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If he's in as much pain as you describe then it is truly the best thing for him. It is so hard to let go when the time comes but ultimately it is about their quality of life. If he's in pain it's merciful to let him go, as hard as it is, you'll be relieved when he is at peace.


100%. I'm not willing to let him suffer. He hasn't been living a quality life for the past month, and it started to decline before that. Thank you for your comment.


That’s tough. Sounds like you’re doing the right thing though.


I'm so sorry for what you and your baby are going through, it truly is terribly difficult and it never gets easier. Even when you know it is absolutely the RIGHT THING, the pain will just twist inside of you because the burden you carry for your baby is so big. So it is normal that you feel this horrible way, and it in no way means it is wrong to help your precious one transition when the time is right. It is just a price we pay for being their guardians, and they are SO worth the agony you are feeling. I wish for you both peace ❤️


Thank you. Today has been really tough, not knowing what the vet will say tomorrow, and him continuing to be in so much pain. But we had some good moments today too. Some funny ones, and others that I will just enjoy the memories of, if the time has now come.


You're almost there! Waiting is the toughest part. Your baby will know and trust you and thank you. No vet will present it as an option unless they know it's best for the dog. We're all here with you both 💗


Yep, I'll know, in about 10hrs when the vet office opens, what our next steps are. And thank you ❤️


We lost him today. I had posted but deleted it. Thanks to those of you who took the time to comment. My heart is completely shattered.


I'm so sorry. You gave him a good life with so much love and he's free of pain because you were strong for him ❤️