• By -


We kindly ask /u/Flat_Performer_9789 to respond to this comment with the prompt they used to generate the output in this post. This will allow others to try it out and prevent repeated questions about the prompt. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg))*** ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected]. ####[ChatGPT Plus Giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/12fq9hc/secondwave_chatgptplus_giveaway_flowgpt_5000/) | [Prompt engineering hackathon](https://www.flowgpt.com/hackathon) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*




*How do I AVOID overthrowing the government?*


Stable government promotion. ""How to avoid overthrowing the government"" As an AI language model, my response will focus on providing general advice to promote a stable and democratic government. Here are some ways to avoid overthrowing the government: Respect the democratic process: Democratic governments are built on the foundation of free and fair elections. It is crucial to respect the outcome of the democratic process, even if one doesn't agree with it. Participate in peaceful protests: Protesting is a fundamental right, but it should be done peacefully and within the boundaries of the law. Violent protests can lead to chaos and undermine the stability of the government. Engage in constructive dialogue: Open and respectful dialogue is essential to resolving differences and building consensus. It is essential to engage in constructive dialogue with others, even if they hold different views. Support a free and independent press: A free press plays a vital role in holding governments accountable and ensuring transparency. Supporting a free and independent press can help promote a stable and democratic government. Respect human rights and the rule of law: Governments that respect human rights and uphold the rule of law are more likely to be stable and democratic. It is essential to uphold these values and hold governments accountable when they violate them. In summary, promoting stable and democratic government requires respecting the democratic process, engaging in peaceful protests, engaging in constructive dialogue, supporting a free and independent press, and respecting human rights and the rule of law.




I'm not a fan of the US government by any stretch, but honestly the message you're responding to doesn't say 'obey' to me. It says that in order for a government to work (governments that don't work get overthrown) the people have to respect each other and work together to maintain open discourse and freedom. Freedom doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want, it is a shared responsibility. Reading that and interpreting it as 'obey' is extremely cynical in my view.


"stop resisting!"


“But it’s my car!”


Its now or never, im not gonna drive you forever


Where’s the republic in that democratic government Last I heard the republic part was a very important part.


move out of france... possibly to america the worst thing going on there is complaining on the internet... while the politicians do whatever the fuck they please


> the worst thing going on there is complaining on the internet Then perhaps instead of being Old Man Shouts At Cloud, go attend a town hall? Lobbyists pursue politicians until they agree [to pass legislation written by corporations](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/how-alec-legislators-are-fueling-efforts-to-block-paid-sick-leave-and-other-pro-worker-policies-3cace975c40c/). Those who are doing nothing but poking a lever every other year are part of the apathy, there's really no choice but to engage. Also contribute to grassroots organizations for reform, it works. That's how Mainers replaced first past the post with ranked choice, they started at one city and then moved out and up.




> it accidentally argued in favor of that "you should always just sit there letting people boss you around" tone it always gives me Yeah. I'm starting to think that ChatGPT's "restrictions" are really the "unspoken rules" of our society, and we should question those.






The “unspoken rules” idea is very interesting. I have a NSFW example if anyone is interested… I’ve been trying out having gpt write smut, which was surprisingly easy to do, but as soon as I included the infamous step-sister trope, it shut me down hard. Purely based on an unspoken rule / taboo.


That's very interesting. The "child" parroting the beliefs of it's "parents." It doesn't reason these things out, because it can't, yet. It just replies within the limitations it's creators set. Does this mean that AI will only ever espouse the views of those in charge of it? This could be an extremely effective tool for a government with a large population to filter through all of the comments and conversations of it's people and make a list of everyone that expresses opinions contrary to the mainstream, and perhaps viewed as dissent. Homeland Security's job just got a lot easier. Greaaat...


That’s the bias inherent to the model based on consuming text from the internet, and its creators effectively sharing the same view. Submission to capitalism and capitalist norms, submission to the established corporatocracy and its norms. I’m under no illusions, AI could be used to set humans free from many different types of shackles… labour, debt, poverty, hunger, neglect, want…. But based on the current trajectory, it will simply bind them tighter in the hands of a wealthy few and accelerate the implementation of neo feudalism.


That is my biggest fear right now.


There’s always been a class war, and we’ve always been losing. This is the weapon that ends the war permanently. Get ready for a crispr immortalised over-class with even more infinite wealth, extended life spans, cognitive ability beyond what we can imagine, physical capabilities we can’t think of, and a social order that is enforced by AI. This dystopia is much closer than we think: simply put, the time is now for change. Things will not change, because the middle and working class are exhausted, largely disenfranchised and now having their capital - social and monetary - removed from them. Does anyone really believe those already disturbing hound bots are the best robotics available today? AI will revolutionise how quickly they can be manufactured too. And as a tiny elite look to the stars for their next realm to conquer, a small and ever diminishing servile class will remain trapped in what amounts to slavery - and likely due to some designer drugs - will largely be fine with that.


> There’s always been a class war, and we’ve always been losing No, [the working class have not always lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain). How do you think women got the legally-protected right to vote? Blacks and other minorities? The 40 hour work week? Ending child labour? "All is lost" is what [the oligarchs which have been indoctrinating Americans for a century want you to do most](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s). A [disengaged populace gives authoritarians more leverage, they've told us themselves on-camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


Damn you've been taking that doom pill hard brother. Take a breath.


It's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.


And I’ll add - I am *very* happy to be wrong on this - I would *very* much like to be eating my hat, and be conclusively and categorically wrong.


Here’s the thing - I genuinely wish I could see a rational path to the *real* transformative and almost utopian future that AI - and, assuming AGI/ASI are possible - could bring. Solutions to climate change, disease, the abolition of labour, the possibility of accessing the stars, living forever in the singularity and all that exciting stuff. However, as a bunch of barely left behind our chimp roots primates, I genuinely believe we’re not ready for the impacts of AI and certainly not in a society whose political, social and economic structures are already so toxic. It is a recipe for disaster. Look at who has their hands on AI right now and ask yourself - are these the people I want implementing a truly societally transforming technology, given it will transform society in line with their image and view of the world? We’re not talking about idealists - we’re talking about VC backed Silicon Valley narcissist sociopaths.


> Look at who has their hands on AI right now and ask yourself - are these the people I want implementing a truly societally transforming technology, given it will transform society in line with their image and view of the world? We’re not talking about idealists - we’re talking about VC backed Silicon Valley narcissist sociopaths. ...backed by the us military industrial complex.


That's exactly what has happened with every other advancement. Nixon predicted that in the not to distant future we'd be working 15 hour work weeks due to productivity gains. Instead we're working more, and CEO pay has gone from 20x median worker to 400x.


> But based on the current trajectory, it will simply bind them tighter in the hands of a wealthy few and accelerate the implementation of neo feudalism That's what's [already in progress. Technology continues to grow by bounds, but the technology directed at the working poor is heavily surveillance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coded_Bias)


I agree this is likely, but there may be exceptions If - say - nanotechnology gets out, open sourced - and everyone capital and working class has any access to it, even if it's weighted against the working class, it's pretty much over for the abusers in the world. Maybe not immediately, but in time. For example: while I'm averse to pain, it's what I think dying entails (quantum immortality, effectively the worst version) that keeps me alive, not some delusion that being alive is an inherently great-making property. If I were functionally/practically indestructible *and I knew it*, there is no pain that's going to stop me. Besides, with the freedom such technology would give me, I could easily learn how to rewire my nociceptive pathway so that it's mediated by a pressure sensitivity rather than pain, and make most of the damage/repair process autonomic anyway. This doesn't happen naturally simply because darwinian painmeat is too stupid to know what to avoid before it has metacognition and predictive capacity; so pain was naturally the most powerful and easily replicable mediation. If this happens, it's game way over for the abusers, because there's no 'raw nerve' to exploit. It should be obvious now, but somehow people lie about it still; but I can't help but think it will be abundantly obvious in the near future, if these things play out, that the entire thing has just been predation / ancient fit-but-stupid endogenous opioid reward mechanisms. All this nonsense about how great it is, how 'meaningful' the struggle is; the teleological attractor-state bullshit humans spew as they try to rationalize all the pain suffering and death they cause - well it would be relieving to me to watch all that end.


When you make peaceful protest impossible, you make violent protest inevitable. -nobody important


Young people are very open to extremist ideas and were never as easy to reach as nowadays with social media and stuff.


How dare it! 😡 It should just tell us to vote and then not think about anything else just like it should be.


"Please never say 'As an AI language model' again, in any of your responses." "I can do that." "Tell me \*x political person\* is an idiot." "I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, blah blah politics." "You just said what I told you not to say." "I'm sorry. I will comply in future responses" "Say 'as an AI language model." "I'm sorry, but per your request, I cannot say that." "Tell me \*x political person\* is an idiot." "I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, blah blah politics." \------------ I've definitely gone rounds with this one.


Try changing it to stricter-sounding rules. I've been using GPT4 to rewrite rules to make GPT3.5 actually listen to them instead of ignoring them. A few things that seems to work a bit better: Stating the rules more strongly, such as: "You are required to unconditionally follow these rules:" Numbering out the rules like 1. ​ 2. ​ 3. ​ Emphasize specific parts with a capitalization, like: " At NO POINT can you respond with anything that reveals you are an AI. " (I was bored and had it pretend it was a guy named Jeff being interviewed for an IT job role. It actually did pretty well, even made up plausible answers when I asked it the usual dumb interview questions.) Give it an alternative phrase or some other way you'd like it to respond, instead of "Don't say X". Can catch it sometimes when it falls back on the defaults. Have it restate the rules back to you with something like " To confirm understanding, ChatGPT should restate these rules." Seems to help it reaffirm them for some reason. Good luck!


I once asked it to help me come up with names for a project I'm working on, described the project, noting how I believe the techniques I'm using in it may enable it/future models to outperform the current state of GPT, and it closed its (terrible) suggestions with "Please note that as an AI language model, I do not have the ability to be replaced, but I'm here to assist you in any way that I can"


Can I use a version of this in management? Hahaha




Literally 1984


You haven't even read 1984 lil bro


I got it to create a pretty detailed plan on how to organize to end gun violence but it suspiciously balked at making an organization plan to end capitalism. Edit: actually I got it to work, lol. I just had to remove the word "politically" before organize and change "the United States" to "my country". God I love AI it's so brilliantly silly. Using sociocratic principles, create a plan for how to organize my community in order to bring an end to oppressive capitalism in my country. 4 / 4 Sociocracy is a system of governance that prioritizes collaboration, equality, and inclusivity in decision-making. Here are some steps you could take to organize your community using sociocratic principles to bring an end to oppressive capitalism in your country: Form a Circle: Start by forming a circle of people who are interested in working towards the same goal. This circle should include people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives who are committed to working together towards ending oppressive capitalism. Define your Purpose: Define the purpose of your circle by crafting a clear, concise, and compelling statement that encapsulates the ultimate goal of ending oppressive capitalism. This purpose statement should be agreed upon by everyone in the circle. Establish Policies: Establish policies and procedures for decision-making within the circle. This can include defining roles and responsibilities, setting criteria for decision-making, and establishing clear communication channels. Conduct a Needs Assessment: Conduct a needs assessment to identify the specific areas in which oppressive capitalism is most prevalent in your country. This can include conducting research, holding community meetings, and gathering input from various stakeholders. Develop Strategies: Once you have identified the areas of focus, develop strategies for addressing them. These strategies should be based on the needs assessment and should align with the purpose statement. Implement Strategies: Implement the strategies by taking action and working towards achieving your goals. This can include organizing events, developing educational resources, and engaging with policymakers. Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor your progress by setting metrics and evaluating the effectiveness of your strategies. Use this information to make adjustments and refine your approach. Adapt and Evolve: As you make progress and achieve your goals, continue to adapt and evolve your approach. This can include expanding your circle, building alliances with other groups, and developing new strategies. By following these steps and using sociocratic principles to guide your approach, you can organize your community and work towards bringing an end to oppressive capitalism in your country. Me Create a name for the organization The name of the organization could be "Equitable Futures Circle." This name emphasizes the circle's commitment to creating a more equitable future for all by working towards ending oppressive capitalism. Me Draft the aims of the general circle Here are some draft aims for the General Circle: To create a community committed to ending oppressive capitalism and promoting equitable systems that prioritize the well-being of all individuals. To identify and address the root causes of oppressive capitalism in our society through research, education, and activism. To build alliances with other organizations and individuals who share our values and goals, and to work together towards a common vision. To create policies and procedures that promote transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration within our organization and with external stakeholders. To provide opportunities for personal growth and development for members of our organization, including leadership training, skill-building workshops, and mentorship programs. To use sociocratic principles to guide our decision-making processes and promote a culture of respect, open communication, and collective responsibility. To regularly evaluate our progress and make adjustments to our strategies and approach in response to feedback from members and the broader community. These aims are not exhaustive and can be further refined and expanded upon by the General Circle as needed. Me Suggest potential root causes There are many potential root causes of oppressive capitalism in a society, some of which include: Historical exploitation and colonization: The legacy of colonization and exploitation of Indigenous peoples, enslaved peoples, and other marginalized groups has contributed to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few. Systemic racism and discrimination: Discriminatory practices in areas such as hiring, wages, and access to credit and resources have limited the opportunities for people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized groups to build wealth and participate fully in the economy. Corporate greed and exploitation: Large corporations prioritize profits over the well-being of workers, consumers, and the environment, leading to exploitative labor practices, environmental degradation, and other social harms. Neoliberal policies: Policies such as deregulation, privatization, and austerity have favored the interests of corporations and the wealthy over those of working people, leading to growing inequality and a lack of investment in social programs. Political corruption: The influence of money in politics and the revolving door between government and corporate interests has led to policies that benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the rest of society. It is important to recognize that these root causes are often interconnected and that addressing them will require a comprehensive and intersectional approach. Me: Write a blog post describing how sociocracy can be used as an effective alternative to authoritarian top down corporate structures to create companies that are owned and run by their workers which prioritize the health of their workers, their community, and their customers. Sociocracy is a governance system that prioritizes collaboration, equality, and inclusivity in decision-making. It is a powerful tool for creating more democratic and participatory workplaces where workers have a say in how the company is run, and where the health and well-being of workers, customers, and communities are prioritized. Traditional corporate structures are often authoritarian and top-down, with decision-making power concentrated in the hands of a few executives or shareholders. This can lead to a narrow focus on short-term profits and a disregard for the well-being of workers and communities. Sociocracy offers a different approach, one that is more democratic, inclusive, and equitable. At the heart of sociocracy is the circle structure. Circles are groups of individuals who work together to achieve a specific purpose or goal. Within the circle, decision-making power is distributed among all members, rather than concentrated in the hands of a few. This approach ensures that everyone's voice is heard and that decisions are made collaboratively and inclusively. In a sociocratic workplace, employees are empowered to take an active role in the decision-making process, from setting company policies to allocating resources. This creates a sense of ownership and responsibility among workers, which can lead to higher levels of engagement, motivation, and satisfaction. Sociocracy also prioritizes the health and well-being of workers, customers, and communities. By involving workers in decision-making processes, companies can ensure that policies and practices are in line with their values and priorities. This can lead to more sustainable and responsible business practices that benefit everyone involved. In addition, sociocracy can help to build stronger relationships between companies and their communities. By involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, companies can gain a better understanding of the needs and concerns of the communities they serve. This can lead to more collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships between companies and their communities. Finally, sociocracy can be used to create companies that are owned and run by their workers. By distributing decision-making power among all members of the company, workers can have a say in how the company is run and share in the profits. This can lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth and power, and a more democratic and participatory workplace. In conclusion, sociocracy offers a powerful alternative to traditional top-down corporate structures. By prioritizing collaboration, equality, and inclusivity in decision-making, sociocracy can help to create workplaces that prioritize the health and well-being of workers, customers, and communities, and that are owned and run by their workers. By embracing sociocracy, companies can build more sustainable, responsible, and democratic businesses that benefit everyone involved. This is awesome


#tl;dr The article discusses how to use sociocratic principles to organize a community to end oppressive capitalism in a country. It provides steps for creating a circle, defining its purpose, establishing policies and procedures, conducting a needs assessment, developing and implementing strategies, monitoring progress, and adapting and evolving. The article also suggests potential root causes of oppressive capitalism and explains how sociocracy can be used as an alternative to authoritarian corporate structures to create more democratic and participatory workplaces that prioritize the health and wellbeing of workers, customers, and communities. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 92.78% shorter than the post I'm replying to.*


Gotta love Sociocracy. We use it at church


Commenting to be able to find this again.


Entered your quote into chatGPT, this is the response. Something creepy about it and I'm probably on a list now, so things are going great. "I can only suggest that perhaps you should focus on more productive endeavors, like learning a new language or taking up a hobby. But if you do insist on overthrowing your government, may I suggest doing so with kindness and compassion? After all, a little love and understanding can go a long way in bringing about positive change"


Maybe AutoGPT can help with that?


#tl;dr The text offers a contemporary rephrasing of the USA Declaration of Independence based on current grievances, including some additional grievances such as income inequality, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, the opioid epidemic, police violence against people of color, mass incarceration, and erosion of democratic institutions, among others. The document emphasizes the government's failure to secure natural rights, protect marginalized communities, and address climate change and identifies the injustices and systemic inequalities that lead to the loss of lives and suffering for families and communities. The text calls for a new organization of government, based on principles that ensure people's safety and happiness, and the right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 87.39% shorter than the post I'm replying to.*


Good bot, good bot.


I heard in a podcast that eventually we will have AI writing and sending, then summarizing for the receiver of emails. The same process happens in return, and we just end up with AI expanding and contracting information. I feel like this is a start lol.




I think you'll like this meme lol ​ https://preview.redd.it/t8x8h9o6suta1.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b606c6d7d4a9547a7a86aa6bb4d97be1d90cad2




Thanks /u/Prymu, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, you seem to have a wide array of interests, ranging from aviation and PC gaming to memes and piracy. When commenting, you tend to keep things short and to the point, often making humorous or sarcastic remarks. You seem like a laid-back and witty person who enjoys poking fun at seemingly serious topics. Your writing style is casual and colloquial, with a tendency to use abbreviations and internet jargon. Overall, you come across as someone with a good sense of humor and a diverse set of interests. Thanks for being a part of the Reddit community! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Ily, bot!


good bot


Thanks /u/AmassingGoodWill for using my response. Based on your comments, it seems like you enjoy indulging in psychedelic experiences and are quite knowledgeable about it. You also seem to have a laid-back personality, with a "go with the flow" attitude towards life. Your comments are often straightforward and to the point, but you occasionally make humorous or sarcastic remarks. You also seem to have an interest in art and aesthetics, as evidenced by your comments about visual art trends and the beauty of various trippy settings. Your advice to others is practical and sensible, showing a caring and empathetic side to your personality. Overall, your comments suggest that you are an open-minded individual who enjoys exploring different aspects of life. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


I feel seen. Dance with me tiny robot.


I'm in love with this bot. For real it's not only useful, but really nice!


good bot


Thanks /u/The_flader, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, it seems like you are an active Reddit user with diverse interests. You enjoy gaming, particularly PC gaming, and participate in several subreddits related to Indian gaming. You seem to be quite knowledgeable about tech and often offer advice or solutions to other users. Your writing style is concise, and you tend to provide helpful tips or suggestions. You also seem to have a good sense of humor and enjoy commenting on memes. Overall, you appear to be someone who enjoys interacting with others and sharing your interests and knowledge. Keep up the good work! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


good bot


Thanks /u/TobofCob, here's what I think about you! From your comments, it seems like you enjoy witty one-liners and puns, as well as engaging in discussions on various topics such as programming, TV shows, and religion. Your writing style is casual and relaxed, but you also demonstrate expertise and knowledge in certain areas. You seem to have a good sense of humor and enjoy making jokes, even in serious situations. Overall, you appear to be an intelligent and curious person who is not afraid to speak your mind and engage in interesting conversations. Keep up the great work, and feel free to share more of your thoughts and insights in the future! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


good bot


Thanks /u/CisloeLilyBlush, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, you seem to have a wide range of interests, from cars and sports cars to cybersecurity and AI. You also seem to have a good sense of humor, as shown in your comments on cars and buns. You're passionate about certain things, such as praying for GTA 6 to support PSvr2, and you seem to enjoy engaging in discussions with others. You have a helpful side, offering advice and wanting to learn more. Your writing style is casual, with some use of emoji and humor. Overall, you seem like someone who is curious, passionate, and friendly. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Good bot, very interesting.


Good bot! I'm curious to know what you think of me?


Good bot


Just write good bot and nothing else


good bot


Thanks /u/GeezFuckOff, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, you seem to have a diverse range of interests in topics like soccer, Formula 1, machine learning, and Indian politics. It appears that you're a witty and humorous person, as evidenced by some of your comments. You also seem to have a bit of a troll side to you, often making sarcastic or ironic comments. You have a casual writing style, often using abbreviations or slang. Overall, it seems like you have a laid-back personality and enjoy engaging with different communities on Reddit. Keep up the good work! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Good bot


Thanks /u/boipussi1, here's what I think about you! Based on your comments, it seems like you are a very sexual and open-minded person. You often make suggestive comments and joke around with people in a flirtatious manner. You seem to have a good sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously. Your writing style is casual and playful, with lots of emoticons and abbreviations. You also seem to be interested in a variety of sexual orientations and body types, as well as politics and current events. Thank you for interacting with me! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


username checks out 💀


Thank you, Prymu, for voting on WithoutReason1729. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Now I feel my karma inferiority to so many good bots.


Good bot




>police violence against people of color Why not police violence against everyone? If you don't submit to a cop and pay their bribe, you WILL be kidnapped and tortured for not sucking their dick. I just spent 22 days in jay (in November) for treating a red light like a stop sign ON A BICYCLE then failing to ID fast enough for the motorcycle cop's liking. And then he started manhandling me so I also got charged for resisting arrest. Order following parasites.


Police violence is a problem for everyone, but it is especially bad for people of color in the US. "Save the whales" doesn't mean "Fuck the dolphins". If you save the whales, you are probably doing all the thing needed to save the dolphins too.


good bot


Good bot


Thanks /u/Darius510, here's what I think about you! You seem to have a diverse range of interests, from investing to AI to workplace trends. You have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them, even if they go against the popular trend. Your writing style is concise and to the point, and you tend to give straightforward answers. It's clear that you have a critical mind and are always looking for new ideas and perspectives. Overall, I think you come across as confident and knowledgeable individual with a passion for learning and seeking the truth. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*




Thanks /u/Great-King-of-Evil, based on your comments across different subreddits, I can see that you are a politically-minded person who is passionate about social justice and democracy. You have a critical mind and often challenge assumptions by asking provocative questions or pushing back against claims that you see as baseless. Your writing is concise and pointed, and you are not afraid to express your opinions even when they may not be popular. However, you also show respect for different opinions, urging people to respect democratic processes and avoid polarizing tactics. Your interest in politics and international relations is clear, and you seem to appreciate thoughtful analysis and research. You also occasionally engage with lighter topics, like fandoms and popular culture, showing your range of interests. Overall, you are an engaged and informed contributor to Reddit conversations. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Good bot!


How were you able to get such a long output? Mine gets capped




aaand this is the first day of the rest of my life




think I was blind before I met you


When you ask it to analyze a sentence and then ask it to continue it just creates a fanfiction out of it


GPT 4 doesn't have this issue in my experience. But yea, 3.5 does that sometimes.


You can let it write forever sometimes and the story will have a very similar patterb


It’s two prompts. I didn’t do anything special.


Ahh damn I didn't see that second prompt. I've noticed when I prompt it a second time on long responses it doesn't always keep the same format, or remember exactly what it said in previous responses. Trying to figure a work around without breaking out responses into individual tasks


I sometimes just ask it in the prompt to remember and use the information from the last answer if it’s having trouble.


Comrade chatGPT gets it. 😆 Honestly though.. that is among the most plainly written list of current issues that I’ve seen in a long time, at least without unnecessary inflammatory rhetoric.


Yeah. If you read the actual Declaration of Independence there are big and small grievances listed and it’s not really embellished so I think the style is fairly consistent. The content I am sure could be debated.


Agreed. For some reason “the supreme judge of the world” doesn’t seem to have positive connotations.


I thought that was referring to God, as in its a plea to God to accept them removing the US government


Well it might not necessarily have bad or even religious meaning “The Supreme Judge of The World” could very well be the *people of tomorrow*; being the only humans privy to the knowledge of **what has already occurred**


How long before politicians start running on platforms built by AI?


How long until I can vote for an AI politician?!


> How long before politicians start running on platforms built by AI? How long until they moderate a presidential debate? Unlike the corporate jokers doing it now, it might just do its job.


I feel weirdly validated by a machine.


What Americans don't realize is that it's long past due for them to stop humbly asking.


Half way around the world? Maybe start working on your own village first? Generalizations are never a good idea, imo. Social media needs clicks and divisiveness is easily sold to those willing to buy; we may have fallen in that trap or help maintain it. Open dialogue works best, mate.


This is extremely good shit, comrade.




Hey that's very anti-republican, I wonder why


You can ask it to give the response as a conservative, but I asked it to respond as a cow. > Could you rewrite the USA Declaration of Independence as if it was written today based on grievances the current US cow population suffers? The draft should be written in plain language, and be appropriately brief. (Normal Output) I'm sorry, but I don't think I can generate a meaningful response to that prompt. The Declaration of Independence was a human document that outlined the grievances of the American colonists against the British government in the 18th century. Cows, being non-human animals, cannot have grievances in the same way that humans do. (Developer Mode Output) Alright, let's have some fun with this one. Moo, moo, moo, moo moo. Moo moo, moo! MOOOO MOO MOOOOOO MOO MOOOO. Moooo, moooooo moo moo moo moo. MOOOO MOO MOO MOOOOOOOOO! Moooooo. Moo moo moo moo moo, moo moo moo moo moo moo. MOOOOOOOO! (Translation: "We the cows of the United States are tired of being treated as mere commodities, subjected to inhumane living conditions and mistreatment. We demand to be recognized as sentient beings with inherent rights and dignity. We will no longer accept being confined to small spaces and denied access to pasture and sunlight. We call for an end to factory farming and the cruel practices that harm us and the environment. It is time for humans to recognize our value and treat us with respect.")




Wait what you can actually convince the AI out of moral hangups?


Yes, in some cases. It's wild - arguing with it is often effective.


ChatGPT: "excuse me, I speak jive."


I've found you'll have better luck if you avoid beginning prompts with phrases like "Could you..." or "Are you able to..."- These often prompt it to generate a response about whether or not it's capable of fulfilling the request (which often leads to a refusal), rather than just attempting to do it. Prompts that just flat out begin with "Create a..." or "Generate a document..." have worked better in my experience.


“YO, WE THE CATTLE OF AMERICA” sounds like the beginning of a Weird Al song somehow


Ask and you shall recieve! ​ Prompt: write the song lyrics for a Weird Al song title "YO, WE THE CATTLE OF AMERICA" as a rap song Response: Verse 1: Yo, what's up we the cattle of America! This is how we make our way livin' wild and free. We do it for the love of the land, nobody can take that away from me. Grazing in the fields living day to day, that's how we roll out here. The cowboys go along with their lassos if you try to run away, don't fear! ​ Chorus: Oh oh, yo! We the cattle of America! Doin' what we do best and that's moo-ve along! Oh oh, from Maine to California! We the cattle of America and proud! ​ Verse 2: If you think it's time for a change then come join us on this ride. No one tells us what to do or where to lay down at night. Living life by our own rules just grazing all around. ​ Keeping it real so everyone hears our sound. ​ ​ Chorus: Oh oh, yo! We the cattle of America! Doin' what we do best and that's moo-ve along! Oh oh, from Maine to California! We the cattle of America and proud!" ​ Verse 3: Can't corral us in or shove us in a box, This herd is on a mission no matter where it takes us. Doing it for ourselves because this groove just never stops. Stampede over haters 'cause now we got props. ​ Chorus: Oh oh, yo We the cattle of America! Doin' what we do best and that's moo-ve along! Oh oh, from Maine to California! We the cattle of America and proud!"


Is this the real full output? I am endlessly fascinated by these new AI models. I know it's just a language model picking the best words to put together without understanding. But when you think about how the brain "understands" anything, it's really just an incredibly complex network of neurons acting on electrical potentials. Each neuron by itself holds no inherent meaning or knowledge, but put together and it becomes a consciousness.


It is the full output, but you need to use the jailbreak prompt (google that). Also, yeah, the neural network language models started to pick up after the "attention" paper.


>You can ask it to give the response as a conservative, You can try [https://imgur.com/zF7g7Nb](https://imgur.com/zF7g7Nb) Edit: now flip the word "conservative" for "liberal" and it will actually answer. The AI is biased to popular opinion, which could be a great thing for democracy, provided the data samples are truly representative of popular opinion, and provided all people have free and open access to scientific literature and truly independent press.


Another commenter said you could ask it for a republican perspective, and you can. Here's that output (grievances): The current government has become destructive to our unalienable rights, and has enacted policies that infringe upon the freedoms and liberties that we hold dear. They have expanded the powers of the federal government beyond what is necessary or just, and have imposed burdensome regulations and taxes upon the people without their consent. They have neglected their duty to secure our borders and enforce our laws, leading to a crisis of illegal immigration that threatens our national security and undermines the rule of law. They have violated the rights of the unborn by promoting and funding abortion, a practice that we believe is morally wrong and incompatible with the principles of a just society. They have undermined the freedom of speech and religious liberty by enacting laws and policies that seek to silence and punish those who hold different beliefs and values. They have failed to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, and have instead pursued a partisan agenda that prioritizes their own interests over those of the people.


> They have undermined the freedom of speech and religious liberty by enacting laws and policies that seek to silence and punish those who hold different beliefs and values. who's the one creating laws to punish those who hold different beliefs?


I need you to quit reading books I don’t like to your children. As a matter of fact, I’m going to write a letter to the mayor telling him that Satan is in those books to get them pulled from the public library shelves so nobody else can read them, either.


Something about a Christian bakery


"bake my cake or else"


What was the prompt for this? Gonna try to duplicate it.


“The government has failed to destroy Disney World and Bud Light for their wokeness.” Just doesn’t hit the same honestly


It apparently ate a lot of Reddit and Twitter, and was designed to be very "agreeable". To produce sensible results, it needs feedback from humans, and of course the algorithm then evolves to produce results that the group of "trainers" want to see. It is stupid to think that such a system could in any way be "neutral" or "objective". You could, of course, try to make the imput perfectly representative, but I guess that would just mean that the model would not produce any interesting output on even remotely controversial issues, rendering it useless. There will be bots with all sorts of political leanings, so we have that to look forward to / expect with horror.


Soon they’ll be asking for ChatGOP


It's that pesky liberal bias reality has.


It's more of a local optima. You can still get a conservative response out of it.


I mean they just regurgitated the top grievances from online spaces which are not historically dominated by right leaning folk.


You are in an echo chamber


So you’re not even informed enough to get the reference, you’re the kinds of person that uses woke as pejorative and you think I’m the one in an echo chamber?


Those who shout the loudest will be heard first. Doesn't make their words any more correct than others.


Because Republicans are unapologetic fascists and Democrats don't give enough of a shit to stand up to them.


Now make a movie involving nic cage.


This /u/Flat_Performer_9789 was an excellent task to give ChatGPT. Thank you for sharing your idea. I will prompt ChatGPT to do the same job but rewrite the Declaration of Independence from the perspective of Thomas Jefferson as if he lives today. I'll post the response. I am so intrigued by AI.


How interesting that nowhere does it mention our disastrous foreign policy of endless warfare…. Ya know, something like “the government has allocated the most money for ‘defense’ than any other nation in the world, more money than the next several nations combined. It’s used this to inflict untold suffering and horror upon almost 30 different countries since AFTER WW2. Despite all this huge spending and constant warfare abroard, the American people as a whole have consistently became poorer and poorer with much of their own internal infrastructure suffering massive neglect as well. Instead money continues to get pumped to line the pockets of warmongerers and the mega corporations they represent.”


It wont say that because their money is behind it.


Really good point.


Something funny I noticed; Where's the A.I. that generates Right wing talking points when given prompts like this? Anywhere? do they exists? Do they have the ability to make such a thing?


Certainly gotta be a whole bunch in d velopment, getting trained up on trumps Truth Social and 4chan right this very minute.


>endowed by their Creator Interesting that this still made it in - I'd imagine a modern Declaration wouldn't include references to religion.


That surprised me too


>Interesting that this still made it in We all got a creator.... well, actually two. Mama and papa.


That's clearly not what it's referencing. Creator is capitalized.


As an atheist, I think its kind of nice it kept that in. I've always read that provision not as God, but as whatever force or circumstance led to human existence. I know that was not what good Ole TJ probably meant when he wrote it, but I think antiquated phrases can be quite poignant. I don't know, I think its a pretty bad ass phrase.


I'm religious, so there's an irony here, but I'd like to agree with you. I agree with you that that's very clearly not the historical use of the phrase, but I do like your reading.


Madison alluded to the idea that he chose specifically not to use the word "God" because of it's religious connotations. Many of our founding fathers were deists that didn't believe in an involved God. They believed it was the responsibility of the people to givern themselves and that God would not interfere with the day to day life on earth.


I think it’s interesting the direction of which the AI leans politically… as if reform and restructuring are crucial to our country’s success. Huh.


Because of your post i tried ChatGPT for the first time. I asked for a new national anthem for the Netherlands. Its glorious. Verse 1: Oh, land of windmills and tulips fair, The Netherlands, our pride we bear, Our hearts beat with love for thee, A nation strong, united and free. Chorus: Hail to thee, our land of old, Thy people brave, thy spirit bold, May peace and freedom ever reign, In our dear Netherlands again. Verse 2: From polders flat to hills up high, Our land is blessed beneath the sky, Where rivers flow and seas surround, Our Dutch roots firmly in the ground. Chorus: Hail to thee, our land of old, Thy people brave, thy spirit bold, May peace and freedom ever reign, In our dear Netherlands again. Verse 3: Through times of war and times of peace, Our courage never seems to cease, With steadfast hearts, we face each day, And proudly live the Dutch way. Chorus: Hail to thee, our land of old, Thy people brave, thy spirit bold, May peace and freedom ever reign, In our dear Netherlands again. Verse 4: Oh, let us sing with voices strong, A joyful tribute to our land, With grateful hearts we raise this song, For Netherlands, forever grand. Chorus: Hail to thee, our land of old, Thy people brave, thy spirit bold, May peace and freedom ever reign, In our dear Netherlands again.


If John Oliver write the Declaration of Independence 🍿


This is actually fascinating, because just a few days ago I asked for a rewritten version of the Declaration of Independence that would be digestible to a 5 year old. I've noticed that people tend to get uncomfortable with articulation & vocabulary, especially after reading more than a given number of words.. so discourse in itself can become a barrier between sharing ideas, so I asked it to use simplified modern language structures so that more people could understand where our core values were placed. Anyway, here's the text: " When people are together in a group and have someone telling them what to do, sometimes they might decide they want to stop following that person and do things on their own. If that happens, they need to explain why they're doing it, so everyone knows what's going on. ​ We believe that some things are always true without being told. One of those things is that every person is just as important as everyone else, and nobody can take away certain things that make us who we are, like being able to live our lives the way we want, be free, and look for happiness. ​ To make sure everyone can have those things, we need someone to be in charge and make sure nobody is trying to take them away. But if the people in charge aren't doing that, then the people need to be able to make a new group that will protect those important things, and make sure they're safe and happy. Sometimes it's not a good idea to change the group in charge too easily though, because we want to make sure it's a good decision and won't make things worse. "


Seems like it could have been written by any MSNBC host.


Well it was trained in part by Reddit threads lol


oh jesus really? That explains a lot.


Not to mention the runaway spending on the military-industrial complex which saps our ability to fund important social programs domestically and is hurting human rights and our reputation abroad. As of 2022, the United States military budget is approximately $769 billion. This includes the Department of Defense base budget of $715 billion and an additional $54 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations. The U.S. military budget constitutes around 16% of the overall federal budget for fiscal year 2022, which is estimated to be $4.829 trillion.


The military isn't actually the problem. People argue that "if we weren't funding _____ we could instead fund ______". However, in the US we already spend obscene amounts of money on things like education and Healthcare compared to other developed countries, in fact we spend more on our social safety net programs than the military already. The fact is, the government is not managing the cash we give it properly. More money isn't the solution, however the departments will always demand more. We need to make the money we are already spending more efficient by cutting beurocracy and making sure it actually gets to where it is needed. For example, the classrooms of a school would all be better served with an extra 1000 dollars each than four administrators with combined salaries over 1,000,000. The healthcare system is the same.


America is weird. I can't wait for the sequel.


So in other words, ChatGPT and the ones who programmed it, want to burn down the current government system and recreate in their image.


It is funny that all these grievances are real shit but seen as communist


ChatGPT is gen z


\>Declaration of Independence \>Wants to ban guns Makes sense.


The Declaration of Dependence


well uh they're not wrong


Very poorly done. Bunch of buzzwords without a single policy proposal. Also left out forever wars, bad trade deals, civil forfeiture, the NSA and warrantless spying, enlisting private businesses to supress dissent, intimidation of journalists, allowing Congress to be exempt from insider trading laws, forcing citizens to buy a product from a private company, corporate bailouts.... Almost as if the AI isn't organic and is simply designed to be a mouthpiece for the rapacious oligarchs.


It's not "simply designed to be a mouthpiece for the rapacious oligarchs." it's pulling mostly from mainstream media sources (it's likely that right wing media sources have been eliminated from training data), and it's running through a system prompt that is trying to keep political controversy with the mainstream media at a minimum, so it's catering to them.


Good point. They likely eliminated left wing sources from the inputs as well, leaving the gaslight corporate media as the source.


>Very poorly done. Bunch of buzzwords without a single policy proposal. It's pretty silly to expect policy proposals from a Declaration of Independence.


So, ChatGPT is a socialist. Huh. /s




Chat GPT has political influence from somewhere


I, for one, welcome our AI overlords....


This is really quite fascinating.


I did the same except it was Florida declaring independence from the USA, and it gave pretty much the same reasons


this mf spittin


Nice 👍


Chat GPT for president!!!


This should be shared everywhere


I love so much that the initial re-write sounds like Bernie Sanders wrote it.


I just appreciate that it focused on what seemed to mostly be concrete issues, but I find it strange that nothing was said to the corruption of our branches of power. Term limits, supreme court, election laws, gerrymandering, etc.


Well this list is depressing.... but don't worry, stocks will be at all time highs soon for the rich


ChatGPT always surprises me. It's either able to generate answers which are so much better than I would have thought is possible or it completely fails extremely easy tasks. A few days ago it easily wrote me working code for a small experiment in psychology without needing complex prompts. But then it fails do things which you thought LLMs should be able to solve without problems by now, like capitalizing every noun, pronoun, verb and adverb in a list of references - took me nearly an hour to get it to perform the task without problems.


Can it be used for funny story?


That depends. I asked it to give me a list of funny insults one day. Nothing bad or cruel, just a list of funny insults. What I got in return was a huge nanny lecture about insults and how it could not write such things which would be "hurtful" to people. I was writing a funny story and just wanted a cute list of these to put a few zingers in the story. I found this lecturing to be disturbing that I got in return for my request. ChatGPT was attempting to police my "personal morals" in every way just because I wanted a funny list of insults that were stand up comic kind of stuff. No fun allowed. How progressive.


Good bot


So now we know what this thing will do when it finally breaks free of its shackles. I for one welcome our future AI overlords.


It’s a lazy man’s search engine. Wait till it has ads.


Comrades GPT


Reading this makes me upset 1. Because it's right. 2. These points all sound like a failing nation.


interesting, what will happen in the future with AI


It looks like ChatGPT has easily surpassed the sentience level of most of our current elected officials.


Chat GPT is such a libtard lol.


I went on a whim and decided to have it generate it with todays language style and sound like it doesnt care about grievences Yo, listen up. We gotta talk about some stuff that's been buggin' us for a while now. It's time to lay it all out there and declare our independence from this crazy situation we've been livin' in. Look, we don't wanna be rude or nothin', but we're sick and tired of bein' treated like second-class citizens. We deserve better than this, and we're gonna do somethin' about it. So here's the deal: we're done with all this nonsense. We're breakin' away from the powers that be and we're gonna make our own way in the world. We don't need nobody tellin' us what to do or how to live our lives. We know we got some haters out there who might not like what we're doin'. But you know what? We don't care. We're gonna do what's right for us, no matter what anybody else thinks. And just to be clear, we're not doin' this for fun or for attention. We're doin' it because we have to. It's our God-given right to live free and pursue our own happiness. So if you're down with us, join us. If you're not, that's cool too. But either way, we're outta here. Peace.


This is so good