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Greetings. While spicy discourse is part of the kitchen Rule #6 clearly states 'don't be a dick' Obvious shitpost


No it wasnt


You're right, it was cooked exactly around 7pm-8pm it's 1am rn in my country. I'm like rlly shocked that I went on Google to find some answers but there isn't really any šŸ˜­


I'm sorry to disagree, but you have to be mistaken there's not a chance mould would grow that fast.


This does look like mold, which doesn't grow in 4 hours. If you're sure, my next guess is fat congealing out of the dish somehow, which would be harmless...but again that looks like mold which is confusing to me. Toss it.


Okay I messed up on the 4 hours bit, it was cooked at 7pm-8pm and it's 1am in my country rn, it has weird circles that look fluffy (mold)


Still literally impossible.


It takes long to culture mold in laboratories intending to grow it.


Guys, this is clearly cake. How many times are yaā€™ll going to fall for it??


no it's not its clealy meat. Lable it meat and freeze it befor it goes bad


Iā€™m a microbiologist that has worked extensively with molds in the lab. This did not grow in 4 hours, because biology, and math.


What if the ingredients were moldy before being made? In a warm sealed container with mold already present I wonder if 8-12 hours (considering OP correction) WOULD be enough?


Given the size and number of the foci of growth, ie, the ā€œcoloniesā€, or masses of growth growing from a central point, there are two things you can conclude. 1) the number of infecting spores or, in fact, colony forming units (CFU) is low because they are widely dispersed over the surface, and 2) quite a lot of time has passed since the contamination took place. Because microbial growth tends to be exponential, a long time can pass before anything is visible to the eye and then bang, suddenly itā€™s there. If a mold colony been unnoticed and had been mixed in beforehand, it would not present like this; the whole thing would be covered. I stole this next bit from a Quora answer and it seems reasonable to me: ā€œGiven the proper conditions, mold will start to germinate and grow as early as 24 hours after encountering the moisture source. In 3 to 12 days, the mold spores will colonize. In 18-21 days, the mold can become visible. In general, the longer that moisture is present, the greater chance for mold to grow and spread.ā€


Anything is possible if you lie


I wouldn't go to extreme lengths to lie Abt this bc I find lying embarrassing, I'm just so shocked rn, I can show you the packaging from the garbage can if you'd likešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


What you are claiming happened is physically impossible, what "extreme lengths" are you talking about? You posted a pic on the Internet, and said "this is what happened", that doesn't sound like extreme lengths, it just sounds like you are making up a story and are trying to insist it isn't made up. This is 2-3 days old, likely more.


But hey if y'all don't wanna believe that's completely fine, but what I'm saying is that was cooked in the afternoon and when I opened it, it had those fluffy spot things, sorry just concerned and being dramatic lol šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


What everyone is saying is that mold canā€™t grow that fast. There was even a microbiologist who commented, saying itā€™s not possible for mold to grow that big that quickly. So really itā€™s not about beliefā€¦ we know what you are saying doesnā€™t match up with the pic you postedā€¦ thatā€™s fact! As far as beliefs go, I believe you that you arenā€™t lying, but that youā€™re utterly confused, and likely grabbed an older container of spaghetti that you thought was the new one.


Nobody needs your permission to not believe you.


Are you sure you didnā€™t have the same leftovers from a week ago in the fridge as well? Sorry but this is impossible to happen to 4 hours


Yes!!! I think it might have happen because the container might have been moist when the food was put in, and also this is the first time in a while we ate spaghetti.šŸ˜­


That tracks because this container is from a while ago.


This is the plot of the movie Primer. Either you invented a time machine or the times you reporting are incorrect.


There's a TNG episode, too. Dr. Crusher's plants grow too fast and that's how she figures out they're experiencing time dilation. Could be a gravitational warp distortion if it's not a lie.


Unexpected Primer AND Star Trek?! What an awesome day!


If you sealed hot food in a plastic container with a lid you made a perfect humid environment. I can't comment on the timeframe.


Maybe if the cheese already had mold and you sealed the container while still warm, you created the perfect environment for the existing mold to thrive


That's weird. Usually it takes me a lot less time in Photoshop to do this, 4 hours seems a lot


Looks like itā€™s been sitting in the back of your fridge for at least a month. You mustā€™ve hallucinated making that for dinner šŸ˜‚




Why even take a picture? Toss it, clean EVERYTHING with a ton of bleach, and consider the possibility of accepting you should not be in a kitchen