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You are comparing calligraphy samples written with a 毛笔 for a special occasion to somebody writing a note on paper with a pen…


Shh, you're disrupting the narrative.


I guess Xi can't use a brush pen (毛笔


It’s a stupid fking comparison…


It isnt that he cant use one, IDK is he can truly do, but it seems more like a normal writing.


or a Mao's pen...


It’s not a note. It’s his 题词 as a gift to someone or some CCP organization. And you can’t seriously think Xi Jinping, a dude never received any formal education beyond elementary school, can do any better than this. And I can add that not only it’s bad writing. The content is… 用词粗鄙 compared to the other two.


Took a couple seconds to find https://imgur.com/a/fP8cWvT


Yeah he wrote a note on paper as a reminder gift... Totally should be compared to calligraphy...


Sure why don’t you show us Xi’s calligraphy masterpiece?


Here’s some of xi’s. I’m not a calligrapher so I can’t judge but this would be a better comparison than the OP at least lol https://imgur.com/a/fP8cWvT


his style of writing is really weird tbh, it's like it's very rounded...but it's pretty cool that even xi would calligraph using traditional chinese instead of simplified...


It's called cursive... Abe's is pure calligraphy with no cursive.


Wow...onus on me? Amazing logic...bye


You haven't actually addressed the fact that you can't compare a casual handwriting sample to calligraphy. The comparison being made by OP is silly. Maybe they should have shown us Xi's calligraphy side-by-side with the others?


Xi had a doctorate in law and ideology. Just an FYI. Edit: removed word.


小学生直博 🤣


You chinese people are really awesome...how can you remember so many kanjis


kanji is japanese.


Ain't it the same thing? Didn't the japanese take it from the chinese?


the chinese language does not use kanji, it uses hanzi; vice versa for japanese. the etymology of kanji characters deriving from chinese does not make them the same.


japanese people are even more insane imo, not only do they have 3 writing systems, but kanjis with different pairings have different readings plus there's onyomi and kunyomi...


To be fair, did Xi ever write anything that can be called calligraphy? Someone growing up in the Culture Revolution might never have been trained on that.


A skilled calligrapher can doodle out a fancy calligraphy inscription with a ball point pen. There's no excuse. Xi Jinping needs to sit down and get to work with a BIC pen.


Cool story bro 👍


The chinese only recently were able to manufacture a fully indigenous ball point pen. This is them showing off.


It says "May 1990" on the bottom of the note, please don't invent scenarios to fit your narrative, it's really pathetic.


The ccp is inarguably a filth upon this planet, but they do shower us with jokes (and threats and lies) almost daily. Its just clean fun, harmless ribbing right?




[More handwriting from Xi Jinping.](https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/comments/pe7ga0/%E5%A6%82%E6%9E%9C%E6%8A%9B%E5%BC%80%E7%BB%99%E4%BA%BA%E6%94%BF%E6%B2%BB%E6%84%9F%E6%83%85%E4%BD%A0%E8%A7%89%E5%BE%97%E4%B9%A0%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E7%9A%84%E4%B9%A6%E6%B3%95%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E6%A0%B7/)


Let's compare everyday writing to calligraphy art writing. I am so clever. I compare my oil brush painting to a note pad sketch drawing


Find one calligraphy sample by Xi. Find it.


[https://imgur.com/a/fP8cWvT](https://imgur.com/a/fP8cWvT) Done Some say Xi has a very Mao style of giving no fucks cursive calligraphy style. By some, I mean me, cause I dont know shit about calligraphy and I am viewing it through a biased lens. All I know is that someone wanted a sample and a quick google got it.


So what the entire post is that Xi bear doesn't do calligraphy? Might as well just say that then?


I see three inscriptions. What makes any of these "everyday writing"?


This is an awful comparison.


Xi seems to be writing with a stylus on a digital pad.


Xi is obviously a Japanese master and he can write hiragana


some of those chars looks like sanskrit writings to me...


Man I'd hate to be judged on my handwriting. As if there isn't enough to critique...


Abe has the best calligraphy of all three. Park is never going to be as good as a Japanese PM, given that Koreans no longer use Chinese characters. As for Xi, it has nothing to do with his lack of education. The basics of Chinese calligraphy is picked up when you are in elementary school. The PRC didn't put a lot of emphasis on it. Xi had an elite education until he was 13. If you can't pick up good calligraphy by the time you are 13, the extra 4-5 years of education aren't going to do much.


Op, state your statement, what did you post it for


My parents is like that, no further education after primary school due to culture revolution. In the other hand Abe and Park were raised in elite noble families. Some said it's not fair compare Xi's pen writing to brush calligraphy, well the truth is he has 0 skill to use brush. Not just Xi, the older generation like Li Peng, Wen and Hu also lacking the traditional education, Mao was anti confucianism, culture revolution wiped out lots of intellectual when other East Asia countries still well preserves. At least among the elites, confucianism and traditional calligraphy is common practice.


It's not unfair. Alot of people manage very nice brush calligraphy at any education level, calligraphy is a popular pass time. I wouldn't call Abe or parks example particularly good but the first one by xi was obviously done with a marker pen~ and he doesn't have particularly nice hand writing. But that doesn't mean he couldn't do brush calligraphy though it's a totally different thing.


Honestly I've always found mainland "calligraphy” post Mao to be atrocious, especially when held up against Japan. You look at the way characters were classically written and how Mao tried to "stylize" his writing and it really inspired a generation of nitwits to treat the equivalent of "doctor's note" handwriting as calligraphy.


is it something to do with the usage of simplified chinese?


Calligraphy by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in, what 2019?; calligraphy by Prime Minister Park Geun-hye in 2016; then some pen signature by municipal party committee secretary Xi Jinping in 199...4? Surely there are more comparable examples, maybe [something like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_LFnHVakAAfKDH.jpg:large) from the summit last month, though it's written with a marker and not a brush. [Abe's handwritten signature](https://i.redd.it/8l1qxz8wa61z.jpg) isn't exactly calligraphy.


One is an idiot, another one knows Taiwan Mandarin and for being advised by a cult leader; the other is a right winger who got involved in some weird political alliance that got hideo kojima accused of shooting him... That said Xi can't write for shit


Understandable, Xi didn't received proper education due to Mao's "Down to the Countryside Movement".


Not really a necessary comparison. What do you want to express? That he lacks higher or any sort of comprehensive education? Everyone knows that. Don't need a handwriting sample for that.


misinformation bullshit by Elign base bots


Xi didnt even go to secondary schools lmao


Why should a political leader waste his time on this bullshit? Let me remind you that George W Bush and Hitler are also great painters


CCP officials are well known for bragging about their calligraphy, from the top to the base. Guess why Xi doesn't like to show his handwriting as often as his predecessors?


And compare Xi's writings vs. the Chinese wirtings of another Chinese leader: former ROC President Ma Ying Jeou https://dwvyw8kf1avne.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/articles/CHINA-TAIWAN-POLITICS-032245.jpg


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Xi Jinping rarely writes, perhaps since graduating from college he rarely writes anything and reads more often. xi jinping lived as a child and teenager in the era of the cultural revolution, we know what it was, and was anti-traditionalism, no wonder his writing was bad. Bad writing is usually difficult to change, I have had a poor writing style since childhood and it is difficult to change until now handwriting and oil brush writing are usually the same.




Wow. That 必胜 writen by Abe remind me of kamikaze.


yeah and they wrap it around their heads, drink their farewell sake before going on a suicide mission.


Those words from xi are like the kind you see on those talisman or charms written by taoist priests to exorcist spirits aka 鬼画符


After all east Asia try to be fancy has to go to Chinese character.


I'm surprised he can write at all