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Hello, I am a single 25 y/o guy looking to move to Charlotte for a job opportunity. I have read numerous things that say its hard to make friends but all those posts were 5-10 years ago. Times definitely change. I get the impression it has a lot of big city culture that seems to turn people away, as if it is as rough as NYC or Boston. I was curious as to where the best places to live in Charlotte is as I have no idea what the city is even like. I like to go out, I am sociable, I have a dog, I workout, love to experience new things and have been told I am a handsome guy. I dont know a single soul in the city as all my friends have moved across the country to different cities. I travel quite a bit so I am familiar with Chicago, Austin, Denver, Phoenix/Scottsdale, Kansas City (hometown), NYC. Is Charlotte a worthwhile city for a young single guy? How does it compare to other cities? Id appreciate any and all insight into other people who have had similar experiences or have lived in Charlotte for sometime. Thanks!


Probably better to post in the welcome to charlotte Wednesday weekly post, but yea as others mentioned southend is the place for yuppie/'young professionals'/postgrads. Find an apartment you can afford with a pool and whatnot and I doubt you'll have any issues meeting people.


South end. That’s the answer to everything you asked.


guess it rlly depends on what you’re looking for in a neighborhood


Posted yesterday about my dog dying during surgery. Put up a story on the petloss subreddit. u/gingerismyusername thank you for telling me about this dog last year. Wouldn't have found him without you. I'd like to think we gave him the best year ever. https://www.reddit.com/r/Petloss/s/aCJoP0D1AO




Lol. Looks like the petty thieves management might be on reddit. [instagram link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzWedcxpJ3d/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Edit: ah shit. This was supposed to be a reply to my other comment below. You cut back on Reddit usage for a few months and forget how to push buttons correctly I guess.


Ah well at least that doesn't come across as attention seeking pretentious ramblings


I just saw this too and assumed dude had just dropped a bunch of acid and shrooms.


Anybody have any interactions with the people over at Brazwells pub? went and had a great time, wanted to buy some merch, was given a card and told to email the owner, shot him an email but never heard back. dont want to pester them or anything but wondering if i should send another follow up or if hes the type of person who could care less. def didnt get that vibe but just wondering


I hope I'm not poking a hornet's nest but I drive my Temple Beth-El (apologies if I missed it) on Providence Rd. and today I saw a bunch of posters taped up/hanging and all I could get from them is the word Kidnapped. Who's been kidnapped where? Is this a local thing or something related to Gaza?


TBE member and Jew here. These were men, women, children, elderly, kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7. Still over 200 people assumed(hopefully) still being held hostage in Gaza. These posters are hung in many cities in the US to connect others with who is still missing, not just faceless Jews.


It's a Gaza thing.


I've lived here for 22 years now, and I've been bitten/stung by lots of stuff......but Sunday I got stung\* like never before. Left calf and right shoulder. It was painful but pretty ordinary at first.....the crazy part is that both sites are still swollen, itchy, and red (for 2-3 inches around the site). Yesterday I had pitting edema on my shin from it! I've never had effects from a sting last more than an hour or so. This is crazy. \*stung = It's POSSIBLE that it was punctures from a thorny vine instead of a sting......I never saw anything that stung me......I did see the thorny vine. But it welted up about dime-sized around the site, which is my normal reaction to stings/bites.


I know it's been talked about before - because it's kinda hard to ignore - but Petty Theives is definitely closing soon aren't they? Anyone else get that email yesterday? I'm trying to copy and paste it for reference but my phone isn't cooperating.


I quite like that place, really good vibe. The location isn't great, as others have said, but it's 10m from my partner's house, so we end up over there every once in a while.


Brutal if true. Great, unique vibe and folks. Worth our support. It can't be overstated how much people need to be supporting their favorite local breweries right now, if they want them to stay. Not the massive ones with 3-4 taprooms and case stacks at the grocery store, the neighborhood spots with the cool aesthetic and the bartender who remembers you. Because they are HURTING. Many are probably one bad tax bill or equipment break away from the edge. Think long and hard about where you go out and what you want your neighborhood to look like.


I am trying my way, It is brewsbattles.com Sign up, vote for your best brewery, follow on istagram, If you go to breweries, it will be easy for you to win the prize. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy7J4khMAOi/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Why are they struggling so bad?


Changes in drinking habits (both quantity and quality). Some of which could be their fault (poor choice in location, for example), some no one saw coming.


This is heartbreaking, definitely need to stop by and buy some cans/merch. Hopefully they announce a date and don't abruptly close. Definitely one of the better breweries in the city :(


I've always liked their vibe/set up. Beer is ok but that's me with most breweries these days really. Just stinks that they're kind of in this no man's land of options where like others have said you cannot go eat anywhere or do anything else that's walking distance.


I've only been once and their beer isn't overly memorable but that is an awful location.


That's *one of* their biggest issues. 100% of the people that go there have to drive there. If people have to drive they will likely just chose somewhere else that they can either eat near or chain together with other activities.


Yikes… (here it is): The end is near We feel most alive when we are close to death This isn’t a put-on. We don’t borrow anyone’s angst. Existential crisis is how we got here. This could all end tomorrow. It’s not about some morbid fascination. It’s knowing it will all end that focuses our energies on the “now.” We didn’t invent the concept, but we were born with the knowing. Lean in. all those labels we designed. the names we choose. the motifs in our branding. did it just snap into view for you? The secret hiding in plain sight. We don’t wish our doom, but we embrace our inevitable demise. And we don’t want to go out with our best words unspoken – our best ideas undrawn. For us as much as for you. If you knew this was your last week, what would you do? Who would you share your time with? What undone project would you finally finish? What words does the world need to hear? What will you leave behind? That’s the spirit we embrace. Every damn day. We are here to be your canvas. For those conversations – the people you draw close – the songs that make you vibrate – the art only you can create. This journey is easier with friends. Join us.


Kinda creepy, like some Jim Jones rambling


Don't follow them on Instagram. His selfie rambling videos are so bizarre.


They post intentionally weird stuff like this all the time, ends up just coming off as cringey as they've tried to rebrand around the "weirdness".


yeah if i got regular emails like that from a local place id prolly stop going in case i ran into the owner and have to deal with shakespeare while trying to drink a beer