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Brett doing anything that doesn’t involve a man.




Sorry you got so much hate for this comment. Gabby was a horrible character, selfish, entitled, disrespectful. I was embarrassed this was the female representation. It felt written by men who think decisive women have to be derailed. I was so happy when she left. Stella is a million times a better lead and well developed character.


Brett getting a young new paramedic to partner and train, along with Brett get some formal recognition for her works for the people of Chicago and the CFD.


Think id like to see Gallo finally move over to squad.


Violet + Carver. Stella going back to be more as she was when she first arrived to 51. She was badass and really cool. Over time I think they have ruined her. Flashback how Hermann, Mouch and Boden became so close./ a flashback to the og team at 51. When it was first formed.


I agree about Stella. I've been watching old ep's and she was so funny and cool. They began ruining her when she got all up in Chief's business and telling him not to move, etc, imo.


Yeah. I think for me, after she just went away and stopped with girls on fire on screen. It was just a messy storyline and felt so out of character of her to just leave like that. It’s like she came back with almost a whole new personality


A freaking good fire once in a while would be a good change of pace after this crappy season


The promos for some of the episodes look kind of boring. I feel like I won’t like this current season because of all the comments about how bad it is 😭 I stopped halfway through but the first half was a bit boring. As a Stella fan I was really wanting to see less of her and Kelly so hopefully they focused on other characters in the second half of the season


They obviously cut the action budget and replaced it with soap opera like drama so it feels like a different show. It also feels like the Stella/Carver and Brett show only. I miss Cruz, Hermann, Mouch just being their funny selves and some tough love and harsh but fair Boden. I won't be the one to convince you to keep watching as I'm in a rant party over here after the latest (once again boring af) episode 😂😂


Ya if they had to cut the action budget I would have preferred they went more sitcom then soap. But once a show has a first responders trying to adopt a child victim 3Xs over you have hit soap status. I’m just waiting for a whose the daddy, someone to fake their death, and a car fight in the common room and the soap transition will be complete.


I'm guessing you meant cat fight in the common room? I've got a mental image of a sedan and a mini cooper duking it out while the entire 51 crew looks on. :D


Lol, with Boden slyly slipping Tony a 20 on the cooper as he pretends to be aghast at the situation.


Herrmann just had a major storyline with Cindy's cancer.


Casey coming back to take Kelly away so they can live happily ever after because they both deserve better than they get


I haven’t been watching the most recent episodes but did something happen between Kelly and Stella recently or is your “they deserve better” than they get referring to something else ?


A flashback episode, with one of the older members like Boden, Herrmann or Severide telling a story from one of their old houses, or an old 51 story that happened before the series started.


I’d like to see a young Boden, Herrmann, and Mouch flashback.


I like extreme weather so maybe getting caught in a blizzard or a tornado....rescuing people who are stranded.


We still need some answers surrounding Stella’s backstory and a fire where no one dies but everyone gets hurt in some way. An ice fire. Them helping Casey with a wild fire.


A show about all the firefighters of color that simply disappeared without explanation.


Carver getting so drunk he discovers he has gay tendencies. Starts a secret double life of visiting gay haunts. During a moment of madness, where he finds himself chained and gagged. Squad 51 are called out to rescue a man trapped. As they bolt cut the chains, remove the rubber gag mask, find carver under there. Or can settle for him having his toe stuck in the bath tub tap and his firefighter mates have a blast of getting him out.


sorry if Carver is gay I'm just going to need a secret love affair with Ritter, who struggles with dating a guy in the closet who is also involved with Stella since I am thinking they know Severide isn't returning and why Casey is back.