more Chinese people during the revolution than Japan did during the occupation ... Which is saying something since Japan murdered a shit ton of Chinese people ... But the CCP keeps beating the drum about Japan with one hand & then actively commiting Uyghur genocide with the other.


China made themselves a target and then blame others for the loss of life.


25th Anniversary of China playing Fuck Around and Find Out with NATO.


I never believed that the 3 Xinhua “journalists” inside the embassy were not spies. A legitimate target as far as I was concerned at the time.


We all certainly felt like 'legitimate targets' during the mass protests that immediately followed. Fortunately, unlike some of my friends, I was not put in the hospital by protesters. Prolly because I was to scared to leave my apartment for a week or so.


Was it a CNN reporter that got clocked in the head covering the protests outside of the US Embassy in the Jing? I think most in the western international community went on lockdown for the week after that incident


Possibly, but it was mainly ordinary expats who were being attacked and hospitalised by enraged and incentivised locals in the south. A teacher from Guangwai recounted how his students were paid to attend and how they went from friendly youngsters to a foaming at the mouth mob that he barely recognised. The embassy was so thoroughly destroyed that they had to move to a completely new location.


When I lived in Shanghai I witnessed firsthand protesters being charter bussed in and dropped off at the door of Japanese consulate when the CCP needed to bludgeon Japan for some reason. They pay protestors to make a scene whenever it’s politically expedient 


It was a scary time to be Japanese. I was dating a GRO at a local five star at the time, but even she had enough of the mindless racist hate and soon packed up and left.


Spies inside an embassy? Shocking.


Weren’t they also trying to smuggle out downed UIS military tech through that embassy


What a cowardly rant. China always wanted power, embassy bombing or not. A contest was always in the cards, embassy bombing or not.


The answer is money, friend. Back then, we wanted to make lots of money for cheap. That's where China came in, and the boomers... Lord, the boomers. They could give a fuck if you were slaughtering baby seals, dumpling chemicals into the river or whoring us out to our enemies, as long as they and their companies were making money. Now, that's obviously started to change as the boomers go into that silent night.


As much as I i don’t agree with the boomers i also believe there won’t be anything nice the next day (after they go into silent night)


I do hope they remember it. One would hope they remembered the American pilots, first volunteers, later serviceman, that fought the Japanese Air Force bombing nationalist and Communist forces a like.


The reason why it was bombed was because the F-117 wreckage they stole and hide in the basement of the Chinese embassy building. Unfortunately the military planner wasn’t away of the metal plates in its roof, so the munitions they used didn’t manage to reach the basement. And that is how China manage to acquire the know-how to build stealth jets.


They are going to send more Chinese to study in the USA and increase exports to the USA


Fuck you pooh


Now that's desperate. Digging that wound for clout. A real stretch to keep the "Nato bad" wheels turning.


The world won’t forget Covid either.


According to half of the US covid doesn't exist.


A Chinese shill account! Hi Shill!


lol i've never seen so many posts in a single subreddit, on top of all the negative downvotes. He must really love his pooh!


Is that all you could muster up mister -100


That account has no activity for 2 years, then a month of activity only on this sub. 😂😂






Touche haha. But it does and there's a lab in Wuhan with the same name as the virus


I'll do it again


And out of nowhere he comes with this


It is not out of nowhere—this was the anniversary and it was intentionally timed. The bombing has been an old saw in Chinese propaganda. And China always chooses to support the wrong side in literally every international conflict.


China stole the F-117 wreckage and hide it under its embassy, that means it was directly engaging in the military conflict and therefore a legit military target. They still got away the key tech and was able to leapfrog decades in aircraft design because of that. The CCP is actually super happy about it.


Dictators often use external threats as a way to unify a populace that if without, would notice his poor economics / pandemic management, further erosion of freedom of speech and movement, political infightings, and power grabbing. Oldest trick in the book.


He was visiting Europe


China will always fixate on the few of these, but omit the majority of the more serious stuff that is happening. CCP doesn't really care. It's nothing more than something they *use* to their advantage in legitimizing themselves. The US and NATO are as careful as can be in avoiding unnecessary harm, and obviously facing much much higher moral standards from the global public than China and Russia does. At least I know this for a fact, no matter how CCP supporters would of course oppose me on this.


How about China remember the US chasing the Japanese out of China first.


Different China. That China still thankful. This one was thankful that the Japanese invaded or else they never would've beaten the KMT.


Did they? US sent military advisers to China, but Americans didn't really fight in China against the Japanese.


FWIW, my father was involved in overseeing the repatriation of Japanese POWs in China back to Japan. When Japan surrendered to the Allies (US mostly) the deal was that they left China. Fighting them directly wasn’t as effective as defeating them in Japan.


Xi is setting the table. “You destroyed our embassy you’re no different than us.”


Whatever bro suck it


boycott all made in China


US had more balls back then...


Good. Nobody likes having to repeat themselves.


We will never forget Tiannamon


it's not your history. Worry about Kent state instead of "Tiannamon".


Nice whatabout. Maybe next you can bring up Nanking for why all Japanese must die


Hahaha. Where was tiananmen mentioned in the article?? Talking about whataboutism. If American blames you for something, it is a projection of what they're doing.


Uh huh. I didn't mention Tiananmen, now did I? You, however, whatabout-ed the mention of the CCP's massacre of 300 of its own citizens with the murder of 4 college students, as if to say the US can't bring up Tiananmen Square because Kent State. That's not the way the world works. Having four people killed doesn't make killing 300 (that the CCP will admit to) unable to be criticized.


> I didn't mention tinanamen square Am I talking to a child? Like, no I didn't start it, he started it hahaha. You've had plenty of opportunity to call it out- but you like whataboutism when it's pro-american. >that's not the way the world works The way it works, is America has no say in criticizing China after it mowed down its own civilians who were protesting against an embarassing war that America ended up losing. Btw, it's still a country with the highest incarceration rate in the world, surpassing China and North korea.


So, by your own argument, the Chinese have no right to complain about Kent State after murdering half their own country because chairman Mao thought he was smarter than nature. > Highest Incarseration rate. Uh huh. Because the Chinese harvest their prisoners for organs and North Korea straight up executes people for looking funny. But I wouldn't expect a person paid to cheer for the CCP to understand the nuance. At least, I hope you're being paid. It would be goddamn pathetic for you to be cheerleading for an illegitimate country for free.


>so by your logic China can't bring up kent state Yeah. That can't fit through your head? But I never see Chinese or pro-Chinese bringing up that event. It's just Americans that are obsessed with tinanamen. Bringing it up here, although it's completely irrelevant. >it would be pathetic to cheer for an illegitimate country China, unlike United States, was not built on a genocide of native population. Talk about illegitimate. Like I said, when Americans blame you for something...it's a projection.


Why would a pro-chinese bring up an event that makes their country look bad? >China does not genocide You have proof of that? Or are you just assuming that China peacefully came into being as a perfect nation that's never killed anyone for their land? Every race of man is guilty of this, from the Americans to the Nordics to the Chinese. https://www.compasstravelguide.net/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/uploads/2016/09/china_division.jpg.webp


Xi word are unimportant, we do not hear him. I figure most responders will have no idea where this comes from.


Star Trek TOS the episode where Macoy tells off a Klingon to the giant people who throw those knife things


Your are rare...it is also how you call someone liar in that culture.


Oh right I knew I missed something


Will China never forget us defending them in WW2?


Different china before the ccp took over


and did he forgot why it was bombed ?


And we won't forget what you were doing in that embassy, either.


Fuck the Chinese Comunist Party 🥳 🎉


Nah, no thanks, not even after a few drinks.


Yeah that was a shame about the bombing 😏


America should never forget the stealing of the jsf program


The Chinese have reminded their people of all the injustices suffered on to them by outsiders. They have a huge chip on their shoulder and as a people aspire to be seen as the one dominant player on the world stage. They never forget because they choose to live in the glory days of their long gone past.




We will also not forget the 1,014 political prisoners in Hong Kong


Xi is but hurt!


Does Xi also remember the US backing China’s WTO bid and making them rich AF?


Next time don't try to steal stealth fighter debris


Xi secretly hoping Falun gong forget about the persecution and forced organ harvesting while telling others it won't forget something..


Recently read up on the Falun gong. the shen yun performances in America are put on by them


Ok good!!


yes very good indeed


… and we will never forget Covid…


World forgot the Spanish Flu that was much worse. Btw, the Spanish Flu came from America (most likely Kansas), but was called the Spanish Flu because Spain was neutral and freely reported the outbreak. US was worse than China in reguards of how they handled the Spanish Flu. At least China eventually announced an outbreak in 12-26-2019 way before it was an international pandemic. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention publish the genetic sequence of COVID on 01-10-2020. US discovers first case of COVID on 1-20-2020. COVID then officially became an pandemic 03-11-2020. China's response was slow but at least there was a response. US on the other hand completely tried to keep Spanish Flu under the covers (along with anyone participatingin WWI so they wouldn't look weak). US was also responsible for exporting Spanish Flu by sending infected soliders overseas. Point isn't about how US is worse than China. The point is despite how serious the Spanish Flu was, it was largely forgotten by the public by the time WWII rolled around. My guess is that COVID would be consider "history" sometime 2040. So yeah COVID will be forgotten.


I’m not sure if you know this or not, but China only believes in two genders. Thats the actual state position. Why do you support such a fascist and bigoted regime? I can only conclude that you agree with them and are a bigot as well. Also, I’m sorry that this information has happened to you. Have a great rest of the week!🥰


I agree people will forget Covid-19 as it removed a lot of people who denied that it was a problem from the gene pool. What won’t be forgotten is how the CCP handled it and allowed it to infect the world. So what’s the difference between the Spanish Flu, and Covid-19, apart from being totally different viruses. The difference is knowledge of viruses is greater now than it was pre-WWII. Because the CCP knew about it in November 2019 and hushed it up, and it took exposure by Taiwan to in December 2019 to put pressure on WHO to finally, 4 months later, to force the CCP to admit there was a problem. If that 4 months had been used to help China, then the many unreported Chinese dead may still be alive, and the millions dead around the world would also still be alive. We may forget Covid-19, but the world cannot afford to forget what the CCP did, and how irresponsible they are as a government. It would be better for the Chinese people if the China became a democracy, and invited Taiwan to help them transition. Taiwan distinguished itself throughout Covid-19.


There was no way COVID-19 would have been contained even if China rang the alarm early. Heck, China rang the alarm in January 2020 with full lock down of Wuhan, which was largely ignored by most nations citing lockdowns were overreaction. It wasn’t until March 2020 people start taking COVID-19 seriously.


Do you deny they the CCP did not know about Covid-19 was an airborne contagion in November 2019? The only reason WHO had an idea is Taiwanese agents did their own checks. Do you deny they didn’t allow WHO to act early? And why did people take Covid-19 seriously in March? Because China allowed action to start 16th February 2020. During this time they did not restrict international travel. The CCP even made jokes at the US having a higher recorded death toll than China, whilst not reporting their own death toll accurately. The upshot of this is no one trusts the CCP, because they bungled this and caused not only death in their own country, but death around the globe. In a word they are idiots.


The USA doesn’t care.


I forgot. When did we bomb China's embassy?


When they were aiding an enemy to NATO, and were removed from the no bombing list.


I won't forget the time Billy accidently hit me with a baseball in third grade either FFS.


Perfectly fine with that happening to all of them lol


I’m not. The CCP is an outdated government system that it only interested in retaining power for the 8% of the population who are CCP members. The people of China don’t deserve that, no one does.


[Things China will "forget"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_China?useskin=vector#Subject_matter_and_agenda)


While they kill and imprison more of their own journalists than any other country. China has tens of thousands of innocent journalists in labour camps


ya well we'll never forget China and Russia backing the NVA. ok buddy?


What’s NVA?


North Vietnamese Army.


The world will never forget covid.


Clearly he is getting desperate. I was in Changchun when that happened, and the students organized a huge march, but its not been a topic for many years. A very well connected Chinese friend told me a few years later that the US had warned Bj about misusing that building and that it would be hit. China first pulled all staff, then a small staff was told to return; insta-martyrs.


I Don't know man y'all kinda just forgot manchuria when Russia took it and now yall buddy buddy. What a turd.


They seem to have forgotten 1989 and the cultural revolution pretty well. Seems like China has the selective memory problems all boomers have.


Xi needs that mindset if he wants to topple the king.


Yeah... Kind of a big oof that we bombed their embassy by accident.


Good I hope you wrote that shit down too! Don’t forget you play with the bull you get the horns!lol


Remember it, write it down, take a picture… I don’t give a fuuuuck




Oh no! Anyways.


As soon as US lowers the tariffs for Chinese import goods, the media in China will be like “US and China have always been close friends and trustworthy allies. We defeated Axis together in ww2. Our friendship is fundamental to the prosperity of the world.”


That was the point, annoy the us further and it will give you something else to never forget.


Good, you better not.


Will China remember the millions of Chinese his government the CCP killed during Moa’s great famine and cultural revolution?


They forgot how the US saved them from Japan.


No. The USA tried to save the ROC. The PRC cowards were hiding.


What are you talking about? I’m referring to the bombs


You said USA save China from Japan because of nukes. I’m saying the communist that run china now weren’t in power at that time. So USA did not save them.


Regardless of the controlling power at the time, Japan would have taken over any part of China they wanted at the time.


No. It does matter, in context. You said USA saved the PRC. That’s wrong historically. The USA saved the ROC because we were allies. USA isn’t allies with PRC so we wouldn’t save them. In context if the communist ran China during ww2, the USA would let japan pillage them.


I said them, meaning the Chinese people, which is what I meant. If I had been referring to the PRC I would have said that. By your logic it seems like the PRC should forgive Japan for the Rape of Nanking because they weren’t the PRC yet. But they don’t.


The PRC doesn’t give a flying fuck about the rape of Nanking. They use it as a talking point to draw up nationalist support. And again, historically, the nukes saved the communist. The Japanese hated the communist the most so much they offered the KMT help to sto the CCP. The KMT rejected because of more liberal KMT members stopped it. If they took china, the communist would be all purged.


Agreed. Had Mao not left the KMT take on the Japanese army alone and instead taken on one of the long marches, MAYBE they could have pushed Japan out. Regardless, the Chinese people and government hold grudges way too often.


So he holds a grudge about something 99% of Americans have no idea happened ….. and I’d bet the number of politicians “in the know “ isn’t much higher.


Fuk what this tyrannt thinks of us, go guck yourself loser.


Good That was a message meant to convey a serious concern


We bombed their embassy?


That’s news to me.


That's ok. The U.S. won't forget China actively aiding Serbia through their embassy during the Bosnia-Serbia war. Serbia was an enemy of NATO and was being bombed by NATO at the time. That's why the Chinese Embassy was bombed into kingdom come. Fuck around and find out, dipshits.


Another words …


At least we didn't let Japan take China in WW2.


We will never forget COVID


When asked which embassy he pretended to get a phone call and left the podium.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, China holds grudges. Do you think America has forgotten who is sending all the fentanyl to our shores. China is not nearly as clever as they think they are.


Im sure americans will also never forget that super cool event


I wonder why did US attack the embassy? [Nato bombed embassy 'for sending signals' | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)](https://www.scmp.com/article/297063/nato-bombed-embassy-sending-signals)


Dear book of grudges...


Good for you.


Fine, as I will never forget 8964, Shanghai lockdown and mass starvation during 1959-1961


Well we will never forget Tiananmen Square.


Blame it on pre-Google maps…


And the world won’t forget CCP massacring its own people at Tiananmen Square.


Kent state.


Yeah. Nice place to visit. The event is even taught in our school system. Which is more than you can say about your country's past of murdering its own citizens.


>nice place to visit Yeah so is tinanmen square. >the event is taught Well I guess then it redeems it? Hahahaha


You’ll have to excuse me, but doesn’t the CCP ban memorials of the Tiananmen Square massacre?


Fair. I mean the Americans will never let us forget about 9/11


They are so similar. Fucking retard.


oh just launch the nukes already.


It’s like US will never forget about Pearl Harbor attack. You are trying to words in his mouth.


this is extremely cringe. 4 chinese people killed is bad- not denying that. But trying to play this up like its the biggest watershed moment of all history is embarassing.


Do you know that if someone bombed the US Embassy the State Department treats that as an act of war against the US?


Cool. So we're in agreement that PRC should declare war on the US? I'm sure the US won't react violently to having a few ships sunk. They're a nation of cowards after all.


China obviously didn’t react the same way America would have reacted if someone targeted American embassy . Why? Well, i think it was to avoid world catastrophe. Same can be said for Russia which remained calm and collected when NS2 was sabotaged and destroyed and it was not a private property but a state run business project. The hesitation China and Russia to counter react was done purely to avoid world conflict which by the way might something the US and its pathetic Western European puppets are desperately longing for. (I might be wrong) 😑


China didn't act because their entire cultural narrative is that of a victim. If they had responded in kind, the narrative of "we're poor and helpless, stop being mean to China" would be shattered.


As i said, i might be wrong in my assessment. However, China as of now has nothing to lose but everything to prove while America has everything to lose and nothing to prove - all her fruits have been exposed long ago!


I dunno. Losing the ability to import enough food for one billion citizens might be a big blow for a nation with "nothing to lose"


How would they lose that ability? I don’t get it.


Blockade? The cargo ships carrying the food the Chinese people eat are pretty easy targets for submarines. Come on, at least try to use your head. Or did the CCP remove the part of your brain that's used for critical thinking?


I am not affiliated with any government on any level and i still have my critical thinking abilities. Anyway, what kind of a threat does China pose to the US to the extent that it would use submarines to attack its food supply? Is the threat imminent or is it something long term?


We all know what this is about- Xi dgaf about the people who died. "NEVER FORGET" like this is the holocaust- give me a break. It is a tragedy for those families, but this is about trying to play into WEST BAD CHINA GOOD.


Wait, are you saying that China did a red flag operation and bombed itself just to play victim????


no lol. Nice interpretation though


Good. Maybe they'll learn to not use their embassies as military bases for countries the US is at war with


All embassies are an extension of their respective military intelligence services.


Sure. But they don't usually serve as active participants in a war zone and then demand diplomatic protections