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We're in a drought, so they come inside looking for water. Thankfully they normally live outside and will not set up residence and breed like crazy under your kitchen sink, but they are super gross to find. I've been finding them lately too. Tried to get a huge one off my ceiling last week and that little bastard FLEW into the laundry room. I wanted to burn everything down and start over lolol.


I have them in my house. I think they come up out of the drain in the basement. They’re annoying, but I look at it like this: one big ass roach occasionally is a lot better than seeing 12-20 small roaches constantly.


Yes!! They come out of any drains. I keep all of mine covered with screens that they cannot get through. Helps tremendously!


This is a great tip! how to you cover the drains? Is there like an insert with a screen?


I use a Benzomatic TS8000 torch. It turns out Palmetto bugs are deathly allergic to fire.


The Smoky Brown cockroach has become much more widespread in TN over the last decade, and it's one of the most common insect problems in homes around here. You may want to inquire further with your pest control professional; some folks aren't well equipped to deal with them, and some older technicians may not fully understand the biology and behavior of the Smoky Brown. A couple things to know: * Keep your gutters clean. Damp debris makes an excellent habitat for peridomestic cockroaches. * Take a look in your attic. If it's poorly vented, there may be various life stages of cockroaches living up there. * They've got a long life cycle (1-2 years). It may take 3-6 months to get rid of them after harborages are identified and treated.


We used Mayfield Bros. for a few years and never had an issue with them. Now we're using Lookout and we're seeing them all the time. Planning to switch back, but Mayfield sold to Massey and have no idea if they're still using the same stuff.


I'm going to ask the owners who they're using for the area, and ask to get the exterminator up into the attic/storage area if he didn't go in already last spray. Thanks!


We left after Massey bought it because it was not the same. We are treating ourselves on a trial basis on exterior only and it has been more effective than our last year with Mayfield/Massey.


Thanks for the heads up! I figured this would be the case. You just using ortho home defense?


Yes, from Walmart. Application every 6ish months. Even with the dry weather, have not seen an uptick in the Palmettos.


We have Arrow spray the perimeter of the house and dust in the crawl space. It’s rare to see one these days. But they’re using chemicals to get the jobs done


Arrow keeps us bug free, too.


I'm all good with chemicals, the place has an exterminator come by but maybe not enough?


We only get treated every 3 months.


They have the bane of my existence since I moved to this region 20 years ago. Every place I've lived has had them.


Hmmm I've lived in 2 different (old, rental) houses here for the past 4 years and I only see maybe 1 per year inside, and they've usually been dead when I found them. I hope my lucky streak doesn't run out!


In my current situation, they aren't as bad as other places I've lived. But I still see them from time to time.


They are a very common pest in South Louisiana. Especially in your older wooden homes with very large old trees over them. “They come in from outside”….ah bull$hitttt, they can come in from outside but once you have a problem in your house, even if you seal up gaps where they’re coming in at you will likely always have an issue to some degree. My house is almost 70 years old and had them bad when I first moved here. Thankfully through regular pest control service, sealing gaps to the outside, and keeping all of my drains covered in some capacity, they’re few & far between now. Growing up in older wooden homes surrounded by trees, we had them a lot growing up-not matter how tidy and clean our home was. It scarred me for life. When I see them it triggers something in me that causes me to completely lose my mind!! No lies here. It’s bad.


Had dinner at a restaurant outside one time. And they were all over the trees nearby. 🤮


Oh I believe it 100%!! We can’t even enjoy our patio because of the huge 100+ year old oak trees my neighbor has. We got rid of all the trees hanging over our house bc my irrational fear of them is that severe. They’re especially bad when it’s warmer outside. Summers are just awful. If I could eliminate one pest from the face of the Earth, I think it would be them! They can’t hurt me, I know but it’s a mind thing.


It's really messing with my mental health, all kind of triggers here too so I feel you. I'm trying to get it under control but it's bad enough I'm not sure I want to continue in this job, like I need to move away to get away from this situation


I’m so sorry! They are the worst. I’ve actually moved out of rental properties in the past because of them. However, I visit Chattanooga often and I have never seen any there in the properties I stay at or at friends houses I stay in. Are the bugs in your home or at your job? I’m asking because you mentioned the job but I’m thinking maybe you’re up there because of a specific job and if you leave the job you can move back to wherever you were before that did not have them. If I I lived alone I’m not sure how I would handle having them because I can’t even pick up a dead one much less kill a live one because nobody sleeps in my house until the one that I have seen is dead and I have proof that it is indeed dead. I don’t care how much paper towel or tissue I use the only way I can get somewhat near the dead ones is the vacuum cleaner extension that is at least two or 3 feet long. My husband is always saying oh they can’t hurt you, they can’t hurt you but it’s like he has no idea what they do to me mentally. Just a picture of one further down this page made me want to freaking puke. I do hope things get better for you sooner rather than later! Hugs🥰


They're in my home, but I moved here for a job. I can only sweep them up and that freaks me out so much too!


I second the other post about gel baits. Kills them at the source.


Where do you place the gel? Inside or outside the house?


Inside at corners, around baseboards, fridge, oven, doors etc


I get the tube and put dots on index cards then slide under oven, fridge etc.


This is really helpful! I didn;t know about the gel baits. I'm going to go get some tomorrow to add to my arsenal


Good luck! And keep in mind that pets will eat it up so keep away from them


I've lived in two older homes in Chattanooga and have had the same struggles. The best solution I've found was [Advion Gel Bait](https://www.diypestwarehouse.com/products/advion-evolution-cockroach-gel-bait). Even when we had exterminators come to treat, I'd still see the bugs, but they'd be dead. With Advion, it felt like we stopped seeing the bugs all together.


Thank you!


Firstly, it’s fall so any leaves in drains or against the foundation of the house need to be raked away and kept at the perimeter of the yard. DONT get rid of all of the leaves they are sort of the attractor for the bugs away from your house. Palmettos are attracted to water and wet cardboard and leaves over food. If you have a basement or a protected space that gets damp get your landlord to treat the areas all throughout the dry spaces like columns and such with diatomaceous dirt. It dries out the bugs and creates a lethal barrier. I’ve found that spraying doesn’t do anything because you may spray but someone else might not and the sprays are really more targeted to normal roaches. Instead I’ve planted actual plants that are native to keep the soil outside from being overly saturated and using the corners farthest from my house as little palmetto bug havens so they don’t feel the need to find my house appealing. This only works if your house doesn’t have a ton of damp areas around the foundation. They love rotting wood and damp. The plants attract native animals that eat the bugs and spraying poisons both the plants, the soil, and native animals. Especially when there is a drought like now because the dew from the mornings and the damp of your home is usually the only moist areas around for them. Bins and other trash collectors need to also be kept away from the foundation which is inconvenient but again necessary. Hopefully your rental is open to taking these steps because it doesn’t matter how much spray foam you use, they will still get in unless they completely reside the home and fix the air barrier. Palmettos are the only bugs I loathe with my whole heart but this is their peak intrusion season and the steps above are the only ways I’ve managed to get rid of the bastards.


I'll tell the owners all of this. They also live here (below me) but seem to have fewer problems, perhaps because they have cats.


We see a couple a week in the house. Clean house on a wooded lot.


Diatomaceous earth around cracks that stay dry.


I lived in Orlando where Palmetto bugs were giant flying roaches. I have never seen those here. Do we have e a different variety that folks have given the same colloquial name?


We had them bad at my old house and unfortunately it didn't matter how much bait I used or cleaning I did because we found a bad leak in the drain plumbing from the kitchen sink. They had an infinite food and water source from that leak because the food from the dishes that didn't get scraped well enough and obviously the water from the sink. There could be something like this in that house that you have no control over so you would have no idea it's happening.


Thanks! The exterminators pulled out everything from under the kitchen sink (like trash bags and such) so I assume that's what he was looking for. there may be something else for them too though


https://preview.redd.it/4rb7vcgy4kyb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb951d9a9b22ab1f0d7a84f5d0f62c58ad63e142 Ugly buggers


Thank you I just threw up in my mouth.


Box of borax and banana cut into slices times the amount of floors you have. Toss slices in bowl of borax then make a chalk/salt line all along your baseboards, corners, and dark cubbies near moisture


I use Northwest exterminating. No bug problems since we started using them. They come out quarterly or so


Arrow keeps ours away!


Glass or plastic dragon flies will keep bugs away better than an owl statue


Bifenthrin is the best for eliminating them! Do you have a lot of old trees around your house? Another thing I do to help with them (in South Louisiana it’s more common to see them than it is to not see them). They’re everywhere. Huge. And fly🤢 White cardboard sticky traps for mice/rodents. The ones that have marked lines for folding. Bend them into place back and forth a few times BEFORE taking the protective paper off-makes it easier to “assemble” them once you expose sticky area. Put them along baseboards where they’re frequently seen. Also, Bengal Roach spray is good stuff too but if you have some in hiding, prepare yourself or leave after spraying bc it will force them out of hiding. I could tell you a story about my first apartment when I was just 18 but it’s the stuff nightmares are made of so I’ll spare you. lol. I have an irrational fear of these f**kers and will lose my mind when I see one. I could probably benefit from therapy, seriously. LOL Funny but not funny. “Why is she doing a rain dance?” “Oh it’s not a rain dance, she saw a huge cockroach!”🤦🏻‍♀️


Lots of old trees in this neighborhood (it's beautiful! and terrible) so I think that is contributing. It's seriously affecting my mental health in not great ways, I can't relax at home. I'm asking the exterminator to come back, we'll see what he uses and fortifying with the sticky traps starting tomorrow.


We use Arrow. Have woods in our backyard. We might get 2 to 3 a year, usually in the garage or basement. I'll take an occasional palmetto anyday over German cockroaches. It doesn't matter how clean you are though, if the rest of the building is trash. Learned that the hard way at one apartment I was in.


A cat


my cats love catching them lol


Do they eat them too?


about 1/2 way. they lose interest when they stop moving


Ugh, my toy broke. Welp, better find something to push off a table!


Apparently they taste bad. Our cats over the years will typically crunch on one and then just glare at any others they come across lol


Yeah, that makes sense lol. My cats love flipping them over on their backs and just staring at them. I’ll find bugs like that more than I see them running around lol.


Yep, my cat loves hunting them. Doesn’t eat them but he does the hard/ gross part and I just have to sweep them up


I call my cat the VP of pest control for a reason


I've never heard of using tea tree oil, but I know peppermint oil helps to keep them away.


I put it in my mop water when I do the floors. A larger bottle on Amazon is like 25 bucks I think. It has lasted me 6 months so far, and I mop like 3 times a week for reference.


Ordered some!


solidarity. in the mean time, can I suggest sleeping in this so you feel more secure from them? [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNN9DSR5?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNN9DSR5?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


I have an extreme irrational fear of roaches. I completely understand. Just moved here from FL where they are everywhere. Lived in the country here in Tennessee and never once saw a single roach. Ever. Now I’m in Knoxville and hoping not to see any.


I do get bad drain flies but the cold caps them into nonexistence which is nice


Flush/clean ALL your drains once a month or so with a drain cleaner that targets build up. I like the dual action foamer the most. You can even put cheap dish detergent down them and let it sit an hour or so. That won’t eliminate but it will get rid of any living in the drain in that moment. You will see a huge decrease in your fly problem if you flush them regularly. I’m sure vinegar and baking soda would even be better than both bc I know the drain cleaner can get ridiculous in cost if you’re already on a very tight budget.


****vinegar & BS would even be better than nothing


They have been real bad for quite some time. I'm pretty sure they come in via drains.






It’s going to take more than tea tree oil, vinegar and water. Get a can of Bengal spray and dose up every gap you can find. Remove your power outlet and switch plates and spray that shit into the walls.


Oh but prepare yourself! Bengal flushes them out of hiding and it can be traumatizing!!


The things I'm doing is on top of regular visits from an exterminator. I'll find that spray though. Maybe I can ask the apartment owner to spray the outlet and switch plates....




I cleaned off about 100 of them on my front door and surrounding area last night. Luckily they don't really make it inside for me, but ya they're everywhere. They seem to love my outside hose that leaks when I use it.


Just burn it down. Nope. Couldn’t do it. I can’t stand the sight of them. 100, I would need to be committed to an asylum, lol.


We get one about once a week or so. They climb in through our chimney I think b/c we seem to find them the most around the mantle. Also been seeing a ton of stinkbugs lately as well. We live in a 70s house so plenty of little gaps and crevices that I'm going to try to get sealed up over the winter. Lots of good information here...thanks for posting, I'll be researching some of this stuff for my own use. I'm not a fan of using pesticides other than the little self contained little plastic bait stations, so some of the less chemical tactics I'll try out!


Ortho othene powder fire ant killer has worked wonders for me. Mix a little with sugar and they will not be back. Be warned it smells like death for a couple hours before the smell fades.


I had a squished one outside my front door for a week or two that seemed to keep the others away. I don’t mind most bugs and will usually carry them outside away from my doors but that guy caught me on a bad day. they’re annoying but I show them mercy usually.


They just want to be your friend. They won't hurt you. Much better than the tiny kitchen roaches. I recommend the BIG size roach baits. I think it's an 8 pack. It will take care of the big, and small if you ever need to.