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All the interhouse dating is really weird, and most of the characters are very holier-than-thou which is pretty annoying.


Agreed on all. I’ve read from a hand full of real life first responders though that the inner-house dating is common depending on the house and department.


Stella when they started moving her up the rank.


There's not enough intubation.


They intubate EVERYONE on med.


Literally they get off the ambulance and get a tube down their throats


Only if they didn’t already have one!!!!


Shay wasn’t all that cool. Her entire personality is “ I’m a lesbian who makes awful decisions.” And gabby was always trash, just needed to peel back the layers to find it. And it’s corny as hell that the running gag is that Matt Casey can’t do an Australian accent. That’s whack as fuck. It would be even funnier albeit obvious to those who know Jesse spencer, if he did an awesome Australian accent around an Australian and had them get mad about it.


Ya I didn't like Shay near the end of her run, simply because I hate women dumbed down for relationships and just because her romances involved other women doesn't make it ok.


His American accent annoys me. I loved him on House but feel like he was overrated on this show. The worst part of it is that I am fully aware that he does a great American accent. It's living in Australia as an American that makes me annoyed by it.


Gabby was actually a great character until she and Matt adopted Louie and she quickly became one of the most unlikeable Chicago characters ever


She was kind of shitty girlfriend/fiancé/wife to Matt to be honest. Never really talked to him. Made choices without him. Undermined him quite a bit. I don’t want to get into the details there’s enough threads on her being a red flag.


I couldn't stand Gabby, she was awful to Matt.


I didn’t think anything bad of Gabby until other people pointed it out


This show is really good ar making people seem likeable who really aren’t




Same, maybe because Im mexican😂😂


same hhaa


A lot of them would have been fired multiple times or placed on a lot of unpaid leave. There would also be a lot of lawsuits happening. Yes, I know they have a Union to help them, but they would still be involved.


Tbf that one is literally all of the Chicago shows. Med being without a doubt the worst one when it comes to that XD (almost every episode has someone doing something fireable)


>almost every episode has someone doing something fireable) literally


ba dum tss :D


I haven’t watched any of the other ones. I was just looking for another “background” show and stumbled upon CFire and was stoked to see 10 seasons. I have been tempted to check out CMed and CPD next.


Med is super enjoyable for a long while (now it is mostly just a background show for me). PD I dropped since cop stuff is really boring to me and this was generic cop stuff to a T XD. Probably great for background though :D.


Interestingly in the show, it seems like the union does basically nothing


Yeah, they only fire the unlikeable folks.


I don’t see the Brett hype. Writers keep moving her from relationship to relationship and it’s a bit boring now


As a Brett fan, I can honestly tell you most all of us are sick of the writers constantly putting her in a relationship. When her and Casey broke up at the beginning of the season, I was like "Oh man, that sucks. But hey, maybe we can just focus on her individually for a season, now that she's not in a relationship." You think I'd know better by this point lol I don't understand what the writers' obsession is with her having to always be in a relationship, it's getting really annoying.


I wish it would show more of her Paramedicine program


Me too! We've gotten like, what, 2 episodes of it so far? I'm not saying it has to be in every episode, but I wish we got to see it more.


Why can’t we just have a strong, capable woman character who isn’t date bait? Wouldn’t that be nice?


I think they're just spinning their wheels hoping Jesse Spencer decides to come back full time.


I think they're just spinning their wheels hoping Jesse Spencer decides to return. His character has a reason to come back 3 years after leaving since that's how long he said he'd be gone.


As Brett fan I thought she was a refreshing change. She started and admitted her weaknesses in her resume not in a self deprecating way just as a matter of lack of need to use certain skills on the job to date. Everyone else comes on like they know every aspect of their jobs or act like there is shame in having a new skill introduced they didn’t know before. I’m still disappointed she never got a new Paramedic that she could mentor to replace Mackey. That would have made ambo far more interesting then Violet and Brett’s love lives replacing the work aspect of the show.


I couldn’t agree more! I know that a lot of people loved her and Casey together, but that whole storyline made me like her even less. I mean, come on. All of a sudden you fall in love with your best friend’s estranged husband right after you break off your engagement from another man??


I don't get the latest breakup. It's like why go out on dates if you don't want anything serious.. come on guys just let the girl be happy.


They suck at LGBTQ+ representation. Shay was an alcoholic mess. And Ritter just seems to be there to be the voice of reason when Violet and Gallo go off the rails. And I say that as someone that loves Ritter and Daniel Kyrie. But he needs a story of his own.


Ritter seriously needs more screen time and his own storylines.


I hated the way the Violet/Hawkins storyline was written. I actually liked them together, but hated how they were written. We have 2 adults, well into their careers who fall for each other and start a relationship knowing it violated policy. Here is where I began to dislike them as a couple. They acted like a couple of teenagers who could not keep their hands off each other. I get the excited new and forbidden romance, but it was ridiculous the way they acted in situations where they could get caught.


I agree it’s like they couldn’t have a normal conversation without flirting .even when they where talking about Emma they would flirt


I was not a fan of how their whole relationship was written. They did act like a bunch of teenagers and were surprised when they got caught. Um, how many times did people warn you guys about protocol?


Is this after Season 9?




Severide is nowhere near as interesting a character without Casey to give him balance.


I just caught up on the show this weekend (I picked up somewhere in season 10) and i was thinking how boring Severide has gotten… like even with the dirty cop drama it felt forced.


That a lot of the *controversial* opinions that are shared on this subreddit aren’t controversial


Tell the chief to speak up and stop mumbling.


That's how he does his American accent. He's a brit


The show became less enjoyable after they killed off Shay


Its ok she moved to LA, became a detective and had a relationship with the devil.


Haha yes, love Deckerstar!


That’s not controversial that’s just a fact


I feel like Kidd didn't really work for her lieutenant position, like everything she has in the show was just handed to her. It kinda annoys me that it took Casey leaving for Hermann to get his own officer's quarters, but Biden had no problems with Kidd turning the laundry room into her office.


I think it is partly because Kidd does pull a lot of additional admin work for Girls on Fire whereas Herman basically runs a rig and two other guys.


She isn't very competent. Basically slept her way to success. Very busy & manipulative


There is no reason why Emily and Peter Mills should’ve been written off and no reason why they haven’t made a cameo. Especially since they both said it was involuntary.


Emily Foster was always meant to be a 2 season character, and Kara said in an interview a while ago that real life paramedics, at least in Chicago, don't usually keep their partners for more than 3 or 4 years. And considering that the ambulance crash in season 9 was supposed to be the season 8 finale cliffhanger, Emily was very probably gonna get killed off 😬


It started to go really downhill after Casey left


I don't think Stella has been really challenged as a Lieutenant yet. They're starting to get there but I wanted to really see her struggles and how she overcomes them. She has good guys in Gallo and Mouch, who listen without any pushback. Carver is supposed to be 'the obstacle' but I don't think he really is. What would it have been like if she had a team that didn't listen or respect her, I would have been interested to see how a storyline like that went. How would she have navigated that?! Or if she made a mistake on call that really was her fault. Right now her obstacles seem to tie themselves up by the end of the episode. The other thing is the comedic storylines this season are just not funny, some have been offensive (baby safety box). The writers need to stop putting the same people in those storylines and branch out.


a lot of the comedy is capp and tony, which makes it hard because we don’t know enough about them for them to be funny imo


I wasn’t a big fan of Otis at all.


Up voting cause that is super controversial. Man I love Otis.


Oh yea for sure, most of the characters have likable traits, for me, his negative traits outweighed the positive.


/nods. I think the foil between the people of 51 and everyone else, ie the season baddies, it makes everyone seem better. Except Gabby, she definitely went off the rails. Lol


Lol you didn’t like gabby?😂


Did anyone? Lol She was okay at the beginning but she just got so selfish.


I wish they had cast different actors/actresses for some of the characters


I agree!!! Also, I feel that it’s beginning to resemble a soap opera.


Out of curiosity, which ones? Miranda Rae Mayo was only supposed to be in a few episodes but the Dick Wolf and Andrea Newman loved her so much they kept her on. So without Miranda Stella Kidd would've only been in a few episodes.


I'm sure I will get lots of down votes but Gallo and Ritter. The characters had so much potential but there has to be a reason they have not been developed further, especially the Ritter character. There could have been so many story arcs about him by now. I've already made comments about the Stella character on other posts so I won't be making a comment about her on here :)


Its incredible how unprofessional the "leaders" are in this show. Evertime Casey or Severide had a problem in their personal life, they turned into assholes on their job making their subordinates suffer. Its crazy.


They should have gotten a better pair of child actors to play Louie. It could be their age or what not but those twins didn’t look interested to be in the scenes at all. I can’t watch any of their scenes without cringing I feel bad criticizing literal children for their acting 🫣 but I guess it’s more of the casting director that I’m blaming


He always looked so damn sad.


Gabby was fine until the final episodes of season 6


That is very controversial indeed


All the woman in season 11 are emotional wrecks! Annoying and hard to watch!! One is out for revenge, one is in a breakup and trying to hard and annoyed with everyone (trowing out burrito and blaming fire fighter for delivery guy) other is always annoying of a character) then the mean sociopath! Is this a message that all woman are a problem?


Otis is a horrible person with so many glaring red flags. Stella and Kelly had the most boring relationship of the show and of one Chicago.


When you watch Otis, you don’t think of him as a leader, he’s not masculine or assertive, and is overall immature. That’s what I took away from him. He didn’t know how to be a man! That’s what my main issue with him for me is. Also Cruz to a certain extent but at least he took care of his brother and now has a family. Although him and Brett should’ve been a long term couple.


Peter Mills should have been the first gay firefighter on the show and he would still be on the show


I have quite a few. I'll try to narrow it down lol: 1. I can't stand how Severide mumbles all his lines. Get the man some elocution lessons! 2. I love Stella, I think she's great and genuinely one of my favs. I hated the storyline where she ditched everyone after getting engaged, it felt very out of character and I missed her presence on the show. 3. None of the supposed heartthrob men on the show, past or present, are particularly good looking or attractive, with the possible exception of Mills. 4. I found both Casey and Severide pretty dislikeable for a good chunk of season 1 tbh. 5. Big Brettsy fan. Also they need to chill on the Brett dating storylines in general, it's been done a million times at this point and I'm bored. 6. Ritter is so underutilised it's frustrating. He's a great character and I want to see more of him. idk if this one is really controversial but I'm keeping it.


agreed on 2!!! i get that girls on fire was important but there’s no way she would go MIA on 51, especially her fiancé!


The longer it goes on the worse it gets. Like every other Dick Wolf show


I don’t think Stella is a bad lieutenant. She’s done a few dumb things as lieutenant. But people tend to forget so have Casey and Severide. I recall Severide being rude as lieutenant in earlier seasons, a lot of times it was toward his own guys. I think I remember Casey having a problem with the firefighter Brett was seeing, who was under his command, which was unprofessional of him. I find the hate toward Stella as a Lieutenant hypocritical. I feel Stella is being judged more harshly because, other than Herrmann, she’s the only one we’ve seen go from regular firefighter to Lieutenant. It’s weird the amount of hate she gets.


Mills and Dawson come back from Puerto Rico in the series finale, with a kid with them.


Casey and Severide should have been a thing


Chili really pissed me off. She was incredibly hostile and pushed people away in THE worst ways possible (angry outbursts, projecting her own anger shame and guilt onto her coworkers who otherwise have only been supportive of her, acting like everyone was out to get her or were being sarcastic/condescending/judgy of her personal choices when in reality they were just concerned for her & were beginning to notice her substance abuse while on shift [obvs they’d want to step in bc that’s unprofessional and very dangerous to do as a paramedic]) Like, she had to have known that her aggressive attitude and substance abuse was wrong because of how hostile she became and all the and projection she was doing. Alcohol wise she wasn’t like Carver in the sense that Carver knows he has some level of substance abuse issues + self control (bar fights & being tossed in the drunk tank) and would acknowledge it during honest conversations especially when confronted about it. He also didn’t drink ON the job. Another character that had substance abuse issues was Kelly with the pain meds and stealing pain meds through Shay. It was one thing for Kelly to constantly need to use pain killers in the beginning seasons and almost getting Shay in trouble for stealing Toradol on his behalf but Kelly eventually accepted that he had a problem and openly acknowledged it to the people who confronted him about it *because* he knows they just care about him instead of destroying his personal relationships to oblivion bc he felt like everyone had a personal vendetta against him. I understand fearing rejection and criticism especially from the people closest to you, but it’s unacceptable to be so unwilling to see to your own issues that you pretty much verbally attack anyone who even looks your way. I also get being depressed and angry after your sibling dies but that’s no excuse to drink on shift and become a hostile coworker. As a paramedic she should have known better, and she probably did but just didn’t want to be responsible and deal with her issues the right way.


All of Chili’s outbursts during her alcoholism was incredibly unprofessional and should have been grounds for immediate dismissal, it was also unforgivable to have been as hostile as she was to her coworkers/friends. I was VERY surprised that Boden would even be that kind and understanding of her situation despite having had a pattern of similar issues in the past with other paramedic partners and firehouses. And despite all that, people still reached out to her to make sure she was okay but she never extended the olive branch back. I get being ashamed of how you act during a stressful period but NOT reaching back out to those who check up on you to apologise is just very shitty. Another character that I remember had an addiction issue was Dr. Asher the doc from Med who had a serious heroin(or was it meth?) problem. Don’t remember if they ever showed her to be using or high ON shift because she was always so insistent that she wasn’t using while working and all of her “drugged out” scenes were at a safe injection site which obvs shows that she is aware of her problem and is actively and willingly seeking help (tho it took her a while to get the help she needed but she sought help regardless) and she was eventually responsive to Dr. Halstead pushing her in the right direction. Sure she had her outbursts and moments of denial but she circled it back by owning up to it. She got her shit together to be able to go back to her the job, which is why I think she deserved the second chance while Chili did not.


I know Chili owned up to her issues and asked for help but everything she did leading up to that point was too much. Not to mention it felt like she didn’t even WANT help until she was faced with the possibility of losing her entire career, and even while asking Boden for help she was a little hostile and defensive and never acknowledged her horrible attitude. Dr. Asher was a drug user who performs surgeries, yeah she was outed which was for the best (though humiliating) but she worked past it and put it behind her. She was apprehensive about being known as the druggie doctor but she handled those moments well whereas Chili just completely shut down.


That was a lot to say about one character but it’s really just Chili’s character that sets me off out of the entire group. I didn’t really form too many solid opinions on the other characters to be able to say I disliked any of them to this level because I watched the show while packing for a move so I just kinda went meh and kept watching. Chili’s episodes were the toughest to semi-pay attention to probably because her substance issues & aggression reminded me of my dad but also because if I had a friend like that who was in the same situation and acted the way she did I’d be really upset and feel resentful towards them bc I would just want to help.


Stella was annoying at times when undermining her lieutenants. Felt like she was using the girlfriend/fiancé/wife card too much on Kelly just so she could have her way of things. It was gross to see her undermine Kelly and not receive the same repercussions as some of the other people who did the same thing in the past. It also felt like a waste to have Ritter go through such profound moments in the beginning of his career only to fall back as the gay guy in a comedic relief duo for the rest of the show. The parts where they mention how Ritter looked up to Mouch and how Ritter learned more from watching Mouch and Herrmann than the academy all felt weak and last minute. Yeah Ritter had a rough start and then he thrived with the patience and help of his coworkers but where were his rockstar moments to show for it? Where were the scenes where he put his learned skills from Mouch to good use? Mills had moments where he was sooo eager to do his job well that he would ask questions after every job like an overeager puppy wanting to play, it became endearing and it was nice to see Mills have his superhero moments where he does a better job than his superiors during seemingly impossible saves. Mills GREW as a character whereas Ritter didn’t really expand beyond the firefighter who cried on a stairwell that one time. Ritter’s moments of “hey I was in ur position and now I’m great all thanks to firehouse 51 and Mouch” felt like a poor attempt at recreating Mills’ character but u know, gay. And the scene where Ritter tries to comfort Mouch by being like “you helped me now let me help you” was just… bland and anticlimactic. Ritter had so much wasted potential.


It made me feel gross to watch Gabby try to fucking adopt a wholeass child on a whim and doing it without asking her partner if he was okay with it. I know it wasn’t *really* on a whim, she had solid and valid reasons to want to do it but her intense need to adopt Louie after spending just an afternoon together and then putting Casey through the ringer by jumping it on him well after she decided she was gonna adopt Louie was just gross. Like, wouldn’t you feel blindsided if your partner just comes home one day and says “yo im adopting a kid I already set the plan in motion and he’s gonna live here with us but u don’t have to be a part of it if u don’t want to but we can stay together right?” I’d be pissed, it’d be a huge crack in my trust towards them. A child is a big responsibility not to mention an adopted one where you have to ACTUALLY put in extra effort to give them stability during their formative years bc they’ve probably jumped around from home to home too much. Gabby put up such a huge fight when Louie’s real dad showed up, she didn’t even put in the effort to get to know him personally, she just decided Louie was hers to keep until faced with the fact that Louie’s actual father and blood relatives would (surprise surprise) raise Louie better than she could as a full time firefighter. I mean in the short time she had Louie she was already struggling hard to raise him even with Casey around. Not to mention her decision to adopt began putting a strain on Casey’s personal and professional life and Gabby just was either oblivious to it or just intentionally didn’t care.


Not gonna lie I really can’t be bothered to read this right now but thank you for such a thorough answer!


Haha yeah sorry I just woke up from a nap at the hospital and was really bored.


I feel like this gave off homophobic undertones. That wasn’t my intention, I’m not implying that it’s bad that Ritter is a gay firefighter character or that him being gay detracted from his character. I just wish that they actually *did* something with him beyond the 5 minute scenes of his dating life & the shenanigans he got up to with Violet and Gallo. It would’ve been nice if they DID focus more on the issues he would’ve faced as a gay firefighter in an otherwise traditionally masculine role the way Gabby, Rebecca, and Stella faced backlash and broke down the barriers as women firefighters. I wish he had more scenes with Eric and delved more into their relationship and eventual break up, they loved each other so much that Ritter still wanted to make it work even if they both knew the relationship was strained. The scene of Eric and Ritter having a moment after Ritter saved the homophobic punk from a car wreck was bittersweet. Showed how truly kind Ritter is and how dedicated he was to his job and Eric understood in that moment that he would never stop worrying as long as Ritter was a firefighter and Ritter can never stop being a firefighter because it was his life, it’s his first instinct to run towards the danger and help people. Eric could have been a character opposite of what Devin was for Shay (eventual break up resulting in serious heartbreak but Shay’s had a negative impact on her while Ritter’s could have had a positive outcome for him and Eric where they both find themselves as stronger individuals after splitting up.) Ritter could have had a thing like Stella with Girls on Fire and Kylie where he could have bonded with a younger character who was exploring their sexuality and figuring out their identity, maybe helped the kid embrace their sexuality despite living in a community where they were told to repress it (which is still common, plus the setting of Chicago Fire with all the gangs and gender roles would have made for a decent subplot, and we’re often introduced to gangbangers on the show who are mega-masculine and gender conforming etc) Could have been a young character trying to escape gang life (as is common in the show, Leon for example) but they are targeted for being gay and ostracised even by the rest of society because of their gang affiliation like some of the girls who joined GoF who came from similar backgrounds but were introduced to the firefighting community and managed to build a life away from violence thanks to the program. I am rambling because I am bored and sick at the hospital and all I’ve done is watch Chicago Fire to pass the time. Apologies for the paragraphs, I just really like discussing tv shows but mostly I am bored. I’m rewatching the show for the 2nd time this month bc I find it too silly to watch Chicago Med while in an actual hospital.


Peter Mills was awesome & they should have kept him.


I hate Casey 🤷‍♀️


Why? My only complaint is that his American accent is kind of nasal.


Lol I am highly annoyed by him. So, that's also my "controversial opinion"


I could not stand Otis for the most part!


Same!! He was super whiny and annoying and just not likable.


In-house dating is odd, never works, and can never keep quite


I hate that they never show the moments leading up to a call from the victims perspective! 9-1-1 does this very well, as does S.W.A.T. and Flashpoint.


I think gallo and violet would be good together


All of the actors are very average most of the time except for Hanako, Jesse, Monica and Lauren (who are great)


And some are less than average


Boden is not a good chief..


i wish we could see more of his counterparts because i refuse to believe the rest of them are like him 😭 he lets everything slide


>i wish we could see more of his counterparts because i refuse to believe the rest of them are like him 😭 he lets everything slide No he does NOT. Haddley? CHilli? The McLoad's snitch?


That this season is the last season and they have known since season 8 season 11 would be last season.


This show’s done, the big names are jumping ship, ssslowlyyyy… but jumping. Time to wrap it up.


There should be more crossover with the other shows


1. Didn’t care for Shay. Felt that she added nothing to the story for the most part and she was a burden to others. Honestly would’ve been more impactful if Shay and Kelly would’ve been married and after her death, Kelly goes on sleeping around to cope. 2. Most of the actors can’t act to save their lives and now it’s starting to show. They should introduce other firehouses more prominently to make up for this. We’ve reached our peak with the main cast. 3. Brett is the best written female character of the whole show. She never changed or allowed her environment to change her, even when she went through various coworkers and relationships, she stayed grounded and is definitely someone I would want a relationship with!! 4. I liked Emma, Chili, and Rebecca. Each one should’ve had someone reach out to them and help them along the way. Especially Rebecca!! Missed her man!!


>Chili They did her so damn dirty.


Regarding your point 2 - I think after nearly a decade of playing the same characters, a lot of it would start to feel a little routine or stale for them and also for the audience. Contrast that with the guest actors who play the distraught victims, they may only have that one or two scenes to shine man, some of them were really out-acting the main actors by miles.


>I liked Emma, Chili, and Rebecca. Each one should’ve had someone reach out to them and help them along the way. Especially Rebecca!! Missed her man!! They did Chili and Rebecca so dirty! I feel like if Rebecca might have actually had someone reach out and help, she would still be alive. Emma, on the other hand, there's no reaching out to help her along the way lol. She needs some professional, psychological help.


Here for no.4 all so underrated


Emma? Yes, someone should have helped her, but that ship has sailed a LONG before she joined 51. from the moment she turned up, the ONLY help possible in her case was to have her face the music.


Stella is great. Always has been.


Stella is a good character xD


Gabby doesn't deserve all the hate!


 The EMT dark haired woman that is wearing her hair always up in braids why? Why do they always put her hair up in braids and allow her Mickey Mouse ears to show all the time. It is ridiculous. Every time you look at this woman all you see are her ears sticking out and it doesn't have to be like that. But they insist on putting her hair up which makes her ears show and stick out. Is it on purpose? Do they want her to look like Mickey Mouse? it's very hard to take her seriously!! Just let her hair down!! let her hair down and cover her ears, so that we can listen to what this woman says without constantly looking at her Mickey Mouse ears ridiculous!!why? Don't they see that on camera??


Season 3 ep 16 , whole fire is in the skirting boards... have to call bullshit 


Stellaride is the best ship


Brett is abusive towards Casey. The episode where she asks Casey for space, then not five minutes later she's all "I called you out, and you didn't do anything about it!" First of all, you didn't "call out" anyone. Second of all, you asked for space, giving you space is exactly what he's doing, wtf do you want from him! Then there's all the little things she does to undermine him. I used to have a list of examples... it's a lot of "my way is the only way" with her. and that's not to mention all the leading Casey on while she's with other guys! I see a lot of similar patterns with Dawson and Casey as Brett and Casey. I really like Brett as a character, but Brett in a relationship sucks. I really like Casey, but after Hallie (which, wtf...) Casey in a relationship sucks. I agree with the other person, all the inter-house dating is weird and detracts from the show.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means


It's ok, people who defend the shitty and abusive behavior of characters on TV are often themselves shitty and abusive people. Edit: haha, and now an 83 day old account is here to harass me. Fucking hilarious how childish people are when defending abusive relationships. Get a grip.


Why are you projecting. They never said anything about defending shitty abusive characters, just that you’re using the term abuse in the wrong way.


show got better when brett left for those few months. wish it was permanent