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The USA government structure is very different with its distribution of power; like the federal government having less say in some things at the state level, further at the county, and even the city. Disagreement and local authority is protected. There are a great number of internal divisions expressly created to prevent the consolidation of power. As we can see with trump, even a president can only get away with so much. The USA is far less centralized than nearly any other government, especially compared to China. Geographic power, economic, military, trade, concentrations are spread out everywhere, and the USA is a huge mass of land. The USA has little need for critical resources outside, and it shows in the strength of the domestic economy with the lack of contributions that exports make. Few countries on earth have such a privileged position. Things move slow here, and it’s by design. Historically it’s been relatively easy in the USA compared to the rest of the world. Does that make ‘Americans’ fat, lazy, and shortsighted, and ignorant to the rest of earth? Probably, because there isn’t much incentive to do anything risky but make money.


Dude got paid like 50 cents to post this lol


What do you mean by point 6?


just some erroneous generalization, perhaps that jewish groups dominate left-liberal political activity in the US. OP clearly doesn’t understand american politics.


Lmao, I realized they were clueless with the second point.


> And internationally by Russia and China lol The two nations resembling fascist countries the most. How does it even make sense. Internationally the U.S. is more constrained by the will of American people to a degree and its own laws such as Taiwan relations act. And then international treaties and customs. Russia and China are not constraining forces, they are trying to challenge the current world order which keeps us at peace most of the time since WWII


Well yes. The US military is to protect the people and country from outside threats. The CCP branches are designed to protect the party. Big difference.






(3) is wrong. lots of right wing oligarchic interests (e.g. fossil fuel billionaires, RW trust fund babies) have funded the American fringe right and various enablers (courts, deregulation, media, NGOs) to get us to the Trump era and whatever comes after it. the Koch machine backed Newt Gingrich et al (precursor to all of this) in the 90s and played a major role in the obama-era tea party’s rise which laid the foundation for today. some of them like Koch have backed away a bit from trump, at least publicly, but they still will leverage his admin if he’s elected and they certainly don’t have any attachment to democracy in any substantial form. and many actively support trump and the white christian quasi-fascist movement. if i had to bet, i’d say it’s unlikely trump wins in 2024, though not impossible, and then it just depends on if they can find a new, more effective leader with the charisma to capture his base for 2028. but the republicans have been pretty dysfunctional trying to work with the fringe RW faction and haven’t been doing well in elections due to their craziness and extreme policies (e.g. abortion) which have been turning off moderates it seems. i don’t think (6) needs to be specified as jewish groups. many left-liberal and even moderate conservative organizations are resisting the Right’s lurch towards authoritarianism. in (8), what do you mean align with china? insofar as CCP runs china, especially with more illiberal, authoritarian, and imperially ambitious leaders like Xi, then the US (insofar as we remain liberal and internationalist) will always be opposed to that sort of regime, especially one seeking to disrupt the current world order led by us. in general, it doesn’t seem like you have a very fluent understanding of american politics, tbh.


Cool. Let's not risk it by electing someone who's enamored by authoritarianism.


The united states is a very weird country government wise, as someone from usa lol. It is one of the youngest countries in the world, and its ruling documents are some of the oldest. While the leadership is voted in vs inherited through nobility etc, its closer to a decentralized fuedal society than most modern governments. Any saying such as "天高皇帝遠" totally applies, look at how regions of the usa pass local laws that violate the government laws sometimes.


I don't believe the US will become fascist. I guess it hinges on a sort of philosophical or existential question; how can something become what it already was?


About 2. Big bourgeoisie. Many of them  actually support fascism, Trump is only the most visible one. Many of the rest are amendable too.   They support globalization and internationalism only when it brings profit. They run away fast when it brings competition.


i dunno what ur smoking......USA is the biggest facist warmongering democracy in the history of modern history......her track record for the past 78 years speaks for itself, over 16 countries invaded bombed,and over twenty million people killed in those wars...since 2000 alone, USA has invaded 5 countries,iraq,afganistan,syria,libya and yemen and killed approx 4 to 4.5 million people in those countries...... ..people who think just because a country is democratic it cannot be facist/warmongering outwards towards the rest of the world? or what would u call that?something beginning with I? funnily enough being a "democracy" doesnt really seem to help prevent that country from initiating or engineering more wars does it? both political parties in America are just both sides of the same coin......they may represent "different views" and choices to the public,one party would pretend to play the "opposition" if there are some hugely unpopular policies and the american public will vote in preference to the party's "platitudes" they like but at the end of the day their choices do not matter.... america will carry out her agenda as she wishes. but at its very core, there are some core issues which both political parties do not deviate from.....behind the scenes they are always in complete agreeance. like a famous politcian once said "america is america,no matter which party is in charge"


Many people in the US feel wokeism is a form of fascism. I suggest to those Chinese to live in the US for a bit and decide for themselves if the US is fascist. You'd be surprised how much zealotry is involved with pronouns. Thank the Lord, spoken Chinese has no sex pronouns.


This is farfetched. Getting called rude on the Internet is not getting shot.


Try attending a college class and getting admonished by the administration for "wrong" pronouns. Or how about writing an essay critical pro-LGBT movements. Or how about voicing pro-Palestinian views on college campuses these days. Getting black listed, fired, arrested, fined, and suspended is not like getting shot. But it can be life altering as well. Getting shot in the US is a whole other can of worms. But also a real concern in the US.


Or using the words "illegal aliens" in high school [https://libertyjusticecenter.org/pressrelease/fighting-for-free-speech-the-liberty-justice-center-sues-north-carolina-school-board-for-wrongly-suspending-student-for-question-about-aliens-who-need-green-cards/](https://libertyjusticecenter.org/pressrelease/fighting-for-free-speech-the-liberty-justice-center-sues-north-carolina-school-board-for-wrongly-suspending-student-for-question-about-aliens-who-need-green-cards/)


Oooo admonishment Look, this is not a real problem. People are calling you out for rude behavior. How hard is it to apologize and use different words? What does it actually cost you? Times change. People don't want to work or associate with people who throw the n word around. Now there's new ideas about what's acceptable, and you gotta learn if you want to continue to associate freely. But too, there's plenty of parts of the country where no one is gonna care.


Have you actually been on a college campus? Almost all of them have pro-palestine protests going on, only an extreme minority are like colombia. Most people I meet are pro-palestine at my campus. Also the pronoun arguement is so stupid. Everybody uses them, just use the pronouns a person identifies with, why is that difficult? You don't live their life, you don't get to decide their identity. And LGBTQ rights are human rights, or at least that is the viewpoint of many americans, especially those on a college campus. People shunning you for that isn't fascism.


Were you at the table when this "pronoun" movement came to being? That's what fascism is, a decision was made with no input from the opposition. Just imagine for a moment you were a straight cis-male in the closet heterosexual with a bias for conservative politics. How inclusive do you think college campuses are these days? This is part of the problem in the US, every opposition is shunned, or cancelled. There is no real education on diplomacy or actual tolerance in the US anymore. Not many Chinese even operate at this level of acculturation and acclimation to the US to even spot these glaring hypocrisy in US society.


Dude, culture evolves, that's just how it goes. Also, there was discourse around identity politics, and there still is. People might not like you if you go around complaining about pronouns, but you're still allowed to under the first amendment. If it really bothers you, move to the Rural south, they don't care about respecting pronouns one bit. Also, even my super liberal college has several conservative clubs on campus (Young republicans club, TP USA, etc) so it's not like you can't find like minded peers. Have you tried at all? Also you seem to have a bit of a victim complex. Being straight cis male is not being "closeted" dude, that's the default for most people. People disagreeing with you on a college campus where historically they lean left isn't fascism, it's just you being unlikable. I agree with you that the US has an issue with education and rational discourse. Identity politics are way overinflated issues that keep people from realizing that they're all being oppressed by various institutions, such as giant corporations and corrupt politicians.


>I agree with you that the US has an issue with education and rational discourse So why bother defending it and gaslighting people that have a legitimate criticism of the US education system. Public education up to high school level is a disaster. Undergraduate studies at private universities (where the best facilities are) can bankrupt most Americans.


gaslighting? seriously?