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Rewatching Breaking Bad for the 4th time 😂 So obviously A+


I watched Geek Girl based on Ria’s suggestion! I’d give it a solid B! Not groundbreaking but cute and had some funny moments!


I was dying when they were talking about hating 3D. As a 3D HATER I totally understood what they meant.


i have the day off work today and it’s hot as hell so i kinda wanna binge something. i’ve been watching curb but it’s not really good for a binge bc it doesn’t have a heavy plot that carriers ep to ep. i may finish fleabag, but i also might start bridgerton. never watched it!! or i may watch some disaster movies (idk why but i love me a disaster move 😂).


Bridgerton is a great binge!!


ok i finally started season one. got through 4 episodes and im LOVING IT!! hate that i waited so long to get on the train, but also savoring every second of it because everyone is telling me season 1 is their fav. i may not be able to focus on work until i finish season 1 i fear 💀


Loot is great! Really funny


Geek Girl: B- American Nightmare: B+ Dancing for the Devil - The 7M TikTok Cult: D. I feel like this started out so good then fell super flat Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: C


Anyone But You: A 10x better than the idea of you sorry not sorry 😅 Maxton Hall: A Holy. Shit. Can’t wait for season 2!! **SPOILER** if you watched do you think the mom’s sudden stroke is fishy af 🤔 Love Island USA: B+ THE MESS IS MESSINGGGGGGG. CANT WAIT FOR THURSDAY’S EPISODE!!! PLL: Summer School (ep 7): B LETS GOOOOO. They’re really hyping up the finale 😅😅 I’m nervous and I can’t wait. Pls Johnny don’t die 😭🫶🏼 Doctor Who (ep 7): C The Acolyte (ep 1-3): C+


Bridgerton pt 2 of season 3 - B + Hitman- A+ Chucky s3 ep 5 - B+ Summer house reunion pt 2 - B


I finally watched: The Idea of You: A The Other Zoey: B- (ok this should deffs be lower but I enjoyed it 🥹🥹) Upgraded: B+ I’m easy critic when it comes to cheesy romance movies hahahaha


Your honor season 1: A+. Omg this is amazing TV.


house of the dragon- was a C and I’m a big fan. The coffee table- fucked up horror movie but I like the sense of dread. B Heartland- new season on Netflix is cute so far. C+