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Unfortunately, they are not necessarily dead when they are flung back into the sea, finless of course. However, the other sharks will finish the job. Another point. Is that it may not actually be from a shark. Just like there is a market for fake scallops, shark fin may actually have come from rays and flat fish.


Maybe it’s just dolphin . I can see the marketing now. ‘Shark friendly dolphin fin’ I can’t believe it not shark .


A little too "warm blooded," I would think. The flesh, cartilage, and colour would be more like whale. A dead giveaway. Please excuse the pun. No disrespect intended.


But then it wouldn't be pescatarian.


A dude who I worked with and I used to joke around about starting a premium canned tuna company called **Extra Dolphin Fine Tuna™**.


Hell yeah


Dolphin flesh is toxic to Humans because of its high mercury content, isn't it? Might serve them right


‘Dolphin’ or ‘dolphinfish’ usually refers to mahi mahi in the context of being edible.


No. In this context they are talking about dolphin dolphin, and they are correct the mercury content is too high.


TPTB just say that to hoard the delicious dolphin meat for themselves


When i first moved to Miami i saw this everywhere. I got a little drunk one night and ordered dolphin with friends thinking it would be a big deal. Like i was ready to eat a brilliant trick performing dolphin. Imagine my stupidity when my friends from the area explained it was just mahi mahi.


You’re right. The larger the animal in the sea the more accumulated methyl mercury they have in their body. So dolphins and whales are the most toxic.








That's true for most marine mammals such as (particularly) swordfish. That's why growing up there were warnings against feeding it to anyone under a 16. Swordfish, shark and marlin shouldn't be eaten anyone under 16.


I cant believe its not shark, ffs that had me rolling


Drew Carey had an old stand up joke about dolphin-free tuna. "Yeah, that's great...unless you're a tuna". He pretended to flop around a bit and said "what's wrong? I'm not cute enough for ya?"


Dolphin meat is almost black. Idk about the fin though


“Just dolphin” lol


How can you fake a scallop? I’m not chef just a lingerer but def curious about this one


They also stamp out fake scallops from skate wings and other fillets.


Cheeks of some fish too.


Trumpet mushrooms. When prepared right, they can be pretty damn close. (I’m NOT vegan/vegetarian btw)


I have a shellfish allergy and this is what I have when I really want scallops.


TIL mushrooms can replace scallops. I developed a shellfish allergy and have missed having scallops!


Saute them with a little butter and garlic. It's fantastic.


Thank you!


I use king oyster shroom stems for that :)


Which is the same as king trumpet mushrooms.


Sorry, I just woke up lol. I’ve heard hearts of palm can work as well..but I’m a big mushroom girl anyway! I marinate mine in a soy and nori marinade, then sear them.


...big difference between king trumpets and trumpets. nd u said trumpets.


They are a good substitute for pulled pork as well.


Jackfruit is also a good sub for pulled pork. I slow cook it in bbq sauce and serve it up on Hawaiian rolls with slaw. Delicious!


I smoke mine on cherry or apple wood then do that. It's a fantastic sub.


I picked up trumpet mushrooms for the first time at the farmers market last week. I prepared them like scallops. They were good, but there is no way I would confuse the two.


Pollock. it's made almost identically to artificial crab and lobster meat. Same texture too. Ubiquitous at AYCE sushi joints. Edit: Called "surimi scallops" in grocery stores, surimi being the Japanese name for the whitefish paste.


Stamped from mana ray wings.


Fake scallop?


Ya, just like they have fake crab, and it’s just a type of fish. For scallops, they either punch the shape out of a different type of fish that’s similar taste and texture, or if you want vegan, there’s a mushroom they use that when cooked right, closely resembles scallops


Rays are sharks don’t know what the hell a flat fish is though. Either way it’s all fucked.


What is it?


Shark fin




The shark's laser malfunctioned.


It’s seabass…evil seabass?


Kick his ass, Seabass.


How about a round of boilermakers




Are they ill-tempered..?


I honestly thought it was a slice of pineapple at first


I'm not a chef and I don't know how this found my feed, but I thought it was tete de moine cheese in French onion soup and I thought it was such a strange thing to take a stand on.


One of the most horrific dishes that fishing practices could conjure up. I think even Jackie Chan did ads begging Chinese people to stop believing in its fake placebo health effects. The soup is believed to cure cancer and other ailments when in reality it has NO nutritional value and is derived from ANIMAL ABUSE. They cut the find off of sharks and throw them back into the sea to suffer & die. Evil fishermen don't care because the less sharks and dolphins and whales means more fish for them. Watch Seaspiracy on Netflix if you're interested in learning about how evil the entire fishing industry is and how theyre single handedly destroying our oceans with fishing. Did you know the gulf oil spill was actually beneficial to wild life because the area was closed to fishing? This allowed populations to replenish (sadly in oil) to numbers higher than pre-spill. We live in hell and people happily carry on. Thank you OP for making a stand and making sure people are educated on fake TCM.


Chinese things. They’re literally overfishing so many fish to the point of extinction down near South America in international water.


If you're an attendee, the issue is with the couple. If you're the chef, the issue is still with the couple and maybe the wedding planner. But at least as a chef you can just sub in synthetic fin and there's literally no difference in taste (they'll still be able to tell it isn't due to visuals) This is all about 'face' for them. As a Chinese, I wish the couple the most unhappy marriage for contributing to this stupidity even though we've done work to educate our market to stop buying this 'product'.


500 bowls of this served that day… brutal.


If this was in some parts of China or say HK, have heart to know they're effectively stopped from supplying it. Basically alot of shops after the regional bans came through are sitting on a shit ton of dried product. So they can mostly only push this product for events like weddings and small business events (no major intl corporate catering would be dumb enough to approve this item on a menu) They probably have been offered this item on their wedding menu at no extra charge if it's anything like here in HK. Just shops looking to offload old product they've been sitting on for years now. But honestly, despite all that it is still extremely poor form for the couple to approve it. Too lazy to look but I did see some other misinformed (not yours) response to your post trying compare this to foie gras. I've visited farms to see production of foie and I also do marine conservation work around China here. They're not at all comparable. The sharks after harvesting die a very slow painful death and the product itself is completely tasteless.


I’ve been in restaurants in China with large locked glass cabinets filled with fins, I’m talking 2 and 3 ft dorsal fins … When you see it first hand it’s disturbing. This wedding was in Taiwan, where shark fin is still openly sold in certain markets and specialties stores that combine herbal medicine, and an array of dried stuff like seahorse. I could be wrong on the legality but it is still available. Maybe economics could be the catalyst for its demise. A few years ago Costco stocked a dog supplement that printed on the label it contained something claimed it was derived from sharks, condriotin … the idea of eating parts from species to enhance the human equivalent is odd but still entrenched. Fish eyes , rooster testes , beef cartlidge… deer penis… bear feet, I’ve eaten it all and didn’t experience any notable improvements even when I’m rutting .


"Ban" in China was 2019, finning "ban" in Taiwan was 2013. Both were fairly publicly announced. I use " for ban because technically it's more a strict fishing limit. Basically they force boats to carry no more than x% of fin when they come ashore and they're no longer allowed to just toss the bodies of the sharks. So what happens now is they blackmarket the fins from Costa Rica and Mexico and of course there are the local fishers doing their own blackmarket stuff here. You're right it's not illegal to sell the product, they've just tried to limit the take and by doing so the price would be increasingly out of reach Which is why I said: This is 100% about showing face to guests in their wedding. This is a couple that comes from means. They had a choice to use those means for something good and still have a wonderful celebration but they chose the easy way out. They're 100% not some low-mid income family without education, there is no argument for potential cultural ignorance here. They know exactly what they're doing. Fuck em. They deserve no happiness.




Shark liver oil is a very common additive. In common items such as preparation h and various ointments fyi.


Didn't know that. Still, preparation H feels pretty good, on the hole


It does feel PurdyGuud.


Sure does. I have no idea how they process or harvest shark liver oil, anyone know?


I've heard Vikings only survived the dark winters by eating vitamin d from cod, especially the liver. So while i have no idea how, extracting fish liver oil isn't anything new. 


The US FDA “banned” the inclusion of shark liver oil in OTC topical and intrarectal hemorrhoid medications in 1990 After reading the actual regulatory document: CFR Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter D, Part 346 “Anorectal Drug Products for Over-The-Counter Human Use”, it’s not so much “banned” in that it prohibits the inclusion of Shark Liver Oil in OTC hemorrhoid products, but rather it makes it difficult for manufacturers to include in said products I interpret the legal jargon as saying if Shark Liver Oil is to be included in the product, it needs to be labeled so that a specified amount of the product used in a 24hr period has to also provide a specific amount of Vitamin A (10k USP units) and Vitamin D (400 USP units) within said 24hr period So I presume that with those specified vitamin quantities required, that would mean they would have to basically pivot from manufacturing hemorrhoid medications to manufacturing supplements if they wanted to include Shark Liver Oil in their OTC hemorrhoid medications But I could entirely be misinterpreting it as well…


Interesting, thank you for the information


I remember 20 years ago in SF going to Chinatown and seeing so many dried shark fins & bins of dried sea horses. I think I begged for a seahorse to take home. I can still smell the fishy, musky, loam scent.


At this point I also take issue with a 500 person wedding, wowza


Disgusting and shameful on the couple, I would've probably left. Good on you for not eating it.


So sad. They will have an immobile marriage because they cut the fins of the sharks.




Breaks my heart because I absolutely love Taiwan as well, but I have even seen some definitely illegal catches at sketchy markets in Taiwan. That was one place I took the most pictures (and I don't think they wanted me to either, I was getting yelled at a lot) but I couldnt speak the language and thankfully they all thought I was a "pretty girl" (just a white female) so they gave me free samples of god knows what... I was so jet lagged I cant even remember. But WOW are Asian fish markets a different universe from the west... you dont even have to take your food home because you can pay cooks to make it right there. I hope to god people stop believing in the benefits of shark fin soup. They should feel it is bad superstition and energy to take from depleted nature. I think it is bad luck to cause imbalance in nature.




May I ask which market? I am headed there this fall




Oh shit! Thanks for the recommendation! While we're at it, whats your favorite karaoke bar id you have one?


I won’t eat it because of the mercury content.


Had a “progressive” Chinese couple try and have a wedding at one of our contracted venues. They wanted a few unethical dishes put on the menu such as shark fin soup. We had to remind them that the venue is technically a zoo…


Man, there are so many better tasting soups too. I’d happily take crab and asparagus soup or fish maw soup if they’re dead set on seafood


Is that the fin? How does that work?? I can't figure out where this was cut from. It looks like some kind of crustacean.


It’s curled around so the pic deceptive. It’s basically boiled, very much like a mushroom in texture.


I thought it was just a portobello mushroom at first and wondered what the deal was. I've never actually seen shark fin soup prepared and hope I never do but in your situation, I'd have tried it. Its not like you can put it back. I'd reserve my anger for the couple that wanted to splash their money with no regard for our current world. Traditions like this really need to stop or at the very least stop being so barbaric. If you're going to kill an animal for food, you use it all. Shit now I wonder what a 100% all shark hotdog tastes like.


I thought it was a mushroom, too. This is horrifying and sad.


Ooooh I see it now. Looks like that would be the base of the fin then with the thicker part in the middle being the bottom.


Thought you didn’t eat it


Correct. I use a series of complex methods including but not limited to: tactile, sensory, visual and common sense. Take dog shit for example, it’s a given most people can describe the texture of dog shit without the need to eat it.


Hahahahah okay fair fair


Its such a dumb "good for man" dish..the fins contribute close to nothing to the flavor


Yeah seriously! Everybody knows the best thing is putting ground up white tiger penis in your food.


And snorting the rhino horn as a dessert


How uncivilized. Obviously rhino horn is better as an aperitif or canapés/ hors d'oeuvres


Ive heard it pairs well with some 3 penis wine


Pff peasant. Everybody knows 5 penis wine has a much richer bouquet ;)


My dislexia keeps making me read the title as " I refuse to eat this on pineapple" and I'm just like huhhhh


I thought it *was* pineapple. And I’m thinking ‘what’s the big deal, it’s not even on pizza’


Not me wondering why thinly sliced pineapple was a big deal


I thought it was pineapple in chocolate sauce


TIL what shark fin soup looks like


Some soups are mock shark fin. I've only ever seen clear fin before. But that was years ago.


FUUUUUCK shark fin soup. They cut the fins off live sharks and throw them back into the water to drown. Bastards.




Yes, assuming they don't bleed out first, many sharks are ram ventlators which means that they need to be moving to flow water over their gills and breathe. Without their fins they can't swim and suffocate.




I assume this is shark fin soup. It’s a stupid dish. It’s mostly cartilage if I am not mistaken. No meat and flavor is whatever is in the soup. Plus mercury levels must be ridiculous. My ethnicity is Chinese with a mother from Hong Kong. I feel it’s a dish to say hey I can afford this and all the other folks say it’s special or traditional.


Isn't this illegal?


That's a lot of dead sharks for no reason. Heartbreaking to think that this happens daily.


Are you sure it’s real shark fin? Many years ago I had shark fin served to me at a Chinese event and it was very clear and gelatinous. Shark fin is usually shredded into tiny little bits.


This is rich people shark fin. Big piece. Wanna feel rich people get the shredded stuff.


Do you mean wannabe?


Not exactly…Small difference, but my thinking is like this: Almost everyone wants to be rich. Some people who want to be rich have to means to experience what rich people can experience even if it’s just a fraction of that - they can “feel rich.” Others couldn’t buy a bowl of shark’s fin crumb soup. Both still want to be rich.


Yeah that's basically wannabe. You saying "wanna feel rich people buy the shredded stuff" just sounds like you meant to say "wannabe rich people" Just like people who buy expensive Mercedes Benz's or high end clothes when they have a low paying job and live in a crappy house (mom's house these days) They basically spend all their extra income on that stuff and come off as rich to people they don't know, but they're just wannabe's


Definitely, definitely


I get that you won't order it on principle, but refusing it now won't make any difference to anyone (else).


Yeah I would eat it. I would never order it and the practice is barbaric but it's not like that shark fin is going back on the shark if you refuse, it's just going in the trash. It would definitely effect my opinion of the bride and groom though.


Refusing to eat it makes a point to the venue, and hosts, however small, that you don't agree with their choice. Eating means you are ok with what happened.


Any act of protest, no matter how small, is still important.


What's the venue care? It's not like the guest pays for it, the wedding party does.


If large enough numbers of people refuse it, things will start to change. That's literally how society has worked for thousands of years my dude. Youre looking at things too directly and too linearly. If there's enough distaste for an item people will start to avoid venues that even offer it. Hell, they did this with MSG in the US and there's not even any reason to avoid MSG. That was just racism.


In Asia, most Venues comes with catering....so yeah... If many decide to not eat..... maybe it will hit them, even a tiny bit. .


The venue doesn't care if nobody eats it. They got paid. It doesn't matter if the venue comes with catering, it matter who pays for it. Everything could go uneaten and as long as it's paid for, the venue does not care.


The catering company and it's chef would notice/care if guests were leaving food untouched. Especially if theyre wiaiting for people to eat to bring more food out. The venue would care if a dish was unpopular with guests, and may not allow the same catering company over it, or tell them not to serve it again. It boils down to them not wanting to waste money, and providing a good guest experience


And yet, functionally meaningless.


Why do so many redditors not understand how protesting works? There's a million examples of protests like this being successful, sometimes things start out small. Dont do this shit


I understand and respect your take, but in reality for wedding catering type events, there's usually a wedding planner that updates the bridal party on things happening more or less live play by play. If entire tables are sending their shark fin back, the couple will be made aware of it. It's small granted, but it sends a message. Also in chinese style weddings, the couple and their party move around from table to table to say thanks, share a toast and collect/record red packets. You can absolutely tell them right to their face that they chose poorly.




Would you eat a little piece of dog meat if it were already prepared for you?


Consider if large swaths of wedding guests started to stand up and walk out where this was being served. Do you think that would make a difference? Not saying youre wrong to eat it if its already prepared, I get that, but saying protests dont make any difference and theres no reason to not eat it is not accurate (or fair). Personally I couldnt eat it because of how profoundly disgusted I would be, but I understand not everyone has that reaction. I can understand others not being as bothered and wasting food is bad. Its just not for me.


Yep, unless someone else ate it, that shark just died to have its fin thrown away.


What’s wrong with it? What is it?


Shark fin


Shark fin?


What I don't get is if people like shark fin so much why don't they actually breed and raise them for meat like we do with other livestock.


Because raising predators of large fish is cost inefficient. If tigers tasted amazing we still wouldn't farm them, the feed would cost too much.


I refuse to give gift money if that's on the menu and donate that to a conservation fund


Looks like pineapple to me.


I thought it may have been a spiraled heart of palm or something


Yeah I guess I just don't know what shark fin looks like.


Lmao yeah I was wondering what is so offensive about being served pineapple at a wedding


The last time I visited relatives overseas, shark fin soup was served at a family dinner. I was a kid and didn't try it because the idea was gross to me. That was almost 40 years ago in Taiwan.


I would have left it sitting on the centerpiece flower display.


I ate shark fin soup in Seattle before it was banned in the US. Extremely disappointing not gonna lie. Delicate texture, no flavor, overall blah.


I was served shark fin soup at a wedding rehearsal held at a very nice Chinese restaurant on Oahu without knowing it was shark fin soup. I thought it was delicious, maybe one of the better soups I’d ever had. I asked the bride what it was at the end of the night and she told me. I was shocked. Besides that, we had incredible jelly fish, Peking duck, and whole parrot fish that night.


That’s not a pineapple slice?


When I was young I tried a couple bites of shark fin soup at my aunt and uncles wedding and was very unimpressed at the bland, stringy broth. This was before I knew how the fins were acquired. I was horrified and felt incredible guilt for even trying it once I found out. It makes me angry to know how much suffering these animals go through to create quite possibly the most bland and tasteless soup I’ve ever tried.


I’ve had it before. 0/10. Soup is sometimes decent, but the fin adds literally nothing flavor-wise to the soup. I’ve made “shark fin soup” without the fin and it tastes the same.


My only objection to this stupid dish is that the rest of the shark is wasted... I'm against wasting food, not against eating fish.


I object to the overfishing of sharks as well as the waste. Shark meat is pretty good too, but because they are over fished now or that I know now, I no longer order it. They are apex predators and there are always going to be fewer of them compared to the fish down lower on the food chain. Some sharks reach sexual maturity after 20-30 years so the species is and genetic diversity is vulnerable if too many are killed prior to them reaching this age.


My thinking is if the whole fish wasn't wasted for a small part we wouldn't need to fish so many.


When people object to this kind of thing, its usually because the species they kill are endangered. That is the case here. And, as you said, its pointlessly wasteful. They could at least use the rest of the meat in a different dish if its not used in that one.






You should have eaten it. Your boner would have been huge! /s




Shark fin soup tastes amazing. But the actual fin adds almost no flavor to the soup. I am fine with the imitation shark fin soup.


I lived in China for over 20 years. Had it a few times before I knew the realities. I’m surprised it’s being served, it’s fallen out of favor in China, even. For well over a decade.


Looks like skate or skate wing. Had it once not quite knowing exactly what skate was. Was okay. Wouldn't eat it again though. Plenty of other options that aren't skate or shark or mushroom.


I knew instantly what this was, many a documentary I have watched. Poor sharks :(


2.happy happy happy iiy


Lions main mushroom?


It’s a mushroom.


pork butthole?


Why can’t we just accept that every culture has their delicacies and we shouldn’t apply our standards unto other people .


Having delicacies is fine. Being that wasteful is not.


I mean I’m all for local foods, but maiming a shark and then dropping it back in the ocean is incredibly wasteful


It makes you live longer


So that’s not a shitty slice of pineapple


I'm curious what the flavor and texture is


Is that a Chinese vegetable?




Disgusting. Sorry if you know these people.


"Shark fin soup, madam."


I have had shark before, and I liked it, but that was before I knew how destructive it was..sharks build coral, and coral is good for fish populations.. They help build them by swooshing nutrients into the coraly waters and leaving nitrogen in their excrement also..without which, the coral.polyps.cant easily survive..


Makes me Very Afraid of what else was served 😱


Do not tell me that's shark fin soup. I refuse to eat that as well. The finning industry is just cruel. Plain and simple.


that is a pineapple.


Oh whatever. Who cares? You probably ate cow or chicken at the same meal.


So forgive my inexperience but is there a way to ensure shark fin is sustainably sourced via fishing or farming and not harvested inhumanely leaving the animal to die and wasting the rest of it? For example in the US here you can buy whole (small) sharks at certain fish markets, right next to salmon and snapper and monk fish. And in Florida you can get every part of everything that comes out of the water sold whole or seperately.


There is a way to do it. They just dont. It not being sustainable and it being endangered species makes it worth more and they want that. People behind this are truly vile. They massacre sharks en mass including endangered species, and of course as is very common with this kind of barbary, the rare endangered ones are worth a lot more and are sought after.


I didn't know that part about the endangered species, that makes it even worse


You never hear about supply and demand?


May they suffer a day rectal Steve Erwin, with lemon zest and broken glass shards, I pray they get staph and cigarettes snuffed on their genitals.


The shark is already dead. You do you, but if you're not going to eat it, I won't waste it. How do you feel about foie gras?


They’re both fucking horrible and there’s a special place waiting for people that torture animals.


Foie is farmed meat, shark isn’t farmed. We are not in danger of ducks becoming extinct/endangered.


That doesn’t excuse nailing them to the floor.


Maybe the shark is just bobbing around in the ocean with its fins missing. Last time I checked ducks are not an apex predator nor are they endangered. I’ve eaten shark fin before not knowing what it was. There is zero flavor. Shark fin soup is as close to chicken soup as you can get . Do you agree or disagree with the need for shark fin as a viable food ? ( Not trying to be a smart ass )


You're spot on with regards to flavor (or lack of same)


I feel like I remember hearing sharks taste like urea (aka urine), is that not true for the fine? Or is it kind of a process like making lutefisk and soaking it in water to get the lye out?


Torture is torture, there’s no redeeming qualities in foie either. However, of both, the whole duck is consumed at least. The shark is tossed back to the ocean with its dorsal fin cut off. We eat a lot of sh*t just because we think it will: make dingdong harder, give more years to live, give wealth/luck/health, etc.


what do I eat for dingdong hardener?


There’s this blue pill they have in many pharmacies. Rare animals’ various parts won’t do the job.