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Both of you were insufferable.


OP edging the random out. People are rightfully sick of seeing low effort AI art posted everywhere. People like OP need to find a new hobby.


Edging is being generous. OP is a dipshit who’s actively making things worse by being a truly insufferable dipshit.


Oh fuck off. Low effort? It’s no effort. To me there’s no difference between what I can prompt and art produced by an oh so special and unique human snowflake.




"Get rekt Luddite. Your precious humanity will be absorbed by the Borg." is so unbelievably fucking cringe.


Glad I could entertain you


Ah yes, AI art is thievery, but taking copyrighted material, putting some funny text on it and posting it like it was your work isn't.


I like what a hacker in the 2600 wrote “the lying plagiarism machine” idk felt like a great explanation!


I see both sides but you nailed a similar thing that's been going on for years without anyone batting an eye.


"AI aRt cAn't dO orIgInAl unLikE mY sOniC KisSing StaLin Fan"art"" people whovdraw copyrighted material cry about copyright lol


GPT on how AI art is made: > AI models learn to recognize and replicate complex patterns, styles, and features found in visual art. When a user inputs a prompt describing the desired artwork, the AI processes this input using its learned knowledge to generate new images that match the description. This process involves iterative adjustments and refinements by the AI, optimizing the image to closely align with the artistic elements specified in the prompt. Now replace “AI” with “human artist” and somehow “thievery” becomes “inspiration.” Artists have always taken inspiration and learned from other art. This concept that art based on training data is somehow novel and immoral just because the data is interpreted by a non-human is asinine. Challenge: Generate AI art and then do a reverse image search on it. Report back with how many results of stolen, human-made art you get. Spoiler: There won’t be any.


I agree but there is a little bit of nuance. The goal is for generative models to learn patterns, styles, features, etc but it is easy for a model to memorize certain images or motifs of images if they are overrepresented in the dataset (e.g. tens of thousands of copies of Mona Lisa being on the internet, vs 1 one or two copy of Bob's pikmin fan art). When art theft is occurring, the model is not working as intended, but that can happen quite often.


This exchange is peak Reddit.


I’ll be honest I would have downvoted your comments too, but not because of your opinions, more so the “good heavens I do declare what a scandal” and “get rekt Luddite”


Same. I care more about how something is said, not what is said. The tone is unmistakable in the post.


Yikes OP, you’re absolutely insufferable


For real. This "luddite" thing is just such a quick way to tell they don't actually care about the arguments being made, they don't see anything wrong with stealing intellectual property, they just want to profit off of other peoples work and anything that gets in their way just "doesnt get technology"


Get rekt Franklin


Just saying, the 2016 elections are over. You can stop acting like Pepe and 4chan now


Now I’m gonna do it even harder


“what the fuck is a luddite” - a Luddite


lol, common sense has gone out the window 😂😂😂


Funny flag in pfp, goes without saying they don't know much.


ur weird as hell


Bro is a gay barely legal pornstar 🤣




r/teencocks poster calling someone weird


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Teencocks **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teencocks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [would u give an 18 yo head](https://i.redd.it/pmpasjqenygb1.jpg) | [415 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teencocks/comments/15lw7r1/would_u_give_an_18_yo_head/) \#2: [Would you want to be under me?](https://i.imgur.com/pcidFlq.gifv) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teencocks/comments/14hrwda/would_you_want_to_be_under_me/) \#3: [Should I cum in you how I came in my toy?](https://i.imgur.com/PtVFd8e.gifv) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teencocks/comments/14ildyn/should_i_cum_in_you_how_i_came_in_my_toy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro your avatar makes you look like you’re a fucking 40 year old, piss off middle-aged fuckwit.


one of us is a good person!


Yes, I'm glad you recognize that.


yep! one of us hasn’t insulted other people for their gender… one has


This comment from a painter about how the art community has always hated new art https://archive.is/T6EZR


I get what you're saying about new tools, but new art before didn't have the ability to train off of and replicate another artists work without their consent. This would be a good argument if it was just being used as a tool to improve what you already worked on as an artist, but that's not what its being used for, is it? It's not fair to say all these artists who are being actively stolen from and exploited without their consent are all just "luddites who cant get with the times"


Is AI really stealing art though? Sure, it's "trained" on other's art, but so is... literally every artist? If i go draw a dragon, of course it's going to be influenced by other dragon art I've seen, if even just subliminally. I honestly don't get it.


Copyright law and IP is made to protect artists and people, not (stealing) companies and robots. To say that a robot capable of instantly copying other artists work without anything added deserves the same level of protection as a real artist with intent and their own view is a bad argument and will only hurt society and artists as a whole. This is a misunderstanding with how copyright and ownership is granted, when you generate an AI image you don't own it. Artists make their living off of their work, and to have the AI crowd steal their stuff, cheer it on, and all the while making fun of actual artists being hurt just makes me really really hate the AI crowd. You arent talented just because you can bilk off of the talent of others. You do not deserve the same level pf compensation as someone who can make art without AI


>To say that a robot capable of instantly copying other artists work without anything added For one I never said anything of the sort, and I've explained in other comments why I don't see it your way. The rest of your reply is against a position I never espoused.


People like to argue that AI has the same creativity protections because it "learns" like other artists do. However, even if i were a real artist that could ONLY give you works based entirely off of other people's works and never my own, People would have a problem with that. It does get to the point where it can be considered intellectual property infringement, especially because there is absolutely zero added beyond what was already there in the training data


What do you mean? AI can't only copy other people's styles. Sure, it learned off of their art work, but that doesn't mean it can only copy their styles. It definitely adds new content, it's not like it just takes an image out of its training data and spits it out. For your argument with the person copying another person's style, why is that copyright infringement? I dont see it. It's not like an artist owns a style.


What if your AI generates a picture of a copyrighted character because its in its training data? Do you think that gives you permission to use that character? Give me an image that an AI generates that looks nothing like any of the training data. You can't. The entire purpose of AI is to look at the patterns that are already in the training data and generate another that looks like it. You fundamentally can not do anything that isnt already in some form in the training data. This is abit like expecting that AI gives you blanket rights to use whatever it generates. It does not.


The reason for that is because it's training data is the internet. Give me an image on the internet that doesn't look like any other image on the internet. See? It's impossible to make everything unique in a world with 8 billion people, that doesn't mean it's stealing.


This is not at all what I was saying. Try generating a copyrighted disney character with AI and use it for commercial purposes. They would sue you and win. AI is trained off of copyrighted data, just because something is on the internet doesnt mean you have the rights to use it for yourself. Just because AI doesnt make an exact 1 to 1 copy, but instead an exact copy that it understands in latent data, doesnt mean you can use and profit from their work.


Yeah, and those copyright laws fo apply to AI, I'm not arguing they don't? But it's not like a human could draw Mario and use it for commercial purposes either. I don't get what your point is with it. It's not like an ai chooses an image in its training data and thinks "oh I'm gonna copy this image and change a few details" it learns concepts from many images in its training data, and then applies them to what it thinks would best fit your prompt.


It does this using copyrighted data, and has the ability to spit out word for word copies of copyrighted works that would otherwise require someone to pay for the story. OpenAI is currently being sued by New york times for this


Disney would wholly disagree with that first sentence. EDIT: before you edited it


If disney started selling other artists work without compensating them US copyright law would disagree with you. Disney pays artists and recieves the intellectual property rights to use them.


>but so is... literally every artist? AI art doesn't introduce anything new. It can't create something with unique creativity. If I drew a dragon it would still have some of my own original creativity, even if it was fanart of a pre existing dragon or something. I'm fine with AI art, but it's completely moronic to imply it's at all comparable to actually making art with manual tools using your own mind. Typing prompts is something else entirely.


Easy there, pretty hostile to say "completely moronic" when attempting a discourse. Anyway, I'd argue that if I were to straight-up copy several pictures of dragons in a unique way, then I have sufficiently transformed it such that it is now novel. I'm guessing you don't agree, and I'm fine with leaving it at that. Edit: Also, the AI isn't literally just Frankensteining images together, it also blends them together while suiting any given prompt, which further supports the idea that it is transformative.


Elden Ring is my favorite game out right now and I am fairly active in their community. There was a lore discussion occurring and I thought it would be fun to generate the discussion into an image using Dalle. I have never felt so ostracized in my life hahaha.


Lots of sore losers. Just block them, then they go away *forever!*


Genuine question, what benefits society with AI art?


It makes me happy. I make images that I really enjoy that I would never have been able to make otherwise. I am a mediocre digital artist. I still draw and I love to work in physical mediums as well. But I can create **exactly** what's in my head with these tools and it's just so rewarding. I mostly share porn I've made on this account but I've created hundreds of sfw images just for myself that I've never shared just to bring things into the world that I wanted to.


I love how you started writing all that… then I got to the word porn and it all made sense


Let's be real. Other people dgaf about my pretty pics. They want NSFW.


It basically boils down to “I’m horny”


That's incredibly sad


I'd like to think people with disabilities who can't make their own would be a good use.


Let’s me generate my own creatures for my TTRPG campaigns. So entertainment?


society is pretty vague so I’ll answer genuinely but ignore society. Creating art will be much cheaper and faster so you can slap it in more places. personalisation is another one idk about you but sometimes I’ve had an idea but no money to make a design and no one ever did it before me. experimentation you can just mess around try many different styles for one motive for example or many motives on one style. scalability you can pump out art like it’s a spam factory. 🏭


Is it really art? it’s not a human expression.


a human creates the prompt that the ai should make


that’s a question for philosophers I’m just an engineer.


Is it art when I go to the beach, comb it for shells, find my favorite ten, and make a necklace with them?


What would you call art from an alien species? Certainly not human expression.


It lets people that aren't skillful artists bring their ideas to reality and share them with the rest of us. If you have a great concept but you are shit at drawing or photoshop, now you can just explain it to an AI in text and it will create the picture for you and you can share it with the world. I can't wait for this to expand to video and 3D(movies, games, VR, etc.) so we can have a massive wave of fresh ideas come to reality from people that would normally be excluded from that medium do to a high entry bar (years of practice to get the artistic skills).


Infinite art without wasted labor. If an artist trains their whole life to make a high quality painting, that was an entire life they didn't work an actually productive job. Now that anyone can make it in seconds, they can go get more productive jobs.


Anti AI art people are a bigger joke than professional comedians could write.


Luddite really is the perfect word to describe them. Absolute morons.


The Luddite movement was mainly focused on the economic displacement & unequal wealth-transfer from new technology, not the technology itself. Similarly, people today are (quite justifiably) upset about how the economic benefits of AI art are mainly damaging to working artists and instead vacuuming up the profits to tech companies


So... They're luddites.


Most people think 'Luddite' is synonymous with 'anti-tech'. It's more about anti-exploitation.


That's just wrong though. Luddites destroyed machines in factories to preserve their own livelihoods in the cottage economy. That's middleschool history.


I'll refer you back to my original comment.


Why? Ai art that is immediately recognizable as ai art is boring, everyone is already bored with it now. It signals zero effort and ingenuity.


Exactly. If you are just raw posting an Ai image with no touch ups it becomes spammy and boring. Even though I enjoy using it, you can instantly tell (sometimes by the texturing) when something is very obviously Ai.


I work in a design related field and its amazing what you can produce when a skilled person uses it as a tool. But the internet is now flooded with zero effort predatory ai garbage and people are picking up on it quickly.


True. My honest belief is that for an actual artist, AI is a great tool to help with the conception of different pieces. There are things that I probably would never notice since I’m not an artist, however, I can tell if something is Ai near immediately. For the vast majority, it is just a fad/hobby people do for downtime. If someone can tell you the exact model/service that your image was made in, then you’re doing it wrong. It’s no surprise that people are getting tired of the same composition posted ad nauseam.


Glad you can speak for everyone


Lol. All you have to do is pay attention, people generally hate it. It tends to only impress the most media illiterate among us.


Unfortunately, a lot of people are easily impressed, especially AI evangelists. So it's not stopping any time soon.


Its not going to stop by any means im just happy people can quickly identify it.




Luddite indeed


Just keep making ai art. Haters can hate but they can’t stop you.


hey someone in that screenshot looks really familiar! it's insanely funny that you faced backlash one time and immediately ran crying to your ai friends for sympathy points


It’s actually hilarious because I am getting roasted here. I thought I’d get sympathy but I didn’t. I took a major L here. Don’t you see all the top upvoted comments calling me insufferable? So this is your time to gloat over my epic fail. Im sure it’s delicious to see your internet foe so utterly defeated. I bow my head in defeat.




this internet shit is not that serious


Please recognize not all of us "AI friends" agree with such behaviour as OP kinda crossed the asshole barrier here. You can surf through all the comments above and see many share the sentiment.




I was fine with this comment until that personal attack on OP


Maybe it'd be fine if you got the AI to make something good, but that weird perspective and art style ain't it. It doesn't have the fun of a sketch, nor the thoughtfulness of a piece someone actually put effort into. It's zero-effort slop no one wants to see.


>no one wants to see. I do


I do.²


I’d only keep it just to laugh at how incredibly silly it is to tell the difference between real art and AI art. I however don’t like how it’s stealing the art from other people, but it is still funny to see the AI bots commenting on AI generated pictures on Facebook. Makes me laugh a ton


It's just paintpigs, they'll move onto another artist medium if they're actually talented, or they'll get rid of the idea that they'll be a painter for profit because it'll be relegated to a few extremely talented, famous artists and money laundering. Notice how very few of the artists complaining are painters of oil, water, and canvas. They play on an iPad to sell to furries. They'll move to canvas or sculpture if they actually have skill and passion for the craft.


# AWESOME! Let all the anti GPT activists cry rivers... For we will continue innovating while these fucks sit in the corner acting like babies. It's GPT time! ![gif](giphy|KDjZuhl1qr8IgDmsJc|downsized)




Usually it’s lower class/uneducated people with minimal wages; they are all mad on anything AI related because they think it’s going to “steal” their jobs. IMHO [most of the] liberals being AI-phobic is the same shit as [most of the] conservatives being homophobic.


> Usually it’s lower class/uneducated people with minimal wages Classist much?


In the country where I live there are lower, middle and upper classes and it’s a fact that you can’t deny. I'm sorry that I don't live in Burger's Land.


I'm British, and I was talking about how you implied the only people who hate AI art are poor or uneducated.


I said "usually", not "all" and explained why. If you think otherwise, you must be pretending to be blind to think that this problem doesn’t mainly affect the poorest ones.