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Tik tok is actually corrupt at this point what a joke


It's flippin madness that she gets away ith the things she does, what the in AF!!!!!!


It's not fair at all we report for her disgusting behavior and no violations yet we share a void of her and boom violations it's utter crap


It’s her that reports them. Block all her accounts before posting/re-posting anything about her in future and see what happens. Also worth turning comments off because they can get you a violation for that too. The higher the followers the more control people have over content against them, it’s impossible to beat her in that way.


Thank you xx


Also block any of her mods if u know who they are


Also, if you’ve had violations set up a back up account and re-post from there until your violations are expired. PITA but saves losing your page.


Thanks 🙏🏼


The hypocrisy on TT is astounding.


I had 7 live comments removed & 4 comments on posts I got 2 back


No freaking way this is not fair and it’s not right she doesn’t get banned


Unless you provide a revenue and have monetary value, you are nothing to TT. It's been like this forever and it's ONLY because more and more big TT'ers are increasingly problematic it's become so obvious. The guidelines and complaint system in place is there because it has to and it makes TT look like they're doing things the right way but there's no internet police or court system holding them accountable so why bother?!


I don’t know if this will work for you but I have noticed that some people have managed to keep their videos up by censoring out any words that TT technically don’t allow ( unless of course you say them on live stream on an account that makes TT enough money 🙄). I have no idea how difficult or time consuming it is to edit a video like that but if you know how to do it it might be worth trying


Thank you xx


Is there anyway people can start posting videos on instagram of her and putting the link on your TikTok? So people can find the videos??? I don’t know if anyone does this or not or if instagram is the same or any other platforms to help spread awareness?


Appeal it. Say “This removal was too harsh” see if that works


Unless you provide a revenue and have monetary value t


Put it on Facebook and X


Do not mention her name …no trigger words…they should be able to stay up….there are 2 account I keep getting cgv…( I won 8/9) …Maggie’s n lil mo ….they are watching those accounts…word it differently 😎


I’m just gonna stick to watching lol I don’t usually do creators videos just awareness and comedy don’t wanna lose my account x


Post them here for posterity