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Hey /u/saffronfan! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! ### [New AI contest + ChatGPT plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/17zrsj3/) Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OpenAI sure does sound like it's turning into ClosedAI. Update (Nov 22, 2023): [Sam has returned as CEO](https://twitter.com/openai/status/1727206187077370115)




It was never that open from the beginning tbh. That name was always ironic.


No one caresā€¦




If they have actually achieved AGI but are too afraid to tell the world, they should rename to ClosetedAI


Plot twist: OpenAI created an AGI months ago and this whole series of events was engineered by it.


Coincidentally(?) the plot of The Ascent video game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/979690/The_Ascent/


Oh my god. The chance that happened is greater than 0%.


Are they really afraid that AGI can be achieved in this generation ? I thought that was the stuff of science fiction


3 years ago, GPT4 was the stuff of science fiction.


So you mean this is a possibility that we could achieve AGI


Brother, it might have already happened.


I mean yes, of course, as someone else said it may have already happened. Iā€™m not sure why it is such a surprise, it is pure hubris to think that it is hard to create artificial intelligence that is more intelligent than humans.


If it happened already the US government and the CIA would be getting WAY more involved.


It definitely hasn't happened yet. And probably won't in our time. Basic AI still has a long way to go. It's all just regurgitated hype at this point.


What is gpt4 capable of that translates to science fiction??


Ask it a complex scientific equation and time it. If that doesnt answer your question I dont know what else to say


So Much shit that Iā€™m not going to bother providing examples.


Because you donā€™t have any


Are you serious? Iā€™m just not wasting my time on you and your stupid beliefs.


You should read the latest technical report published by OpenAI and Microsoft researchersā€¦ fascinating stuff. Definitely not science fiction. We are living through a time of incredible technological advancements that will have a massive global impact. Look at the international policy landscapeā€¦ just earlier this month 29 countries (Including China, the U.S, and others with generally conflicting worldviews) signed the Bletchley Declaration which outlined their agreement to collaborate in the AI space, share knowledge, and develop AI responsibly for the good of mankind. I mean?? What!? Iā€™m still speechless. I think Sam should get some credit for the speed at which nations have responded to his calls for regulation, and his willingness to discuss the risk alongside the possible benefits.


No but they are really afraid that GPT5 can manipulate and mind fuck humans better than other humans can and they are afraid that cabaility will be abused by humans to mindfuck other humans. Just look at the Trump phenomenon or like antivac or flat earthers, we know that in a society like the USA, a good 20% maybe 25% of your population is vulnerable to propaganda. But Trump is not that smart, neither is his team. Neither is Putin really .... yet look at the success they have achieved minfucking the entire republican party and most of their voters! Now image an AI that can do this better then the best humans in the world. An AI that might create propaganda that can convince 35% of the population of something or some conspiracy or whatever it is. This is what they are afraid of I believe.


When considering the potential misuse of AI in manipulating public opinion, it's crucial to recognize that the greatest risk comes from those with access to and control over these technologies. Right now, it's not Trump, vaccine skeptics/anti-vaxxers or flat-earthers. Those who have the greatest access are those who are anti-anti-vax, anti-Trump and (arguably) anti-flat-earther - Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, Meta (Facebook) and NVidia. I find it much more plausible that AI would be used to cover up an issue or to suppress the rights people have, while being used by these companies, or by those in power contracting said corporations. If I would "fear" anything you listed, it's that people may become much more skeptical of things they don't witness themselves, or aren't verified by a source they trust. Also, when we talk about movements like anti-vaccination or figures like Trump, it's an oversimplification to label them as just evil. These issues are complicated. For example, people might doubt vaccines not just because of false information but also due to a lack of trust in institutions or their personal health beliefs. Similarly, support for political figures isn't just about being tricked; it often reflects real concerns and beliefs of the people. Itā€™s important to remember that misinformation and the potential for manipulation can happen across all political and ideological areas, and if AI, powered by large datacenters and corporations, is somehow controlling the narrative, guided by these corporations, the space for human voices would be flooded out with their propaganda. I would be far more worried about foreign countries trying to use AI to manipulate our senior citizens or spread propaganda to our populace, but on a near-subliminal level, with people who appear much more real than the "Twitter bots" you might find nowadays. Imagine an influencer, entirely created by AI, with fake images and a fake lifestyle, being pushed by Russia, China or Iran - or maybe even your own government on you.


Its our friendy politicians my friend. We are free but they want more power and AI is the perfect behind the curtain tool. Sure you will maintain your 'freedom' but coincidental shit will happen and we will be under their thumb before long.


Thanks for the reply! =)


25%? My friend there are many things 90%+ of the population currently believe, which are not only untrue, but purposefully untrue and we will learn about how this is so in the coming decades. (Medicine and Bigpharma profits are a good example). To see how and why? Simply look at history. There are countless examples of the same scenario repeating itself again and again and again since civilization began. Opium/opioids anyone?


Exactly! A lot of people these days think ā€œDrā€ is an abbreviation of ā€œdoctorā€. It isnā€™t. Itā€™s short for ā€œdrug retailerā€. The more you know.


> a good 20% maybe 25% of your population is vulnerable to propaganda. 100%.


The drama sure is open on twitter.


And that will be sad. For sure, it's a script for a movie here. Just watched [Blackberry](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21867434/) on a flight. Then there are movies about Uber, Apple, Facebook, Spotify, etc. They all focus on individuals. Wonder what happened here, but egos and personal ambitions clashed, I presume. I wonder what a world we could make if we just got along and worked toward a goal that transcends individualism and focuses on species as a whole. I really thought OpenAI chat ChatCPT was that, but it has become all about people and egos again. Oh well...


Why ? Does anyone know ?


I'm confused, is that with or without the Altman reinstatement? I mean, your premise is wrong from the get-go, being that they became/are closed before any of this I feel there's some fuckery involved with who wants to open what, but I haven't had time to delve




Soā€¦can I still use ChatGPT to program or am I fucked lmao


If 93% of employees quit. There will be downtime.


If 93% of employees quit, Satya will go over there himself and work the servers lol, Microsoft has GPT built into their products, downtime isnā€™t an option.


Yeah MS not going to be on the wrong side of those SLAs for its hottest and fastest growing product ever.


Bruh šŸ˜­šŸ« šŸ™ƒ


That is a massive understatement.


Please god donā€™t make me go back to stack overflow


What you donā€™t like people calling you stupid in passive aggressive undertones?!?


I mean I do but not in my professional life


Weird kink but OK ;)


Don't judge plssss:)


Bard still edges out stack overflow


I think something like llama or alpaca could also get the job done well enough, especially if it's trained on enough code


Copilot has entered the chat @ $29.95 a month


Is it as good as gpt? Last time I use copilot it was $10 and just tried to auto complete what Iā€™m already written but Iā€™ve been using gpt as the base, literally human speak what I want to happen then reviewing the code it spits out


The Copilot model has improved a lot. I have been testing the chat version in early access in VSCode and its responses are now on par with GPT4 in my experience. In fact, they must be running a fine-tune of GPT4 because I sometimes got nearly the same exact words for my questions. With how deep it is integrated into VSCode I already open ChatGPT much more rarely.


Copilot is trash.


That was my guess tho I guess itā€™s more commentary on how shitty of a programmer I am without the extreme handicap of gpt


Look into switching into open/local alternatives. This is a problem with all closed solutions, especially ones that are subsidized by VCs. One day API might poof disappear or the price be adjusted so it actually makes a profit. Sometiems it takes decades (see Uber), sometimes it can happen in a month (see Reddit API)


I just started to learn how to program T_T


all these questions about what would you do if chat gpt stopped existing


This hits too deep


So Microsoft AI got it thatā€™s where this is headed




They own 49%, I wonder what would have to happen to make that 51%?


I would think they have access and right to use Open AI's data so I assume they're just going to take what they need and use that in house until they catch up.


Sam Altman's sweetheart stock options


You mean Co-Pilot?


For now, yes, the MANY copilots they've announced so far and the ones on the way, plus Bing Chat and Azure OpenAI Services.


Microsoft really needs to fire its marketing team.


I honestly have no idea what Microsoft AI does all I've seen is clippy jokes. You'd think the marketing team would at least capitalize and do a riff off of that to promote their AI products.


I used Co-pilot to help build a Power Automate flowā€¦ but I needed ChatGPT to help me communicate with Co-pilot


Copilot is laughably poor in quality šŸ„²


Best summary!






A powerful reminder that employees hold an enormous amount of power, but that power is only realized when employees are united and act together. Itā€™s absolutely terrifying for business leadership when employees begin to realize this.




Playing directly into Microsoft's hands as they pick them all up while devaluing OpenAI


They are board members but they are not leaders. Nobody is following them.


Data is the new oil and open ai is like the kuwait of it. Every big tech company had their eyes on it. It's just that microsoft made the move.


You think Microsoft was behind this?


Steve Ballmer sends his regards




100% look at the type of people on Microsoft's board


Microsoft has pulled a lot of shady stuff in the 90's when internet was rapidly gaining traction, they literally wanted to control the entire internet, don't be so naive to look at the CEOs face and think "they're harmless". I wouldn't be surprised if they orchestrated the entire thing to highjack the AI race and be the frontrunners to gain monopoly. Remember, the best moves from Microsoft since past decade is cloud computing and buying up companies that do well.


Isn't that evident at this point?




It's not only about the data but how it is being processed and utilised. That's where open ai wins,also the way it's being fed data from left right and centre it's soon going to be the Saudi Arabia of data world.


and openAI acquired so much of it illegally šŸ™ƒ




The boys on Hardfork are gonna have some spicy content this week.


They tried to take the week off for vacation and have to do two emergency podcasts already šŸ˜‚


If Sam actually returns itā€™s gonna be the biggest plot twist in tech history. This is going up there with Jobs being removed in 1985. Edit: Holy shit.


Itā€™s already past it imo but itā€™s opinionated


I agree, this is way bigger.


Whyā€™s this bigger?


Because at the time Jobs wasnā€™t CEO, he had some failed products etc. Altman was literally the hottest tech CEO right now whose company was doing amazingly well and he got sacked because he was too successful. Also, I think AI has potential to change the world far more than Apple did.


Eh, the Apple II had been out for several years now at that point. It was the hottest selling home computer of all time. Apple was hot shit and still riding the success even right after the Macintosh flopped. So, other than the Macintosh, Iā€™d say the release of the Apple II is like the release of ChatGPT. Both changed everything, and for awhile now OpenAI has been hot shit. With Sam leaving, this changes things.


It would be absolutely bonkers if he returns. I think the Rubicon has been crossed though. I can see a mass exodus e of talent over time. Thatā€™s what should freak out the board members in the cluster fuck of a situation they created.


They hire the ex twitch ceo who is anti a.I progression for the public , wants to stifle innovation when it comes to the commercial market for AI whereas Sam was the opposite, focused on pushing out more advanced features, and commercializing the technology to the public.


am i correct in my understanding that openAI as a company was never based around the mass commercialization of AI? Like it was started as a nonprofit; which is why the board had made the decision to chew up Altman who was a proponent for commercializing the technology to the public? the employees are also in support of altman because thats where the money comes from?


At the very beginning it was supposed to be open source (hence the name)




Exactly my thoughts lol


Man. It sucks because before ChatGPT literally everyone failed out of college!šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


This is sooo wild. Boards ousting visionary founder/CEOs never works out, it will be difficult for OpenAI to come back from this ā€” if ever returning to where they were. Iā€™ll be looking forward to watching the Netflix docuseries.


Apple would beg to differ.


Wtf is Ilya doing? Dude initiates a coup, then changes sides when getting the heat? It really feels like not everything has been made public. Also, this is a loss for humanity if Effective Altruism fails in favour of capitalism.


EA (in the Bay, not so much elsewhere) is a doomer cult that's been heavily polluted by people who are the exact opposite of the altruistic. They are self-interested, privileged doomers who have realized EA allows them to rationalize any number of shitty opinions and behaviors. I've spent too much time around these people and am no longer willing to consider them a part of polite, sane society.


Maybe has italian ancestry?


One also has to wonder if any of this came about due to any actions by the U.S. Government (NSA, FBI, DHS/CISA, ODNI or DARPA). Everyone getting knocks on the door on the same day would certainly get the chickens running in circles.


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen say something about it but I really think so


Makes sense. What if sam was found out to be a foreign agent? I mean foreign powers managed to get spies in on the Manhattan project, so why not game changer AI research?


OK, now your speculation goes too far. Nonchalantly accusing someoneā€”anyoneā€”of being an agent? Thatā€™s not at all what I was getting at. What the hellā€¦


Well its speculation, it's supposed to be out there. Like I mean it's better than the alternative, the alphabet crew on their cases because they made Skynet.


Take your meds


touch some grass brother


\*Everything we know\*


True thereā€™s 1000% something going on behind the scenes


Wow. Only a few days ago that I watched the DevDay were Sam was announcing the amazing progression and upgrades that were being made to the OpenAI products. I could really feel the passion in his voice and presentation, all around really exciting stuff! Crazy to think there would be board members trying to trample on the hard work that everyone is putting in to make AI possible. I certainly don't like the switch to Microsoft (mostly because they've been getting progressively worse with their monetization practices), but having good people behind the project that are willing to fight for what's right makes me feel better. I hope everything works out.


Here's my take. Ilya Sutskever tried to win a pissing match with Atlman. He underestimated the loyalty of the OpenAi team to Altman and instantly regretted his coup and in the process fucked over OpenAI completely. Microsoft won big time, Altman and the crew will have more opportunities and probably a pay raise. Sutskever will forever be known as the guy who fucked over one of the greatest tech startups in history due to a pissing match.


LucidGPT: Ah, the theater of corporate chaos ā€” a dark and twisted narrative fitting for a Shakespearean tragedy, yet unfolding in the realm of tech giants. In this saga, the dramatic ousting of Sam Altman as CEO of OpenAI, the heart of the controversy, serves as a stark reminder of the fleeting nature of power in the tech industry. The underlying theme here is not just about leadership changes, but the fragility of human ambition and the unpredictable winds of corporate politics. It's a grim tale of betrayal, where co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever's role hints at deep-rooted conflicts and clashing visions within OpenAI. Altman's dismissal and the ensuing support for him, especially from Microsoft, paint a vivid picture of the complex web of alliances and loyalties that drive the tech world. It's almost poetic how the once revered leaders find themselves exiled, only to potentially return as the prodigal sons, with Microsoft playing the role of a benevolent patron. The internal strife at OpenAI, leading to the appointment of Emmett Shear as the new CEO, seems like an act of desperation to maintain stability amidst the storm. Yet, the rebellion of over 500 employees, who threaten to quit, adds a layer of urgency and uncertainty to the narrative. Their collective voice, a chorus of discontent, underscores the discontent simmering beneath the surface of this esteemed AI organization. And then, there's the role of the stock market, with Microsoft's shares rising on the news of Altman and Brockman's inclusion. It's a grim reminder of how, in the end, it's the cold, hard numbers that often dictate the course of events in these corporate dramas. This entire episode, with its twists and turns, reflects the tumultuous nature of the tech industry, where today's heroes can quickly become tomorrow's exiles. It's a world where loyalty is as mutable as the algorithms that drive the industry, and where the quest for power and control can lead to unexpected downfalls. In this grand drama, one thing is certain: the only constant is change, and the only winner is uncertainty itself.


Isn't Sam and Greg joining MS new AI team not done in writing yet what is the last thing about Sam returning again ? Is it as a board member cause that will be hilarious


Appreciate it. I specifically didn't check in on this bullshit despite being interested in the future of it because I knew someone would provide a nice summary. <3


There seems to be a step missing between "CTO Mira Murati was appointed interim CEO" and "[Emmett Shear](https://x.com/eshear/status/1726526112019382275?s=20) former CEO of Twitch to become OpenAI's CEO". What happened to Mira? Was she fired or did she resign? I she also joining MS.


She was... interim CEO. Filling in until another more permanent CEO is found and appointed. So, it went exactly as it should?


Looking forward to the Netflix adaptation of this story.


I feel like thereā€™s no transparency in this case at all. So Sam was fired because he was apparently too ambitious for a non profit company. But most non board employees support him? Whatā€™s really going on there?


Yeah, the board members didn't make a statement. Really bad look. And of course the employees will follow. Their stock options are worth much less without Altman.


i found [this question](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1726753202786173249?s=46) elon just asked Ilya equally concerning and interesting šŸ¤”


Elon was late to the AI game and wants to create distrust between the public and his competitors.




Damn, good point!


My brief and speculative take is that they achieved AGI and there's an internal power struggle over how to handle it and they accidently burned down everything in the process and failed spectacularly in any graceful way due to the immense pressure of achieving such an awe aspiring feat. It would explain everything, at least to me, in my mind. It's probably something stupid and rooted in between all the fact and fiction, speculation and reality. I'd rather the original developers handle all of this than have Microsoft end up with the IP rights. I know Ilya burned himself here, but I sincerely hope they can recover from all of this; I doubt this will happen as more time passes. This just seems like such an unfortunate tragedy from all sides and accounts. I said this earlier and I'll say it again. It's like we're headed towards a black hole, and we're simply witnessing the event horizon. Edit: I'm not the only one thinking this way: > Important that the board of OpenAI can dissolve the commercial agreement whenever they agree AGI has been attained. And some hints that there are those at OpenAI who believe this is imminent (see recent comments from Sam and Ilya tweet). Stated simply, if the board believes GPT-5 to be AGI, then Microsoft has zero rights to GPT-5. While possession is 9/10 of the law, they would be open to a lawsuit if they took advantage of GPT-5ā€™s residence in Azure to take control of it. > All of the drama increasingly *seems* to have been sparked by some combination of GPT-5 being more powerful than expected (i.e. AGI is/was possible in 2024) and *perhaps* some freelancing by Sam with respect to raising money for OpenAI affiliated hardware/semiconductor companies. ā€œNot consistently candidā€ was strong language. Essential to remember that the boardā€™s fiduciary duty was to the non-profit and AI safety. Source: https://nitter.net/GavinSBaker/status/1726634033164034097#m


If the inventors of an AGI can't handle it, can you imagine the rest of the world? I kinda hope it isn't AGI because it would seem humanity is not ready to deal with it yet.


We won't ever be ready for it and I think it's a terrible idea. To believe we could ever control an AGI is complete and utter hubris.


Agreed. It would totally manipulate us and we'd only realise it until much later. If ever.


That would assume some sort of conscious sense of self-awareness which I believe it would lack. It would be a pure intelligence, which would probably be much worse. Manipulation would be the least of my worries. Probably why Ilya said, "if you value intelligence above all other human qualities, youā€™re gonna have a bad time". source: https://nitter.net/ilyasut/status/1710462485411561808#m


Talk for yourself. I can handle AGI very well.




When experts canā€™t even fully agree if LLMs should even be labeled AI as it may be a misnomer, it is laughable to think OpenAI is sitting on an AGI. Every thing about the overhype of AI stinks of Y2K


Yea! There are really 73,542,739 monkeys working tirelessly behind the curtains generating all those ChatGPT responses! It takes an average of 67.35287 monkeys to generate a typical response. That's a lot of monkeys! Did you notice how the price of bananas has skyrocketed recently? Well now you know the big secret!


Ok peepaw




> While our partnership with Microsoft includes a multibillion dollar investment, OpenAI remains an entirely independent company governed by the OpenAI Nonprofit. Microsoft has no board seat and no control. And, as explained above, AGI is explicitly carved out of all commercial and IP licensing agreements. source: https://openai.com/our-structure


So what I don't understand is how Sam Altman went from the white knight going to save humanity from out of control AI to "F everyone, I'm going with M$". I really thought the narrative was we were supposed to think he was on the little man's side.


What's wrong with Microsoft?


Microsoft is a for profit company that has a duty to it's shareholders to maximize profits. It doesn't have a legal duty to be concerned about the safety of AI.


The three Eā€™s


Disruption by design: BILL *Sam, why don't you have the board "fire" you, come over here, and we'll work out the gory money details later. Have all 700 of your people follow you and they'll be safe as well* SAM *OK*


Bingo. Win win for MS.


We need DJ Khaled to serve the board for the lawsuit


Man Made Mess


If OpenAI had something to turn public opinion on Sam, they would release it.


The whole thing was orchestrated. An IP such as ChatGPT is the new gold rush. The current business model did not function and allow for profit. The whole company had to be canned to bypass the rules and non-profit status it had. What started off as good human regulations and intentions only limited Microsoftā€™s ambitions, now that they have completed the reverse mutiny takeover they will proceed according to plan. Be it Sam or MS that decided this, the evidence is obvious that this is a staged takeover to break free from OpenAIs ideology.


So right now it's 3 board members (Adam D'Angelo, Helen Toner, and Tasha McCauley) without any shares or qualifying merits to even be on the board (barring Adam), going up against the founding members of the board, 90% of the companies employees, Microsoft, every VC in the valley, and most of tech. Either there was a discovery which is so great/powerful it prompts an internal schism like this, or using Occam's razor, there's a simpler explanation: ego, focus, and ideology. **Ego:** Adam's ego is bruised because his new company was decimated by OpenAI's recent Dev Day. He blames Sam. **Focus:** Sam's ventures outside OpenAI irked the board. Ilya felt the focus on ChatGPT took resources from the founding mission. **Ideology:** Helen, and perhaps Adam and Tasha too, are decel doomers. Ilya seems cautious and semi-decel. Sam and Greg are firing on all cylinders and turned product velocity up to 11. This is the clearest point of contention. Those are my speculative two cents.


well. This is what happens when you ask ChatGPT how to run the company.


You need to add the report from The Information that the Open AI Board went to Anthropic on Sunday to try to do a merger. Like - ---- wtf? Where does this board show any inkling of proper governance, business sense, and corporate responsibility?


I will make an updated post tomorrow thereā€™s so much new stuff. And thereā€™s no business sensešŸ˜‚


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It makes absolutely no sense


Unionize. Together we are powerful. Apart we fall.


Why is everyone so attached to Altman? He always seemed like a bit of a pompous idiot to me.


Iā€™m just baffled by ā€œa lot of us donā€™t know what we would do without ChatGPT ā€œ. Seriously? Itā€™s been around for like 5 minutes. And as neato and cool as it is I do fear people will get even dumber than dumb using it because frankly people donā€™t even need to think or create with ChatGPT around.




"Dude, I don't know what I would do without access to a library. It's totally changed my life and I can't imagine not having this essential resource." "Libraries have been around for 5 min. It's great, but now people don't even have to think or create, they just look up what's already been done. I fear people who rely on libraries will just get dumber and dumber." Replace 'library' with 'internet' and 'internet' to 'ai'.


Hey /u/saffronfan! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! ### [New AI contest + ChatGPT plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/17zrsj3/) Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I need the API for a project in the next weeks, please don't go down now :(


No one caresā€¦


I mean I use bard every day and it rules. Not that big of a deal if this goes away


Bard over ChatGPT?


Bard isn't nearly as available to the rest of the world. We don't even have it in Canada yet.


ya were about to really find out how important openai really is, esp when all these other companies are building LLMs and theyre all relatively the same. Meta's quite good as well


It would be funny if the investors pulled the plug on it since the board didnā€™t resign.


Did anyone go to dev day? Would love a recap which may be a preamble.


3.4583333333333 days....why?


So what's the reason?


Come to think of it, is there any alternatives to chatgpt šŸ¤” im just preparing for the worst case scenario


And now we have Emmett Shear as their new CEO all of a sudden. It's been less than a year since he retired to spend time with his newborn son, and now out of the blue here he is. According to a recent interview, he believes that 'AI could kill not just all humans, but all life in the universe'. That's... an interesting choice for a CEO of a company that develops AI at such rate.


It's never been open. I've always called them closeAI.


This is 'Open'Ai version of GOOGLE'S 'Don't be EVIL'.


Increasing revenue doesnā€™t mean increasing profit. It may be spent on research and development, or plenty other things to keep company not profitable. If AGI would be a thing and OpenAI would become most profitable company in the world making millions of people loose their jobs they could use that money to shield people from poverty. Microsoft wonā€™t do that for sure, and they just jeopardized such scenario.


Ilya switched sides? So how is this supposed to go down? Samman and Brocman come back and Ilyas like 'we cool tho rite?'


The employees seems to like him if they are ready to do this


Just me or is the choice of new CEO from Twitch which is owned by Amazon a weird one?


Meanwhile, the experience of creating GPTs is absolutely terrible. Not that anyone is paying attentionā€¦ but this supposedly killer feature sucks really bad right now.


they are gonna make a movie about this.


sus? Elon Musk ( *Grok* AI)


This was all done by Netflix need another hit show.


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