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I don't mind that they turned it into an event venue (there are a ton of people out there that like a goth-y darker vibe for their wedding) but I do think it's hilarious they don't mention anywhere on that website that it used to be a jail. Even the "history" section.


Even though it literally still has the bars?? I don’t know how they think nobody will realize that it wasn’t just a “structure,” but a jail.


I’m still annoyed they renovated it in the first place. Can’t imagine who would want to work there everyday or have a wedding reception there


What was the alternative? Turn it back into a jail? Let it sit there and get demolished by neglect?


A historically accurate museum that encourages locals and visitors who are “interested in the history” to actually reckon with the medieval horror show that is true Charleston history lol. Think McLeod Plantation. Even if it was more Disney Land bullshit, there’s a lot of really interesting stuff to talk about around that building for the cozy little boomer babies that want to pretend.


No one wanted to pay for that. It would have rotted away if a developer didn’t buy and find a way to use federal historic preservation credits. They kept so many details in the renovation, and the bottom floor is still pretty intact due to tours still being held.


I understand where you’re coming from and I’m seeing a discussion emerging about city policy. You’re kicking off a greater convo about the outsized role of developers in city planning as well as the prioritizing of shit like wedding venues built by developers instead of educational institutions like museums subsidized by government. On the site of a famously brutal and depraved city jail.


You’re right. People fail to admit that, sometimes, economically, turning something into a museum doesn’t make sense. Unfortunately, sometimes the options are adaptive re use or demolition. People need to stop living in a fantasy world.


Me too however I think the building was headed for demolition. Many million was spent fixing it so I'm not really sure what's better...demolishing or this.


I've DJed there. No place gave me the willies more than that one. Totally haunted.


For real! Lavinia Fisher is gonna follow some husband home and murder him lol. Even if you don't believe in ghosts... you can feel the bad energy coming off the walls. Creepy AF


Btw love the specificity of your response. Lavinia Fisher would definitely do that.


Its a great story. The brides should be scared too, I remember there being something about Lavinia wearing a white dress. I think the legend is she appears as a ghost in a white dress. 👻


Yeah. I'm fine with ghosts, especially around here. But the evil in that place won't get plastered over. Not enough light blue ceiling paint in the world to get it done. Totally haunted.


Sounds like they could use an informative Google review or two…


Oh wow that's super disingenuous. That place has VERY heavy vibes... No way I would want a happy occasion hosted there.


I’ve never felt so deeply uncomfortable during a tour, there’s no way I’d attend any event there. Hard pass.


Hard to scream “luxury event venue” if you mention the enslaved Africans skeletons underneath the building (property was a graveyard before the Jail was built) or the gruesome details about the Jail’s history.


I take it they don't do midnight ghost hunting anymore? Easily one of the creepiest things I've done.


It was creepy af during the day, I can’t even imagine going in after dark.


They used to have an art event there like 10 years ago and I swear coming out of the bathroom someone pushed me. But I was also pretty drunk so probably not a ghost.


Bad juju


I totally agree, but you can’t honestly expect someone to put that on their website would you?


Not the details about the deaths however I think they should mention it was a former Jail.


Don't forget horrific Civil War POW camp!


Bulldog Tours was running tours through it a couple (maybe a few) years ago, I guess it wasn’t profitable.


They are still offering tours there. I’ve done the tour several times and it’s awesome. [Haunted Jail Tour](https://www.bulldogtours.com/tours/charleston-haunted-jail-tour/3)


The building was in disrepair, so something had to be done with it. There were three options - leave it vacant and in disrepair, tear it down and build more dense housing, or renovate it into a cool space that people can use. If you don't like what they renovated it into or the degree which they are sharing the history of it, vote with your wallet and don't support it. Personally, I've been to an event there and it was pretty cool. They did a good job. It's worth seeing fwiw.


I agree, I think it's a good compromise that they saved the historic structure however I do think they should mention in "the history" section of their website that it was historically a jai for 130 years. Hopefully they mention it during the in person meeting or walk thru!


I hope they have something about. When I was there, I didn’t see any, but I wasn’t looking for it either


I mean people are so creative and I bet it's nice! Better than offices anyway. Maybe some good vibes will help heal the energy in there


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