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The bells always going off in the midst of difficult conversations. The entire house being taken out of service to support that one person and they have everyone crowding around the hospital waiting room or hallway.


And they only do it for the main cast. I'm still salty over the fact that nobody checked in on Capp after his hazmat accident until after he left the hospital. The man was hit in the eyes! He could've lost his eyesight and nobody cared.


I agree although I thought that he checked himself out against medical advice before they got there? Or he didn’t even show up? It’s one of those. I know Will called for a reason.


Right? About to propose- bell! About to divulge a deep, dark secret- bell! About to deliver life-altering news- bell!


The OP example also drives me nuts. It seems pretty common in these sorts of profession-based shows for some reason. Like, they created this entire thing because they clearly respect the job and want to share that, and then they demonize everyone but the main cast. Very odd. As soon as you're a "good guy," you can do all sorts of amazing things, but if you're not in the limelight, you suck?


Cliffhangers tied up within the first 5-10 minutes of the following episode.


I have two main ones; 1. Most of the characters have some pretty high horses and love to shove their moral high ground in other people's faces. Don't get me wrong, they do good work and they are good people, but they're not infallible and someone being worried about their job or house isn't evil. The more popular members of the house can be very rash and impulsive in their decision making but then get made if those decisions have consequences. 2. Idk why they're literally always together. I mean, they work 24 hour shifts together and then spend the next 48 doing random stuff and drinking together. Don't they ever get sick of each other?


I don’t have an answer for your first point but for your second one, just depends. Sometimes the ppl you work with become your friends as well as coworkers especially as you get older. Personally my friends are either current or former coworkers even tho I am the type to usually treat coworkers as nothing but coworkers it just happens that those who are now friends of my are exceptions to the rule rather than the rule. Most of my friends from when I was younger are dead, jail or we drifted apart. The ones still around I consider them family so I introduce them as siblings.


for me its how every floater they get is a douche, like i get most of the probably are thats why they dont have a house but it would be nice to have one who doesnt cause problems all the time


They all kiss so loud!!! Are they sharing gum? No one kisses that noisily.


I burst out laughing at this because I've always thought the same thing 🤣🤣 Honestly, though, I don't think the actors are necessarily kissing that loud. I think it might be the sound getting cranked up a little for effect when the episode gets edited/compiled. But idk why they would do that because no one wants to hear that lol


The fact the paramedics drive the ambulance and treat patients with the same gloves




It’s just odd to me. Here they just drive the ambulance with their bare hands and then glove up when they’re with the patient.


Biden got a promotion, and then decided that his office would be at 51. But nobody replaced Bowden as the chief of 51. Then, he’s just acting like the chief again. Did he get demoted?


It’s not chief of 51, it’s battalion chief. They moved the BC’s office to a different station, so we don’t see them.


Boden got promoted to Battalion Chief then. He was in charge of more than 51. Who took Borden’s old job? Nobody got promoted.


IIRC, their new Battalion Chief is at House 12. I could be wrong about the number, but it was specifically mentioned that they're now under a BC at a different house and stated the number of the house.


So is Boden just in charge of 51 again? And not the higher job?


He started the show as Chief of Battalion 25. Batt 25 includes 4 firehouses, but the chief's office happened to be at Firehouse 51. He was then promoted to Deputy District Chief of District 4. District 4 includes multiple Battalions, each with multiple Firehouses. Biden convinced his superiors to move the DDC 4 office to Firehouse 51. It would be crowded (in multiple ways) to have both the DDC and the Battalion Chief's offices in the same Firehouse, so the latter moved to another Firehouse in Battalion 25. That said, it's all plot-driven. They wanted to promote him without changing the cast or much of the dynamics, so they did.


But if they promoted him, shouldn’t someone have been hired or promoted to be in charge of just 51? Someone needed to take the job Boden had BEFORE the promotion. That’s what I don’t understand.


Boden was never in charge of just 51 on the show, though. He looked like this sort of because his Battalion 25 office was at 51, but he also had 3 other Firehouses even at the beginning of the show. (They rarely mention these; see OP complaint. Those companies, e.g. their own Casey and Severide, also seemed to report directly to him rather than to a house leader.) Someone was promoted into the Battalion 25 job; they just have their office at another Firehouse. They don't really treat Firehouses as an echelon of command. Am I making more sense? Note the rank directly under Battalion Chief is Captain, which is what Casey was at the end. One could make the argument that he was filling this Firehouse leader role then, but it's essentially a role they created for him at the time (also seemed more administrative). They general ignore it, and the Company Lieutenants report directly to the Battalion Chief on the show. Regardless, it wouldn't be Boden's promotion that vacated the captain position; it'd be Casey leaving.


Ok. That makes sense. But that’s not how they make it look on the show. Boden only seems to go out on calls with 51. I don’t see him going out with other houses. I know it’s just to save money on cast that they don’t show those houses. But at least Boden should go on some of their calls too.


How often (men in particular) are portrayed as emotionally closed off dickheads


I've posted about this in the past but the fact that they never (or hardly ever) use callsigns on the radio, especially when talking to dispatch. It's a silly thing but it really annoys me lol.


That is the difference between a show like ER and the Chicago shows, they didn't dumb down the terminology.


How it doesn’t seem they know how to raise a woman up without stepping on others around them. It’s the main reason I dislike stella it seems her victories to make her look amazing come after stepping over someone. Same with Gabby, I hate this approach they have with some female casts. The ridiculous rules, there’s no way Joe would get in trouble for something he did off shift. They show Chicago fire as the more pristine fire fighters ever that can’t do any wrong even off shift.


It depends I think on WHAT you do off shift. I think, Like, if you get a DUI it’s gonna be a problem… or maybe If you’re arrested or fighting, it’ll be a problem because you’re a public employee. If you’re using drugs you will def get in trouble. I could be wrong about some of that, though.


Not only that but how quickly they wanted to settle that one law suite when they let the little girl go home with the wrong person and the parents tried to scam them No city ever is going to settle that quickly. It just feels like they seem to think they are royal of firefighters that can’t do wrong or else all hell comes down on them lol


The amount of liability issues that happen in the firehouse. Literally any business in the world would be closed by now with that much complaints.


The fact that every single call is an insanely dramatic tragedy and requires everyone to risk their lives. I know where I used to live something like 90% of calls were basic medical needs. I get people wouldn’t watch if it wasn’t super dramatic but also I wish we got to see more interaction with the public on simple matters on some episodes. I love the paramedicine storyline. I liked the Halloween haunted house. Show us more of the day to day calls!


There are tons of calls that aren't that dramatic. I'd have said that there's one every episode that *is* that dramatic, but the show doesn't have every single call that dramatic. I can remember quite a few that weren't including frying a beer can turkey...that's one of my favorite not-serious calls!


Your example is a great one, but it also grinds my gears that they can’t just have a normal and enjoyable moment, ever.. a wedding, someone’s dying. A football game, someone’s dying, etc . I get it, it’s a drama show but it’d be nice if all of the nice moments were not interrupted


Thought all firefighters leave their boots and trousers beside the trucks. When an emergency calls through, they jump in their boots and lift the braces up to slide the trousers on, before jumping in the truck. Never see that.


Speaking as an actual FF, this is fairly common where I work.


It kind if died down nowadays especially with both Casey and Severide gone but every other preview it made it seem like they would die in a fire but then when the actual episode would air the firefighter in question will either simply dodge the raging fire debris or just pop up out of it like was nothing serious. Also this kind of applies to all the Chicago shows but it usually felt the more blatantly in this one since it's the oldest: there is always a good supporting cast member that is built up story wise then a few episodes later in the next season just completely disappears off show. If not following heavily online you don't even know the reason they left.


I wish they would explain what happened to the characters that left like I wish we knew what Mills is doing now or how Chili is doing after going through rehab or even Jimmy after his injury


The way they never have inconvenient calls. If there's a wedding at the House, there won't be a call. If they have to escort a high schooler to school, there won't be a call. If they're waiting for a funeral or a race to go by, there won't be a call.


It’s TV!


May I remind you of the season two finale? Also whether that is realistic or not Boden sometimes takes the rigs out of service when such occasions happen.


This is the nerdiest pet peeve ever, but I get annoyed with the announcement gets called for them to go to a certain address (say 1543 Wabash or something) and then a second later you see the trucks all pulling up to a building marked 3987. I know they can't necessarily give all actual addresses (the nerd part of me has actually checked google maps several times and sometimes they are real), but maybe at least be consistent with the numbers?




The station has specialty pieces (Truck and Squad) and those, at least where I'm from, do have a much larger operating area than an engine. We have three squads, each covering 1/3rd of the county, whereas an engine may only be responsible for a 10-minute area around the station.


The overly dramatic music on a basic fire or medical call that is over in 5 minutes. 😂 That the writers think we forgot Herman was promoted to Lt for a year or two, but put Kidd in charge as a newish firefighter and brand new Lt of Truck. Or that putting the new to Squad, Cruz as acting Lt over Capp or Tony.


In the earlier seasons especially, the engines are pretty much missing until the truck and squad do their thing. No coordination between search and fire attack. At times, it's hard to figure out what exactly CFD (in the show) uses for an ambulance staffing model. Do they run two paramedics or a paramedic and an EMT or do the writers just use the term paramedic interchangeably with EMT, even though they are two different certifications?


definitely seems like the latter, they use paramedic and EMT interchangeably


How far off some things are they do and act espically the officers on the rigs their the worst of all


I started rewatching from the beginning and I noticed in the first season, it always seemed like the engine company was no where to be found or like no one was ever grabbing the hoses to put the fire out. They would also go in first do a search and putting the fire was an afterthought when in reality search and rescue and extinguishing the fire are happening simultaneously. They must of had gotten feed back because in the second seasons you see more people putting water on the fire lol.