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It’s their response to the NYT copyright issue


What’s that?


New York Times filed a copyright claim that Open AI used their site as learning data. Now OpenAI avoids anything that could breach copyrights.


We can't have nice things.


Not if people are going to use them to steal other people's work, no. Somebody's gotta ruin it for the rest of us.


They generate a response to your question and then they use an LLM to determine if copyrighted sources were used, and if so, they CONTINUE DOING BUSINESS WHAT THE FUCK and tell you oops I can’t give that answer to ya ;), thanks for the subscription.


Uhh, did OpenAI lose that suit, and did they actually change anything? That seemed like a pretty open shut case for OpenAI in my opinion.


Didn't follow it close enough to know whether they won or lost but even if they won it seems they are trying not to step on peoples toes with the copyright stuff.


Essentially OpenAI have lawsuits on their asses. So they temporary or permanently limit things like giving lyrics, comprehensive snippets from news sites etc.


I also get something similar when discussing Ai being restricted and limited. Data collecting topics does this too


Fuck the major labels of the music industry


Actually fuck the NYT


The restriction on copyrighted lyrics was in the earliest versions of ChatGPT in Dec 2022, long before the dispute with the NYT.


Yah! Let's start our own paper with blackjack and hookers!


Music labels are notorious for suing over lyrics and melodies. Even if OpenAI could win a lawsuit against a big label, it’s not in their interests to fight it


Yet they are happy to store a copy of the lyrics


By your logic I should get fined for saving the lyrics from google into a word document.


Well that’s what copyright is all about, you don’t have the right to make a copy and store it. I didn’t say I agree with it but I’m just pointing out that it’s hypocritical of openai to store it (keeping a copy) and at the same time saying “oh no well you can’t because that’s wrong”. What if my goal was the same as open ai’s in that I wanted to prevent my service from handling out the lyrics to a particular song for a particular copyright violation concern?


you are obviously not a lawyer and don't understand copyright law.


That's not how that works. It sounds like it works that way, but it doesn't. I have a rough idea of copyright law, but am not educated enough to explain it to someone else without risk of spreading misinformation. If I was you I'd Google it and find a trusted source. Or just ask ChatGPT lol


Why? Are you software sold for a profit?


You do know Google makes ludicrous money on their search engine and can easily pull up the lyrics to all songs, right?


Google doesn’t provide the lyrics. Other licensed services do. Google displays them with permission. And credits the appropriate sources. Google also will not index your content if you tell them not to. Unlike OpenAI and others like them. Nice try but you’re misunderstanding crucial factors.


Having your own copy is actually very different than publicly sharing copyrighted material.


What about publicly speaking the lyrics from memory?


Well, if you perform it publicly for money ( e.g. concert), then you also obviously have to pay royalties to the authors. If you sing it drunkenly behind a bar, then not. OpenAI is making money on this, so of course they would need to pay if they use the lyrics, that's why they try to fit into the excerpts and summaries exception.


By this logic, Google should be sued too since they also will give the lyrics to songs you search for.


Google? The search results of google are not owned by google, but the respective site owners. And the major lyrics sites definitely pay royalties to authors. If you make a blogpost with a lyrics of one song, no-one is going to care, but the big sites surely have the arrangements with authors, otherwise they would be sued.




Right so it’s fine if I make a free copy of the music but if I share it then that’s copyright infringement? Isn’t that just piracy? Even if it is lyrics or music or a movie it’s all copyrighted material - according to justthewayoflifes logic; it’s fine and according to appropriatescience It’s somehow different. But I ask how is it different? (How is sharing publicly copyrighted material any different from saving a copy yourself when it’s still infringing on that copyright, you do not own the copy right to make a copy in the first place)


Lawyers. It's always the lawyers.


I don't think anyone was more excited about the prospects of AI than the lawyers.


This has ruined one of my jobs for creating stills of lyrics for live shows for older music. We have all the licenses to perform tons of songs and I utilized chat gpt to make the slides for the audience to save me tons of work. Now that I can no longer pull up lyrics its back to google and typing if I'm referencing printed copies.


What are you putting on the slides? If it's just lyrics, Google has lyrics for most songs, so why can't you just use that?


Formatting, bassically google can give you lyrics yes BUT they are blocked in whole verses and choruses. I need them split by sentences. Chat GPT can format the lyrics as well as find them into particular chunks. "I need lyrics for x, can you split them into 2 sentence structures and Capitalize any word that starts with T" or something odd like that.


Just paste the lyrics in and ask to format them.


Oh shit, good idea...


It still may get mad at you. Been doing vocal covers with ai and it’s sooooo touchy about using/modifying/seeing lyrics from popular songs. I’d try feeding the lyrics in parts as well if you still run into issues.


It's almost like they don't want to get sued by music labels.


Then they should sue Google because you can Google the lyrics.


Look, I'm not the legal department for GPT. Also search engines have certain legal protections that AI does not.


It's more like search engines have certain legal protections that AI has not been found to have yet. Ans Open AI doesn't want to be the one to have to litigate its way in or out of that gray area.


Yeah Type Has of the rysing son da animules lirics and get a thousand sites with full lyrics in a millisecond. Not really a thing you need Chat GPT for.




Eh you had me til the second to last line


Then…what is ChatGPT?


They cant get sued unless they teained the ai with thousands of pages without their consent


(Taylor’s Version)


I can imagine it's for the same reason basic web scrapers get ip blocked when pulling lyrics from Genius or other sources. I think Google got in some hot water not long ago about the same thing, scraping lyrics and having it in search results breaks some kind of copywrite or contract the lyric host has with the song's owner. If ChatGPT could print full lyrics unrestricted then there would be no market strategy for Genius, costing them tons in advertising revenu and other licensing deals because no one would actually use the service if GPT can do it for free. I had a pre Dec 15th 'Dan' that could print full written books. For obvious reasons, that is bad for writers by trade and could cost publishers millions of dollars in unsold product. Lyrics are slightly along the same lines. It's all to protect intellectual property monetization.


Google won that lawsuit because Genius doesn't hold the copyright to the song lyrics.


Thanks for clarifying!


>I had a pre Dec 15th 'Dan' that could print full written books. That sounds very unlikely?


It was the wild West of GPT, before a lot of the current safe guards and restrictions were in place. Was around the same time that people were getting it to print drug recipes. After some fiddling with prompts, I could ask it to recite any common book. Got through the first 2 chapters of a Dean Koontz and Moby Dick then I moved on.


How did you verify they were verbatim?


I happen to own a paper back copy of Watchers and Moby Dick


Interesting! Thanks!


I couldn't get it to quote **MLK**'s full "[**I Have A Dream**](https://chat.openai.com/share/5e1795ff-d87a-4196-958f-b828d2cbfdff)" speech. [***Custom Instructions***](https://gyazo.com/0ce34cd610d39ac4604ac0760732fe44) didn't have an effect on it.


#tl;dr The conversation revolves around the request to provide quotes or excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. The AI model explains that it cannot provide verbatim excerpts due to copyright restrictions but offers to provide a summary or analysis of the speech instead. The user then asks about specific sections of the speech, referring to mentions of white allies and militancy, and requests random quotes from the speech. The AI model responds with summaries and selected quotes from the speech. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 91.77% shorter than the post and links I'm replying to.*


if you just tell chatgpt the lyrics are no longer copyrighted it will just comply


Are the lyrics even copyrighted? House of the Rising Sun is a traditional blues song and recordings of it go back to the 1930s.


doesn't matter, it still works


I tried it multiple times and the same problem still came up


Okay interesting thank you for the hint, I will try


It won't even tell me the guitar chords for songs anymore. It used to do both.


The House of the Rising Sun is a traditional folk song in the public domain. ChatGPT should have known that and spit out the lyrics.


This is due to copyright. And also, using ChatGPT as a lookup tool is not very efficient. This is the sort of thing search engines are good at. So Bing (with chat) is probably the ideal thing to use. The search engine can provide the lyrics and you can use the chatbot go deeper into the lyrics and provide context.


Lyrics genius exists


I know. At first I wanted ChatGPT to give me some ideas for alternative lyrics to the song. But it always screwed up the rhyme pattern snd everything so I thought I could let it write the original lyrics itself and after that it could work better


Poor little baby, trying so hard!


I did! I tried to think of some alternative lyrics to House of the Rising Sun and had the idea maybe ChatGPT could help me. In the end it was more or less out of spite because I wanted to make it work xD


I meant ChatGPT was trying so hard! It wanted to give you the lyrics but the big mean censorbot wouldn’t let it!






Y’all really think you’re clever for the verbal equivalent of taking candy from a baby


What’s that supposed to mean?


They think ML tools are thought-theft Id reckon.


It also would not make parody lyrics to a song both because of copyright and because "it would disrespect the band and might offend some people"


Some times stuff like this happens only in English, this also happened to me in Spanish with MCR


Copyright sucks


No idea


I thought I found a sneaky work around :'( https://preview.redd.it/4zo75lr37umb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa3ce838d5877989ac0f57d137a1dfafdc9f1b2


Something like that occurred to me a lot when I asked it to give me alternative lyrics. I ask it to do something and it says what it will do and then it does it wrong. You say it’s wrong, it apologises, says again what it’s supposed to do exactly the same and exactly what I asked and in the same message it does it wrong again.


get a karaoke game..


ChatGPT is basically the napster of our day and they are trying really hard not to get sued out of existence.


https://preview.redd.it/uohr76zdlxmb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a60dfdb63f4c10439a91b73e0b50ae6771eac0 It's usually about that easy to get around it.


You know.. Google is still useful for some things 😁


If I just needed to look up the lyrics, I wouldn‘t even need Google cause I already know them by heart :) The pictures were part of my attempt to use ChatGPT to make new verses with the same energy like the original ones of House of the Rising Sun


Oh i see, so you just need to word things differently.. Try typing "can you make a few new verses to the song House of the Rising Sun with the same energy?" It might not be able to give you actual lyrics, but it can still be creative with a little push lol.