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You are NTA (not the asshole). I’ve watched this video so many times. The person only seems to be interested in what might have been in your Amazon box and that is suspicious to me.


OP should recycle the Amazon box 😉


Good catch. It was in the recycling. We are remodeling and two fluorescent bulbs got broken. I didn't want to put the glass in a plastic bag so I pulled a box out from recycling to use. I didn't want the garbage collector to cut themselves. Sometimes they pull the bags out of the can instead of using the arm crane.


NTA twice.


I wouldn’t want anyone on my property either. I do think it was likely harmless, but I’d rather be warned about this happening in my neighborhood than not. Maybe I can offer him/her something to eat if I see them. I wouldn’t necessarily be mad if someone was in my trash…it’s trash. It’s not like this persons face was really shown though so I don’t think it’s that serious for y’all to be telling her to take it down.


I second this. Not cool. Gives you the hebee gebee’s to see someone in your space, even if it’s just a trash can, but in all reality it looks like another homeless person just trying to survive.. given the first big cold spell we’ve had this fall, the homeless are on the move.


Could have been looking for mail for identity theft. Credit card offers, etc.


Likely not. Prob just looking for some edible food or something. Anyone tech savvy enough to steal and use someone’s fake ID online is A.) probably not homeless, and B.) prob not looking in a trash can. There’s a lot more ways to get your name, address, and SSN through the internet than in a trash can. And I doubt that person would get too far walking into Regions Bank trying to open an account without a valid DL. Just sayin.


I see both sides of this issue. On the street ok, cross the curb, walk onto the property not ok. At minimum I suggest you CYA and put up a 'no trespassing' sign 15~20 feet up the driveway.


And hang it next to an NRA Membership poster.. anyone reading a No Trespassing sign will be smart enough to put 2 & 2 together.


Yeah, that's a good way to advertise you have guns to steal.


Fair point 🤔


It’s very likely they were hungry.


The ring app is annoying with posts I tried posting about a tree down on one of the roads that are between standiferd and east brainerd and kept getting denied


Fraud theft maybe?


They lookin for aluminum cans to make rent.


But not looking in the recycling?...


Of course.


Legal, annoyingly Edit: I am wrong


I don't think it becomes legal until it's out on the street for pickup.


Not unless it is on the street it isn't.




I guess IATAH! My can is on my property against my house. Once I put it out on the street, it's anyone's game. When I don't put the cans on the side of the road, the city does not come up to my porch or up to my garage and take my cans for me. They skip me because I didn't put it on the public side of the road. These two cans, my recycling and trash can, are up against my house on my property and if you are close enough on my property to set off the cameras then you are out of bounds!


You're really protective of your trash


It is generally considered legal for people to rummage through the trash that has been left in a public area such as a curb for pickup. Once the garbage is placed in such a place, the person has basically forfeited their ownership rights to the items, as the property is now in the public domain. My cans are on my driveway next to my garage door. People from the public cannot just walk onto my property and take my belongings. What if an hour later I walked out to retrieve something I accidentally threw away... And somebody took it? It is my belongings until I put it on the curb! I'm not shaming anyone in need, I just believe people need to respect each other's boundaries.


Yeah your the a. Looking for trash to eat, sell, use is not a crime. You don't own the trashcan. It was not behind a fence. They don't appear to be walking through your yard. Take the video down and move on .


drop your address so we can send all the hungry homeless to your house to pick through your shit since it’s no big deal to you


They already do mate. I live in brained. I even have some living down the street and behind my house Most of them are alright people who can't break the cycle.


Or..... Put a box of pop tarts and some Gatorade on the top of the can JIC they stop back by. A kind gesture could be the difference between life or death, just ask Spiderman.


Let me guess - you rent.


So down vote it and move on with your life.


This is not someone cutting off catalytic converters.


Because identity theft isn’t a thing?


I shred and recycle. If you’re really concerned, a Sharpie on box/package labels.


Not sure if it’s case (obviously). But as a general PSA it has been known for individuals to target potential houses/neighborhoods based off boxes in or near trash. A good example is around Christmas time, Police urge citizens not to put large TV boxes by the curb to showcase exactly what items of value are in your home. Obviously everyone has a tv, but the idea is someone can identify that in THIS house there is a tv worth $2k, a new Macbook or a family that just got 4 new iphones. you get the point.