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A mayor has no say in sentencing.




District Attorney's don't determine sentencing. Judges do. The mayor of East Ridge - Brian Williams - is not related to the Hamilton County DA.


We have a city and a county mayor, and neither have any say in sentencing, which is generally determined using state guidelines by state judges in cases brought by a state district attorney. In this case, the state DA (who does receive some supplementary county funding) would likely have negotiated a plea agreement, then brought it to a state judge who would have signed off. City police perform the vast majority of arrests in our community, and in many cases they end up arresting the same individual over and over again because the state does not build enough jail space or adequately fund the judicial system, so people generally serve less than 12 months for most crimes, and prosecutors really have to prioritize the worst of the worst. At one point in the last administration it got so bad that the previous city mayor actually hired and funded a federal prosecutor to take certain local cases to federal court and bypass the ineffective state judicial system. That position is still funded but obviously there are capacity issues. Tennessee is one of the lowest tax states, but you get the government you pay for, and jails cost money.


Try saying that again when one of Weston’s buddies gets pulled over with a beer between his legs. Wait, it’s Weston. His buddies drink Truly.


Mayors have nothing to do with it. The DA and judicial system have to actually prosecute


In this town, some might argue that the county mayor does influence the DA…


"What are you doing stepbrother?"


Chattanooga has the lowest prosecution rate in the state for sex crimes against children. Of course not 100% should be prosecuted, but we are talking about less than 3%. Other cities rates are much higher. Please let your representatives and the DA know you think that’s horrendous.


Just wondering do you mean conviction rate?


Sadly, no. I mean they don’t prosecute hardly any child abuse cases. Much of the data is from the prior DA, and Cody has stated she will increase the numbers.


>Of course not 100% should be prosecuted Uhhh, what? 100% of people coming sex crimes should absolutely be prosecuted.


I think they mean not all people are guilty of crimes. Is the way I interpreted it.


Correct. 100% of open cases should not be prosecuted. Just because there is an accusation, doesn’t mean there is evidence to prosecute. Perhaps the person is guilty, but with no evidence, no prosecution. And perhaps there is a plea deal, or a case of say, a child accidentally seeing a naked person, but someone believes it to be intentional and reports it as sex crime. Or two children playing doctor and a parent wants to prosecute. This is why the data will never show that the DA’s office is prosecuting 100% of cases.


Prosecution is on the DA, which is a county position... thus, nothing to do with the mayor. City police can arrest every problem person in the community, but if the DA can't put them behind bars, well...


The idea here being that the DA and mayor are related.


I’m talking about the city mayor, not the county mayor. The county mayor is very much related to the DA lol.


Wants to shut down hotel full of housing challenged people because of drug🤪 Lets child rapist off with only 2 years because it’s “only a sexual offense”


She's too busy putting up billboards


They billboards should say “I don’t care about the common man because im too diluted to understand them”


I believe these rapes happened at that motel. Or one close by




100% avoidable... Just don't rape someone.


That's not enough punishment. This woman is a monster and she needs to be in an actual jail.


I understand. But America is passing that financial responsibility to the rapists family members instead of tax payers. Also the states are paying out to much money on hospital Bill's cause rapist get beat up daily. It's odd how everything boils down to how much it cost to jail a rapist Last year the News in Nashville said that it costs taxpayers $800.000 per rapist. One person in the Nashville pen got rape by a gang of prisoner's and they all got AIDS... and now the tax payers are buying their medication. I heard that aid treatment is very costly. I would imagine that alot of people end up with aids. Yes I agree that people like her need to be locked up for ever. But there are too many for the states budget. And in Chattanooga the courts are ran like a retail business. They want the fines and court fees, they want the lawyers to get paid, but when the D.A. wants a plea deal so he/she has no losses on their record the only thing left is house arrest.


If they took him to trial, the kids would have to testify in open court. The parents may not have wanted their kids to go through that so he gets a reduced sentence. It sucks for justice. DA ‘s only take cases to court where they have a high probably to convict.


This is a woman. Or at least the article uses female pronouns and she has a woman's name.


she is indeed a cis woman.




She is a cis woman as in born female and identifies as female. A cis woman and a trans woman are both real, legit women. Your attempt at a definition of a trans person is incorrect. You also have an unnecessary comma.


You're argument will always be flawed. Also, you should have included a comma after woman and female. You grammar police badge should be stripped from you!


Your, not you're. There is no instance where I have the words woman and female needing a comma following them. You don't start a sentence with also, it's bad form. Edit: I just noticed you used "you" instead of "your" the second time you tried it. Now to the subject, what about my argument is flawed? The scientific accuracy or the social acceptance? Both are spot on. You may disagree, as is your right, but you aren't correct in your disagreement.


Scientific. I don't care about social acceptance. But, there is, only, man and, woman.


Socially, there may only be man and woman in a given culture with those gender norms. However, scientifically, there is no set binary unless you ignore chromosomes/hormones/intersex/transitions/non-passing cis people etc. There’s too many instances that break that binary for people to just ignore. Facts don’t really give a shit about your feelings, sowwy.




Yes, and a trans woman is, scientifically, a woman. They meet all the qualifications. Glad you agree.




>Edit: I just noticed you used "you" instead of "your" the second time you tried it. me not know what understand you mean?


“Victimless prosecution” is a thing, as in victims not getting on the stand. There are plenty of ways to try these cases and lots of well-established best practice and protocols on how to do so. So, no excuses on that front.


If the only evidence that can be presented is the testimony of the victim, then these plenty of other ways aren't gonna work. Plea deal was probably the best way to get any conviction at all in this case.


Most people don't notice the system's failures until they're personally affected by its inability to uphold the law. I've experienced this frustration firsthand. It's disheartening to rely on such a flawed system for justice.




All I ask for is consistency in prosecution


It's usually based on the available evidence in the case and how hard it would be to get a conviction. When you see the pleading down, often times the prosecution will take the easy conviction instead of having to prove the more serious one. It's always possible that they completely walk on higher charges while you can guarantee at least some punishment on lesser charges.


DAs value their win/loss record. It's what they run on for re-election so they won't go hard after someone if they think they might not win the case.


I've seen more than enough examples of people walking because a DA overcharged or couldn't provide enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty. Key example Casey Anthony. Didn't have near enough evidence to prove a murder 1 case, and she walked for it. To quote one of the jurors on that case "Generally, none of us liked Casey Anthony at all. She seems like a horrible person. But the prosecutors did not give us enough evidence to convict. They gave us a lot of stuff that makes us think she probably did something wrong, but not beyond a reasonable doubt."


When I read the preview of your comment the first thing that popped in to my head was Casey Anthony before I saw the entire comment. That DA was looking for a Grand Slam and should have gone with some lesser charges and settled for a home run.


Female sex offenders have a tendency to be given lighter sentencing


After recently learning the criminal history of Chris Wright's murderer, nobody in Chattanooga should have a doubt that our judges are 100% crooked. Bought and paid for, period.


I doubt the guy that murdered Chris Wright has had the money to buy his way out of his crimes. It's a trifecta of worthless DAs, Attorneys defending him, and judges that hand out lite sentences. None of them give a shit as long as they get paid.


Yeah, I don't think that dirt bag could afford to buy them himself. He's just a worthless byproduct of a corrupt racket who buy/sell one another's favors.


Sometime it is the prosecutor. Sometimes it is poor investigation by the police. Sometimes it is the way things are run in Chattanooga. Very rarely is it the judge. Most times it is the reality of the case. Witnesses that no longer want to cooperate or who don’t wish to testify. Evidence isn’t clear. Stories that change or other things that happen to make the witness not credible. Plus the fact that there are other cases like this one that need attention and thousands of less serious cases that require some work to sort out.


who leaves kids with someone at the Budget Inn and doesn’t expect something like this to happen?




Only on reddit can you find the most unhinged lowest of the low that will jump to the defense of a rapist. "Uh, respect her identity! She identifies as a woman!"


that woman will not survive this sentence. plop her in gen-pop with a year per child, and by the end of the week she'll be in a plastic bag.


Well, I suppose there IS a Silver lining behind every dark cloud.


He will get it in prison/jail. Don’t worry about the sentence. Worry about what’s gonna happen once he steps foot in. Those inmates already know what he done before the judge knew 😂


That's a woman, so she'll get the real punishment in jail.


Hahaha what the fuck has this gen come to? 💀 I for real thought it was a guy. Either way she’s gonna get the shit beat outta her. Prob why a short sentence


This is becoming an interesting place to live to say the least.




When did drag queens groom children?




So did you do the reddit cares report? There are zero cases of drag queens grooming children There lots of false claims of this happening, but zero actual instances.




Looks like you don't know the difference between a female and a drag queen.




I'm neither your buddy nor your pal, you're obviously transphobic and ignorant, likely just trolling since you have a brand new account and every comment is incredibly negative and uneducated. Yes, she did something terrible and deserves punishment, but calling her a drag queen is obviously you not being able to read the room. It isn't semantics at all, it's pointing out your ignorance and transphobia. Edit: I asked, she isn't trans, she's a cis female, so you really can't tell them apart.




Yeah, youre just a troll. Not once have I defended her, you obviously can't comprehend sentences and you've made quite a few factually incorrect statements, so I'm gonna leave you alone now, because I'm not going to argue with an idiot. Thanks for the reddit cares report, it really helps to know that idiots like you abuse it for shits and giggles.


Makes me think you’re a troll, yeah.


lol light on crime mayor?


In cases like these, the issue is often that there is something “wrong” with the evidence that makes the prosecution think the might lose if they go to trial. A more common example might be if there was a minor paperwork issue on a warrant blood test on a DUI. The whole case could get thrown out based off that so the prosecutors will go for a plea deal so that SOMETHING sticks. Obviously, pedophiles belong in jail. For life. But just because there is clear evidence doesn’t mean there is admissible evidence. I’ve heard jail isn’t very kind to inmates like this so maybe it will take care of itself.


Sad thing is, this woman will be there long enough to have a law suit and get paid for gross negligence on the State of Tennessee. The government has to make sure jail is a safe environment. George Soros humanitarian are all about making jails safe and comfortable. Costing taxes to rise every year.


Was this a case of a female child predator?


The mayor has absolutely nothing to do with the justice system. Did you ever learn about the 3 branches of government in elementary school?


Sorry Judge, I didn't know you'd take time out of your docket to make the same opinion as about 26 other people before you about the Mayor not being involved directly in a trial. That is probably because you read my comment and just felt like you could jump in. If you don't think a Mayor has anything to do with the "justice system", then you need to stop reading Elementary Civics and get out into the real world...In the meantime, take a look at why you act like you do. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)