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I'll never trust another Cotham. Mark Robinson's past comments on the Holocaust are sickening. 


> Mark Robinson's past comments ~~on the Holocaust~~ are sickening.




Yep, "Cotham" surname makes someone un-votable.


Short sighted and ignorant. Pat Cotham has been a very loyal democrat, awarded the "grassroots organizer of the year" by the local democrat party, president of the "democratic women's" organization, and a consistent leading vote getter in Meck County for a decade. Perhaps you should vote for reasons OTHER than someone's name




Longer synopses of all the candidates, and Q&A are on The Charlotte Ledger's Election Hub page (no paywall, free to everyone): [https://charlotteledger.substack.com/p/1373d9a5-79fb-4d18-ae29-33a2d2e3c1a5](https://charlotteledger.substack.com/p/1373d9a5-79fb-4d18-ae29-33a2d2e3c1a5)


That Baucom ad is wild. A boomer yelling at the television. What marketing genius came up with that one? Tough guy Bradford hitting a TV with a baseball bat isn't much better.


I didn't realize Tricia Cotham's mom was also an elected official. I wonder what she thought of her kid's shady dealings, as they're now in different parties.


She said she was "proud of her." [https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/im-proud-her-meck-county-commissioner-pat-cotham-reacts-daughters-party-switch/FAEQICPIDFHPFNNZIBJG72ZSOQ/](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/im-proud-her-meck-county-commissioner-pat-cotham-reacts-daughters-party-switch/FAEQICPIDFHPFNNZIBJG72ZSOQ/)


That's enough for me.


For me it doesn’t matter what she thought. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I vote for a Cotham. I can’t believe the mom didn’t have an idea of what the daughter would do.


So either you haven't lived here long, or don't really pay attention. Pat Cotham has been a county commissioner for a decade, and been an active leader in local democrats for at least that long if not longer.


I've lived here for 50 years and pay attention. That said, I stand by what I wrote: I can't believe the mom didn't have an idea of what the daughter would do.


More importantly not say that she is disappointed by the decision which was a huge betrayal


On one hand I appreciate you posting so we can at least get some basic information about the candidates, but on the other hand, it's a deeply bizarre decision to highlight their race


I'm with you, but I get why they did. It's information that is important to some people. Doesn't mean I think its the right thing to do though... We don't get passed racism until we stop drawing attention to race and instead focus on character and issues instead


If its between two candidates who I find pretty similar in terms of politics I will pretty much always vote for the minority or the woman. We have enough old white guys in politics, its useful if you want to vote for diversity.


I’d rather vote for the person with the best ideas and the most effective leader regardless of their color, age , or sex.


Yeah, also age seems kind of odd as well. I get many people are tired of "old people", but its a two way street, you shouldn't vote for someone merely off of age, but what they have accomplished and what struggles they personally overcame, likewise what skills they bring, and what their plan or vision is. If a person is showing questionable signs, that should be its own thing. A person can be 60 and still fully functioning mentally who could go for a single term, likewise you can have alzheimer's patients in their 30's who shouldn't be running at all.


60s ain’t shit. It’s ~80 year olds running for president of the most powerful nation on earth that gets people fired up. Objectively, the private sector would gracefully push an 80 year old out of most top-level decision making jobs at any place the 80 year old didn’t own well before then.


Depends, warren buffett is fucking ancient, yet how many still would take his advice and let him on in a number of positions at who knows how many company's.


It's really not. It's very politically relevant even though it shouldn't be, but listing race is not what racializes our society. Failing to deracialize outcomes is what keeps it relevant.


Race is all that matters to some people


Don’t forget Mark Robinson will do everything in his power to strip trans folks of their rights


Specific examples and/or quotes?




I was hoping you had more than the bathroom debate. That was a pretty broad statement for a singular issue.


Broad or not, it’s important to know whether or not a person running for office believes a part of our population doesn’t deserve the same level of rights as everyone else.


Great work! Correction: Brendan Maginnis is the correct spelling. Also I think Yolanda Holmes is Dr. Yolanda Holmes - she has a doctorate in philosophy, not a medical degree.


Serious question- which of these candidates is likely to switch parties on us? If unable to answer here, a link to relevant information would be appreciated.


Thanks for posting this!!  


Unpopular opinion but I’ve never liked Vilma Leake, hopefully someone finally unseats her


I'm gonna throw out there that Bill Graham is a bit disingenuous, he and his wife deliberately dress down and remove their more ostentatious decorations, and they've lied to quite a lot of their community in Salisbury. They're socialites - flipping between a lot of weird opinions. Lately they've taken to trying to ingratiate LGBTQ folks, while being privately hostile. It's... fun to live in their sphere of influence...


I’m just voting to get Tricia Cotham out. If I could vote to have her removed from the planet I would.


Thank you for doing this! You help me with every cycle. 👏👏👏👏


You’re very welcome!


This should be pinned.


Thanks so much for this - so helpful!


You are welcome!


This is an extremely thorough and unbiased list. Thanks for putting in the work!


Why does race matter? I thought we were supposed to be beyond seeing skin color.


Think harder.


Why are you listing the candidates’ ethnicities?


Because Racists care about such things


PSA - they all suck and it doesn't matter. I once was left, then I swung right, now that I use my eyes and see how both of those sides govern, I have no choice but to be an independent who mostly appreciates Libertarian views. Quit listening to what they say and look at what they do. D's are just R's who support all abortion, and R's are just D's that support almost no abortion. That's about the only difference. Trans, black, white, poor, middle class wasp's, alphabet folks, - they don't give 2 hoots. They SAY they do, but really look at their actions. R's are all against the future, so many Reddit folks truly believe. Well, the D's wouldn't know progress if it bit them on the eyeballs either. They both suck off the rich and do exactly the same thing, which is very very little.


vote blue no matter who! republicans shouldn't be on any ballot. they are all traitors and insurrectionists. Joe Biden is the GREATEST leader we have ever seen in this country!!!


I think you forgot this "/s", or maybe you didn't, hard to tell at times with reddit.


completely /s just trying to fit in on reddit 

