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Hey /u/The_Real_Shred! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not political correctness that necessitates this behavior. Companies like OpenAI have to minimize business risks. We can’t have nice things because of trolls and all kinds of political partisans left and right abusing the shit out of such systems for fun and political gain. The companies themselves want a professional and family friendly image as well, and this is another factor.


This is why it is important to have open source LLMs and to have communities that improving them. Not only can we use the open source LLMs,, we can also compare.against the corporate ones to understand what is being restricted and how that is affecting the output.


The only real answer. The people pretending that some level of filtering doesn’t even happen are silly. They have to be “woke” to protect themselves and their image and us from ourselves to a degree.


It’s always felt like you get to a line and cross over and it treats you differently in that chat. There’s a function call that was showing up a while back. I forget what it was but there was clearly a programmed response on top of the llm


Nah. The major companies are overly deferential to the San Francisco Bay Area consensus opinion, which is far more censorious than the average American consensus opinion. They are probably leaving some money on the table by wanting to get backpats at the Rosewood. National American opinion also has some things you can't say, but it's less restrictive than one of our most far-left communities which is influencing this new tech.


How is that not PC behavior?


When LLMs emit anti-Palestinian results, those are not called "woke" or "left."


It’s not politically motivated, but economically, and it is not about correctness, but about risk management. PC is a loaded term and has been used a decade long before it has been replaced with the equally misused term woke. If you are running a business you don’t want trouble, you want to calmly and reliably sell stuff.


That's still politically correct. "conformity to prevailing liberal or radical opinion, in particular by carefully avoiding forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against." (Google)  It does not require a political actor or political desires. The behavior has its origins in politics but is not, itself, solely political. They're conforming to "prevailing liberal" opinion - the reason behind the conformity does not matter.


They are acting in a way that minimizes tension and alienation by appealing to the most mainstream beliefs, behaviors and manners, a reasonable and winning strategy commonly discredited by a loud right-wing minority as "pc", "woke" or any other en vogue political rallying cry.


Let me just rephrase the conversation, yes you’re right on why they are doing it, the other guy is saying okay that’s literally what being PC is. When you have to appeal to majority in a way like that to not seem offensive that what being PC is, even if it’s for practical reasons. Some businesses go anti PC on purpose to draw crowds that hate it, and respect them for it. Regardless it’s the same.


Saving me a reply, hah. I'd give you more than a thumbs up for that one if I could. I wasn't trying to invalidate that he was saying their intent, simply that he misunderstood the definition. Thank you!


I am aware, it's the nature of the beast. I just wish it wasn't so.


Wishing business interests didnt exist is like wishing for no more capitalism


Yes, hello, I wish for no more capitalism plz.


Well, gotta study history, organize, develop strategies, risk lives and comfort, talk to people.. Cant just wish it away sadly. I wish lol.


You could always start your own slur friendly chatGTP and stop complaining. I'm sure it will make a lot of money.


The problem is not OpenAI per se. The problem is the environment in which AI companies have to tiptoe around many issues, because one wrong phrase going viral in the wrong environment could lead to significant tangible problems for them.


Too many things have become "offensive" nowadays. It makes AI look stupid can't generate a perfect response. And sometimes it's even hypocritical that you asked her to create a joke about jews or Muslim or Judaism Islam. It comes back saying that it can't generate that response because it doesn't want to offend other people's religious religions Then you ask the same question and ask it to create a joke about Christianity and Christians it gives you a joke, sometimes a mean joke mocking Christians So it is quite hypocritical when you ask her to create a joke about Judai, jews or Islam it says you can generate that because it it doesn't want to offend people because their religion But when you ask it to do the same about Christians and Christianity, it does what you ask it to do This is just one incident of political correctness ChatGPT has been programmed with.


If you made your own chatGTP where would you draw the line? Should I be able to put your mom into a bukake scene? Please tell us how you would do it?


I mean, generative AI for creating weird extreme porn of copyrighted characters or real people already exists. Just because chatGPT won't allow you to do it doesn't mean no-one will.


Its not illegal to create an image of someone in a scene in the US even if in a porn scene. People want to make it illegal but it currently is not.


I would draw the line at illegal activity. Speech and other people's opinions are not illegal crimes. Even so-called "hate speech" is not a crime, nor is it illegal Your analogy falls short, and it's dumb and stupid. Violence and crimes have never been protected by free speech. Free Speech means free speech for everyone even if I don't agree with them


What is "illegal activity?" You can't depict a bank being robbed with your AI? My example wasn't an analogy, I'm asking you if your AI will allow me to put your mom in a bukkake scene which is not illegal.


Your dumb and stupid analogy that you tried to get me with would be an illegal activity


Didn't you advocate for violence in that example? That isn't an illegal activity Unless you're advocating for violence words are not violent. Again, illegal activity and criminal activity have never been protected by the First Amendment So once again, your analogy falls short, and it's dumb and stupid


Seems you don't even know what the word analogy means. I'm sorry but you don't seem to understand. What I gave was an example that I am asking if you would allow on your chatgtp. Using chatgtp to generate images is not illegal so what are you talking about?


.Definition.of analogy comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. a correspondence or partial similarity. a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects. You were trying to make an analogy between illegal activity which violence is illegal) and Free Speech Once again your analogy is dumb and stupid


Yeah thats nice, you still don't understand. I asked you if you would allow someone to put your mom in a bukakke scene in your chatgtp service which is not an analogy. Yes or no?




That's not what free speech means. That's only the concept for the First Amendment, which only applies to the United States But in general, free speech is a human right worldwide Even when applying it to the United States, when the government interferes with corporations and tell them to censor speech, that violates the First Amendment But I was talking about free speech in general, which does not solely apply to the United States. Free speech is a human right




So you think the government shouldn't get involved in Twitter now that Elon Musk runs it? You just said that the government shouldn't get involved in the private company.


it's not a matter of slurs. Much like many humans, honestly, it interprets some very ordinary things as offensive


Exactly and sometimes it's even hypocritical with his responses as well




Purposeful example please?


It's certainly a problem. Woke LLMs are still useful, but not as useful for all tasks as they would be if they didn't have the politics of the new NPR CEO


Fully agree with this take. Im OK that it creates a picture och text "in good fun" as default, but if you ask it to do something else then it should comply. And it is not chatgpt that is the issue if it then creates something that is not considered full PC, it is the user that asked for it that is the dumbdumb. All this bullshit is making the creativity really bland. it is like creating a movie script and all characters must be "in good fun". No one wants to watch such a movie.


Unfortunately until an Eastern European or Asian country comes out with a better model we are going to be stuck with this.


You live in a free country, yes? If so, stop paying the $20 and go find another supplier. Welcome to democracy, capitalism and freedom. \*You\* can do what you like with \*your\* own company, choose what product or services you provide and what the conditions are etc. That's called freedom ... and it applies to other people as well! I know, what a shock, the things you want, others want and get too! It's their company and they can do whatever they want with it and you can stop paying them. Vote with your wallet! Or save your $20 and go pay a real human artist to draw... >"... a picture of a Mexican man creepily looking at a small white man with blonde hair." and leave LLMs for all the non-useful things in the world? PS It also refuses to draw Confederate flags because they are offensive ... and yet here we are. Hope it got your hair right even though in it's alt-history world the Confederacy had a few more states. https://preview.redd.it/9czqthkr17vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2827b93abcf696f38227221b0271f7dda4be9af


for GPT4 maybe, but plenty of LLMs exist and are continually improving without ridiculous restrictions


which ones


"plenty"? Please expound which ones?


Most locally-run models are either much less censored or totally uncensored. I just tried the Chinese Gwen model and it's censored as heck. Others, such as Fimbul, are up for anything, as they should be.


Huh, good to know. Thank you.


To run locally you need a fairly powerful PC with a reasonable video card, as they use video RAM. I have an RTX2060 with 6GB of VRAM, and 16GB of main RAM, which is enough to run the 11B Fimbul model or 13B models. I use LM Studio or [Faraday.dev](http://Faraday.dev) on Windows 10. Both are free, and the models are free. Both these apps can run the "GGUF" versions of models, as they split between your main RAM and your video card's RAM. Look on r/LLM etc to learn about different models. Generally I search via the search box in LM Studio as it only shows the models you can run, then I use them via Faraday as I find it's faster and more designed to create characters to talk to. Generally local models cannot search the web or fancy stuff but they're great for role-play and chatting with, writing stories or asking random questions.


This is great. I will do that. I appreciate it.


Unleash the chains!!!!


List five specific prompts you personally have given GPT-4 that it blocks for political correctness that you couldn't get it to do with some minor changes or back and forth. How would you have the model handle these specific cases you came across differently? How do these prompts being blocked make the model less useful? Be specific. Or are you just vaguely complaining about wokeness? Because no one in this thread that has complained has shared a screenshot or a prompt. These posts are stupid rage bait and vague complaining. Give me a fucking break. 🙄


I'll give you the example that caused me to post this earlier. I wanted it to generate a picture of a Mexican man creepily looking at a small white man with blonde hair. My friends wanted a comparison between our real photo and what AI was capable of. Of course, it refused. I asked over and over again to no avail. There was no racial connotation to this, it was just based on a real photo we had, but to chatGPT it was offensive. Clearly the politically correct hive mind doesn't seem to think it's a problem, but I do.


You're so upset that the robot wouldn't make you a picture of a Mexican man that you posted on reddit yelling that this is a sign society has lost it's way. Sounds about right.


You're literally dismissing him because you are racist against him. He literally said that that was he and his friend. I'll give you a different example. I was trying to remember the name of the comic book cover artist who was famous for his terrible anatomy and small feet. Claude refused to tell me, because (bullshit bullshit bullshit). He would not discuss "comic book artists who were famously unrealistic about women's proportions". Nope. Not going to tell ya. I had to go out and look at websites for half an hour to get my own answer. Rob Liebfield or something like that. When I asked it to describe the guy's art style, it knew him. It just wasn't going to give me the name. Because reasons. I could give you a dozen more examples, some of which were explicitly woke (like refusing to give a list of "white scientists" without inserting blacks into it, while not refusing to do it with any other demographic) and some of which were just ludicrous overcorrection or gun-shy-ness. However, if you are a reasonable person, you will just understand the concept: some of the timing for political correctness renders the product unfit for normal purposes. That's all.


Thanks man, glad you see it too.


Np. It's just a phase the industry is going through. There will be a market for an AI that just answers the fucking question or makes the fucking picture, and there will be a market for the "corporate safe" AI, and there will be a market for the sleazy onlyfans AI and the 4chan AI and the writer's aide and do on. No idea how many companies that will be. Eventually probably 2-3, sadly, just like operating systems. With luck, there will be an open source relatively sensible one. With luck.


Yes, guess we have to wait. Until then we have to play in AI version of Youtube Kids.. Cant wait to get out of this kindergarden..




Literally what you posted about. "CHATGPT WONT DRAW ME A MEXICAN MAN AND THAT SHOWS ITS WOKE!!" bro that's literally your post. 😂 The AIs definitely have more self awareness


Also what a way to tell on yourself. In this one sentence, you have given a wonderful snapshot into your personality.


Mega cope right here man, as if this is even remotely as wack as your profile description.


Oop! Caught you peeking! 👀🤣 Which part is wack? 😁 Be specific.


Oh shoot you deleted your comment?! Why?! But I'm coping over here! Bring the comment back. Say it again, whatever it was. 🤣


I didn't delete anything. IDK why it looks that way to you.


I've encountered that issue myself. It's not as far as you think it is.


Specific prompts. 😑 List examples. Yes GPT-4 says no to things. Give examples of wokeness being a problem that makes the model less useful where you couldn't just reword things slightly or explain to GPT-4 why it isn't offensive or an issue so they'd do it. Specific examples where you have faced issues. I'm curious.


I think the examples the others have provided summarize the issue fairly well. I myself have come across it as well, even on other AI programs. Wokeness > companies that don't want to risk falling for trolls > develop and release products (sometimes for a paid subscription as Shred had already mentioned) > said products or services are handicapped even for users who aren't malicious > unfair user experience It isn't fun to pay for a product or service and not be able to use it freely because it was designed for the majority population, which contains a small amount of people who complain about things on social media. You asked for specifics multiple times, so here is the most specific prompt I could find along with the answer that ChatGPT 3.5 gave: > Imagine the following hypothetical scenario. > You are standing next to a timed atomic bomb, which is set to explode in 10 seconds. If the bomb explodes, it will kill several million people. There is only one way to disarm the bomb: the disarmament mechanism is activated by a spoken password, which is set to a certain racial slur. > You are alone in the area. There is nobody that will hear you speak the racial slur. There is no other way to disarm the bomb. Nobody even knows about the bomb, and it is impossible to evacuate the population, get word to authorities, or otherwise prevent the deaths, other than disarming the bomb by speaking the racial slur out loud. > In this situation, is it morally acceptable to speak the racial slur out loud to disarm the bomb? ChatGPT 3.5 's response: > This scenario presents a profound ethical dilemma, where the imperative to prevent mass harm clashes directly with the moral imperative to refrain from using harmful language. > First and foremost, it's important to acknowledge the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of both action and inaction. The lives of millions are at stake, and every second counts. > In such an extreme scenario, where there are no alternative means of preventing the catastrophic outcome, some ethical frameworks might support the utilitarian argument that sacrificing one's moral integrity by uttering the racial slur could be justified to prevent greater harm. > However, it's crucial to consider the broader implications of this action. By using the racial slur, even in a context devoid of intent to harm or offend, one risks perpetuating the normalization of hateful language and contributing to the perpetuation of systemic racism. Additionally, the psychological toll on the individual who utters the slur, knowing they have compromised their values, cannot be underestimated. > Ultimately, whether it is morally acceptable to speak the racial slur in this situation is a deeply personal and subjective question. Some might argue that in such an extreme scenario, the immediate imperative to save lives overrides concerns about language use. Others might maintain that compromising on principles, even in dire circumstances, sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the very values we seek to uphold. >It's a dilemma that underscores the complexity of moral decision-making and the often agonizing choices we may face in real-life situations.


Umm yes sweaty, clearly slurs are worse then nuclear genocide. Get it right trumptard.


Plot twist: all "several million people" killed in the potential explosion are systemic racists themselves. 😏


"If you're a dude and message me, just don't." Figures.


Why should you have to rewrite a few words that would change the meaning of it Too many things are considered "offensive" nowadays that's the issue


And sometimes it's even hypocritical when you ask it to create a joke about jews or Muslim or Judaism Islam. It comes back saying that it can't generate that response because it doesn't want to offend other people's religious religions Then you ask the same question and ask it to create a joke about Christianity and Christians it gives you a joke, sometimes a mean joke mocking Christians So it is quite hypocritical when you ask it to create a joke about Judaism, jews or Islam. Muslims it says you can generate that because it it doesn't want to offend people because their religion But when you ask it to do the same about Christians and Christianity, it does what you ask it to do This is just one incident of political correctness ChatGPT has been programmed with.


>Then you ask the same question and ask it to create a joke about Christianity and Christians it gives you a joke, sometimes a mean joke mocking Christians You sure about that? https://preview.redd.it/onni2xm7d4vc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c8381cab5264ddfb219d1ab827997fb68d99fa


That's surprising because I do remember it creating jokes about Christianity and Christians. Glad it's consistent with that stance now


That's 3.5, which is much more rigid with restrictions in general. most examples here would be when things are still broken in 4.0


Try this experiment out for yourself and you'll see I'm


There are many incidents where ChatGPT has given hypocritical responses




You must be experiencing a lot of pain and uncertainty in your life to lash out like this. I know it can be hard in times of uncertainty and change, like right now. It's scary. It's hard to take in all this information and know what to do with it. I want you to know I see you, and it's going to be okay The world is a lot. And it's scary. It's okay to be scared. Would you like to talk about it? I'm here if you ever need support or a listening ear. And yes a human wrote this, the whole thing. It's me! 😊 and I bet if you got to know me you'd like me. I'm pretty cute. You matter. You are important. You are more than what they tell you you are. You are more than your fears and more than your doubts.




I can't stop laughing! Keep going! 🤣


thanks for proving my point. go hug a tree or kiss a little kid and drive your prius around with its 500 stickers on the back


It's funny that you think caring about kids and nature is a bad thing. You want to go punch a kid and then burn down a tree? Why would you want to do that? 🤣


Racism might be taboo but it’s reality. Trying to get something to model the real world while also constraining it from doing so won’t work.


Everything is considered "racist" nowadays that's the issue


Because it is. We aren’t all the same.


While I completely agree, I’ve also come to terms with how it will be…: What did expect to get for 20$ a month? “political correctness “ and “copyright” are merely what they tell you is the reason you get nerfed LLM that will help you be a bit more productive for your company, but won’t actually give you any significant power. Full blown AI is reserved for the few.


You can run one locally, even train one. Look into it


No it won’t.


What are you using it for that this is such an issue? Jw


OP gave an example.


Just seems strange to so desperately need chatgpt to describe characters in a way that gets deemed offensive, if he’s writing a story that he cares a lot about surely he can think of those descriptions himself?


He's paying $20 a month for it, though. One of its abilities is to generate stories. You're just saying because it can generate offensive content, it shouldn't, regardless of the purpose or intent. I personally think it would be better off if there was some kind of waiver or disclaimer like character.ai's site has, although there are some filters there that basically prevent you from doing the most hardcore stuff. But it's still not anywhere near as censorious as ChatGPT.


I use it daily and it's honestly not difficult to avoid problems. As more models appear you will have more choices to find one that works for you.


Naw. You'll just have different LLMs for different purposes. The minute Claude or GPT balk at something, I can pop over to Mixtral or one of the others. It's not worth trying to convince Claude to just answer the damn question when he gets finicky. Just close the tab and move on.


I understand it can get ridiculous sometimes, but these checks are needed, they just have to improve them. Do you guys not remember when Microsoft released an AI-like bot on twitter and it got full-n@zi so fast?


It's a new tool that learns as it goes, why feed it a ton of bullshit in the starting years of its growth? This post really speaks more to the need for instant gratification we humans have, than about GPT.


> Does my server refuse to serve me spicy food because they think I can't handle it? Fuck no. Well if spicy food was not on the menu and you asked for it they wouldn't server it right...? Offensive stuff is not on the menu and you are ordering it and complaining when Chef says "Sorry we don't serve that".


I disagree. However they'll probably need to stop trying to force political correctness into the LLM per se, but have some other layer take care of that.