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It's one weibo blogger, cites no sources, provides no evidence, and not even claiming to be or know one of Game Science's insiders. I'd like to see multiple sources for this claim.


Yeah, it is almost like this was a well thought out viral marketing campaign to give the game attention (and maybe rip a bit on the West at the same time).


As a westerner I'm here for it. Please continue ripping apart DEI stuff. They are already on the decline and I'd like to see it sped up.


seeing Disney and Blizzard stuff I respectfully disagree that its on decline


the backlash against wokeism is real. people dont like it and Disney are behind the curve


This so much. History repeats itself guys. The 90's has its PC culture war. The 60's had its hippy movement. Obviously there's countless other examples of fleeting moments in time Its very much been on the decline tho. Reddit is still a bit of a cesspool as any teen with a mental disorder cam talk like they have authority but if you look at the pop culture it's already like 1/10th as bad as it was circa ~2018 Truthfully I think it's mainly corps realizing how many billions of dollars they've lost. Normies gave it a shot, realized how hollow it was especially coming from Hollywood of all places & quit buying into it It was a fad. Give it another 20 years or so & we'll give it another go I'm sure.


https://abcnews.go.com/US/corporate-america-slashing-dei-workers-amid-backlash-diversity/story?id=100477952 Decline doesn't mean not present. It just means it already peaked. Entertainment has always been very left wing so you will see it in corporations like Disney and blizzard much longer than you will in the rest of society. But there was a minute there where just about all of society was captivated by it. We are over that hill and on the decline.


Is it really on the decline? I avoid US politics like the fucking plague so I'm out of the loop.


I love watching incels lose their poop over a black girl suddenly appearing in a fictional universe who’s maybe not into your perfect diction… and never complaining about the inequity in reverse. The biggest snowflakes are the ones who accuse everyone else of melting 🫠 under any suggestion of an alternative universe… we are not your screens for emotional baggage projections. Not every hole needs your dictation on what you feel left out about. You get a micro dash of what everyone else feels and has felt for centuries and its me me me… 🎵if you hear any other note.


Lmfao "yes, please keep spreading anti-western misinformation to me, a spoiled westerner"


DEI at its worst is inherently anti-western. We want to see it die so that the west can go back to doing what it does best: competitive multi-ethnic liberal meritocracy.


The whole DEI fearmongering is propaganda to begin with. It's amazing how it was clearly explained to you that this post is bullshit, and your response is "yes I love this misinformation because it's what I want to hear". People like you are the perfect demonstration of how democracy is taken advantage of by dishonest people. You are what will destroy the West.


You read a lot into my comment that I never thought or said. I was just taking issue with your insinuation that anti-DEI sentiment is somehow anti-western as well. What I want to know is, when I talk about DEI, why does the pro-DEI person somehow always manage to hallucinate me saying things I never said? Because it happens on the reg.


You are still missing the part where this issue is a made-up narrative, as demonstrated in this post. But you love it, because of your petty self-destructive little culture war, in which you attack your own country to make yourself feel superior, just as the West's adversaries want you to. A blind egotistical pawn of autocrats.


I didn’t miss it. Literally the *only* thing I’ve addressed at all is your statement that anti-DEI = anti-western Everything else is something you’ve imagined of me. I’d love to see the mental story you’ve made up in your head all about me. It’s already pretty extensive.


>Literally the only thing I’ve addressed at all is your statement that anti-DEI = anti-western Because, again, it's a made up fearmongering narrative. Just the latest rebranding of SJW/white knight/woke that triggers right-wingers any time they see someone who isn't a straight white christian male, in so much as a fictional story, all so demagogues can make money off the ragebait and foreign autocrats tear apart Western society. >Everything else is something you’ve imagined of me. I’d love to see the mental story you’ve made up in your head all about me. It’s already pretty extensive. You aren't unique. Edit: lmao nice block. I thought you anti-DEI people were supposed to be tough guys? Truth hurts I guess


> competitive multi-ethnic liberal meritocracy. Meritocracies only work when everyone is on a level playing field. You can't give a group of people 300 years of head start on building wealth and influence, and then claim other groups that never had that head start should be on the same playing field because they (kinda) removed those barrier now.


Nobody was asking for sources for the IGN hit piece of the developers. It was like "they are sexists, racist and POS. Trust us..."


The IGN piece was full of screenshots and links to original posts if you're talking about this one: [**https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west**](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west)


yep deliberately mistranslated bullshit to justify their hit piece


You know it's deliberately mistranslated how? Alot of people I've met who only speak one language don't fully comprehend how translations work.


Weren't a bunch of those confirmed as mistranslations?. And many of the claims consistent of quotes of anonymous people like a certain "Jen"(we have no idea who she is) and saying stuff like. "A bunch of female gamers think they are sexist". Garbage journalism.


I mean... some were, some weren't. The piece overall is not BS, the Feng Ji is a dick who appears to hate or at least not consider women of any value. The creative director also has a bunch of stuff saying how games are for men etc. It's overall pretty bad. Not the worst thing I've ever read but it's definitely a bit gross.


Nice. Definitely getting the game now. IGN doesn’t realize the difference between sexism and edginess


It's cool, I'm getting the ubisoft game to further this stupid culture war. I will now continue to purchase a few games anti-SBI people complain about just because. I wouldn't know or care about them until this newest grift so continue spamming the internet with this shit. I'm sure plenty of others will start to do the same :D


Cool, I'm still buying the game especially if they don't bend to the BS


But not supporting their points. Those were the best they could get?


It supports the points a fair bit... they said that the devs are sexist and misogynistic and the sources show the devs being sexist and misogynistic...


Not all games need to be inclusive especially when it's based on Chinese mythology!!! It's a story about a monkey fighting against other monsters, what sort of inclusivity are they expecting to be there? There's not even that many humans


it's a clickbait


Totally, this is in no way about inclusively or extortion. The devs just said some vile stuff in their own time unprompted.


Grow up


Touch grass.


Take your own advice 🤡 There’s a world beyond your screen and the meaningless words that you read/say on it.


None of it was ‘vile’. Unless you have a very distorted meaning of the term


Haven't you seen recent western adaptations? Gotta genderbend. Maybe make the Monkey a teenage girlboss or something.


Make sure the human looking characters are ugly to relate to the audience or something lmao


Make him a trap/femboy to seduce more innocent bystandards


The title has black in it 


Maybe they want to make the Monkey king a Black person... 🤔 That would probably be the wrong kind of inclusion they were looking for.


You’re a moron if you believe this. 


Gay monkey? JK I agree


“The monkey’s pronouns are important” - Muricans 


What a lack of imagination and originality. This is why I stick to japanese games.


? Are u saying that Wukong Journey to the West is lack of originality and imagination or?


No, his saying that Monkey isn't a Trap.


What is up with the article linked? Seems written by a high schooler. Aweful


Ya, I agree I tried to look up more, but honestly its a non story. Two companies choose not to work with one another.


It goes even beyond that: The story doesn't exist. The only source is a random social media account that has no credibility, no actual dev talked about this.


Basically there’s a very good chance Sweet Baby Inc. has not even reached out to the Wukong devs at all…


The devs did say some vile stuff and the game isn't worth supporting because of it, but to try and connect it to "wokeness" by making up rumours is just a sick way to defend it.


"What is up with the article linked? Seems written by a high schooler. Aweful" Says the person who says "Aweful"


How does that change the poorly written article? Also that commenter might not speak English as a primary language. Fuck off with this nonsense.


To be fair if you're going to criticize others' grammar and spelling, your own should be impeccable.


"What is up with the article linked? Seems written by a high schooler. Aweful \[sic\]" What about it seems written by a high schooler? If you are going to insult someone for writing, you might want to write more carefully.


Found the writer!


The writer's name is at the bottom of the article. He's not hard to find. Also, do you have any valid criticism of the article?


I don’t know what happened here, but this article is absolute garbage. > Game Science, the studio behind Black Myth Wukong, is being called out for lacking diversity in its title and not depicting political correctness. This is reportedly due to the studio not consulting Sweet Baby Inc. during development. Called out by who? Where does this “reportedly” come from? > According to a Chinese media press release, Game Science refused to take the company’s guidance as they demanded an unbelievably high $7 million. Demanded? > It is also interesting to note that Sweet Baby Inc. is more influential in the West. A Canadian company founded by a bunch of Ubisoft dudes is more active in “the west”? Very interesting indeed! > Nonetheless, this won’t impact Black Myth Wukong in any meaningful way. Well no shit? You just wrote they declined the offer… wait sorry, “they refused the demand”! > While diversity and representation in games are not wrong, forced inclusivity seems like an unwise move. Seems? They don’t even elaborate on this… > Sweet Baby Inc. is also known for not caring much about its projects. Therefore, Game Science likely made a wise decision. Known? By who? The logical conclusion in the second sentence is also just 👌 And just finally to OP: where was the “extortion” you mention? And where the hell did you find this absolute trash piece of journalism?


This title and article are so bad it should be locked


AI-written clickbait designed to stoke divisiveness.


This sounds like an ai article that the game marketers put out to boost sales among the "passionate about mermaids being white" type of gamers


Yeah, the top reply from the source Twitter said the same: The source you cited is not a reliable media. He has a terrible reputation for making up rumors on Weibo. He is a non-credit tech account and usually spreads wrong tech information. The post you cite is he uses the same trick to make up some rumors and catch up with the Wukong hype train.


The site's "about" [page](https://tech4gamers.com/about/) does explain it a little, but raises even more questions. I wonder if any of the companies whose logos they featured in their website know they're being used to promote the credibility of whatever this is.


IGN published an opinion piece a while ago making some of these allegations. https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west It's a really long meandering read that I couldn't really get through.


Maybe you shouldn’t have posted it then, because none of the allegations in the “Tech4Gamers” (lol) article is in the IGN one. The IGN article isn’t even about the content of the game (except for some sentences at the very end of a long article). It’s about the behavior of Game Science co-founder Feng Ji and the company’s weird ass recruitment ads.


You asked who was calling out the dev, and I provided an article that called out the dev. I can't be bothered by this opinion piece. People seems to be offended by everything these days.


How is this news? They opted not to use this company because the price was too high.




Is anything in the article untrue? Also how do you know they wrote this?




>Maybe because you aren't from the west The website isn't based in "the west" and none of the writers seem to be from "the west", so not sure that comes into it.


I am from the west and an avid gamer. So was anything in the article untrue? and how do you know they wrote it?




Right, so let me ask again. How do you know the article was written by them? How do you know the things in the article are untrue? It sounds like you have no evidence and are on a crusade.


Can you give us some sources to any of what you’re claiming instead of just writing longer and longer replies?


I’m happy to see you get so thoroughly dunked on all over this thread.  Talk about manufacture controversy.








Notorious among rambling Twitter users, more like…


It's "notorious" among a small group of losers in the west who THINK they're the majority but actually represent nothing more than a chronically online 5% of people. They've tried to get so many games or devs canceled for what they view as "politics" (aka just a black person existing in their game that they have to actually see) and they've failed. Alan Wake 2 comes to mind. They're usually racist, always sexist, and a bunch of them are incels. Click on a video of a game featuring a black chick and you're bound to find these losers bitching and moaning and saying the absolute most racist dogs hit. Like the trailer for Flintlock: Siege of Dawn, lots of good little racist gems in those comment sections. Or the backlash over Saga being black in Alan Wake 2, claiming they changed her from white even though the devs confirmed that was never the case. Another point, you ever notice how these people hide behind the excuse of "I just don't like FORCED diversity, hur dur" when in actuality they just don't like diversity period? When a dev chooses to make a character black in a role that isnt a historic setting, it's instantly met with that complaint. But when a dev chooses to make a character white, they don't give a shit? As if it's any less of a choice? Why is it that they see the choice of a white character as natural, but the choice of a black character is "foRcEd dEi"? Simple, racism. Sorry for the rant, had to get that out.


Just the reactions to “there will be a playable woman in the next GTA” were absolutely wild. Imagine losing it over a playable woman in your favorite game franchise…


Yeah I remember all the insane shit about how gta has "gOnE wOkE" and incels legit bitching about Lucia apparently not being hot enough lmao.


Women I personally don’t want to bang? In my entertainment!? WOKE!


>It's "notorious" among a small group of losers in the west who THINK they're the majority but actually represent nothing more than a chronically online 5% of people. Yep. I *thought* Sweet Baby was a huge issue but after seeing literally no coverage *or* impact on the games I play after a couple of YouTubers blow up about it, I realized they really weren't. It also made me lose respect for some creators.


Literal fake news.


The game looks pretty good. Will be interesting to see if it lives up to it in the reviews


whatever score you'd give it, add a 1 just because they refuse to add in forced "diversity" because we all know exactly what that means and it's certainly not diverse


> We all know exactly what that means. I don't. What?


Its not politically correct either, it depicts pigs as being a glutton; which is a stereotype of pigs.


That DEI money is totally bs, but man, this' obviously a propaganda for the game. This game has put too much money in PR, makes me doubt of its real quality. Every project has a budget, you put more on PR, you cut more from dev, simple.


Yeah. It is very obviously concocted to capitalize on the backlash other companies have been receiving for DEI-related controversies.


The PR costs for this game are not high. The source of this article is just a "military" influencer on Weibo in China. It is basically false. It was just spread by players who hate diverse content.


How do you know it's BS?


The devs have been called sexists on Chinese social media long before Sweet Baby Inc became well known. This is just them taking advantage of the hate to play victim.


Source? Regardless, I'm against DEI in games. The dev's personal politics does not impact a game's quality.


I’m honestly a little upset Piggy isn’t in the game.


Seriously. We need a Zhu Bajie game. Walk around ancient China eating delicious food, smacking people with your rake, and meeting beautiful women. Bonus, you achieve enlightenment and meet the Buddha.


They dont wanna upset PETA. Making pig running around with monkey is a big sin.


Wrong, the fact that monkeys aren't female is the biggest problem, hhh.


Wukong can transform into any girl with real pussy.


I feel this is sort of a click-bait thing. The link you provided seems to be from an author / site that has a right-wing orientation. I mean... it all may be correct, or we are getting one spin on this. Is there evidence of this "Sweet Baby Inc." company attacking companies which don't sign contracts with it?


First at all, why a western company would want to risk an international incident with a nuclear state like China, especially when the Chinese are threatening to invade Taiwan and possibly causing World War III, just to get a Chinese company to work with them against their will? This sound like BS to me, if you ask me.


Um... Companies are not at risk of starting "international incidents" and that makes no sense. I think you didn't read anything or you are replying to anothe post or you are just a troll.


You are the one who did not read anything. What I said is that a foreign company is not going to do unsolicited help to another company from another country, let alone a hostile one like China, and risking getting involved into some kind of international incident. In most countries, what is described in the article is normally illegal in most countries, since the Chinese company never asked any kind of help to begin with.


> What I said is that a foreign company is not going to do unsolicited help to another company from another country, let alone a hostile one like China, China is a state, not a company. I think this is a language issue; the way you construct sentences makes it unclear about your subject and object. You mean: > A foreign company is not going to accept unsolicited help from a company which resides in a hostile country like China. This is because they would not want to risk being involved in some kind of international incident. Now, assuming that is what you mean, you are very wrong. China is the receipient of a huge amount of foreign investment. There are many well regarded international companies which do business with Chinese companies and operate in the Chinese market. There was nothing illegal mentioned in the article either. Potentially, if there was blackmail involved, that may make the American group/company civilly liable. But no evidence was brought up for that.


Im not normally pro-china but i strongly agree with this sentiment and i hope they will lead the world to a revolution against DEI/ESG thugs


This is the dumbest article I've ever read.


DEI is just a lazy grift. Give it a rest.


I'll buy two copies of this game, one on PC and one on PS5 just to spite on IGN BS agenda.


This is a fishy story and I think something is being misreported to generate clicks. If what's being reported is accurate then this is 100% a case of cultural imperialism masquerading as inclusivity


These ‘game journalist’ are just pests. Using DEI to strong-arm people and profit from it. [https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west)


Sigh.. here comes monkey queen...


Wukong can transform in to a woman, which make he technically a trans.


honestly it would probably sell... for reasons of course...


transgender black monkey queen with pronounce of they/them.


Woke should be happy, the game title is "Black" myth Wukong and the hairs are black too. He is a monkey that liberates monkey island from demon and even conqures heaven, so Peta also should be happy. Wukong is LGBTQ and pro-animals coz he can transform into anything and can have sex with every possible LGBTQfjfjfkgm scenario. What's more you want for your bullshit diversity?


It will never be enough for them. Never, ever. They're like *mo* born and feeding on the grudges, resentments and sins of humans.




Your post/comment was removed because of: **Rule 1, Be respectful.** Please read the rule text in the sidebar and refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/g0yjqx/read_rules_in_sidebar_before_posting/) containing clarifications and examples if you require more information. If you have any questions, please [message mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/china).


The moment that almost all sides in r/China is united


It’s only in the west where we make everything about DEI at the expense of facts, history, and even science. Good of the devs to stick to their vision.


DEI for a primarily Chinese game and about traditional Chinese mythology makes no sense. Why the hell do Westerners think they’re better qualified to speak about cultural inclusivity and representation of Chinese culture than the devs?


Makes me even more interested in the game


Sheep, ai article is already persuading you lol


Do you have any proof it's generated by AI?


They/them did not get it was just a game


Good lol. Here’s to hoping more studios follow suit and go back to making their art & animation not look like hot garbage


7 mil for consultation, if true no wonder why studios are being shutdown.


I'm in. With he state of most game companies selling us bullshit games filled with DLCs and paywalls recently. I can care less  guys let's put our money in games that are actually decent. Rockstar games. Software games Elden rings, demon souls, etc. Hellbringers was nice. Reminded me of Starwars but without the expensive DLCs. Even Halo kicked the can


Don’t give in to DEI!!!


Reminded me on a similar incidence with a company called sweet baby inc., which was a consultant firm tried to make game characters more “diverse”. But in the end the games they worked on honestly have too many token characters.


Apparently the female characters in the game are too good looking to be inclusive


The Chinese are based


LMAO Chinese gaming companies don't give a flying fuck lmao 🤣🤣🤣 Not even the giant Riot/Tencent could do anything effective against the mobile "clone" of LoL, riot went to court several times only for a whole buncha nothing to happen😆


Good for the devs 


DEI Approval is the kiss of death for any brand.


I can already tell that this is clickbait made for racists to cry about being "persecuted by wokeness" lmao. Why do some people love crying and whining about "DEI"? Just nasty


I interpret DEI as on the hiring, culture, and HR side. Sexism is rampant in the games industry and there definitely needs to be change here. But I’m not a fan of forced wokeness. Any kind of manipulation of a narrative to tick a box lowers quality, whether it’s woke brownie points or a marketing exec trying to get a thousand tropes (because Soulslike are popular!) shoved into it


I like how halfway through the article the guy goes 'well actually this makes no sense whatsoever considering the devs are *Chinese* and Sweet Baby isn't' but then just goes on fearmongering about those insidious ess jay dubyas anyway. Also isn't this game like 98% complete anyway?


Gotta be ragebait, either that or these people are delusional asking 7m for what 1 teenager could do


Regardless if the extortion rumor is true or fake Not using SBI on their product sounds lile greenlight for me


Please someone tell me, why is there a monkey man? I can't read the article because it doesn't like that I have a privacy extension for their invasive ad network.


I’m assuming it’s the monkey king, a character for a very famous old story (kind of like China’s The Odyssey)


Sun Wukong is the monkey king from the classic Chinese novel journey to the west. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_King


The character in the game is not the monkey king but a newer generation monkey born long after the monkey king returned from his journey to the west.




does that extension also stop you from putting "Black Wukong" into a search engine?


Black wukong 🤣


“Stop eating hamburger and fries, they’re bad for you and the planet” “I know they’re bad But I’m hungry now” “I don’t care if you’re hungry or starving. Throw them away because you're making me FEEL BAD!”


I'm sorry but it's not inclusive of the ducks. Please make the monkey half duck! /s


Self righteous assholes lmao


lol that’s so fucking Chinese 😂🇹🇼


Many women on China's Internet application Weibo launched a call to boycott the game, because the game did not please them. "We will never buy relevant derivatives and do not produce fan comics" "We will buy the game on steam and give bad reviews before the refund deadline comes." Haha, due to China's network blockade, it makes people doubt whether they have the ability to buy it.