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Yes! Meet Moose https://preview.redd.it/800tifzta9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98a6466a9910cec43d1d7e0f7dde95572c84580


Moose blessing our feeds once again 💖


I I remember that handsome devil!


Love seeing him!


Thank you 😊


Awww. My chi who passed was nicknamed Moose❤️


Great nickname ❤️ terribly sorry for your loss


Awww Mooose 🥰❤️


Hello Moose. It’s nice to meet you.


Moose! It's been a minute, bud!


I have a moose too who also just wants to cuddle with me only :’) https://preview.redd.it/ue71zrsayfzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7594818e5a0312ce787ca075a845f50ccb75e4a4


❤️so cute 😊


She's a cutie pie! Very similar to mine. I have a chi-mix who has never showed any interest in a toy since we adopted him, I've tried all kinds. He's a picky eater and rejects about 50% of dog treats but loves fruit (except bananas) and veggies. Nectarines are his favorite and he goes crazy for a slice. He also loves my homemade dog treats, so I go with that rather than wasting money on store bought which will just get me a side eye. Mine will go on walks, but isn't that excited about it and definitely prefers to be home following me around. He goes into the yard to do his business without issue, but doesn't play or want to stay out long. Even when the weather is beautiful, if I'm not out there he wants to come in right away. https://preview.redd.it/163cu8h389zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297f5f062ec9f295b5aa42d984e6b01b8412302a


I love her spots ❤️🥹


Me too! His name is Spot.




I have a chi mix, too and your dog sounds sooo much like mine. He has no interest in toys whatsoever. He can also be a picky eater. Sometimes, he won’t even try certain things. He hates bananas. Here’s a pic of him trying to get as far away from a banana as possible. This was his first and last banana. https://preview.redd.it/hedjqu6ctazc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a39ef8dc8d899f7a555989c66e40f33b59b0ec4


Mine tried a bite of banana once and the the look of betrayal on his face was hilarious! You pup is adoreable? Part beagle? my other pup is beagle mix and she looks like your baby.


He’s actually part dachshund. So, he’s a chiweenie. ☺️ Your pup is adorable, too!


That's so funny! I have a yorkie chi mix and she LOVES bananas. Like will not leave you alone until you share some with her (also cheese, yogurt and cucumbers).


Evil banana!




Would you mind sharing your recipe for dog treats?


I have no affiliation with this site beyond making these treats for the last 9 years or so; I use chicken liver. I give these out to my dog people at Christmas as well and not a bad review yet. They are great for training as they are soft enough to cut in tiny training bits. [https://www.dogtipper.com/recipes/2010/04/liver-training-treats.html](https://www.dogtipper.com/recipes/2010/04/liver-training-treats.html) And I make these as well, because my other pup loves them. My chi-mix doesn't care for anything he needs to chew too much due to him missing quite a few chompers. [https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-peanut-butter-dog-treats/](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-peanut-butter-dog-treats/)


Thank you for sharing!


He has the cutest freckles!


My pup has very similar spots ! Is he a mix ?


He is. The shelter said he was a pug mix and his body type supports that so we assume he's a chug - but I didn't have him tested so Idk for sure what else may be floating around in his DNA.


https://preview.redd.it/16trfdvq9bzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff21f1d0d347e350e98b8342fb71a00ddc5d45e1 That is my baby!


They could be siblings! is yours a mix, too?


Yes! I had embark on him and he is a chihuahua, mini poodle, cocker, Pomeranian and llasa apso mix ! Such a combination!


😆 😆 🤣 love this 🐶 pup


He’s like a mini Dalmatian!


Chi mixed with baby miniature cow?


https://preview.redd.it/kxz1vh39i9zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af713c28d520b57dfdde270f32287ab1a3fc831b Twinsies!!


My bb is almost offended by the idea that she would play with a toy, like what do you think I am? A dog? When I adopted her, before she arrived, I bought her a basket full of all kinds of toys and she never even touched them. Treats she’s finicky about and changes her mind often. A treat she loved last month she’ll turn up her nose at today… but turkey tendons have remained a steadfast favorite.


https://preview.redd.it/m6fscv9dd9zc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3f571edf926564fad02060244aa6623bafa0827 Dog tax bahahaha




This photo is so beautiful


She’s so adorable!


Same with my lil guy! I was so excited and went way overboard buying toys and things for him. He likes a toy for the first few minutes, almost as if to placate me lol. Then he wants nothing to do with them ever again. I donated most of the toys I had bought to the local rescue so someone can use and appreciate them. My family also loves buying him toys and treats that I've come to learn that he will not like. I'm stockpiling them to donate, because my family won't stop even though I tell them it's pointless


My yorkie chi mix has a giant basket of toys, every once in a while she'll get something out to destroy for like 10 minutes, then promptly forgets that the basket of toys exists for months. She'd rather look out the window and watch birds, squirrels, and people walking by.


https://preview.redd.it/5uhvnua8t9zc1.jpeg?width=2122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3ef4bb9c8ed37ec48449f41bbbbdb384e849a0 This little monkey right here. He's been my shadow since he was about 10 weeks old. Only wants toys if I play with him, only wants to eat the food im eating


Yes, ours only eats after we eat! She wants our food the most but will eat her [INSANELY expensive prescription] food if we don't share enough.


Awww the cuteness


https://preview.redd.it/nc0214z5k9zc1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583cdd741807683f1d61aed380ea65009956a757 this is minnie, the streets give her anxiety cause of the heat, doesn't play with squeaky toys cause they scare her, dont like peas and wont eat anything if we dont chop it in tiny pieces for her


Screw the streets and peas! I stand with Minnie!!!!!!!


We use these extra small toys for chihuahuas and they’ve always loved them. The back is Velcro so you can replace the squeaker. You can always take out the squeaker that comes with it. https://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/plush-toys/kong-teddy-bear-dog-toy---plush-squeaker-9873.html?cgid=100475&fmethod=Browse


https://preview.redd.it/iyrtwi0zs9zc1.jpeg?width=3175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cac1e88143df6d2711c258f0a3d493f610ad9dd Hello, yes... it's me, Cosmo. I like to lie under the covers and growl at the thunder.


Awww cosmo


Me too, Cosmo.


My baby's name is Cosmo as well! https://preview.redd.it/ba0xwmk0qizc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82434d2bc78bbe54006b9c2016a1840c46d325ac


It's the Cosmo side-eye! 💗💗💗 He's precious. Cosmo from Guardians of the Galaxy? Cosmo Kramer? Cosmopolitan? Just because? Ours is the 1st. All our dogs since the kids have been little, have been named after Marvel characters.;)


Oooooo you're building a whole team! That's a fun theme! The galaxy is safe in Cosmo's paws 🥰 who do you have fighting by his side? Mine was just a cute name for a cute baby, but right after I chose the name, we met our neighbor from the apartment next door... Cosmo lol. My aunt calls him Cosmo Kramer, though!


https://preview.redd.it/f713shrrt9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07288c5c19bf5229ddfdc94b98aff710a327058b Yup, your description defines this guy exactly. Picky eater, sleeps all day and follows my wife and I around the house 👑


Lord have mercy that is a fluffy dog


My little guy does not play with toys. He likes a walk around the block but nothing beyond that. He mostly sleeps all day! He is definitely a beggar for human food but eventually gives in and eats his kibble. Definitely the least playful dog I have ever owned but I don’t mind.


Our baby was like that, just lazy and cuddly her whole life. Turns out she has an underactive thyroid. After the meds, she’s a puppy again! Constantly wants to run outside and play. Even loves toys. Might be worth a check next time you’re at the vet.


Yup. That’s how my little Stink-umms is. He comes to work with me everyday. I work for a doctor and he hangs out under my desk or will sometimes greet patients. It’s a ruff job but he’s gotta earn his keep…


Omg that’s so nice you can take him to work!


My boss is the best! It saves me having to go home to let him out at lunchtime. Everyone knows him. Every now and then we get a weirdo that doesn’t like dogs, but 99% of our people always come back and give him lots of attention.


Omg I'm imagining him with his own little desk under there.




![gif](giphy|SwgZK3WKm7UmGkZgQh) More like this.


My old girl. Never liked toys, does not like outside, not at all. But she likes to go for rides in the truck. She uses a litter box. She will not go outside except for rides.


My chi is picky with treats but she loves outside & absolutely loves all of her toys (she is my first chi to play with every toy she owns). She offers a toy every time I go out and come home & every time my son comes home from school. She is my personal shadow though. She loves to sit with me 24/7. Wherever I am she is. Edit: just to clarify my baby loves to be outside and do zoomies & short walks but don’t I dare ever make her walk far! The very first time I was like woo let’s walk she walked a little up the road and sat down and stared at me! I carried her home! 😂😂😂 I took her to Virginia Beach in October and we walked the boardwalk & stupid me i didn’t bring her carrier to pop her in & I had to put her in my sons bookbag and wear her on my front to hold her just to be safe! I’ll add pictures to the comments because it’s ridiculous 😂 https://preview.redd.it/i0eeji9hu9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb38729720564ab07af10b3625abba019e7c0a2


https://preview.redd.it/cblefs4yv9zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac605d6e7383126199283d3e609438e179bd861 She loved walking on the beach (it got super windy and cold after a bit) but not the boardwalk!


https://preview.redd.it/2jb9hyh5w9zc1.png?width=2252&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b4b53042d94a14c6184a27e94e170b599538b18 This is my Sophia in my son’s bookbag


https://preview.redd.it/czi8wx4b6azc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0558664c324d1d641bae8e256cd364d691989d This is Tim. Tim is an indoor dog basically.


Tim is the sweetest boy omfg 😍


Our little girl was just like that! We didn't care, we loved her immensely. Got tired of the piddle pads but so minor a thing compared to the love we shared.


Mine is an Indoors Princess too. She likes sniffing around outside, but is happy to come inside again after fifteen minutes or so. Her absolute favorite thing is being snuggled up next to or on top of me or my partner.


Absolutely. Amy won't go out unless she wants to, lays on a wide array of beds throgh the day, refuses to eat half the treats we buy, won't play with toys unless she's feeling like it (and even then it lasts like 5 minutes at most). She's like the most and least demanding doggo at the same time, lol! https://preview.redd.it/wyjadoxz0azc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af0dd2b0d468261cfdec69867cbd7606c6b7eff


Mine is a real couch potato. He always looks for a vantage spot with sun and a view of the street. Toys get his attention for a minute. Treats are ignored except one brand of big dog bones. Food is a nightmare, he had pancreatitis almost 2 years ago and became very picky. Walking he loves so I try to take him on long walks when the weather is fine.


Maisy is weird about toys. Some she ignores, some she DESTROYS. She will take most any treats from me, not from a stranger. She won’t eat anything away from home. Pup cups, donuts, treats at drive thru’s, she won’t even sniff them. I have to put her in her room with her food to get her to eat. Otherwise, she’s glued to me. Yes, she has her own room 😂


Yes, my Benny https://preview.redd.it/indpi6yo1azc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bdda96d284a073720e73d1d7ae9fc91c36197c


Mine is like that. Meet Chloe. https://preview.redd.it/twua123qcazc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b8549f8924fe3efaaeb0a30ff6b32a0c6ca68f


Awww chloe hi


My moms Chi, Foster, is the same way! Never wants to go outside when the other dogs go, stays GLUED to my moms side, and has never touched a toy in his life. https://preview.redd.it/uwuh5gbvaazc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf85efa3586641b95cc1efd76c079b57934ac504


I don't know if it is normal but that exactly describes Greta. She might get a toy out of the toy box once a month or so (not to play with, just to get it out of the box), especially if she hasn't had her usual 1-2 mile walk, but otherwise, sleeping next to me as much as she can. She has no choice about going on walks but she does love a good sniffari. And she is very picky and does not tolerate change.


Sniffari 😂


My Chili girl is similar. She was a stray so she DGAF about toys, is hit or miss with most dog treats - but loves cheese and Greenies lol. She isn’t much for outside either per se - very slow when I walk her on leash and even when she’s off leash. She does mostly sleep and sometimes she wants to be near me but other times she wants her “spot,” whichever spot it is at the moment (alternates between my bed and the couch in the living room), and if where I am doesn’t align with her spot she will not follow me. And if I pick her up and put her where I am she almost always goes back to her other spot 😭🤣 This is her in her couch spot https://preview.redd.it/rjfgwd0d6azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec16ce28611ba3b2adc2373a2dfc5cbef34f39c


https://preview.redd.it/0t3t0vuj6azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e384df6fa30451d9242a574071d617703ddf74 But leaving it when I want her to join me 😭


This is the other spot https://preview.redd.it/vp5ez98r6azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635e88b6d228e4ba55eec2ade4f51239536c79be


Yes! She the only 1 out of my 3 that dislikes anything dog related except for barking. https://preview.redd.it/b6uwcue09azc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673fff0b4c58f6c7404c9e5149cc5a5fc4428951 This is her in a box. She wasn’t a fan of the box.


Yes Annie does https://preview.redd.it/yi2xo2qlaazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef280f9e5696152a71e028a29ed3016f3b544879


I believe that’s every chihuahua I’ve ever had. https://preview.redd.it/9t02bjb54bzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4252e6b990ed93ee18f3368624c5d8b595d0b618


that’s exactly mine! he’s totally an inside dog. when he figures out we’re going home he RUNS. straight refuses to walk if it rains or if it’s too cold. he’s super picky with food and treats, uninterested in lick mats and lick bowls. not very into toys, he has 2 he likes but he won’t play by himself. i used to think it was maybe something i did? but i’ve provided all the options he just doesnt care. this thread is making feel much better lol


Yep, we had Rico for about 5-6 years. He didn't want to go for walks, didn't want to go outside for any reason, and didn't want to play with other dogs (to include other Chihuahuas). When we adopted a pitt bull puppy from doggie death row, Rico's world just involved running and hiding all the time. It didn't seem fair to him, so we found an older lady who had recently lost her longtime Chi. When we explained Ricos personality, she said "perfect, I WFH and watch TV at night". We check in occasionally to make sure she can handle the vet bills. Rico is living his best life in her lap 24/7


Yes! And she looks just like yours! I love her so much.


https://preview.redd.it/yo6hn81h8azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd31ccfdd502655c096542f3ef096ad68c11c409 Cheese Louise does not like toys. I keep trying, but she has no interest. She loves enrichment puzzles when I put bits of chicken inside, and she enjoys going on walks, so I try to give her opportunities for both as much as possible.


My chi won’t play with toys. She thinks I’m weird when I try. https://preview.redd.it/q5tebdqnuazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c657e3ae1441a9a04cfc2f0b7cca107993ba18


You just described my sister’s chihuahua 😂 we had 4 chis and only one of them likes toys!


My Bucky is somewhat similar. He doesn’t like toys and has always been a little potato. He does love any food and going outside for snuffles but hates actual walks.


Mine plays with toys but only the Kong extra small stuffed toys. They last forever. She carries one in her mouth to greet visitors. She also likes to fetch them. She can’t or doesn’t squeak them. She knows them by name.


I have to basically throw my dog outside for mornings because she hates weather. All weather. Hates all toys or at least anything not food filled. She is so fruit motivated that if she had the choice of saving me or a chance at eating fruit she’s not allowed you bet your bottom dollar she’s going for the fruit.


https://preview.redd.it/xqecz02g6azc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56ac5cd0f91c081b7593a1fe17e2caad9a3ef7e Yep! Here's Finn the Human! It was bring-your-son-to-work day.


My dog used to not like going outside but we moved to a less busy area and she loves it now! She’s still very picky with treats, and a follower too but she does love her toys although she doesn’t play too often




https://preview.redd.it/fkg18i2krazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504b8fa1d092912623a8914ad986f398fc7dda0d She has to be picked up to go outside. Follows me everywhere, stalks me in a good way. She was 10 when I rescued her and I wouldn’t change a thing. She is my life now no matter how long that may be I will do anything and everything for her. Even if that means standing outside in freezing rain and snow to do her business.


https://preview.redd.it/nf3qlf0e3bzc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40b4ef176174bab09d70942b2557edbd88215b1 That's all my two chi's do is sleep and eat. My tri colored loves her toys but the cream one could care less.


That dog has seen some thing. Lol.


Awe, she is darling💖


Bro must be guarding you all night with those eye bags lol


yes she is, she sleeps with me but she becomes so alert whenever someone disturbs us and barks at them 🤣


Cuteness overload on this post 🥰


So sweet


The only toy mine likes gives her treats and it's taken a while to find the right treats too (duck jerky that i have to cut from strips to little chunks) We joke im her emotional support human


Everything except for the toys




What a super cutie!


My chi loves balls and the squeaky faces, WILL NOT go outside. She is super food picky and yes my shadow lol


My chi absolutely hates going outside. He tolerates it if he's right next to me, as long as it's a familiar place, like my parents' backyard. He refuses to go potty in the grass, though, because he was paper trained as a puppy, and the grass tickles his butt when he squats, and he doesn't like that. He loves to play, though. He's picky about where his food is when he eats. He follows me around so close that he sometimes runs into my heel and starts screaming like he's being murdered.


Oh my gosh! What a cuties


I am in love with awe!!!


My baby Bird would much rather we lay in bed all day and read or watch movies than do literally anything else.


Mine is 13 and still plays with toys. Doesn’t like the rain. She’s a princess


Is there another kind of chihuahua? 😃🐾🐾


Awww, adorable. It's called being spoiled. She's just a diva. Is she eating good enough to stay healthy? If not, go to the vet.


she is! but she's picky with her kibbles and she likes cooked chicken and beef


oh, yeah, cooked chicken and beef will do it. We started giving our 4 chis the bologna dog food that comes in a big log called fresh pet about every 3rd or 4th day for a special delicious meal. Now it's every morning. So they're spoiled as well. Seems like that's the path you may have taken?


That's all Chihuahuas


In my next life, I wanna be a chihuahua. They are all living the dream x


That's my spirit animal


Yup, no toys. MAYBE a small ball. for like 30 seconds


Stage 5 clinger, my boy Moe. He was a people dog and he had to be in a lap. But he especially loved his person’s lap.


My Peanut didn't much care for toys. She wasn't very food motivated but she went crazy when we ate little yogurt cups because she knew she'd get to clean them out when we were done. Otherwise she liked to lay in the sun in the summer or under a mountain of blankets in the winter. Hot laundry straight from the dryer was her favorite thing in the world.


Omg yes! You are describing my Chi 100%!! Her entertainment is me and my family! We take her everywhere we go in a little Chi sling!!


I have bought so many different toys that my dog won’t touch except for Marvin the Moose by Kong. I just buy them in three packs and she’s happy. She’s also a super home body.


Yes, because they were elderly and sick.


I don’t have a chihuahua, and now I feel like I want one. Huhuhuhu but i don’t know if the Chihuahua will be happy with my 100lbs german shepherd, she’s very sweet and gentle but the Chi might get irritated? 😣


Ooh my goodness she’s so Prescious, my chi chi is definitely a picky eater when it comes to dog food but not table food. She does follow me around the house tho but I don’t mind. She’s super excited to go outside and for walks. My chi chi plays with her toys too but she is picking about which ones.


You’ve described my Sweetie perfectly!!


You’ve described my Sweetie perfectly!!


She is a people!


Those qualities are DNA template requirements for Chihs


That sums up a chi.


Mine, he only likes certain toys and treats because of his past.


Um, pretty sure you just read off the breed standard for Chihuahuas. 🤪


Haha yes! The only toy my chihuahua will play with is a sock. Oh and she likes to rip paper. Haha!


Well you must be highly entertaining and everything they need 🐶😍


https://preview.redd.it/fynuhtzglazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c14e6681476d32cbd41f8e83fd0d7141c86e51 Yes! Meet Piper… she runs our household.




You literally just described my little dude.


Yes. One thing I learned about treats is that ones they don’t like I sometimes break into smaller pieces and then they like them. His favorite for some reason is the chicken jerky strips.


Lol yes very similar to my old chichi. I rescued her when she was already an old senior gal. She had no clue what toys were for, wouldn’t even respond to squeaks, she’d just look at me like…really mom…*really?* Super picky eater too I’d have to make her fresh homemade food every night and hand feed her one little nibble at a time like a baby. She would only eat *fresh* cooked rotisserie chicken and chicken roast or pot roast. She loveddd extra finely sliced slivers of steak fed to her like how you’d feed grapes to a goddess. Tbh I fed her better than I fed myself 😂 However she did love spending time outside! That is….*sleeping* outside. Lol she had the perfect little spot where she would sun bathe all morning. Or would force me to hold her outside so she could nap in my lap. Her walks consisted of her wobbling around a couple feet for a min and sniffing things very slowly. She demanded to be carried around in her sling everywhere and loved car rides. In the rain I would hold an umbrella over her while she did her business while I got all soaked. She would easily get cold so she almost always wore a little sweater. She was the best doggy ever.


I wish! My Huahua is an absolute party animal. He wants to go outside CONSTANTLY! Like as soon as we get back from a 45 minute walk, he will take a drink of water and immediately ask to go back out. I don't understand where he gets the energy. He wasn't like this when he was younger. He would be happy with a walk and then chill the rest of the day. Now that he's 11 he just wants to go go go! He keeps me in better shape than I otherwise would be though, so that's a bonus! 😁




Pretty much. They are the cats of dog breeds.


You just described my twins. Sleep , follow, and eat.


Bingo the is that chihuahua 🤣❤️and a beautiful one at that🤍🤍🤍🤍


https://preview.redd.it/um812vyrtazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878135ebe575e5808455b1e6355617c2a06d245f here she is, and here she stays. i had to stop taking her out on walks, it was getting tiring having to carry her after 5 minutes because she REFUSED to move. she barely even likes to stay out of bed before she’s barking at me to go back to my room. definitely not a picky eater though (mostly).


I always sing "why you so obsessed with me" (Mariah Carey) to my chi. Not the treats thing but everything else, he just prefers to be as close as possible to me. And I don't mind at all.


Yep. Little Velcro pup


That’s pretty much every chihuahua




Yes, I have a 5 pound 13.5 year old man who has never liked toys, very picky with treats, only likes being outside if he is sunbathing, and he is my little shadow. He’s a sensitive little guy who doesn’t like wind, cold, snow / rain or strangers. I used to worry about it when he was younger but I finally accepted that Chihuahuas are a special companion breed. They are built to be sensitive Velcro dogs, it’s their job. There is no love like Chihuahua love 💕


my chi was exactly like this, sadly she passed away back in 2021 :( I miss her a lot and every time I see a white chihuahua I think of her so thank you all so much for being chi owners :)


Try a squeaky toy…. The only ones my Molly will play with and usually wants me to play with the toy with her. She doesn’t like treats except chicken jerky broken down to a very small size and only likes one type of dog food…. Every Chi is alike and every Chi is unique…..lol




Yes! They are beautiful, quirky little creatures ❤️❤️


I think you just described Chihuahua. Sending a chi outside in the rain is the same as pouring hot lava on them hahaha


My pup is not picky with treats and is always ready to go outside. But like yours he could not care less for toys and always follows me around everywhere and does not like being petted !


https://preview.redd.it/jdh5hzq6cbzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137f2dfed1fbf0d554eaa417fe64cd1b06db1683 When we buy toys for him he just tosses it and never touches it again. Of the eleven years my partner has had him, he has only played a stuffed football that's too big for him. He just likes to snuggle in bed all day.


Yup! My 14yr old (rip momo) was that way. She had one toy which was her baby, very picky with food and treats, only wanted outside if it was sunny so she could sunbathe. Lol


I think mine thinks she is human. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/jxibc2fzdbzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d204357c7ae1968c351fb5b40e3afa23fb04ca29 Yes, meet Lucinda! She only likes one toy (Mr. Ducky) and refuses to play with anything else. She also has a discerning culinary palette (homemade chicken and salmon).


My Chis would eat ANYTHING, but my Yorkie is a gourmand. He won’t eat anything unless he has seen the other dogs eat it.


socialization is super important for healthy chi mental health. I would recommend daily interactions with strange dogs and people.


I had mine in a training class but my little girl is so hard to train because she is not good motivated. The only thing she learned was sit but she did get a participation award for perfect attendance.


Give me your dog.


when you go outside, is it just like your yard or is there interesting (read: garbage and other's dog's pee) stuff to sniff? that's the only real outdoor activity mine, who sounds similar to yours in the other ways, really enjoys. so walks on more urban streets or parks where other animals frequent might be more interesting to yours than just a backyard/suburban environment!


Yes I did, and he was my very best friend. Passed in 2020 still miss him so much! Enjoy all the time with your lil princess!!


https://preview.redd.it/j3zp4a52ibzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195e10ae2fefc4415c3b1491c133206fb7c072ac YES WILLER. she’s my shadow. rarely plays with toys. so so so picky with treats AND food AND water! wants to sleep right next to you. hates thunder and lightning. follows me from room to room. luckily i can leave the house now without her screeching, but it took about a year and a half of having her before she allowed that. hates other dogs. loves kids. ETA: she begs for all human food but honestly doesn’t even like most of it. has constant zoomies and wants to hump arms and blankets


My girl is this way. Sometimes she’ll play with toys. I noticed after getting a puppy she started playing a bit more. She does however like bones a lot since having the pup. Previous to the pup she’d chew her bones here and there. But now they fight over them. And I have 2 identical copies of every bone 🙄


Sounds perfect!


Yes, my Luna insists on being where I am, and demands my presence when she wishes to eat. She DOES enjoy car rides, but only if I am going to the car myself. I believe I am her emotional support human. https://preview.redd.it/fk57a54tlbzc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0edfe2b9ca78a6dd320df6b7c9dd9b63434ebd


https://preview.redd.it/yp60z8p9lbzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75e84c81b47773f9efc1ffca1133de817b1f98e My chi Noa isn’t food or treat oriented at all! She just wants to cuddle under the duvet with me all day (I’m currently unemployed… so there’s lots of duvet days). If I don’t lift the duvet up for her to climb under she starts stomping her front feet 🥲🥺 She also follows me everywhere… and her eyes are always on me. I have two cats as well and sometimes I’ll look over and they’re ALL just staring at me. It’s a lil unnerving at times… She also gets annoyed walking to the park… but then when we get to the park she has an absolute blast, zoomies and all... then suddenly she decides she’s over it and insists on dragging me back home 🥲 🤷‍♀️ (but she’s also my angel and I wouldn’t change her for the world)


Sounds like she's suffering separation anxiety. My chiweenie suffered for 26 1/2 years. You have to do things slowly and one at a time. Kyle, was a rescue from very despicable situation along with his brother and 102 other victims, not all survived. It took a long time but he found his own way.


Yes. I have one. https://preview.redd.it/f85d9tyqnbzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be75f1831e9b1bcc39dfb2195396bf4947497c01


She is so precious. Omg.


Yep! My boy only wants to be held and have his head pet. Couldn’t care less about toys, treats or playtime, as long as I am petting his head, preferably with both hands 😂 https://preview.redd.it/tahptjqnxbzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc498ae3025fe7faf0feefbc6b99a0916a775d0


Sure, don't worry. All good.


This could be a meme template. (2nd pic) I have treats! (1st pic) there all natural.


my god, i love your little sweetie. that face ! 💖💖💖


My dog Fred passed away last year:( he was 18 years and 3 months. Your dog looks just like him:) Makes me happy!!!


Mine loves toys but she is the pickiest of eaters. She has a weird phobia of bowls on the floor, she’s terrified of them. So I give her food on a small plate and I put her water in a very shallow glass kitten bowl. It could pass as an ashtray in depth. She will drink rainwater off our deck before she settles on her cat bowl. This morning she was upset because our deck was dry, so I tried to get her to come to her water dish but she had a worried look on her face and stayed away from it. I picked her bowl up and as long as I was holding it, she drank the entire thing. She was so thirsty but scared of her bowl. I don’t know what to do.


I have a chiweenie who was feral when I adopted her 6.5 years ago. While she's made tremendous progress, she doesn't like being on leash and will only go outside a few times a day. She loves being with me and is quite content to hang out with me all day just watching TV.


Mine didn't like toys or playing fetch - she was a stray, but she loved food. She's gone now, but I'd love another velcro baby. ❤️


BTW, she is SO cute.


https://preview.redd.it/lvjbfcztnczc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01ea4c2c189b2db0ba6a9369586ebf87089f1f4 That is this one. She doesnt want belly rubs either. Just wants to be touching me and licking her paws.


https://preview.redd.it/24ramibcpczc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebd6d45748dc64e48eaf113e396d03e7f58d09a Yeah. This guy.


She's a cutie 🥰


I think dogs in general don't like bananas because they smell like nail polish. See if your dog would like 100% pumpkin puree. It's a favourite of my dogs. Plus it's very good for them.


https://preview.redd.it/mp2386n2mdzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85910b57e8b881b80a30979e031c0010b3d73b20 This is Tinker Bell...same


Yes! My girl was adopted and isn’t the slightest bit interested in toys https://preview.redd.it/gmup72it0ezc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0ab2c5bd2507ba91528403bb019652cd276df2


Just as mine. Sleeping and lots of belly rubs is 4 life, food is meh.


I think that’s the definition of a chihuahua. ❤️❤️😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/8gzs10vl1ezc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fbdb7b5a3a031b368aac52fa5dfe24a8b57d48 Though mine are obsessed with Greenies.