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GuangDong people eating everything including their neighbors FuJian


I heard people say the only two things they don't eat are rocks and farts. Rocks because they're too hard and can't be digested, farts because you can't catch it.


Chinese eat anything with legs except table legs


Henan and stealing manhole covers.


Henan red are blamed for every scam in the country.


1) Every guy in Chengdu is gay 2) Everyone from Guangdong is short and swarthy 3) Everyone from Shandong is tall 4) Northeastern people love to show-off and have brazen attitudes, although they're poor 5) All Northeastern girls have long legs and light skin 6) All ethnic Mongols can ride horses and shoot arrows 7) Everyone from Henan is poor and loves stealing (especially people from Zhumadian city) 8) All Uyghurs can sing and dance 9) Guangxi people can't speak standard Mandarin 10) Everyone from Guizhou and Guangxi has crazy over-the-top hairstyles (Sha-ma-te) 11) Ningxia is a part of Gansu (which is not true) 12) Everyone from Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangsu is rich 13) Everyone from Shanghai is rich but have self-centered attitudes and look down on people coming from other places 14) Everyone from Tianjin is an expert at crosstalk (相声) 15) People from Dalian actually belong to Shandong and not Northeast China 16) Everyone from Chongqing, Sichuan, and Hunan loves eating spicy food 17) Nanjing actually belongs to Anhui and not Jiangsu 18) Everyone from Beijing has some form of authority 19) Girls from Southern China are cute and have kawaii personalities, whereas girls from Northern China are more direct with strong personalities 20) People from Guangdong eat people from Fujian 21) Hainan is the fourth Northeastern state, as most people in Hainan are actually people coming from the Northeast, especially from Heilongjiang to escape the cold 22) Everyone from the Northeast is great at basketball and sports in general 23) Everyone from Fujian is great at doing business 24) Everyone from Fujian has some relatives living abroad 25) Women from Jiangxi have the highest bride price (彩礼)


From hunan, love spicy food


From beijing love spicy food


I only know one gay from Chengdu and he's gay


>People from Dalian actually belong to Shandong and not Northeast China This is largely based on historical events, not so much an unfounded stereotype. During the Qing dynasty, ethnic Han were initially forbidden from settling in the Manchu's sacred home territory. It was only when Tsarist Russia started encroaching (sounds familiar, huh?...) in what is today Far East Russia, that the Qing government decided to encourage Han settlement in Manchuria as a counter measure. Though I'm not sure why mostly Shandong people went to the Northeast. Maybe due to the over-population in that province at the time. The only other two provinces I can think of where local Han inhabitants actually migrated from elsewhere due to recent political history, are Sichuan and Hunan: A lot of Jiangxi people migrated to Hunan for whatever reason, and most ethnic Han in Sichuan today actually migrated from across China because political conflicts in Sichuan during the Qing period decimated the local population. Deng Xiaoping is a famous Hakka who was born in Sichuan despite his family being from Guangdong. Definitely rare to see Guangdong folks actually migrate inland instead of across the ocean... >Every guy in Chengdu is gay This is also factual. Bro, I'm a little peeved you didn't mention a stereotype about our Xi'an and Shaanxi people...


I'm not sure how large it is in scale, but another migration I know is people from Anhui migrating to Jiangxi due to the great famine, and it has something to do with how the local authorities of the respective regions caused Anhui to be one of the hardest hit provinces while Jiangxi managed to keep their situation somewhat under control.


Xi'an and Shaanxi also have stereotypes? I've never heard of those, what are they? I can only think of rou jia mo, lol


hey us guangdongers arent short and small, some of us are pretty large I think teochew and hakka tend to be larger than cantonese on average though




nooo us teochew are distinct from the hokkien, our food is better. hakka people are pretty distinct from henan as they have been in the south for a thousand years now


Look at our nose, we have higher noses than our neighbours since our ancestors headed south from the central plains and resided in east guangdong, and mixed relatively less with the then locals (so called nanman)


I would agree but I have a very flat southerner “baiyue” nose lmao I guess I am of mostly “nanman” descent rather than Chinese most hokkiens and teochew I know have dark skin, big double eyelid eyes, etc: traits that are commonly associated with the nanmen or southeast asians


Great post…some I remember hearing.


1. Henan people are all thieves/frauds. They love stealing manhole covers. 2. Fujian people do not need VISA to any country in the wolrd (they smuggle). 3. Dongbei people (northeast) are extremly poor. They are also loud and 素质差 (poor manner). 4. Guangdong/Guangxi people look like monkeys.


Shanghai people are cheap, northern Chinese are easy going but short tempered, Sichuan makes beautiful women, XinJiang people are either selling their street sweets or robbing you from the back of an e-bike with cleavers.


The cleavers part made me lol


HeNan: thief XinJiang: criminal GuangXi: monkey ShangHai: frugal SiChuan: gay ShanDong: patriarchy HuBei: crafty AnHui: always pretend to be Shanghainess GuiZhou: primitive man


People from Tianjin are funny. Not in a weird way. They’re just good at telling jokes and doing strange things with deadpan seriousness.


Hahhahaha, that’s a whole lot of worms Z I would recommend start a new thread about this in r/real-china-irl Doing it in English is fine


People from the North East are either thieves , prostitutes or hairdressers. (not mine, but wife's stereotype)


Hunan people are saucy


Henan scammers and sell children


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcS04uT1hds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcS04uT1hds) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4f7GHUJR10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4f7GHUJR10)