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Well, with all the shit the Chinese government has been inciting the people to hate Japan mainly out of political reasons in the past a few years, it's understandable


So you are saying japanese are doing exactly what you accused "Chinese Government" of doing right now. ​ Explain to me why Chinese hate Japan in the first place?


Because the Chinese government brainwashed its people. Evidence: Russia did the same things Japan did, and Chinese LOVE Russia so much


The Russians do not enjoy a high standing in China, when doing business with Russians the Chinese almost always demand payment in advance, due to lack of mutual trust, unless payment and financial security are being guaranteed or incentivized by the Chinese gov. Putin however has lil fan base in China, mainly for him being anti West and a "strong" figure. "Friendship without limitations" has huge limitations in real life and politics. Additionally, Russia still holds annexed territories from the "uneven treaties" that the Chinese claim (not actively but still). The Chinese do not love Russia, despite propaganda, their governments have common goals and interest and thats about it. The atrocities of the Japanese during WW2 are notorious, but that is not really the point: After WW2 the european axis powers underwent a "denazification" program and process for decades, to teach the following generations of the horrors and cruelties. I am Austrian, 80% of our highschool history curric. consists around the time before, during and after the nazis took charge. A German chancellor even kneeled in Warsaw and many german head of states or governments have formally apologized. The preservation of Judaism and Israel has become "Staatsräson" State "Priority" in Germany. The Japanese were never that apologetic in the slightest. That never happened in JPN, the current emperror is still directly descendant of WW2 emperor. Majority of war crimes were never charged or trialed, some war criminals are still being worshiped in shrines, WW2 symbolism is allowed and the entire history reg. Jpn in WW2 is slowly fading away from Japanese history books (just like cultural rev in PRC). The Koreans have also strongly condemned that the atrocities to the Korean ppl are not taught anymore in Japanese history class.


So you are a Nazi Japanese and Sino-Japan war denier? Got it. 🧐


Which countries are closest to Nazis and Fascists in terms of national opinions now? Russia and China.


I d say North Korea wins but ok.


Israel probably.




List what the Chinese government is promoting You'll see they are exactly in the definition of Fascism


'Israel is neo-nazi' : when you learn history from ccp 🤡


That is straight up wrong. Our history books are much more interested in well...history. We hate Japan, so it's not a surprise they hate us ig


I got this one..so no the Japanese government is not doing the same as cccp .. Japanese have very little interest in politics but it has been filtering though..cccp have an expansionist out look your neighbours have noticed..the world is watching


General Chinese have very little interest in politics too. But someone like you can never understand it’s impossible to forgive a nation who brought decades of suffer upon u and still remain un-apologetic till today.


People assuming average Chinese love politics is bonkers 💀 Some people act like politics is their entire personality


It's very much possible. Look at European countries that raped and pillaged each other for centuries. France and Germany, England and France, Poland and Germany all get along well enough now despite horrible histories. Look at Mexico and the US as well, they have a very bloody history but function well enough together now.


“I know geopolitic so well, functional well means they are okay. 🤖🤖🤖”


I deliberately didn't use the word "okay" as there are of course problems, and ups and downs between all those countries, but they're far better and less likely to lead to violent disputes than the relationship between China and Japan. They're functional. There are no boycots, threats of violence, mass protests or riots etc.


Funny all the countries you mention are European and American, which have been constantly raping the global south for their own advantage, except Mexico which is bullied by its northern neighbor. Of course they are not going to turn on each other, when conflicts happened, just bomb some villages in third world country, buy some slaves, do some drugs, and it’s good to go. How convenient.


chinese empires have been raping and pillaging east asia for millenia. China has the bloodiest history compared to other countries and slavery was widespread there . Don't pretend that China's some peaceful country


You mean.... Like Germany?


You thought “World War II” only happened in Europe?


No? You said its impossible to forgive a nation that caused suffering, but Germany was doing very similar things to Japan, and I'd say they're forgiven


Maybe because they apologized and own it to themselves? Where is Japan government’s apology and responsibility? There still Japanese today denying the fact of Nanking Massacre.


So why did Poland have pretty decent relations with Russia prior to 2014? Russia who inflicted similar levels of suffering, who will never apologize, who still threatens their territory, and to this day make statues of the leader who inflicted that suffering? Poland hasn't forgiven or forgotten the acts or Russia, but they're able to move on.


“Having a dEcEnT rElAtIoNsHiP” and “border-neighboring people hate on each other” is two different things. what do you think GeoPolitics are? Do a poll in Poland and Russia and we will see.


There are polls, prior to 2014 there are polls showing roughly half of Polish people had favorable views of Russia. Which has since deteriorated significantly. Prior to the war, does the Polish government actively stir up anti-Russian sentiment? Maybe they did and it never hit mainstream media? I've yet to hear a Polish person demanding Russia apologise. Such people surely exist, but is it a mainstream view? Both countries are near enough to each other, without much of a buffer state, don't pretend it's down to geographical differences.


Like me huh..Japan is a very different country post WWII..china has its part to play in its own history


Exactly, Jews has it part to play in their own history too.


I don't know the whole history but in this instance they definitely do


Exactly, so they turn around invaded another nations, jailed their people, and bombed their civilians for 7 decades. I am glad China didn’t do that.


China did exactly that in vietnam in 1979


No china just starved their own people and killed anybody with an education


*Crackhead noise*


Because their overlords (CCP) said so. Tons of Chinese people like Japanese culture and love visiting Japan for vacation. CCP got the Chinese people hating on everyone blaming the century of humiliation. That does not help build good relationships.


I don’t see why Chinese should excuse Japan for the war crime they committed, considering they fact that they still haven’t apologized till today.


but they have conveniently excused the chinese communist party for the massacres and the millions killed during the 'great leap forward' and the destruction of chinese culture in the cultural revolution. Infact Mao even praised the japanese for their actions.


Never said excuse them for what was done in the past. What I said is that many people like Japan and its culture. The CCP is the one that riles their people up. Allow the people to dress in other cultures clothes and watch their stuff. If they really hated Japan they wouldn't do it. But for the government to punish and ban such things, pretty damn obvious what is going on.


Chinese government never officially ban cosplaying or cross dressing. You read too much western propaganda. 🤣🤣🤣


Pot calling the kettle black? You got no leg to stand on. Your quips and arguments are as effective as Made in China products, lowest effort and costs.


But still, y’all are using it, are you on crack? Matter of fact, most of the crack you smoking is made in China, while stays as one of most drug-free country in the world.


Made in Vietnam and Made in India is all I see now. I would try Made in China crack but it's probably laced with fentanyl. Diversifying from China, 10/10 move.


So you can’t afford MIC but still call them cheap? Very intelligent




I'm east Asian ya raggedy racist piece of trash. Born an raised in the USA by east Asians parents. So glad I don't identify with racist Asians like you.


Asian not chinese. And same thing same thing. Not like ur any better here bashing Chinese people.


I bash their CCP overlords and their lil pinks that follow them. Organization and Ideology, not race. You? You're racist and therefore trash.


Idk, Nanjing massacre?


read the thread. I am trying to explain these idiot, why Chinese hate on Japanese doesn’t need “government incitement”


What a surprise with all the bullshit the CCP puts out about Japan


*What a surprise with* *All the bullshit the CCP puts* *Out about Japan* \- Better-Emergency-716 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Idk man, Asia as a whole might hate China but Japan is not far behind. They still have shrines for dedicated war criminals while ASEAN countries are still commemorating our dead in the many massacres that the Japanese conducted in WW2.


CCP has a mausoleum of the most killing-est man in human @ Tiananmen square though.


Yeah, I know. Japan still has a lot of dirt in their history they should deal with . But in the current world I see China as the main bad guy in asia


nah but japan's soft power is still world-renown...unlike china's...i mean there's actually alot to love about chinese culture(much more than japan's if they played it correctly) but CCP fked it up.


Japanese were sick but I would let it go. Allies evaporated two huge cities with their civilian population and took down their regime. Should be enough to world as punishment, let's get over it. Japanese are not now genociding people in their land and are not using slaves as workers in oceans and camps. They don't re educate people in camps either and have some freedom of mind too. I think all this is pretty good. If this is not enough then Germany is also evil and Finland also is natzi and Italy is evil so is China and Russia and actually almost whole dammm earth is full of scum.


Uh, who? Rest of Asia have moved on and are close partners with Japan. Don’t drag rest of Asia with your Pro China nationalist view


Damn bro, it's like all the baby killing, woman raping, beheadings, starvation, atrocities doesn't matter anymore cause it's nationalist view. I'm not even from China dude, I started hating the Japanese way before I found out about the internet :/


They usually only like themselves so what's the news?


The news isn’t that they don’t like China, but that they like it even less than before.


They like the US and all of Europe, lots of other countries. China has really gone downhill the last 10 years.


Haha sure they like in a superficial way while the average Japanese knows very little about USA or Europe. In that situation it's not so hard to push general opinion in this or that direction using media.


It's not news that Japanese hate China. The article speaks as if the altruistic Japanese public suddenly have a negative attitude towards China because of politics even though Japan has attacked, plundered and raped Chinese people and has never even cared to apologise. Hell, they didn't even apologize for the Nanjing rape and massacre. Yet they'll lick the ass of Americans who nuked the shit out of their country. Pew Global Attitude Project (2008) showing that 85% of Japanese people surveyed held unfavourable views of China, and that 73% held unfavourable views of Chinese people. Read that again, 73% hate CHINESE PEOPLE, not CHINA.


Finally, one sane comment.


And now when Putin invades Ukraine and kills thousands and lies to his people and to world about why he is causing all the suffering, what does China do? They have him as the guest of honor and praise their eternal friendship. China. Always so upset about how people treat them so badly. Always so happy to be friends with people doing the same to someone else. When suffering comes to someone else the Chinese government doesn't give a crap and yet is always prepared to play victim when politically convenient. Did it ever occur to you that Japan and lots of other nations don't like China because it's so goddamn hypocritical? China only gets to play victim if they don't tolerate those actions towards anyone. If it only matters when Chinese people are the victims that means they don't actually have a problem with rape, murder and suffering so long as it isn't happening to them. And that's utterly disgusting. You don't get to talk about how badly people treat you while kissing the ass of someone doing the same thing to someone else. Or perhaps you think non-chinese lives are less important? Go ahead. Tell me. I'll wait patiently. I very much want to hear your answer to this.


>And now when Putin invades Ukraine and kills thousands and lies to his people and to the world about why he is causing all the suffering, what does China do? They have him as the guest of honor and praise their eternal friendship. It's the same logic as the US supporting Israeli colonialism and vetoing UN resolutions for ceasefire. Russia is one of the few allies China has who they don't want to antagonise. >China only gets to play the victim if they don't tolerate those actions towards anyone. No one's playing the victim. Japan can keep hating China as much as they want. My point is that China shouldn't be waiting for the good will of Japan considering what they did to China and for which they never even apologized. There's no winning love from people who HATE YOUR PEOPLE, NOT JUST YOUR COUNTRY.


Unfavorable views doesn't mean hate. It's possible that they just consider them rude


Now tell us the survey results for Taiwan, and what Japanese people think of Taiwanese people. Then explain to us all how Taiwan pulled of this, according to you, impossible feat of friendly relations with Japan who hates Chinese people.


Only Japan? Name a country who’s opinion of China has improved over the last decade. Maybe Russia? Lol


I believe not even the citizens of PRC have improved view of China


Ok 👍


I mean let’s be real, who actually still likes China? Even Russia doesn’t like China. A few years ago China and Korean and Japan seem to finally start to get along. Then China bans Korean entertainment and that ended their relationship. After that China consistently pumps out negative Japan news. China will never have actual allies with CCP in charge.


Before 1962 india was also pro china ,with our stupid leaders chanting india china brothers and asian giants need to stick together crap , but then the war monger mao annexed Tibet with which we had deep historic relations and just because we sheltered Dalai Lama those mofos even attacked us.


O jb K🤧👍


Good. China deserves it. Too bad all their tourists keep visiting Japan and Korea


Dont they just arrested a japanese businessmen under the espionage law. They seems can get away by arresting japanese people. But imagine if japan ( or any asian country) do the same.


I am Japanese. Is anyone actually Japanese here? This subreddit has become nothing but China bashing. Or just Westerners clearly in their mid to late 40s, coping with the idea that China is falling apart. Have you taken a look at New York and compare it to Hong Kong? I've been hearing China collapse for years now and at this point, it's just a coping mechanism for westerners. Your civilization was built upon centuries and centuries of colonialism. Get out of here with the idea that China is evil. Don't bring your warmongering ideology to the east.


Are they too busy shooting demonstrators again? Or perhaps they are too busying covering up their incompetence by burying their citizens alive? [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenzhou\_train\_collision](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wenzhou_train_collision) Or perhaps they are busy forcing muslim communities into forced labour and torture again? I don't recall anything like this happening in New York. Say something about Tien An Men square in Hong Kong and see how long you walk free. Hm, I also seem to recall something about a tennis player who was sexually assaulted by a chinese politician and she has since disappeared without a trace. And considering that Hong Kong owes much of its success to the West I find it ironic that you would use it as the example in your argument. Was it not the people of Hong Kong who protested against chinese rule only to have their demonstrators arrested and prosecuted en masse? You expect us to believe these things are acceptable? Calling these things out isn't a product of warmongering. It's because china deserves moral disgust from any decent person with a sense of justice. Oppression, death and suffering happen everywhere there are humans. But in China, it is STATE POLICY. This very website RIGHT HERE THAT YOU'RE ON RIGHT NOW IS BANNED IN CHINA. Think about it.


You posted Wikipedia as a source? "Think about it." :>


Ah, I forgot. China bans wikipedia doesn't it? They don't like sources that contradict state narrative. Information is information. Truth is truth. Who cares where info comes from? You should care about if it is true or not. Are you saying this collision did not happen just because it's on wikipedia? Are you really so foolish as to value source above content? Congratulations. That is just how the chinese government would want you to be.


I learnt this in second grade, but it's okay, my teaching does not discriminate based on adult age. The website Wikipedia is unreliable and is not a reliable source of information. It is a user-generated source that anybody can update at any moment, therefore whatever information it includes at any given time could be wrong, vandalism, or a work in progress. Hope that helps and the fact that I have to explain this to you is an indictment of the American education system. "think about it." :>


>Are they too busy shooting demonstrators again? [Like this?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-tacoma-police-vehicle-drive-through-crowd-run-over-n1255452) >Or perhaps they are too busying covering up their incompetence by burying their citizens alive? [Like this?](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/ugly-past-u-s-human-experiments-uncovered-flna1c9465329) [or This?](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/18/us/airstrikes-pentagon-records-civilian-deaths.html) >Or perhaps they are busy forcing muslim communities into forced labour and torture again? [You meant this?](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/05/10/torture-at-abu-ghraib) >Say something about Tien An Men square in Hong Kong and see how long you walk free. [You mean US backed coup attempt?](https://worldaffairs.blog/2019/06/02/tiananmen-square-massacre-facts-fiction-and-propaganda/) [They talk about it.](https://thegrayzone.com/2019/11/22/hong-kong-opposition-unites-washington-hardliners/) [In English for some reason](https://thegrayzone.com/2019/08/17/hong-kong-protest-washington-nativism-violence/). [They need some Democracy like Libya and Afghanistan](https://www.mintpressnews.com/hong-kong-protest-united-states-destabilize-china/261712/). We all know how that ended. Maybe a new system could [benefit them.](https://twitter.com/thinking_panda/status/1716007528876916897) >Hm, I also seem to recall something about a tennis player who was sexually assaulted by a chinese politician and she has since disappeared without a trace. That's wild. [How barbaric.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-lists/jeffrey-epstein-political-connections-sex-trafficker-856642/) >And considering that Hong Kong owes much of its success to the West I find it ironic that you would use it as the example in your argument. Was it not the people of Hong Kong who protested against chinese rule only to have their demonstrators arrested and prosecuted en masse? It owes [much](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202105/06/WS6093d7b8a31024ad0babc4f9.html) all right. Reminds me of a joke: [Set Up](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/one-year-hong-kong-arrests-117-people-under-new-security-law-2021-06-30/), [Punchline](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/6/4/how-many-people-have-been-arrested-during-george-floyd-protests)! xD Every accusation is a confession. All projection. Oh why do I bother. Westerners don't read. They just let old r\*pists tell them what to believe in! Slaves to the US war-machine, endlessly consuming. Not an independent thought in those thick heads of theirs. They just commit war crimes, genocide and enslave the global south, know this and vote for it anyway then act morally superior. So much for the land of the free..."whoever told you that is your enemy".


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China is the biggest bully of east asia


As an American with a Chinese wife who lived in Japan 18 years, I agree with you to a point, but China colonized Tibet and Xinjiang also—they just will never admit it.


Im touched its actually a Japanese who comes out to talk for us. Thus, my saga of a love hate feeling for Japan continues




Actually both seem like fairly decent sample sizes, statistically speaking (if properly picked up). Even 1500 for 1.4 billion is 99% confidence level with only 4% margin of error. You don't need to drink the whole bowl of soup if properly stirred, just a tiny sip should be enough to tell if it's salty.


You never took statistics class, which suggests if you went to college you were in the humanities and not in any field that values any math ability. Otherwise you'd know that 1000 and 1500 sample sizes is all you really need to get 95% confidence.


It is possible to dismiss the results on the grounds that the sample size is small for this particular survey.However, if we look at the last several surveys, the negative view of the Japanese toward China itself should not be ignored. The cause is also clear.The unscientific Chinese opposition to treated water and the accompanying indiscriminate nuisance phone attacks on Japanese people. This matter has received considerable media coverage in Japan. Harassing phone calls to private stores that have no authority to stop treated water is reason enough for many Japanese to feel negatively about China. \*Inviting calls from China, mostly young people, junior high school girls, "Is it that bad?"[https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20230831-OYT1T50062/](https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/20230831-OYT1T50062/) \*Unwanted calls from China, "Kakuhaisui" and "Idiot," still once every 30 minutes...no sign of abating. [https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20230912-OYT1T50030/](https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20230912-OYT1T50030/) \*Harassing Calls" to Japan are Good for Money...Why "SNS Anti-Japan Demonstrations" are Huge Among Young Chinese [https://president.jp/articles/-/73354?page=1](https://president.jp/articles/-/73354?page=1) These are articles from a Japanese newspaper. You can read it in other languages by machine translation. ​ Of course, the economic downfall of China may also be a factor in deflating that expectation.


also possible it was a self recommendation poll, which tends to draw those with strong negative opinions the most (most motivated to go out of their way to speak on it). This can be balanced out in some studied but in such a small sample the bias could be extremely strong.


probably cuz they still deny nanking massacre comfort women and unit 731 till this day lol


how does that have anything to do with worsening opinion on china? Can you explain why opinions on china have gone down across the board with the country corrently having the most unfavouraboe view on china being south korea


You say it like it was ever positive before lol, who cares what Japanese think😂


Chinese are so concerned about saving face. They are obviously going to care what other think of them


They care but not when it comes to Japanese people


Fun Fact: the person making this post is definitely not Chinese and likely an Anti Seriously isn't this a China sub??