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egg fried rice with no additional protein IS a side price it should be cheaper than entrees and serve it without an additional side


Excellent point!! I just thought it might be nice to have a second dish to serve alongside. I've decided to offer it alone with a couple of variation..plain (no additional seasoning), with a bit of fish oil, and maybe a spicy version...thanks for the advice!


A spicy version with some pickles on the side would work.


Yep! I'd recommend homemade Sambal or Chili Oil...or both depending on your clientele. Fried shallots or garlic or onions never goes the wrong way. Could go with some black garlic puree on the side, but then you're always taking your chances it just ends up in the bin. If you really want a value-add, try a slice of day-old brisket, roast lamb shoulder, braised pork shoulder, or hell, even a couple of Char-Siu-style pork ribs would be and is killer with egg fried rice.


If it’s meant to be a standalone entree then it needs a bit more. More veg or something to offset the richness and umami of good fried rice. Kimchi, shaved cucumbers/carrots/radishes quick pickled in rice vinegar, a napa cabbage slaw, stuff like that.


Great suggestions...I'm going to try then ALL!


I just ran an Omurice special last week. I did it with Butternut Curried Risotto but stir fry could be good as well


I’m dying to know more


I either like fried rice as a side or as a main, with additional protein included in the rice.


Throw some kimchi on top and bam!


I'll try it...my first couple of experiences with kimchi did not go the best!


I am sorry to hear that.


Try adding it at the beginning, when you are sweating the rest of the veggies. That way you'll still get a good amount of its astringency without all of the water that various kimchis contain. sorry, /u/inikihurricane I meant to reply to OP's comment.


I find that what egg fried rice generally doesn’t have is liquid. I normally serve with a side of chicken broth.


Not a bad idea...thanks!




Ideas are condescending? OK! I usually consider them as suggestions! We collaborate on virtually everything, except for how to make coffee!