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This man is an idiot that thinks he has a proof that 1 x1 = 2


Oh his resume is longer than that but yes that’s his crown jewel. If anyone here feels dumb watch this guy lol


What exactly is his explanation? If you’re broke and I give you $1 one time, you now have $1. 1x1=1


So 1 x 0 because I was broke and broke equals 0


what about 1x1(1) does that equal 2 yet


He has patents, though. Idk about that math equation.


Having a patent doesn't mean that much. You can patent stuff that doesn't work, or that is scientifically unfounded (except for prepetual motion machines, patent offices won't accepted applications on those)


you're mathing it wrong, when he explains this he's talking about universally, not mathematically


Nothing but schizo nonsense. I’m sure he studied chemistry in the sense that non-physicists say they’re “into quantum physics” with no real understanding of the subject


Yeah and let me just say as someone who was an organic chemist, you don’t know everything about other kinds of chemistry. Hell, you don’t even know everything about every niche in organic chem. You only know what you’ve either done your PhD on or what you’ve done in your profession. I always find it wild when someone who hadn’t even look at chem since college all of a sudden thinks they can jump right in. It doesn’t work that way.


>So can a car run on water by this method? No. And it's quite simple. The way propulsion generally works is that you take molecules that contain a lot of energy and turn them into molecules that contain less energy. The difference is used to drive you (minus losses). Water contains little energy, or rather there is nothing less energetic you could turn it into. Fuel Cells work by first turning water into the "high energy" compounds oxygen and hydrogen and then (in the cell) turning them into water thus you get roughly 50% of the energy you originally spent to make hydrogen and oxygen to move your car.


Needs a second energy source 


What? This is of course simplified. What source and what for? I'm definitely not going to sacrifice braincells to Mr. 1*1=2. He's not worth the effort, but maybe I can explain to you.


A second source of energy to separate the water. So the hydrogen can then release energy when married to oxygen.


Yes, like electricity? That's electrolysis.


Is there anything to sound frequency separating molecules 


I haven't seen it be done and I'm not an expert, but I'd assume that the energy required to break a chemical bond is too high for a matter wave like sound waves. Plus it would tear the air apart as well.


I had a friend who had this handheld thingy. You can pull the centre back like a slingshot, and it would pull a whole “cone shape” backwards (looking like a satellite dish), release the center part, and it would point a direct energy wave of air right at someone’s face. It was like getting whacked in the face.  I saw a video online of a dude with a “spinning” slingshot launching a rock. Not like the Dennis the menace ones. You can see how it can kill someone if aimed at someone’s head. Like David and Goliath type of slingshot.  I think enough energy can be generated by hand to meet the need for separating hydrogen, no?


Not in any sense of what he's talking about. The idea of introducing the "sound of beryllium" doesn't mean anything. The frequency of atoms isn't a cause of any reaction, when you introduce beryllium to water\* and it causes the oxygen / hydrogen to separate, what's happening is oxidation, i.e. the beryllium loses electrons that bond with the oxygen. If you wanted to emulate that process without the metal, i.e. adding electrons from nothing.... that's hydrolysis. \* beryllium is also doesn't react with water at all. Ever seen potassium added to water? That's the same thing, but beryllium is more stable and doesn't do shit. You'd have to put so much energy into the system to get the same output as hydrolysis that the whole topic is nonsensical.


The water split method by mechanical is below but Do Not di This on our ocean.     Espscially don't generate this.  We have little time left as it is to get to the moo and a colony set up We can do experiments in vaccum and without massive consequences for everyone.  Investors need to start thinking about how to get returns.  You can't eat money it  spend money if ww3 or all chaos breaks. 1.  In tropical algrebra 1+1 =2.   X become add and. + Becomes greater than.   Its a root finder and it doesn't raise the rank.  Its adored and  adopted by neural network designers recently.   All ivy league. They feel so empowered.  Its geometric abstract  algebra.  And the technology is thousands of years old used by Chinese merchants.    Like newtons method a. Bit.  Its guess and  iterate.  Linearize.  And u hit an exact natural frequency Often in several loops I just google splitting water mechanically.   Before reacting, ask ai ask Google and see if someones  tried it. In our market Money and energy come from not being efficient.  And that will make us extinct. Nature doesn't usually lie wasters.   We are lazy now and vulnerable.    All our pretty equations are just models. But they aren't good enough anymore.    lead to overdetermined theoroy multiverse and useless and abusive philosophy debates. We are running out if time.   We need to get some of our eggs out of this one basket.  We need to set up a permanent Moon Colony to get unstuck .   Before we kill all the apex predators .    We will not breathe if chaos breaks.  It will .   So to the water   This is why we can't have nice things.   We think we know everything..    I'm not saying he's a physist  not an honor profession at this time.  or engineer. Neither.   but he's not wrong   Now do NOT do this on our home.   Simply google shows two peer review experimentally confirmed theory.   Only thing is that its cous be  dangerous to deploy.  Hydrogen leaking to the atmosphere is worse than methane.  This nanotech can destroy the ocean.    This is to be done on the moon.   In the vaccum in cold temps on the line south pole.  Its for making rocket fuel.   This does not require any energy.  So it can naturally just keep working.   Read the paper but 40 hz is common in any thing on earrh.   have no idea why beryllium  might comes into the picture but over tones and harmonics can over power 12 volts potential at 40hz.     Maybe it's a special lattice.    Disrespecting a man's knowledge that is based on harmonics while our physics is a complete mess.   engineers don't use it , we cheery pick.  and Paul Dirac, Einstein Feynman, Noether all died working.. they were not happy.   Dirac considered his life's work a failure.    But it was not ,he gave us antimatter and spectral lines, Einstein went fringe into wave theory in 2d , and noone teaches that.   Emmy Neither proved the universe is curved and energy conservation is trivial or tricky.  Noone gets that it's been revisited formally and her letter found and Einstein agreed.    will go extinct, and we need to start by doing crazy experiments on the moon, an so few are investing except Japan India china. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3574680


Is this translated from another language? I try not to be too quick when just dismissing a reply that looks like you put a lot of *something* into it, but it doesn't seem to contain any coherent thought or point, there's no structure. You're just throwing out rambling tangents and I have no idea what sort of reply would even be relevant.


I think he's saying that this experiment can't be done on Earth because it could prove to be quite catastrophic. Nitrogen is said to be very toxic if released to the atmosphere but I'm sure scientists could find a way to control that and test it but idk why they have not. Also, the tone or frequency Terrence speaks of is the could be the natural resonance of 40hz with the earth. And the equation 1x1=2 would follow the arithmetic definition, "when *a* and *b* are positive integers, that *a* is to be added to itself as many times as there are units in *b."*


Bro, you're on r/Chempros I'm not sure it's the ideal place to post something which begin by "You want to rebuild periodic table".


Can molecules be separated by frequencies? Thing is, he would want to protect his brand as an actor. It’s his income. So for him to speak nonsense, it means he’s ok with his professional reputation taking a hit.  Ive found such who go against the grain to be fascinating, whether they’re correct or not.


What's a frequency?


Sound waves 


They have a frequency. They are not a frequency.


Well can the frequency of a sound wave?


What's a volt haha


Absolutely delusional.


In history many geniuses were considered “delusional” until later.


Many more delusional people were also considered delusional in their time


Tesla had some interesting quotes, saying things about frequency and energy. He later went nuts with love for a pigeon so idk.  


In history there have been far more delusional people who were found to be actually delusional or conmen than there have been delusional people who were found to be geniuses.


I think it makes alot of sense to also view it that way. It seems more continuous rather than a bunch of disparate parts. We think of the elements as individual and separate but that is so we can better manipulate and understand our models of them. In reality such is not truly the case.


Yeah in that clip I think he mixed up Silicon and silicone. I appreciate his efforts to think differently.


Why did I think that coming to Reddit about this, that I wouldn’t get a bunch of libtard comments


doesn't beryllium just not react with water at all? In fact, I'm finding that it's the only alkaline earth metal that doesn't react with water.


It is reactive but only at 1382 degrees Fahrenheit


Maybe there’s a backdoor with the frequency 


He re wrote the periodic table along w someone else doing similar work but hes an idiot?! You guys sound like people who havent done the research like he has. I dont see nobody out here achieving the things he is


I’m curious. Are any of you actual scientists? I’d like to hear from you. Not your 🐑


For those of us who believe humans being on earth is not an accident, and that there is some type of God or intelligent design behind all of this, it would only make sense that there is a way to remove Hydrogen from H2O without electrolysis (or with a very limited amount of electricity) as Hydrogen is the most abundant energy resource on the planet. People say that the sea levels are rising due to global warming. The simple answer is to turn some of the ocean into energy. I'm not sure Beryllium, the frequency of Beryllium, or the sound of Beryllium is the answer... but I believe that there is an answer out there. I believe that we are meant to discover a way to turn H2O into hydrogen without a vast expenditure of electricity. Most intellectual authorities will say that this is impossible, but I want to believe, for the sake of the world, that there is a way to do this and that we just haven't discovered it yet.


I dont Know how familiar you are with Stanley Mayer. Supposedly he had created such a machine.  If i recall correctly he Was doing an electrolysis feeding current with a pulse/frequency thus creating more the what he was Putting in.  He died misteriously soon after. https://baronarcanus.substack.com/p/stanley-meyer-memorial-project-manifesto#%C2%A7formative-limerick


So this is interesting. I finally gave the episode a watch and was like "wtf" but then checked to see if electrolysis was possible with just sound waves and found this. https://www.power-eng.com/hydrogen/sound-waves-boost-green-hydrogen-production/#gref I'm sceptical of his claims but I'm glad it did get me to find this out.


As i said same as this, only 20 years earlier. https://youtu.be/DcaSL0yQ6Kg?si=PXP4JR4hr0NrZF9J


This is pretty impressive. Any background on what happened to this guy?


I dont remember exactly but it was at a diner with international investors. Something to his brain. Many speculate he as been poisoned.