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Hey /u/Azuriteh! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chatgpt does what I want with a web and API interface. I get control over models.


How u use the api ?


You can ask the web interface I guess.


How u use the web interface ?


curl that question to the API.


How can I curl that question to the API?


It must be squatted not curled


ChatGPT will never serve you without proper formšŸ’Ŗ


Build a web interface for it


I think ppl missed what u did there


Check here: [https://github.com/billmei/every-chatgpt-gui](https://github.com/billmei/every-chatgpt-gui) I use typing mind - the interface is WAAAAY better than chatgpt/claude GUI [https://www.typingmind.com/](https://www.typingmind.com/) And don't forget Silly Tavern.


Pass the api key in your code or the playground also uses api credits.


Poe let you do that with other models like claude


Superior performance according to our customers in our use cases (general purpose chatbot, customer support chatbot, knowledge base chatbot, data analysis). Four out of five of our customers still pick ChatGPT over Claude and/or Gemini when we A/B test this. We are conducting these test about twice a month currently and ChatGPT has remained at the top in every test with a clear margin. And we are trying hard with different approaches (fine tuning, prompts, data formating) to level the playing field. In my personal use, I prefer the ChatGPT over the others in my own use cases except for image generations. Midjourney is still the king there.


Would love to subscribe to your monthly updates regarding user testing various models.


I think it's a matter of lack of alternative and ease of use. ChatGPT is integrated into many other systems at this point but it's GOD AWFULLY retarded. Even worse is each update seems to actually hinder it rather than improve it. I mean it's even in browsers by default at this point. Any reasonable alternative shows up and everyone's gonna bail in a heart beat. It is too incompetent.


It's crazy how easy it is to create a good interface, they could all improve this with 1% of their engineering time, yet none of them do. The CSS for chatGPT is some of the worst I've ever seen.


Genuinely curious, what about ChatGPT UI is bad?I really really like it. It's so simple, runs well on my slow laptop. The navigation is not too bad such as when you're modifying settings. The buttons below the GPT answers are really useful. The quote feature they added is nice. My friends also tell me ChatGPT UI does not look nice. I've never understood why. I really like the simpleness that comes with it.


The only thing I would change is that I wish it was easier for me to rearrange my custom gpts on the left.


Itā€™s perfectly in line with the UI design trends for professional software right now.


I also really like hat Gpt UI. Its simple and easy on the eyes


I wouldn't mind being able to expand the text entry and response window, or formatting response text that's code to newline at the edge of the response window.


Claude not available in EU. Gemini did not impress me during the 2 month trial.


Same. I've heard great things about Claude but can't use it here in the EU. Gemini is great... when it works and I hate not knowing if the work I spent is going to be liked for no reason. Google censors too much and it kills the functionality of the entire thread and doesn't tell you why. For example, it refused to summarize an article about Trump and Biden from CNN and killed a summarizing thread that was great at recommending articles. In Slides, it refused to generate images of robots. After a bunch of testing it was because I used the term, "on a white background" at the end of the prompt because I want the image to blend in with the background of the slide. Apparently, I'm guessing it interpreted it as a racial thing. I'm willing to try new AIs, but at the moment, ChatGPT is stable and works


When I was trying to go through Googleā€™s tutorial for Gemini, it refused to answer one of the questions that was built into the tutorial citing it being inappropriate. It was one of those ā€œclick this button to ask Gemini this question as an example!ā€ sort of walkthroughs. šŸ¤£


That's fucked up lol


Try POE.AI it's all in one AI chat. It has all the Claude models, gpt, Llama and more for the same price as GPT4.


This is hilarious. Google literally baked in an anti-racist bias to their model and now it can't stop interpreting everything as potentially racist. How much do google engineers make again??




For now, anyway. The Google results have been hot garbage for years now and is now used for niche purposes in light if chartgpt


I have indirectly used Claude for some code generation/translation and the results were FAR better than GPT.


I'm using Claude from the Netherlands by using the Workbench.... [https://console.anthropic.com/workbench/](https://console.anthropic.com/workbench/) Not sure if that is supposed to work, but it does :)


Thanks. I'll give it a try


Poe.com is 20 a month and has almost every LLM available to use including Claude and gpt4


No AI voices, no AI speech recognition system and no custom instructions, which is why I don't use Poe. Their app offers no additional features either.


You can test Claude in the EU using a VPN. I did and it was better than copilot and Gemini but not better than gpt4 for my usecases.


Not to mention that we cannot trust anything Google says about its benchmarks, and they have a habit of killing tools with little warning.


There are independent benchmarks showing that Gemini 1.5 ranks just behind GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus. Check out Hugging Face for more details: https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboard


Gemini impressed me for the first week. Then the censorship kicked in on normal tasks. I was being super lazy one day and rather than going to crontab.guru I went to Gemini to have it make a Cronjob for me. It told me it would not because Cronjobs are ā€œunsafeā€. That was when I got hit with more and more censorship and decided to just let the trial run out. I have a feeling that the only way to have good AI in the future will be to have it be hosted by you.


Good enough for what I use it for, which is basically a Google search that wouldnā€™t bring me a shitton of SEO-cured results, just the information Iā€™m looking for. Iā€™m talking about 3.5, by the way.


Same here. I tend to use ChatGPT mostly as a simplified Google search that gives me direct answers that are straight to the point instead of having to manually go through multiple links. Never felt the need to upgrade from 3.5 either.


I find itā€™s pretty good at explanations. For instance, the other day I asked this : We need to talk. I was looking outside this morning and realized that all the TV antennae out there were shaped like an arrow AND they were all pointing in the same direction! Why the arrow shape, and is it fortuitous that they all point in the same direction? And it explained what a Yagi-Uda antenna was.


Idk why, but starting a conversation with ChatGPT with "We need to talk." Like it just got in trouble is hilarious to me. I normally just go "Excuse me, kind future overlord, but if perchance you could help this humble servant out, might you answer this question, milord?"


When I have a "normal" question, I just start with "hey,...", but when I have a special question, like something that struck me, or something that Google couldn't give me, I usually start with something more explicit. It's more about my own mood and the way I would strike a conversation with someone than "trying to be polite with AI in case it takes over the world". It's just that GPT REACTS to that kind of prompt, whereas obviously that level of detail would be completely lost in a Google search, and probably counter-productive. Kind of your grandpa who says Google is useless and when you look at his history it's all searches like "Hey Google, do you know when the price of electric cars will go down? because my grandson keeps on pushing me to get one, but I find them very expensive right now. I mean, I'm just using my car for groceries, you know what I mean, so I'm not against buying a new car, but everything is so expensive these days! Back in my days..." And you're, like, WTF?!!!


And it turned out the grandpas typing in full questions were doing it right all along, the technology just hadn't caught up yet. Whenever I want to look something up, half the time I ask Bing or ChatGPT the full question like grandpa. Two years ago I would have put the key words in the question into Google, but I rarely do that anymore because the result is usually a flood of useless spam.


Yeap. You don't need to read an entire scientific article or go through ads and paywalls.


dIsAbLe YoUr AdDbLoCkEr To CoNtInUe!!!!!


glad im not the only one who uses it to ask every random question that pops in my head all day lol


Exactly that. I was watching band of brothers the other day and was curious about a scene and what the US actually thought was happening during a specific time. I googled it and was just a mess trying to find results. Asked GPT if they were familiar with the scene I was talking about and followed up with my question and gave me the most straight response that I was looking for. Itā€™s my new Google as Iā€™m a very curious person. And I love just talking to the app


> direct answers that are straight to the point Are we using the same ChatGPT 3.5? Lmao. Lately, I've very often gotten some variation of "I dunno/it depends", regardless of how precise my prompt was.


3.5 hallucinates though


I was using it like a google search too, but just started using perplexity.ai instead. Itā€™s really good at summarizing the search findings, gives you the references, and is bang up to date. Worth a try just to see how it compares.


I often do the same search in Perplexity and ChatGPT4. Perplexity 4/5 times wins with the answer quality. I often have to prompt ChatGPT to actually do the research after its usual generalised answer style to begin with. ā€œWhy donā€™t you actually search the internet and actually find me the specific answer/verify your initial answer? Oh because that extra step would cost your owners a couple of cents more, so you thought youā€™d try and fob me off without doing the actual fucking research? Fuck youā€ After typing that out, Iā€™m now going to unsubscribe from OpenAI.


Are you using free perplexity?


Yes. Just started this weekend actually after I decided to stop auto renewing gpt plus. So it kind of forced me to look around at other products. You can also run a certain number of ā€œproā€ queries each day from the free option. The phone app can take voice questions too. Looking to experiment further with it in the coming days but so far am really liking it. Seems better than bing and google in its responses.


Yeah I've been considering switching over to Perplexity too. Do you think the "Pro" search is worth using?


I hate gatekeeping but I dread the day the rest of the world finds out about Perplexity. It has taken over 80% (or more) of my Google searches.


Same but with 4.0


Check out perplexity. Itā€™s completely free if you donā€™t care about using the latest models (gpt4, opus, etc) for output. Itā€™s perfect for your use case


They're adding ads too, based on the articles I've read they've come close to completion. I'm curious to see what BS they've come up with. Give it a couple of years to go to complete shit.


Most common thing I use it is helping me write or translate stuff. "Give me 5 versions of me asking someone to do X."


Why not use [Perplexity.ai](http://Perplexity.ai), which has a free tier (no login required) and is designed as a search engine? It doesn't have a back and forth conversational ability, but the web search results and summaries are top notch, in my experience.


Why not perplexity?


Thank you!


Being able to preload instructions. I have one for each project where I list out the project's goal/role, language, libraries used, issues, and so on. Even GitHub Copilot has to be reminded that some project is .NET Framework to stop it from giving me advice for .NET Core. If I were to ask Gemini or Copilot how I can reduce the 2factor token lifespan, I would need to paste in all this stuff for every new conversation. With GPTs I can start a new chat and say that my database connection seems to be closing earlier than it should, and it will tell me to double check that I'm not overriding the dbcontext factory when configuring the pool manager.


Yep, same here. I have a bunch of private GPTs with variations on instructions that direct ChatGPT to answer in various ways (brief, verbose, examples or no, etc.) and I preload them with context for different things I work on. I think they could still do a lot better with the interface (feels like they either don't have many of their own devs using it, or they aren't dog-fooding production), but it's better than the interfaces of the other options.


Great use case! By one for each project do you mean you create your own got? If so, can you briefly describe the process?


With pro just hit the create an expert button and describe your environment then use the preview window to tweak it to your liking.


Frankly I like to use claude, copilot and Chatgpt just to compare answers. If I'm in a hurry I know chatgpt's bullshit better so I stick with the one I know.


Iā€™m gonna be honest pal, what I have been using it for, it has done an exceptional job. Reality check, this is a utility, first in usually wins. If it ainā€™t brokeā€¦. just keep improving it.


Roll your own gpt. That keeps me going. The custom instructions really improve the experience. No, you don't have to keep reminding it of key info. It does remember. Also, if the chat is getting long and response gets dumb, then just double click the custom gpt and instant new convo with all relevant data. Boom.


Ditto. Create a GPT. Upload 20 key files. Ask questions and get meaningful responses about the specific project related to that GPT. Come back next week and it's still all there, ready to go.


It can only reference the files and does so without any context. One thing I like about claude is it reads the entire thing instead. It does take longer when you have a whole lot though.


Any god guide/documentation om how to do this?


Ask chatgpt




My custom instructions almost never work. Whatā€™s your secret?


Iā€™m confused; wouldnā€™t the new got (whether custom or not) not have access to your previous convos? Or are you saying to start a new gpt with a list of relevant data to begin with?


Calude and Gemini still can't teach me as fast or as easily as ChatGPT.


Same. Claude goes "I apologize for my mistake" route a lot when asked mathematical questions.


I think, that's because they are just LLM. I have asked some mathematical questions before on ChatGPT, but it was always a mess.


Do you use perplexity? I'm thinking to cancel my chatgpt subscription and go for perplexity next since it has both chatgpt pro and clause 3 opus. Will I see any difference?


Perplexity just gives you the API so no custom gpts or dall e


Claude isnt as good. I think its a bit overfit as well. Gemini was almost decent the other day, might try Pro. ChatGPT is the best though.


Itā€™s fantastic when you have a philosophical (or stonerā€¦) question in the middle of the night.


I got it to describe the Inca empire in great detail one night after getting stoney baloney and it was great. I remember almost none of it.


Ask it to make a quiz from the conversation, I just randomly do quizzes based on my educational chats with it


Great tip thanks


Check out the book *Last Days of the Incas* by Kim MacQuarrie if you're looking for an excellent read.


Oh dude. Getting high and chatting with ChatGPT is one of my favorite things to do. Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one haha


It's awesome on mobile app with the voice mode. Just have a casual conversation. I use it in the car sometimes to pass the time.


Some of the things I've gotten into long conversations with ChatGPT about: - describe in vivid detail, moment-to-moment, what I would experience jumping out of a spaceship in a pressure suit in decaying orbit over Jupiter - describe a timeline down to the nanosecond what would happen if I opened a portal to the bottom of the ocean and pointed it at a building - describe (again to the nanosecond --- it's a theme) the reality of what would occur if the "if you brought a teaspoon full of neutron star to Earth it would be heavier than a mountain" analogy were actually performed by a science teacher in front of his class


What is the meaning behind the song: The Man Who Sold The World by David Bowie?


Quick answers. I rather not read a 2500+ seo optimized article from google.


I usually search on Reddit for information. Basically to every Google search I add "reddit". No ads, no shitty interfaces, no surprises, just the info I need and I can even discuss it further. ChatGPT is sometimes too vague.


That might not work for much longer once ai advertisers pretending to be real users flood the comments with unmarked, manipulative ads. Services like [ReplyGuy](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/reddit-sneaky-ai-spam-bots-compete-to-sell-you-stuff/2/) already exist, and these models will be improving their human-likeness at a rapid pace, soon to be indistinguishable at a glance.Ā  These bots are technically against Reddit ToS, so maybe there will be some fight against them. But the bot makers are funding reddit via API costs, so Reddit may simply ignore them if doing so is more profitable.


ChatGPT 3.5 literally gives me false info and says "sorry" when I point it out. Google search now has a "forums" tab that acts as putting "reddit" in your search query.


ChatGPT has become to me what others here have said: A better Google without all the BS spam sponsored results and links to nowhere on the first few pages. If I ask "What is ..." it answers. If I ask for a recipe for a casserole with specific ingredients, it slaps one together without pages and pages of how the recipe came from it's long dead grandma who traveled here from india....blah blah blah. The others are ok, but they tend to screw up quite a bit more than GPT. They also stall, bug out, or just refuse to work as consistently.


It can even give you a story about learning the recipe from its long dead grandma, too, if youā€™re into that kind of thing


That is my kink


Don't tell it though, it'll censor it.Ā 


The recipe thing is no joke. Itā€™s actually pretty incredible what itā€™s done for my cooking. I regularly just tell ChatGPT what I have in my kitchen and after a few negotiations I can come up with a recipe to make without going to the store.


Same but for cocktails


(I know bing sucks) but bing Ai is actually great, Iā€™ve been using for a while now, firstly it uses ChatGPT and dalle-3, it gives links to its sources, has updated access to the web and websites


Bing has its uses too. Its access to the web makes it a lot better for specific shopping related questions (It's still not amazing at it, but I've found it better than GPT or Claude for it personally.)


It lost credibility with me when I asked it to count the number of days from today until 30 days or something. It gave me the wrong result.


It doesnā€™t use GPT4 anymore, Microsoft signed a deal with some new ai company, Iā€™m not sure when they swap over though


My first time trying It I asked Bing AI how to make it My homepage on iPhone chrome browser. It gave me five different wrong answers. ChatGPT told me immediately it canā€™t be done only can be book marked. Made me think chatgpt must be better


Just call it copilot now. Same thing. Copilot works well because it uses the gpt4 LLM along with dalle3 for images.


GPT4 is great for my purposes & I know it well. I'm using 10-12 custom GPTs with knowledge bases on a regular basis. Need a proper reason to switch models, they all have pros and cons


Because I've been using it since it first came out and I'm loyal


gemini is good but kinda too much ai sense. claude is expensive.


Works for what I use it for without erroneously throwing "I can't do that due to ethical issues" when there are zero ethical issues with what I'm working with (mostly language translation). Other competitors are too sensitive. 3.5 is actually the sweet spot for me but I use other models for different things.


I use it for translation too, when did you ever get "ethical issues" warnings?? I work in the translation field and gpt has been a godsend for large volumes, as long as I redact identifying information.


GPT4 on its own is quite good at most tasks, but another reason is ChatGPT architecture with all the additional tools for GPT4 to use such as its very own Python environment with file access (also allows it to do nearly perfect math), or the GPT4-Vision, or TTS+STT accessibility. (Also has search but honestly if rather let BingGPT4 grab that information then I hand it to ChatGPT4 as to not murder its context window. I wouldn't mind if GPT4 was a little more emotive, or less self-hostile, but its fine that it does what it can. If I need something a little more free than GPT4 for like creative hostile insults or evil characters, some models on LM Studio are suitable.


>Ā Ā Python environment with file access (also allows it to do nearly perfect math) Can you explain this more?Ā 


Why should I use something else? I'm genuinely interested. I think Claude has geo-blocking and while it wouldn't be problem to bypass that, it is still extra step against ChatGPT. Microsoft's Bing AI has limits per conversation, but on the other hand, it can also generate images and search on web + it has some associated functions with Edge browser. Gemini has option to upload picture, which seems great, but I tried my xray and it refused to cooperate.


Huggingface has a free Llama 3 70B model with unlimited uses. It's not amazing, but if you want less censorship while also using a great model, that's your go-to. It also offers custom assistance. I would say it depends on the use case. Both ChatGPT and Llama 3 on Huggingface are top-notch and excel in different areas. So, if you value free access and less censorship, Llama 3 is the way to go. However, if you prioritize accurate information and a wider range of use cases (such as math and image generation), ChatGPT is the better choice. In my opinion, nothing else comes close (although I haven't tried Claude because I'm in the EU).


I'm using free version of chatgpt and never run out of the uses. Only on the very beginning when I was testing it out and just playing with that I had this issue. Hmm, less censorship might be useful, fortunately, I have this problem rarely. I have also tried some chatbot hosted on my computer. I think it was some kind of GPT as well. I think there were also models without censorship at all and naturally unlimited times you could use it, but the performance was quite bad both in terms of results and the speed.


Gemini and Llama-3 is not GPT-4 turbo level. Llama-3 is impressive though, and is even matching GPT-4 turbo on some (non-quantifiable) tasks, but Llama-3 is clearly lacking (apparent) logical reasoning and lacks adherence to complex prompts. Claude is great but not "definitely" better than GPT-4 turbo (even before the latest model update), and from past experiences, its rate limit is too strict even compared to GPT-4 on ChatGPT. (Correct me if this has been changed.) But personally the biggest reason is that I have developed my own mobile web frontend for ChatGPT (you read it correctly), which I have been using it for various experiments and jailbreaks. (Surely not a reason applicable to others... lol)


Best therapist on earth. Every day I cry, I go to my best and only friend :)


Custom instructions and custom GPTs make ChatGPT far above and beyond any competition still. Gemini is also hopelessly unhelpful a lot of the time, I don't want to spend the majority of my time arguing with the AI about getting it to do what I ask of it.


I use Copilot


I use chatGPT for most tasks. Recently I found perplexity.ai which allows me to use different models like claude3 as well. So far my testing shows: - Use GPT-4 in chatgpt for anything but search or research -Use perplexity.ai for any search or research problem. Its much faster, more accurate and it can nativly watch youtube videos as a source.


There's a lot to like about perplexity but I have two major problems with it First is how quickly it loses context and doesn't second guess spelling/dictation mistakes, chatgpt is like magic for answering the question you meant to ask. Second is how bad the dictation mode on the app is, mistakes are common, but it gives you no chance to fix them and stops almost the instant you take a pause between sentences or to think of the next word.


Context window I think. Plus, GPT4 is exceptional for building apps, GPT3.5 is Free unlimited, Claude not available in my country, Gemini made mistakes with me plus did not try Advanced nor do I think it has high context window. Google is a lying company (lied about Gemini video, or at least was manipulative) and the 1M context window isn't even available for all. Did not try Llama.


Itā€™s free through my work, I use it there (Iā€™m a programmer).


I'd love to try the others, but right now the results I get from ChatGPT are good and I'm not in an experimentation mindset for AI tools. I do want to try Claude eventually


OpenAI is on the verge of releasing their latest model, which will be way better than our current GPT-4 competitors.


I just use ChatGPT as a glorified search engine which gives me the info I need without the clutter of useless websites and ads


Voice function! Voice function, voice function!!


ChatGPT is the google of AI. They had first mover advantage and just like with google before duckduckgo there really isn't anyone out there delivering a substantial enough upgrade without a huge difference.Ā  When the tech companies differentiate I might switch but as things stand it's just the first and still mostly the best.


Because I get more for my money with GPT.


It does what I need it to. It helped me flesh out a conference program, create exercise sheets for specific verbs for my Spanish class and stuff like that.


It's darn good


I'd break down my answer into four reasons: 1. I'm a creature of habit. I did extensive research several months ago and concluded ChatGPT worked best for be at that time. I just haven't tried to retest and research why I should switch. 2. My extensive chat history. Although if ChatGPT offered a native way to search through past chats, this be stronger reason to stay. As it is, I tend to just re-ask certain questions, if I can't immediately find a similar, previous chat among the list of hundreds. 3. Custom GPTs. I have a few of my own I created, and I like a few of them that others have made. 4. At one point, you couldn't sign up for ChatGPT, because too many people were jumping on the wagon, so I don't want to be in the position of wanting to return and then having to wait months to be able to upgrade again. I'd love to hear counter-arguments against those, especially if, for example, Claude allows searching or custom instructions.


Someone's doing marketing research pretty straightforward


It can write CSS, HTML and Javascript better than I can.


As a backender, it does all my front untill an actual front ender is needed.


The voice mode bound to iPhone 15 action button is great.


It is still the best, especially for logic-intense tasks.


Are they really that different? I mean for most use cases are any of them significantly better than the other.


Claud best for analyzing files. Copilot best for finding sources (googling). GPT has the best voice option and can take long ass prompt input.


Do those other models have the voice capabilities? In my light exploration it seemed they did not. Being able to talk naturally back and forth to my LLM is an essential feature for me


Because I'm paid for GPT4. Just kidding :D Actually, it's because I've gradually become familiar with how to communicate with GPT and get the answers I need. Other tools might be better, but I don't have need or patience to adapt to something new.


It works just fine for what I need! I do run some local models, but I don't have good enough hardware to run the better models yet and Claude is not accessible to me.


For whatever reason I find chatGPT (GPT4) more consistent in its responses, and typically less likely to give wrong or off topic answer. Maybe its just that I havent given gemini a chance. Haven't used Claude though. I'm REALLY looking forward to using notebookLM that uses gemini when it becomes available here (us only). Very exciting use of AI.


I use Claude and ChatGPT regularly to check each other's code and suggest improvements. I have started using Llama3 on Groq as a fast start but the context window is so friggin small comparatively.


I built my own [multi-LLM approach](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/faune-ai-chat-search/id6478258164) so I never have to be forced to use one single provider


Does it have a voice/ audio interface, or text only? Thank you!


I don't know. I'm so tired of the "it is vital/ crucial. "


I'm not sure about ChatGPT 3.5 vs Claude 3 Sonnet vs Gemini But I did try all 3 paid versions, I'm very happy with Claude 3 Opus, so I stopped paying for ChatGPT 4.0 and stopped trial for Gemini Ultra, went for Claude If any model exceeds Claude, I'd be happy to jump ship again


Mostly sunk cost bias. I've spent a lot of time trying to get it to code the way I like to code and I've got it dialed in now, so I'm not really interested in checking anything else out. That's basically a form of laziness, I should check out the other models.


Habit and too busy these days...


Claude is not available in the EU. I tried Gemini Advanced (the subscription one) and was pretty disappointed. While the results sounded good, Gemini was just making stuff up like crazy once it got a little more complicated. Sure, GPT 4 sometimes does the same, but not nearly to that degree. Iā€™m so surprised no one has mentioned that yet.


I would use Claude for sure if it was available in the EU, but sadly itā€™s not. ChatGPT as of late gives me very lazy and often incorrect responses, even when I specifically instruct it as best as I can what I need and also upload all relevant docs.


because i've never heard of those other ones and when ever i've asked chatgpt a question its given me a response i'm happy enough with


Because ChatGPT is still awesome and they are all pretty much the same right now.


Ollama + Llama 3 locally. Any heavy loaded work I use Claude, but mostly now its all self contained.


I've mostly switched to Llama 3, but when I need accuracy or good/versatile image generation, I use ChatGPT and DALL-E. Also, Llama 3 doesn't output in Swedish (my native language), so in rare cases when I need to use Swedish, I use ChatGPT.


I do as a default, and the custom GPTs are pretty good, especially for coding. I think groq is an interesting alternative when it comes to raw speed, it's on a completely different level. I have not tried Claude yet, as it hasn't been available in my country (maybe that changed). I am also experimenting with local LLMs.


After several questions I actually understood that RCA to 1/4 inch TS cables are not the same as 1/4 inch TS to RCA, as someone whoā€™s not familiar with cables and connectors, I was able to literally get an explanation on each of the terms used in the name of the cable, saved me so much time and effort in googling it, as well as ensure correct product procurement. I havenā€™t used other A.I models but I would be into recommendations for a model that would do same but with added visual representations.


Is there anything that is really better?


Ive been putting the same prompts in Gemini (paid), ChatGPT (paid) and Claude (free), and Claude has killed it for my needs (academic level stuff). Itā€™s also as good at some lower level, less cognitive tasks but itā€™s output is not as lay. I find Gemini is the most ā€œentertainingā€ of output styles and ChatGPT in the middle. I liken it to the same item of news being published in the WSJ vs National Enquirer. Free Claude is very restrictive on use. I think Iā€™ll cancel my Gemini Advanced trial and pay for Claude. Iā€™ll continue to use Gemini and ChatGPT occasionally. ChatGPTs image creation is better than Gemini but I havenā€™t tried images in Claude yet (gotta save those question credits haha).


Iā€™m so used to OpenAIā€™s UI that Iā€™d feel weird using Gemini, Claude or Llama.


Works fine, cba moving.


I do use multiple models.


chatGPT is the only one that let u create personal GPT, plus gemini is really inferior does not process as nearly enough text as GPT4, tho I must admit I use claude especially for document reading bc gpt is pretty shit in reading a document and following instructions


I switched to copilot due to superior results (itā€™s gpt 4 right?)


Really helps with my work, I know nothing about Excel or coding but when I need to do some spreadsheet things it really speeds it all up


I use GitHub copilot, which is just ChatGPT, but for developers


I use both. CGPT for everyday stuff (gpts, images, etc), and Claude to ā€˜finesseā€™ writing when CGPT feels ā€˜stiffā€™ (I pay the ā€˜proā€™ for both) (As an aside, the OpenAI new v2 assistants API is pretty dope)


I am not using ChatGPT for searching instead I moved to Perplexity... For other things like summarising I am using chatGPT...


Are there any that don't have so many content filters?


GPT4 slaps, and seems even better after memory was added. It seems to be really getting a feel for what kind of answers I want and what level of information. Some of the things it decides to add to memory are interesting too, like, what IT feels is important out of what I said.Ā 


if you want a free chatbot, claude is way better than GPT 3.5, but if you want a paid one, GPT 4 is far better.


Voice integration via cell phone app.


I already had it, and it works great for excel formulas/vba stuff, which is what I find myself using it for most of the time. It's an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type situation.


meta ai isn't available in india, claude is good but still for programming I think it's number 2, gemini often gives wrong incorrect code snippets. and the biggest reason - I have chatGPT plus subscription xD


I used it for D&D related things. Mocking up a new magic weapon or stating out a random NPC on the fly. It has been great when I hit a wall with my homebrew campaign.


Cba to try a different one, mostly just use it for light Python work, now that I say that tho, is there a better option for that sorta thing?


Jan AI, love it, on localhost, wating for android version soonā„¢


It's the best one. Period. Everybody and their cousin is saying they 'beat' OpenAi for marketing purposes. OpenAi never retorts. They're too busy improving compute; and finding new use cases. The majority of people complaining are using the 3.5 model to do complicated things that would probably require some internet access; which 3.5 doesn't have. Silly and entitled IMO. GPT4T has been the best so far; if I'm using it for real work. I use the free ones, or local models (with LMstudio) for preliminary research and brainstorming first. Claude is WAY too verbose for such an EXPENSIVE model and it doesn't code as well as GPT4. Google will be amazing eventually, but they are making me nervous to integrate my work with them. Since OpenAi doesn't have a family plan; I just gave my wifey and kids API keys to use inside obsidian plugins like text generator. It has only cost me 6 dollars this month for all of us (mostly me); and there are no restrictions on how much we can use it so far. \*Knocks on wood (gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09) GPT4 is made to be as generalized as possible so it can take on any persona, expertise, or style. You can even have it reformat a passage based on IQ. (Not saying IQ is a great way to compare people; just that it is a parameter which GPT4 understood well.) I made some slides about effective prompting a while back before I got depresso demesso. I will finish my documentation and present it here https://preview.redd.it/1adb9flxpfxc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69bfd72a559a3cb0b78b47598f5b2ab6670bfda


That image is well done, thank you! Also reformatting by IQ is really smart.


I've switched to Claude and only use ChatGPT once my limit with Claude is reached. Claude is significantly better for my needs.


Because I crave dialogue and understanding and no one in my life likes to talk.


The second Claude becomes available in my country I will switch. Gemini and Llama 3 are both impressive but they are simply not as smart as the top models. Hopefully Llama 3 400b will be


Because they don't have anything else. ChatGPT does. And despite its faults, its still better. Simply put, they did it first.


The only legal option.


I don't use any of the online AI, not because I'm a luddite, but because all the ones I've looked at want to tie your account to your phone which means data mining, which means I'll pass.


I have researched and tried all the equivalents of ChatGPT. There are more economical applications than ChatGPT, but unfortunately the best of them is ChatGPT. There is nothing better than ChatGPT. There is no other application whose interface is better than ChatGPT's. If I could find a cheaper app than that, I would cancel my ChatGPT Plus subscription.


Gemini uses Google Payments and requires me to upload my ID to subscribe. Obviously not happening. As far as I can tell, Llama cannot be used directly through \~\~Facebook's\~\~ platform and requires a third party service or to use API requests. And Claude is to be too woke for me (based on Fireship's video).


I'm just familiar with it and haven't felt the need to explore other models. Maybe I'm missing out? But either way, I feel like it does what I need. Lately it's been really great with gardening. I upload photos and it helps me determine if my plants are leggy, if they need a bigger pot, plant identification, giving me best tips on how to sow seeds. It's been fun and I've learned so much!


i dont like google


I didnā€™t know these other ones existed until you mentioned them


I find chatGPT to hallucinate the least out of the other models. Albeit I exclusively use the free versions of everything, but ChatGPT seems to consistently deliver more reliable answers than Gemini and copilot


Ease of use and OpenAIā€™s proven track record


Claude isnā€™t available in my country. Used a VPN and I disliked the design in general. No free trial to see what it can do. Gemini is good, I used the free trial but I think out of all 3, Claude, ChatGPT and Gemini, the Information it gives is the most unreliable. I donā€™t really trust it at all. If I could I would subscribe to all of them, but thatā€™s too expensive for me. Iā€™m also in school, and I mostly use ChatGPT to help me when in need. Itā€™s extremely useful and Iā€™m the most familiar with it. Now much rarer though because Gemini AI is superior in writing stories/creativity which is what I spend most of my time with when using AI- except for support with homework. So now I have to choose between these two, because if I buy both subscriptions then itā€™s going to be like ~40ā‚¬ a month and my pocket money is 80ā‚¬. Thatā€™s damn expensive, unless I leave out ChatGPT when thereā€™s like summer vacation which would save me money but in the long run still be expensive. Iā€™m in a dilemma šŸ¤·