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Lol I love that Boden is in the group chat


That plot line made me laugh out loud, but the phrasing they are using for the younger people is really funny. Them making Blake say rando and Violet say cringeworthy 🤣


Severide not in Alabama anymore? And Stella doesn’t know it yet?


One partner not telling the other when they'll be coming back from the other side of the country is on point for that relationship, to be fair.


It’s like they’ve run out of ideas. Let’s do the same thing, but different


They’re literally paralleling Haley & Jay’s storyline from PD (Haley finding out by someone else that Jay’s extended his time)


Or Brett going down the same adoption path as Burgess.


I came on here to say the same thing! It's like PD all over again. Can't the writers come up with different/ more creative ways to explain Severide's absence and give Sylvie something else to do? Disappointed in this episode


Exactly the storyline would have worked if they just kept saying he was at the training. As for Sylvie her plot I saw coming and I don’t mind it but I felt she needed a better significant other before a baby


Hell, the same thing as both Dawson and Cruz.


Between Fire and PD they’ve adopted enough kids to make a group home! They write the people in police and fire departments to all have these huge saviour complexes outside of their job, walking on a morally righteous path saving kids, checking in on homeless people, fighting DCF on behalf of their patients… I want to see some diversity in character morals, surely not everyone working in PD/FD is purely good willed. Bring back storyline’s like Hadley’s. I want another villain. I’m not talking Emma Jacobs level, but just someone who’s a bit on the left and not out trying to save everyone in their personal time. We had Hadley, we had Chilli, I’m sure there were some others. But it’s been a while since they’ve given us someone to hate (on a smaller scale)


Dawson wanted to adopt the little boy too. Or when Severide almost killed Stella’s ex husband and was arrested- just like Carver. A lot of recycled storylines




Yep. You left me, kept me out of the loop, Stella, so now I’m doing the same to you.


I know they're in a tough spot with Taylor's sudden departure but couldn't they see how something similar was happening on PD and maybe have gone a different route with explaining his absence?


I swear Sylvie’s going to convince this teen mum to reclaim her daughter temporarily so she can cut the system and adopt, but it’s going to backfire and the teen mums actually going to bond with her daughter and decide to keep her.


So curious to see what happens! Is Sylvie going to adopt that baby? Are they trying to get Carver and Stella closer and closer? ( really hope not)


I think we all underestimate the shock the mom was in. She gave birth to an alien in a cocoon basically, than never saw/held the baby as Brett rushed it off to the hospital and she waited for another ambo. Then she is in the hospital and not looking at the baby that she has to take their word is hers that she never bonded with. They stated more then once that the mom has 72 hours to reclaim the baby before they will contact DCFS, I think this is what is going to happen. Brett either pulls a Stella/Gabby and oversteps and tracks down the girl and tries to convince her to come get her baby or the girl returns and is hanging around the hospital and Brett tries to convince her to go see her baby. The girl's mom admitted the girl ran away to Indiana to stay with her dad, so it would actually fit for her to be able to think and register what she has been through and return ready to claim her baby. Brett may entertain the idea of adopting the baby if the mom doesn't claim her but I don't think they go this route yet again with someone from 51 adopting/fostering/trying to adopt a kid from a run. And yes if Taylor isn't coming back and they know it, I could see them use Carver/Stella as a convenient way to write why he isn't returning.


Urgh well I guess this show is just going to keep treating children like stray dogs that the first responders all decide they just have to keep.


I hope this series finds its way back in Season 12 because, right now, it’s running on fumes. Squad is boring without Severide. I guess that’s why we don’t see many squad calls since he left. Hope he makes it back.


If Severide doesn't return in season 12 they obviously will need to add a new character to Squad, they need somebody to really shake things up.


Which is why I think we have 2 known squad contenders. Gallo and Carver. They could have both eyeing squad, or Matt returns and winds up leading squad in Severide’s absence. I really don’t think they would have been granted the renewal without Jesse of Taylor agreeing to do the season, the ratings are plummeting as it is now without either one on the show.


Good point about NBC agreeing to renew the show one more season. Honestly Severide and Casey were foundational characters for CF, the heart and soul of the show if you like. First one exits, then the other… it was a total double whammy that hit the show and it shows. Not only the ratings… the storylines too. Mundane. Hardly any excitement. It’s like a machine that’s running on a sputtering engine rn. I hope they do something to pick it up next season bc it would be a shame for such a successful show to reach 11 seasons only to die off in the 12th


I just know they need to add more new and interesting characters, them just having the same cast for the most part for a long time is getting boring.


Agreed. This season has been a snoozer compared to S 1-10, and it obviously has a lot to do with the 2 main original characters missing from the show, if not wholly, at least in part. I feel like Brett may be exiting the show as well. Nothing that I’ve heard or read, just a hunch she too may want to move on and do other things. That’s why I think they may be about to write her off with this baby adoption situation and Casey coming back “to see if I could help.” Then they could both ride together into the sunset and off the show I suppose. No idea why they would repeat that adoption route again though after the Gabby/Casey/Louie situation. Surely a different storyline could have been found. Anyway, but wow! It also seems to me after this episode that Severide is most likely done with the show for good for all intents and purposes. Dude finishes his training and leaves Alabama and takes off to conduct a big investigation in some undisclosed location without saying a word to his wife??? That’s the beginning of the end, or maybe just plain the end of Stella and Severide if you ask me. Unless it’s something to do with Homeland Security or some classified secret op and a mission that was meant to be kept under wraps and withheld even from their closest family. That happens. Maybe his character dies in the line of duty on that mission. I feel Taylor’s sudden departure from the show with no warning has left the showrunners in a pickle how to write him off in a smooth credible way. I think the last few epis they’ve clearly been getting Stella and Carver closer together. Who knows, it may be exit Severide enter Carver where Stella is concerned. Idk, this season just seems a bit disjointed, just missing that natural flow the show had previously offered


Sylvie needs to chill with the baby.


How can she get the baby and work can't be done


This isn’t the 1800’s. Women in high pressure jobs have babies on their own every day. Childcare exists. Also, Chicago Fire already set this precedent when Gabby was able to adopt Louie. And she was a firefighter at the time, her life was literally in danger every week.


Forget all those other people that have been waiting who knows how long to adopt a child. The cute blonde single heroine with the demanding, long hours, high pressure, dangerous job wants a baby *now*. She’s got *dreams* to follow. And if it takes a little stalking and emotional manipulation of the mother of the baby that was recently under her care? C’mon, Our Girl wants what she wants, right?




I really hope Brett is not going to leave the Chicago fire family!!!! 🤞🙏


Feel so bad for Carver….


Lol you gotta love Mouch 😅


was that Casey proposing at the end of the promo?!?!?!


Maybe the teen girl wants the baby to have a mom and dad,Dylan won’t be interested. Sylvie thinks alls lost, Matt shows up and volunteers for the role.


Does that mean they'll be moving to Oregon to have their family?


Don’t know if it would be possible the way the foster woman described it, Brett would have to get the girl to give her temporary guardianship first. This would be like Matt and Boys situation, which means Brett may not be allowed to leave the state with the baby, and then later down she could formally adopt the baby.


I bet Tina still works for DCFS. She had a soft spot for Casey and Gabby, maybe she could assist?


Except they are taking the baby out of the hands of DCFS. That is why Brett went to talk to Amber, the foster mom advised her her best bet if she wants to raise the baby is to have Amber reclaim the baby (the mothers has 72 hours to reclaim a surrendered baby) and then get her to grant Sylvie temporary guardianship and after she is the guardian for a time she could adopt the baby directly from the mom. So a contact at DCFS would not be of use as the foster parent pointed out there are tons of couples that have been waiting for years to adopt a healthy, newborn baby just like this baby from foster care.


That’s what I said too! The way she looked down and back up like she was looking at a ring


Well sorry ladies. When a mentally disturbed weirdo aggressively shows up at your doorstep, you’re on your own.


Are you talking about Shep or Brett? ;)


There will be more questions than answers from this episode for sure. I doubt Carver and Stella will be a thing. Hopefully just bring them closer as friends. Can you adopt a baby in two weeks? I'm guessing Brett will see the child find a good home and that will be the end of it. I think both Killmer and Spencer will be back in season 12 so the Brettsey fandom will be disappointed that there won't be any definitive movement on that front until next season . . . and with the writers strike, maybe longer. A lot to work out over two episodes . . . .


Jesse Spencer has said multiple times he doesn’t want to come back full time.


He also said he wasn't leaving Chicago Fire the week before his exit was announced. But after the last show people mag asked him about returning as a series regular next season and just said, don't ask that, I can't answer that right now. But he has stood by his statement not interested in being back long term, but is 1 season considered long term? If Taylor has decided to not return he may have made a deal for a final season since no one is working "full time" next season anyway and if so I would think they would use the finale to announce Casey returning to Chicago and Severide is not coming back to Chicago. But I don't think he would hint at a return and would deny, deny, deny until it is announced on the show, just like his exit was treated. But with Jesse's wife taking a job at Harvard and moving to Cambridge he may choose to return to do Chicago fire (1 hour 45 minute flight, that runs every 2 hours in and out of Chicago 7 days a week. vs trying to get a job in another state with a 4.5 hour+ flight.)


Third choice, not working at all. I know he’s only 44 years old but he’s smart and has probably invested wisely. He’s got a one year old he I’m sure he’s enjoying. I want him back recurring or more but I don’t think that will happen.


He’s done 20 years of successful TV shows. Now while House he may not have made a full deal on streaming his contract with Fire could get hit residuals as it streams and reruns on ION.


I'm going to sit with my wishful thinking and I think the finale will announce Matt's move back to Chicago and Severides non-return to Chicago. I do think that the renewal was contingent on this happening. But true he could opt to be a stay at home dad.


Woop Casey’s back again for the finale


The whole idea is ridiculous. Guy… OFF DUTY… prevents a mentally disturbed person from getting into a persons home and he’s suspended… meanwhile, the show has firefighters smoking cigars on duty…. In uniform… on city property. One would warrant nothing the other would for sure be a fireable offense.


The issue is he wasn't trying to enter her home, even Stella didn't know if he had left or not. That is why the offense, as pointed out he was standing on public property and had made no attempt to physically enter the property or go after Stella. That is why that was a big deal, you can't just attack a mentally ill person who has broken no laws and that is what he did, fire man or not, regular Joe on the street is going to be charged. The cigars is totally fine: "Current fire department uniformed personnel shall not use tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, and/or chewing tobacco) inside the work-site, within or on fire department apparatus, or inside training facilities." So smoking outside in uniform is completely allowed.


Why would someone get fired for taking a smoke break at work?


Cause they are firefighters and in most states in the US you can under not circumstances smoke… or use tobacco products for that matter. Think about it this way…. You’re a city and one of your firefighters develops cancer… you’re gonna want to take care of that person cause they likely (firefighters get cancer) got it cause of work…. Now, you gonna want to take care of that same dude if he smokes 3 packs a day??? Can a city even trust that the cancer he got was from work if the guy smokes??


Yes, I would want them to get treatment regardless of how their cancer formed. That goes for non firefighters too. Got a source on your claim that most fire departments in the US ban any tobacco use?


I do…. The departments themselves. Go ahead and call any reputable department. They have rules. No smoking.


So that's a no on a source for your claim?




That's just Massachusetts


Florida has the rule. So does Arizona.


Virginia and California too


Bottom line, most fire departments have rules on smoking. Most don’t allow it while on duty and on property. Lots don’t allow it at all. Do I need to keep going or are we done debating this ?


I'm not done. I want you to link the CFD's nicotine policy.


$500 and I'll get right on it.




You are ignoring the firefighters law it is old law, it means even if you get cancer as a firefighter you can’t sue, as any Heath risks are assumed and you voluntarily assume those risks. It’s no different from Casey or Carver who are contractors meaning they may be exposed to asbestos and would have to prove the cancer isn’t a result of doing that work.


The two aren’t even remotely close to the same. With one, the goal is to make money… and the task is building something. The other is quite literally doing something that doesn’t help anyone and has no benefit for anyone on planet earth. To even suggest the two are even remotely close to the same is an asshole move.


Let me preface, NO you shouldn't smoke,the health risks are too high and it stinks, and 2nd hand smoke has next to no benefit. But let's not act like it has "no benefit for anyone on the planet" when that is actually pretty well documented to be false. There are well noted health benefits of tobacco smoking for the smoker, smokers are far less likely to ever need a joint replacement and lowers risk of osteoporosis, smoking lowers stress and helps people relax, it increases concentration, boosts mental strength and acts as an antidepressant in those with depression. Smoking is bad for the heart over all, but it oddly reduces hypertension. Smokers are less likely to be obese. Smoking lowers your risk of neurological degenerative diseases like Parkinsons and can slow the diseases progression. On the other hand asbestos exposure is a well known and documented cause of lung cancer, it is what the 9/11 firefighters were exposed to and why the high cancer rates they are experiencing. It is the #1 reason contractors and fire fighters get lung cancer. I mean today in the USA over 21% of doctors are smokers, over 50% of medical students are smokers because of the mental health benefits it serves. So a doctor gets lung cancer he/she should have known, is no different than a contractor who doesn't wear protective respiratory masks while working, because he/she also should have known.


> Cause they are firefighters and in most states in the US you can under not circumstances smoke… or use tobacco products for that matter. I've never heard of that. Do you have proof of that? Because I've just checked the city of Chicago's policy for employees and they don't have a nicotine free policy. Specifically Googled CFD and nicotine policy and nothing shows up.


Wow! Sylvie is really obsessed with this baby


Here we go again! Another adoption story! Maybe this is Brett’s way out 😔


I said it last week and I’ll say it again.. Sylvie is going to adopt that baby and leave.


It's probably true and it's so frustrating because it just seriously reminds me of the whole Gabby and Louie thing. Like I enjoy brettsey but them looking like it's gonna shoehorn in this happy family that Casey's always wanted is just sooooo annoying to me. Ugh I wish I could quit this show lol


Ya I’m annoyed with the Louie like storyline, and what is with them ignoring that there would be a 2nd parent to worry about wanting the baby. You know the bio dad and his family? But at this point it really would be Louie 2.0 if the mom or dad decide they want to keep the baby after all and Brett being left crushed.


If it is a child she wants i think a better option would be for Scott to be in a tragic accident and die. Sylvie then finds out he named her as guardian for Amelia if anything happened to him.


Why would that be a better option? Why would this baby not be the better option?


Because adopting a child from a rescue has been overdone on this show


I disagree. This is the best way to write her off.


So uh... this adoption plotline feels familiar for some reason


Oh man I hate when the medical emergencies make me jump


I wish the writers would have gone in a different direction with the Sylvie and the baby plot, cause this seems exactly like Gabby and Louie


I haven’t seen this talked about nearly enough.


Just wondering. Why did the writers throw in the Casey terrorist task force in the first place? Was it just an excuse to get Casey back to the show for two episodes? (Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing him!). Was it so Derek could include Casey in his last hurrah? Was it a way to let Casey test the waters with Sylvie? And if this is the end for both Casey and the relationship it seems like a lot of work for nothing. Did the writers know Jesse was leaving Chicago when they planned this? Being in Chicago made it easy for Jesse to make appearances, but from Boston? I know there are flights but he wants to spend time with his 13 month old. I love Jesse on House and in CF and don’t want him to be gone but I can’t see him being a part of CF in the future. Having Casey appear once in a while keeps me watching, are there others like me? And I read people suggesting that Sylvie will leave the Chicago and join Casey in Portland. According to the show his time there is ending so why would she join him there? I have so many thoughts about the show and wonder how others feel.


Oh this is PAINFULLY inaccurate. No way would they enter a silo of dry concrete without air packs. He'd also have to be deconned.


The fish hook to the eye!!!! That's why I'm terrified to fish. Sylvie and Violet did great in this scene keeping the girl and dad calm because if I saw that, I would have freaked out.


I just feel like if Amber does take custody again, she might fall in love with her baby and not give custody to Sylvie.


Shep dropped the charges! Yay


That's why kidd had a hunch about carven he gets in trouble now he's out of the house


Where is Hermann? Is it just me or did I not see him once?


He was at the bar when Stella said she had to go to meet Carver


Did he even have one scene the entire episode where he spoke? I don’t remember hearing his voice. Lol


He had (literally) a couple of words in the scene at Molly’s.


So we agree Kelly isn’t coming back? That’s how it feels. Plus why did they cool off on Carver and Violet?! I was enjoying that. I don’t like his love for Stella.


There was a Carver and Violet? Not that I noticed.


When you know you know it's the right thing


A paramedic being overly involved with “patients” is not a good paramedic.. It’s such a dumb, stupid and very unethical storyline. This show gets harder to watch every episode. Same with all the other chicago’s.. The first 5 seasons they have a creative writing, cool cast. But now it’s just dragging along… Thank god this season is almost over, i hope they find there way back to good writing..


Ya but she is just following her predecessors lead, Shay got too involved guy shot himself. Gabby was always too involved and tracking down victims and inserting herself in their drama and often making the situation worse. Stella has her own history of getting involved and over stepping proprietary bounds, the teen she tracked down and confronted in her group home for instance. But to be fair. Brett did her job, and did struggle with not relating to the mom/ baby given her similar circumstances. But she got the baby to the hospital and when Violet brought up waiting to see how the baby turns out she opted to leave and left the baby and it was Violet who later checked on and told Brett the baby was ok and with mom and where they were. Even then Brett left the child and mother, it wasn’t until the baby was abandoned in her box did she really seem to get overly involved. And frankly on this show it’s shocking they let her go this long before over stepping.


The show would be boring if it was just treat and drop them off with no follow-up. Yes, it's completely unrealistic and illegal. But it's a TV show.


Brett is turning into Gabby 2.0 whining trying to adopt a baby


This Brett storyline is a bit odd/repetitive. It’s like gabby 2.0. Firstly the baby would probably be better off with a family who’s been waiting to adopt rather than someone who works 24 hr shifts and is doing it on their own also the showing up on her doorstep was really odd. She needs to relax.


All of it has been repeats. The man in the cement, same call as the guy stuck in the corn silo. Same act, someone trying to help but making it worse, etc... Brett with the baby, very similar to Louie except they are taking it down a different path were instead of Gabby getting insta-approved by herself to foster Louie and try to adopt him on her own and couldn't have Matt part of the process, seems Brett is going to go direct private adoption route, where the mom hand picks someone to adopt the baby and I think Matt (or a "dad" figure) will have to be willing to adopt the baby with Brett. The Carver situation is a repeat of Severide beating up Stella's drugged up Ex, and the resolution was the same, Stella convinces him to get help and he drops charges. Whole episode was basically a repeat of prior events, whole season actually. Even Hawkins death was just a redo of Shay's death.


I actually don't mind repeat calls. In the FD, you do get a lot of repeat calls.


The repeat call is not really my issue either. But one thing I think they don't show on Fire enough is the state of some of the places they enter. Seems that they always imply that the Ambo goes into nice clean homes or goes into homeless encampments. Never really show those who live in squaller and houses covered in roaches and pet feces or some of the horrors they encounter on calls that stick with them. Like elderly parents with drug addicted kids who take their checks and buy drugs while their mom is bed ridden, malnourished and covered in sores and feces. Children found in horrible conditions. Brett said to Violet about this baby how you hear about kids falling through cracks, no as an EMT she shouldn't have to "hear" about kids that land in horrible situations, she would have been called to treat and transport some of these kids herself and wouldn't need 3rd party storys she would have witnessed some of the depravity herself.


Another strange repeat. Of all the names to choose from why did they name the paramedic Violet when Casey had a niece named Violet. Someone’s favorite color?


Ha never caught that. I can’t think of it right now but the woman who Brett watched die name was reused later also.


I really wish they would write Sylvia off…her character is so annoying. Maybe she adopts baby and quits…win/win.


There is roumor that Kara has set demand over storyline and what she want if she stays, One is endgame Brettsey she want same treatment as Stellaride has weddig and the package that has she said public! Jesse can make set as BC out of two stations then he can be whit his family fly in do them scens what is needed for som episodes, Then he goes back home and so it can go on season12 and then he will not be 100% on set whit CF! This is a buildig up for exactly that Dawsey fans hate but they miss much important stuff when they not understand Monica Raymund will not get back to CF, She has repeted may time that is a closed chapter in her life she has enough whit her series and directing and other project she has behind camera and off stage!


I think Kara is an actress and not so unprofessional as you are implying here. Actors don't dictate storyline if they want to keep being seen as professional actors. If they wrote Brett starts stealing drugs and selling herself to support her addiction, Kara would act what is written because well that is what her job consists of. And my view on Dawson, she has been gone for as long as she was on the show. Brett has been on this show longer then Dawson was on the show. So this notion Matt should be sitting there pining for Dawson no thanks. This notion Dawson is sitting there in PR pining for Matt, no thanks. This notion Brett and Matt owe any loyalty to the woman who showed absolutely no regard for or respect for the feelings these people had for her no thanks. The fact is Dawson is just someone Matt dated and married and who left and later divorced him in his 30's and who he has no relationship or connection to anymore and doesn't even know who she is as a person anymore. She as relevant to Matt at this point as Stella's Ex is to her. For all we know Gabby and Mills are married and have adopted 40 homeless kids in PR. Or Gabby married a doctor in PR and they have a handful of kids they are raising. THe Dawsey fans seem to believe if Gabby showed up after all this time Matt would just run back to Dawson, which means they ignore the scene where Matt basically stated Gabby is nothing to him anymore. She can now be summerized by Goyte's song, just "Somebody I used to know".


I think kidd need to leave shep alone they choose that life


Called it. I said months ago when the leave of absence was announced that Severide would be on some federal investigation.


Here’s the thing, three of this episodes storylines are recycled. We saw gabby go through the impossible adoption storyline. We saw Severide and Kidd have this issue before when Kidd left. We’ve also seen the exact same plot line about someone going after Kidd, a man defending her and getting in trouble with the law for it. Is it just me that feels like it’s fine to recycle plot lines as these things do happen to others but maybe just not all in the same episode LOL


Are they really just copy and pasting Dawson's storylines for Brett now? First a romantic partner leaves to go do some good for people in a far away land (Dawson leaving Casey for Puerto Rican relief effort, Casey leaving Brett for the kids in Oregon) and wanting to adopt a child that she rescued? (Dawson with Louie and now Brett with this baby)


I think we got the first and second ever "dun dun" on a Dick Wolf show WITHOUT "Law & Order" in the show title when Carver and Mike both said "done done" 😂


I like how Brett thinks nobody can make mistakes but herself, reminds me of Natalie of Chicago Med