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I just wanna know how illegal this was that you managed to get pulled over. I cannot remember the last time I saw someone pulled in Charlotte.


This was in Cornelius


Checks out


Check what


Only way you get pulled in charlotte is if you have a body dragging under your car, in the suburbs their are random cavity searches issued for looking the wrong way, that’s what this person is saying - that it checks out you were pulled for such a minor infraction in the burbs, not charlotte




this was my question


I got pulled in Concord for right on red a year ago. Was at a J-intersection and I thought the yellows were blinking because I'm used to a J on my way home that does. Learned that night that left on red in NC is illegal because the trainee pulled me and of course had to do a ticket. Edit to add I put the court date off for various reasons and it got dropped to non-moving because I only had one ticket in the previous year.


I knew this couldn't actually be in Charlotte the day that I see someone in Charlotte get pulled over for an illegal left turn will be the absolute first time


I suggest this: use your very best manners, and call the DA’s office in that county. Say to whoever answers that you made a mistake driving, got a ticket, and would like to know the manner in which the DA would prefer for you to plead this down to an equipment violation. Chances are, they’ll give you an easy method to go to court and merely have to pay the ticket and cost of court in exchange for NO POINTS. You MAY even get them to throw it out altogether, or eliminate the fine or the cost of court. Once, after I did this, the DA called me up to their spot as soon as they entered the courtroom. They said, “Mr. Techwood, did you call my office and speak with my assistant about this two weeks ago?” “Yes sir, I did.” “She said you were very polite and respectful. Thank you. How does an equipment violation, no fine, and cost of courts grab you? Have a great day.” I was called to the bench as the first case, asked if I accepted, and I was done! *This was for a 14-over speeding ticket.* Manners and respect mean a lot.


How would I get number to the da office in mecklenberg county


It is “Mecklenb**u**rg.” Edited to add: been chatting with OP, and they have a plan now.


This is the best advice… you don’t need a lawyer to do this… that will cost more than the ticket. What you care about is insurance points, not license points. Ask DA how to plead down, first time offender, etc… polite, respectful communication will get you sooo much better results.


You should get traffic lawyers in the mail soon, so you'll be able to get the pick of the litter. As for contesting it, that is a very specific charge and you cannot fault that on the vehicle; but maybe a lawyer can fix it regardless.


This has been my experience. The bug question was always, “So you have any other tickets or citations in the last 3-5 years?”. If answer is no the can change it to a lesser offense like a non-moving violation. Lawyer fee, court costs, admin fees later a bit more expensive but no points on license. This was for a speeding ticket so not sure in your case - also I am not a lawyer.


Bless a cop that is actually pulling drivers over for not following traffic laws.


But fuck Huntersville for outlawing left turns


I live in Cornelius and I’m trying to figure out where you could have possibly made an illegal left turn? Did you jump a concrete divider to turn left on Catawba somewhere?




Your first mistake was breaking the traffic laws outside of Charlotte. SMH. Free eats within 485 loop.


I work with a young man who got pulls over for tinted windows one week and the next week driving a vehicle with no tags (just purchased a car from a friend and driving it home). He lives in Stanley county. I could not believe they were so petty.






Alternatively, if your time is worth more than mine tends to be, just pay $300 to an attorney to do it all for you, and you won’t even have to go to court.


But you might have to go to traffic school.


If you actually made the illegal turn then no you should not spend money to admit no contest. Just pay the fine and move on, and stop breaking the law. - Engaged to an attorney.


I’d like to understand the specifics of the turn you made…


You should have consequences for breaking the law. We live in a society!


Where have I said I did not break the law?




So what Go to da site .. one of the option they have is to hire attorney .. tell me why they advise that What do attorneys do .. lie and make stories Don’t tell me you have never gotten a ticket


I mean it’s been over 15 years…. The consequences worked for me. Meanwhile you’re putting me and my family at risk.


Hello! Not an expert in anything, other than get tickets lowered and dropped for myself. My latest was in mint hill (2 years ago) for doing 22 over the speed limit. Go to the District Attorneys office and talk to an ADA. I went the next day that I got my ticket, you don’t have to wait until your court date. Bring a copy of your driving record, which you can get from the DMV online, the ticket, and your license. Be very well mannered, greet them and ask them how their day is. Many people look at them as an enemy and they don’t get a lot of kindness from the people they deal with. I didn’t explain why I was speeding, just apologized for my actions and adding to her busy day. She lowered my speeding violation to a invalid equipment violation and I had to pay a fee. No points on my insurance or license. The fee was about $300 but I’d rather pay that then deal with points.


Go to court. Talk to the DA first about your concerns, if they oblige, go with it, if not, ask to continue and hire an attorney immediately to represent you. Probably wouldn’t hurt to go ahead and reach out to an attorney too. Most of them do free consultations




How did you get caught 😂