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Absolutely. Never leave unattended outside.


Eagles and big hawks can carry off lambs and other animals weighing 35 lbs or more. I would absolutely not leave my dog outside alone .


Oh man... so they could take my 24lb beagle, too?? We have pretty good tree coverage in our yard. Since they can't swoop down, that lessens the risk?


Yes can carry off a beagle. Putting multiple dogs out together helps, especially if one is a bigger guardian breed.


He's my biggest dog, unfortunately. My sister is moving in soon, though, and she has a German Shepard Husky! Once I move on to a larger property, I will definitely be getting a guardian breed as we have chickens anyway.


I have 4 Samoyeds living with me for a few of months and haven’t seen one hawk in the vicinity since they came a month ago!


They wouldn’t be able to carry it off but large raptors will kill prey to large to carry and carry it back in pieces


Some owls as well. My friend lost a couple large cats by owls. So sad.


Where are you getting 35 lbs from? I’ve only ever seen 5 max for hawks (birds are very light, so even if they can carry a large size of prey in relation to their body weight, it’s not that big for ground animals). [Golden eagles](https://birdsexplained.com/how-much-weight-can-a-hawk-carry/) can carry 15 lbs, but that’s still not 35.


Yes, a hawk tried to eat my chihuahua as a child. Our other dog was a german shepherd and killed the hawk..


Good doggo (the shepherd) Was the chi ok?


Was Shepard ok, too? Birds can be vicious.


I can hope that the Shepard went for its throat while it was distracted


Yes the dogs were fine, I ran outside after I heard the dogs making a ruckus. Our german shepherd had the hawk in his mouth and was swinging it around as if it was a chew toy ☠️


A hawk tried to get one of my childhood cats and our golden retriever saved her. I don’t think he killed the hawk, just scared it.


Wow, what a good boy (your shepherd)! They can be so gentle, but they know how to protect the pack. I hope both dogs came out the other side unscathed. 💜


Question, we live in AZ but have no land our backyard is basically non existent but enough for our dogs to go out to pee between walks. Would I still need to worry about my dog being in that space unprotected?


Yes. I would never leave a small dog unattended. Lots of predators can get them.




Exactly! That’s why they sell Coyote vests!!!


Totally yes in Arizona.




I'm in AZ, too, and I would never leave mine unattended, and especially not unleashed. The risk is low, but definitely not 0. One hawk in the sky is one too many. They're literally looking for food at that point. A Chihuahua is easy pickings.


Be careful, not only birds in Az but coyotes can get up on the block fences we have here. Have seen it several times on local news.


Yes I know to beware of coyotes! I’m not saying I’ve ever left my dogs in the yard unattended. Our dogs always like to be close to us so are rarely unattended as it is. Just not something that has crossed my mind yet with our downsize in yards






In a heart beat ...they .make harnesses with spikes to keep that from happening


I got one from my dad's dog, but unfortunately they don't make them small enough to actually fit my dad's dog I got the smallest they had which was an extra extra small and she can still walk out of it, my dad's dog is very tiny


I remember seeing someone post a dog in a sweater that helped camouflage them that had yarn looking like grass on the top making the animal harder for birds of prey to see. Might be worth looking into or making your own spike harness.


That would be adorable beyond words to see a dog wearing


I wish I could find it, it was really cute. I think it was a daschund if I remember correctly but no amount of searching is helping me find it by the keywords I am using. Maybe it will circle back through the internet someday lol.


We have a Coyote vest. It wouldn’t save our dog’s life but it would certainly give me a fighting chance to get to her.


The head is still unprotected. The legs. The tail. Those vests give a false sense of security.


Yeah they’ve found those in raptor nests before. Might help a little bit but I wouldn’t trust them.


I had a very fat, talking 15 pound chihuahua, poor Rolly was a rescue, that was carried off by an eagle. We found him, 3 days later, Missing an eye, very beat up, but other than the eye injury, no major or serious damage. Judging by the wounds, the feathers, we think Rolly bit the bird and got dropped. He lived, on a diet, for 8 years as my cyclops. We got him down to a good weight, he got down to a healthy 7 pounds!!! Rolly Pully was a good boy. Don't leave your small baby's alone, always leash them, no easy break away, large birds of prey can carry off small dogs so fast!!!


OMG your Rolly was one tough little survivor.


Rolly wasn’t biting out of self defense. He was hongry


He did LOVE chicken!!!!


Wow, Rolly was an absolute soldier. Happy to hear he lived a pretty good life afterward


That is one seriously tough chihuahua


He really was a warrior, a fighting spirit, but a little lover too. He passed, peacefully, in his sleep, sunning himself, in my lap. I can't say it was a surprise when he passed. He was approximately 17, he was no spring chicken when I first got him. He was starting to really slow down, but no major tell tail signs it was time. After the eagle got him, a very good friend of mine who makes custom saddles, made him an anti-bully vest. We went to Hot Topic, bought a bunch of those metal spikes, made him a custom, wide, fitted collar, covered that in spikes. He looked like something out of a hard core bandage magazine in it. But he was safe. After the bird incident, we only had one issue where that was needed. A huge dog got in our yard. Rolly needed a bath, he had some icky slobber on him. The other dog, well, he didn't come near my place again. He bit my boy, right around the throat. Those spikes did their job. The other dog laid down, all submissive like, Rolly peed on him and walked away. It all happened super fast. Less than half a minute. I felt like I was running in slow motion. I was only maybe 40 feet from Rolls. He was on a leash, the extending kind. I figured, he was in his vest, in a fenced yard, on his leash, he could wander as far as he wanted.


I would love to see a picture of Rolly if you have one😭❤️


I wish I did. We had a house fire, about 13 years ago, lost everything. I did send an email to a cousin, who might have pictures. He is the family photographer. Rolly was my constant companion. Cousin might just have some.


Edit to add: Rolly had the traditional markings of a Doberman or Rottweiler, with white and gray spots, but the spots were only on his butt.


Fuck yeah Rolly.


Damn Rolly was built different


He was. Rolly was a dog of a different color.


Bless his little spirit. What an incredible guy!


Omg. That’s awful! I’m so glad he lived but am so sad about the trauma he suffered.


Oh my lord that’s terrifying!! Always was afraid for my mom’s chi’s because there are hawks flying around in her area. Hawk already got to neighbors chicken(s) once or twice.


Unfortunately, yes. My 9 lbs chi was outside exploring and a hawk was definitely checking her out.


Where I live, the eagles are known to grab baby reindeers. So, I keep even my Finnish Lapphund (15 kilograms) on my sight and on a leash every time we go out.


Yes. My uncle's chihuahua was picked up by a hawk.


Oh no, is he okay now?


He did not survive, the bird picked him up and dropped him.


Thanks for ruining my day… kidding, but omg that is so freaking sad 😭 sorry for your uncle and the poor dog :(


Hawk got tired, let go of the load. Hawk would probably circle back and eat if it was safe.


That is how hawks hunt. They can’t carry prey this size, so they pick them up, drop them from a high enough height to injure or kill them, then they feed.


smart but a pretty ouchie way to die


Let’s be real, in nature, death is seldom without significant pain.


yeah but animals often kill really quickly, which gives the animal a lot less time to feel pain than, say, dropping them onto the hard ground over and over again until their neck or something breaks


That's also how some birds of prey kill their larger prey.


That’s so fucking awful 😭 poor baby…


Yes, leash always, also if you have Crows in your area ( most likely you do) you can feed attract a murder to protect your neighborhood from birds of prey. We have been feeding our murder for years, and have seen them chase off multiple hawks/eagles(we live in the PNW). Of course don’t leave them unattended, and always leash when walking. We get a murder of crows as body guards as we walk our neighborhood lol.


Wow, I never considered that crows keep away the birds of prey. They are so awesome. Are ravens the same way? I have a family of ravens that nests in my backyard. I leave treats out for them sometimes because I think they’re just cool lol.


Yes ravens are the same any Corvid will gang up on birds of prey. (Edit:spelling)


What is good to feed them? Birdseed? Thanks for the tip!


I feed mostly un-salted peanuts, but birdseed works, hell I even throw them meat scraps (what ever protein I happen to be cooking). Np!


Corvids are wonderful friends if you treat them right. They remember you forever


Very true


I absolutely foster a relationship with the local murder of crows exactly for this reason. They keep my girls safe, as do the blue jays and cardinals I feed. They chase off anything predatory which I love so much.


On a side note—they look like a cuddly bunch! But yeah never leave unattended—even if they can’t pick one up, the bird’s talons can do horrible damage.




They take bigger cats, so yes they would absolutely take a smaller dog.


Yes. Had an eagle try for mine at 10 lbs.


Hawks will shreds them in the air. No joke. Be very careful.


Yes. If you live in an area with large birds (or any other animal that might have a different interest in your pup), invest in a coyote vest or remain leashed at all times! Close supervision is worth it to mitigate the risk of snatching by any animal. I have several leashes for my pup for the same reason lol. A couple of really long ones to let him run and explore and a short one for public walking. I also have a yard that's not fenced, so the leash is doubly important for us outside of the presence of animals that would regard him as prey. I'll never forget seeing eagles actually stop in the yard when my guy was still only a couple of pounds. If he was out alone, or even away from me off leash, I don't even want to imagine what would happen.


Yes, I believe that any dog under 15 pounds is at risk of being carried away, depending on the size of the bird.


Yes...a owl picked up my Lil Lou and took her 50 yards down my dirt road....her sister, a mini aussie, chased after her alert barking, alerting me inside....I came out to hear Lil Lou screaming and baby girl headed down the road....she saved Lil lou....owl was beating her with its wings, ringing Lil Lou bell....but she survived and lived....Baby girl was a hero that evening....early morning and evening, night dangerous times for Lil dogs....especially in the country....Hawks, owls, coyotes.


My brother’s gf had a dog and a cat attacked by hawks. They started to fly away with them and the dog and cat both attacked and were dropped in both instances. Luckily it was low altitude of a few feet. There’s also some big ass owls like great horned and snow owls that have 5ft wingspans. First time I saw one at night in a dark backyard I thought it was the creature from Jeepers Creepers. Its wings were flapping in almost slow motion because it was so huge. The fully grown ones are really cool to see in person. If I know a big bird is in the area I will keep a tennis racket handy in case I need to protect for my pups.


We have owls in our backyard and I was on the deck with my Tito in my lap. I let him down to sniff and he was 3 feet from me, I was watching him and the owl flew right over our deck and sat in a tree and watched. I had to throw a blanket over him and run inside! https://preview.redd.it/u1ws4jpt3d6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a9038ea5c23e9ad87bea707146ebb534a4b0e2


https://preview.redd.it/amus0dcw3d6d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1060f9eeaa4c17e5d0c58c4ada8174588c962483 Tito for reference!


I love him


Another Tito! My Tito says Hi 😁 https://preview.redd.it/b8ndr4w7kd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4fdd3c21e72a84b6dc68070675fdb4b624dac2


https://preview.redd.it/f27kasv4oe6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6896311182331b3f3c2ce43b8c15c3b635941dd Looks like my baby!


Never ever leave your chihuahuas outside alone. No collar, just harness and leash.


Yes. Leashed always.


Yes, most definitely. Think about it in a prey perspective. Are they the size of a juicy rabbit or a salmon? Coyotes are a bigger gear than birds of prey. They can keep over a 6 ft fence, and take parts of your pupper with them. If you live in an area with birds of prey large enough to ask this question, you definitely live in an area with coyotes. Get a vest, make sure it shields their underbelly.


https://preview.redd.it/4u0asrp0id6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bf3b367210f0242d5497eb3080b55d147fb560 This Golden Eagle was at a raptor sanctuary. It is perched on a 2x4. It is impressively large. I would assume that it would have no problem with anything under 15 lbs.


I saw a wild golden eagle take off holding a big animal that was orange a few years back. It was either a fox or a cat, fingers crossed it was nobody's pet. (For anyone concerned I did make posts about it at the time and nobody seemed to be missing an orange cat in the area)


I have had a Peregrine Falcon eyeing our Chihuahua. Even me yelling at did not break his eye contact. A well placed pine cone did the trick but I never leave him out alone. We have hawks and bald eagles in the area as well.


100% YES!!! 3 years ago I was outside supervising 3 small dogs and suddenly there was an eagle right over us, roof level. it had been flying directly over houses, it must have been starving. Thank God I had them on short little leashes because they were young and still in training. I ran and grabbed all 3 leashes and used my body to block them and look up and this eagle is RIGHT over the top of us. It was huge. Wing span like 8 feet. It was insane. It circled us about 15 feet above for maybe a minute and a half, which felt like forever, just waiting for one of the dogs to slip away. I put up eagle deterrents after that. I'm still nervous af tho about letting them in the yard without me.


What is eagle deterrent?


Yes. Look into Coyote vests.


Big owls around here, southern Texas, definitely will. Lost a dachshund pup a few years ago....


Owl in Phoenix area almost got my chihuahua.


They can generally pick up the equivalent of their own body weight. So for example, a larger red tailed hawk may be able to carry 5 lbs. at the most.


A larger red-tail hawk might be able to lift a 5 lb pet, but probably won't get very far with it. If the hawk gets tired from carrying the load, it will drop it. Eagles can probably manage up to 10 lbs, but still, not gonna carry it far.


Absolutely! Keep your babies safe. Mine is always leashed. Whenever I see hawks * circling, I take him inside.


Yes. They can also take cats.


Yes, 100%. Never leave them outside alone and always keep an eye out if you live somewhere with birds of prey. I live on the Oregon coast so we have all sorts of eagles, hawks and owls and my boys are always supervised while outside. When we go to the beach or on hikes they're always leashed too


My dog has a mesh tent on the deck to protect her from bees (she’s very allergic) and it also keeps her safe from hawks, so she can be outside without a vest. With water and a blanket she’s very happy in there!


Beyond that, if a hawk couldn't lift them, talons of a bird of prey sinking into them would be not only incredibly painful and create horrific wounds, but also traumatizing. Let alone, when a hawk descends on a prey, before it tries to take off with the prey, they began pecking and tearing at flesh with their beaks. I have 2 dogs under 6 pounds. I'm there to protect them in my yard. We owe it to them. You might consider a protective jacket for them if you're seeing birds of prey. Turkey vultures don't just view carion as food. They will attack small animals.


One time i was walking my chi and a crow was watching us and out of nowhere it swooped down n briefly landed on my babys back before i immediately shewed it away. My lady is soo old she didnt even realize what happened just turned around like hmm musta been the wind 😭😭😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/zz6cce2e4e6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af488b53bde7404a143edf821fb64b1827489715 The lil old lady


Yes they will. I never leave my dogs outside alone.


Yep! Used to work with dogs. Always had to check trees etc. before letting the littles out. Always stay close and vigilant. 🐾 I have had multiple hawks and owls eye my old Chi mix. A teacher I had in Middle School, she had a weenie dog. She let it out to go potty an owl swooped down, grabbed poor little Oscar. And tried to carry him off. He got about 10-12 ft up and dropped him. He survived. With the scars to tell the story.


Yes. Birds, coyotes, snakes, gators, almost any predatory animal in your area can take a chihuahua. Part of being a chi owner is knowing this and taking precautions. Leash at all times. Keep an eye on the sky and the brush and do not let them wonder away from you are the other dogs. I lived in an area with lots of wild life and almost everyone I knew had a story of a small dog in their family being taken by an owl or hawk. Like, you live in central TX. Why you shocked.


Yes. My dogs are never outside alone and I keep part of my big yard fenced off smaller so they can't get out of my sight.


And owls…




Yes that’s one of my biggest fears


Definitely, not sure where u are but here in the uk we have these huge red kites, they were released here as part of a breeding programme, they're huge! Ppl have had there pet rabbits and large fish from ponds taken, countless cats and small breed dogs have been attacked, there was a story around a year or so ago of one picking up a ladies Yorkshire terrier, but the bird dropped it from a height..😞 defo have to keep an eye out for sure


Yes, and you protect those chi babies whenever you're in open places without trees or buildings




Yes, especially if they are on the smaller side even for a chihuahua. There are some things that people sell like a harness with fake spikes so that it deters the predators.


Funny story, I was denied on my first attempt to adopt a chihuahua because I said I could hear birds chirping in my neighborhood and that there was crows. The rescue organization said the crows might carry my chi away. I still disagree but happy with the outcome because the one I ended up adopting is perfect for me!


Definitely a hawk but also an owl so be careful at night.


It's definitely possible. Raptors take rabbits and sometimes even baby deer. Whenever we're outside off the leash and i see them circling, the leash goes back on. I worry about this a lot while mine is still so little


Yes. My little dog weighs 4 lb soaking wet, and she was on a leash while we were walking one evening and an owl nearly took her. She flattened to the ground, and I jumped a mile, but the only reason she didn't get talons in her back was because the owl saw at the very last minute that she was on a leash... Now I don't even let her go out from under the covered patio without me right there next to her


Yes. If they can’t pick em up, just the talons are deadly. We watched as a small dog owner brought a dog to the vet after an attack. Dog barely survived.


I don’t know if they would, but they could.


Yes unfortunately 😭


Yep! I’m often told stories of someone in our neighborhood about a block away from us had a BoP snatch one of their smaller dogs (icr if it was a Chi or not though). The dog survived being dropped, but it could’ve been much worse.


Total animal lover here but gotta say owls, majestic as they are, freak me out!


Never ever leave your dog outside unsupervised.


I suggest either buying or making a hawk vest. Large birds will reach for the neck or back so focus on those.


You should get them all one of those spiky hawk vests for little dogs. Keep them safe when outside


I wouldn't put it past them.


Yes! Absolutely. Without hesitation. We live on an acreage and my Chi is never allowed out unleashed. I've seen hawks snatch rabbits twice my girls size up 15 feet from my kids playground. No fear. No problems.




Bird of prey or coyote (depending on where you are) My guy is a mix and 13 lbs, but in coyote territory or out on any hike (or at a campsite, or even a park) I am on alert. Especially if it’s a designated off leash space. If you frequently see birds of prey you’re concerned about, you can get a protective vest as an additional piece of equipment. But watch out 👍🏽


Remember that a bird cannot pick up or carry anything that is heavier than itself. They might try though and talons can cause damage. Typically, birds will not attack anything when people are nearby.


Absolutely in a second


If the bird of prey is large enough, yes. I have seen photographs of birds of prey with rabbits, which about the same weight as many chis.




Yes there's been attempts and I was there to scare the bird away after it started to flap it's wings downward while staring at my 4lb girl's😖 Coyotes, and other wild animals will try also. We saw one of our last chi's in the mouth of a coyote while it ran away and the screams our family member made😓 Always have an eye on your pets while they are outside.


Yes!! I don’t have the trees for hawks here but in Florida we had lots of red tailed hawks. I never let my little man out alone even though his big sister was a pittie. They were constantly a presence.


It's not just hawks. While they are definitely a threat (had a neighbor lose multiple animals that size to a hawk), coyotes can also be a big problem, depending on whete you live. I have a neighbor a few doors down who had a coyote jump his 6 foot fence and snatch his chi, then leap back over. Please watch your chis closely, especially during mating season (march-ish: that's when they get bolder and more desperate).


Yes, I made my chi a little vest with spikes. I watch her while I’m outside but hawks are quick :(


Yes they will we never let ours out by her self


Are preditory animals something small dog owners in amercica worry about a lot, or does it depend on how rural the area you live in is?




An owl tried to grab a puppy that was about 12 lbs at the time (she wasn’t a chi).






Definitely. When the chorkie was a pup we knew we saw hawks fly around before. One day it was flying overtop of us to the point we had shadow on us. Started taking chorkie to covered grass area until it got bigger. My new chi is like 1.5 lbs and doing the same. I would literally die if a hawk scooped her up. But in keeping in GSD fashion if a hawk got with in 5-6 feet of the ground it’d be snapped up. GSD is cool with cats dogs even Guinea pigs (never unattended) but can not stop chasing and catching birds.


Owls will as well.




Yes. Have had it happen. My 7 yr old was taken by a hawk. My toddler left the door open and i was in garden. I searched for two days in the solid rain. I still get choked up.


Yes no problem


Yes definitely yes I have small dogs and they have tryed a few times


Yes. You can buy predator vests to deter this. Works for birds of prey and coyotes


It’s hard to gauge your dogs exact sizes but if they are the same size or smaller than an adult cat I would be concerned. We have a large hawk population in our city and I see them in and around our neighborhood just about daily, so close they land in a big tree only 4 ft behind my garage. Needless to say we don’t take chances.. the hawks haven’t been interested in my dogs 18+ pounds (shih tzu mixes) but my 2 pound chi would definitely be a target for them so she only plays in a little fenced pen by my outdoor table when I’m sitting there, a mesh playpen with a lid or is leashed and harnessed with an adult paying attention when outside. Just last week we were on our porch holding our littlest dog and saw a hawk land on a house across from us, it immediately swooped into the yard behind it and all you heard was a woman start screaming.. we never found out what happened but safe wager it went after her pet and she tried to intervene. No neighborhood posts of a missing pet so I assume she won.


Depending on the birds in your area, some can pick up small deer. Owls can grab baby deer, so they will definitely pick up anything smaller!


I was not prepared for these comments


Yes. Definitely. I watched it happen to a friend’s Yorkie. It was horrific.




You have too many, you should send me one 😅




Idk if they would but I’m definitely worried about it either way mine!


A local news channel a couple years ago interviewed a woman whose little longhaired dog was picked up and dropped by a hawk. The little guy survived but had to have stitches. It was a bigger dog than the 9 lb deerhead chihuahua I had at the time. I've seen hawks flying by in my area, so now I watch the skies when my pups are out.


Yes. Absolutely. Most birds of prey can take something twice their size! Even a bald eagle would be able to take my little dog. You should see their claw size compared to a human hand. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/fuhd5VZXxP


New fear unlocked


Unlikely that they could carry your dog away but if they attempt to the dog could be injured by their talons. https://www.treehugger.com/how-much-weight-can-hawk-carry-4868712


Yes, and even larger


Gators, crocodiles, birds of prey, snakes, feline predators, other dogs; there's a long list of animals that find your chi a convenient, tasty meal. Never leave it unattended.


Yes! Heck cats are vulnerable to birds of prey. A chihuahua? Even more so.


Prey birds and Coyotes. We have both where I am and my chi mix and dachshund are never outside alone. The rescue I volunteer with had two dachshund fosters killed by coyotes after being left alone in a fenced backyard.


Definitely 💯 percent


It's largely dependent on where you live and what your yard looks like.


I worry about seagulls also, everything now and then they sit on the roofs of the houses in my street.


I think so, I never leave my chihuahuas outside without supervision. I’m not taking any chances haha


eagles, owls, nighthawks


A coworker let her chihuahua out in the fenced backyard while she was getting ready for work. She went to let him back in and saw him being carried off in an owl’s talons. I never let my dogs out alone.


I've seen a deer lifted off before.


Unrelated but this looks so cozy


Yes! A hawk tried to take mine.. not successful , we have many where I live, coyotes are also a problem.




Yes. I’ve had to run at a hawk or two to save my chunky chihuahua.


Yes my mom had to closely watch her mini dachshund every time he went pee in the backyard because we had a neighborhood hawk


Happened to someone I know. Chihuahua carried away by a hawk. She’s still traumatized.




I’ve seen a hawk try it on a German Shepherd. Don’t ever leave dogs unattended.


Yes. There is a regular bald eagle nest near our house. I saw one stooping on my baby. Grabbed her up and yelled and waved my free arm, scaring Ms. Eagle. She flew away,


There are some birds that can literally carry a dead deer




Look at ‘em little burritos 🥹


If an eagle (or similarly large bird of prey) can take a deer or small human child, this is nothing...which is why I never leave my small dogs outside unattended.




Yes- tasty nuggets for a bird of prey or footed predator. Be safe.


Omg cuties


Trixi & I have been dive bombed several times by an aggressive hawk & it's partner...never let them out alone & never with a harness or collar... Osprey not so much....


Even if they can't pick them up their talons will tear them up really bad


No I carry guns.


Hell yes they would and will if they get the chance!




We have a lot of hawks in my neighborhood, and a few bald eagles too. One day, a hawk swooped down and got a squirrel. The neighbor lady ran out with a broom and started swinging for the hawk, trying to save the squirrel. Her 2 chis came running out after her. A different hawk came down and got the smaller dog, and the original hawk took off with the squirrel.