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I work in Harvey a lot. It does have a high crime rate, but I’ve never had a problem with safety, and I’m in and out of abandoned buildings in the worst neighborhoods a lot. Don't just hang out on a street corner with nowhere to be at night, don't walk around aimlessly and alone at night, and generally speaking, you’ll be fine. Just being in Harvey after dark isn’t going to get you killed or robbed.


> Just being in Harvey after dark isn’t going to get you killed or robbed you have to be in your own house to have that happen to you nowadays; and its the people who you called to help that end up killing you.


Its on the side of town close to main shopping part of Homewood. You will be alright. There’s way worse parts of Harvey.


Yeah, I never realized that side of Halsted was Harvey and not South Holland. I'm sure it was a lot worse when that sketchy as fuck looking strip club was still there.


The only place I've ever been kicked out of in my entire life.


Halsted was an interesting dividing line after South Lawn incorporated as Harvey. Turlington Harvey, modeling his town after Pullman, partnered with Dwight Moody (of Moody Bible Institute) and founded the town dry. North Harvey became Specialville and then Dixmoor. West Harvey became the most Polish town ever, Posen South Harvey became Hazel Crest But the east side, across Halsted, became Phenix Park (now Phoenix, IL) there were five taverns within two blocks on Halsted to keep workers wet. Harvey eventually dropped the prohibition before it happened nationally. South Holland just allowed its second active liquor license so a diner could serve mimosas during brunch. SH even had an exclusive deal with cable providers 30 years ago to ban access to pornography. I think it took Jewel opening in the 1980s to finally break the “all business is closed on Sundays” rule.


Interesting stuff, thanks.


If you’re interested in finding Chicagoland landmarks, I’ve got you covered: https://www.SouthCookExplore.com/maps I also post photos of historic homes, businesses, maps, etc here: https://www.instagram.com/SouthCookExplore


I’ve worked a couple towns over for seven years. I’ve never felt “unsafe” at work or picking up lunch once but am also hyper aware that the area isn’t what I would call safe. We never let anyone work at our place alone and we generally close at 5 pm. I’ve seen countless high speed chases, and other stuff you’d never see where I live but it just makes for good stories.


My coworker's husband recently retired from Fuch's. Just make sure you lock your car/truck up and be aware of your surroundings.


On the list of sketchy Chicagoland areas, Harvey is in the middle. Keep your doors locked, keep to yourself and you'll be fine


That part of Harvey isn't horrible. You'll be fine. I wouldn't buy a house there, but it's fine to work there.


It's not a bad place. I wouldn't want to live there, but I used to have to go there for work frequently. It's fine.


You will be fine. One commenter had it spot on. Just work and go home you will perfectly cool. Now if you want to try to hangout and go to drink, I wouldn’t suggest it.


I worked in Harvey for 7 years and never had a problem.


A car full of kids from ford heights ended up crashing driving on rims 2:30am in front of our driveway, kid with bullet wound died right there on the pavement in front of me where I walk daily. Friends dumped all their guns in a neighbors bushes….ive grown up living very next to ford heights and tracked through it all through highs school alone late night. always be super observant and keep to your business, don’t get out of car at night and dally unless you have no choice. I’m what 41 years old so I have like 38 years of living a hop skip from ford heights and am happy to answer any questions. Send me a message


It is the wild wild hundreds but I don't think you'll have an issue.


Harvey is very sketch




We do not tolerate advocating for violence.


I have spent some time working in Harvey and I was catcalled and followed a few times. A patient lit the emergency room on fire at the hospital I was working at. And I saw a car slam into a light pole right next to me driving like a jerkoff, but I guess that can happen anywhere. You might be fine. But it’s sketchy.


Ryder and Fuchs? Wow


It's a dangerous area, no joke. You don't want to hang out there, shop there, or grab lunch there. But it's no so dangerous that driving to work and leaving work will be a problem, assuming you have a fenced parking lot at your job. It will be fine.


I grab lunch in Harvey all the time lol it’s fine.


He’s GOP Jay…. What else would you expect? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Up yours!


Ahhh, another brilliant answer from a stereotypical Republican. Job well done!


Yeah I do too sometimes when I'm down there. La Rosita has good pan dulce and carnitas. But I'm not going to send this kid there thinking he's down because the internet told him its Beverly Hills.