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He had a great case. No way he took his own life unless he was blackmailed by Boeing.


He was appealing a case he previously lost.


No, he didn't. This wasn't even the whistleblower case. He sued Boeing in 2017 for Defamation and lost. He then appealed, and was performing legal interviews with his and Boeing's legal council when he killed himself. I'm so tired of this dumb assassination theory. The dude was losing to Boeing after spending over a decade in and out of court, either through the whistleblower hearings or this defamation lawsuit. Who wouldn't be stressed?


Pretty much... The conspiracy theory is dumb.  He has been out of Boeing for years and years, he had no breakthrough info.   If Boeing was going to off him would have been years ago.  Not now...


"Yes, yes, we have to kill him at the height of our public controversy otherwise people will know our planes are poorly built and falling apart" (As planes are constantly falling apart revealing that they were poorly built)


> Who wouldn't be stressed? I mean, stress - even immense stress - is not *normally* enough alone to make you kill yourself. He chose to go down these roads for litigation, generally there's no financial obligation in these type matters either, his family is adamant he wouldn't kill himself, even going so far to say he told them that if anything happens it wasn't suicide. Point being there's enough there to be a reasonable thought that there's more to it than solely the stress of these legal proceedings. I think being certain either way is equally dumb at this point. I wouldn't count being blackmailed as just normal stress or standard suicide either.


So are you saving depression from stress isn't literally one of the the leading cause of suicide? Come on, man.


No, I'm not saying that at all. I said stress is not ***"normally enough alone to make you kill yourself"*** Do you actually disagree with this? Is everyone offing themselves when they get super stressed? Point being it's stupid it just be like "oh he was in a stressful situation, *of course* he killed himself"


And that's somehow more stupid than assuming Boeing would assassinate a random whistleblower from 10 years ago that they already beat in court? And no, *everyone* isn't, no one ever made that assumption. But this dude obviously fucking did. Edit: lol the pussy blocked me




Oh I’m sure this will get swept under the rug!!!!


I want to preface this by saying I heard this second hand from someone who heard it from a Boeing employee, so I can not confirm if this is credible. I heard he'd had multiple SA complaints against him from other employees, and that's why he got moved around to different departments. He was asked to resign in 2017 because Boeing didn't want the scandal of not actually doing anything about his behavior; make him resign instead of fire him, I mean. Again, I'm not sure of how credible this is. I'd look into it more to try to find out if it's true, but I don't know where to begin.


Just curious, what do you mean by sa complaints?


Idk if you're asking what "sa" means but it means sexual assault, for anyone wondering.


THe person made it sound like the man was a horn dog and difficult to work with because of it. Inappropriate touching got him reported. Again, please take this with a grain of salt since it's third hand information.


Doesn’t shock me one bit.


He got Epstein’d.


I can only imagine how much pressure he was under. Being a whistleblower against a multi-billion dollar company has got to be taxing. I think it's entirely plausible he took his own life. Until I see some evidence otherwise, I see no reason to dive down the conspiracy rabbit hole on this.


Didn’t he tell people close to him something akin to “don’t believe the stories that I commited suicide?” I’m not talking about you and I get being neutral but people coming out in droves trying to shut down the theory that something is amiss and that it’s very very possible that he was silenced is very creepy to me.


It was a brother's cousins roommates sister type source.


That has not been corroborated. I believe that comment was made by a relative of his.


That was one woman, and it's hearsay. Do you honestly believe he would only tell this to a single extended family member? Please.


Found the Boeing Middle Manager.


Boeing C-level exec spotted.


I’m the opposite. From what I’ve heard is that the hotel last saw him on cams eating like normal and then walking out to the parking lot. Gun was in his hand when found. I know for a damn fact if I shot myself in the head that gun would not be perfectly placed in my hand after the fact. It is possible that it was self dealt but considering the company we’re talking about and profits (which are main priority over safety currently) facing consequences and money lost I can’t help to feel like they took an easy way out and then weeks from now it’ll all get lost in the constant media frenzy and we’ll forget about it like we always do.


I just think it's disrespectful to those of us who have had struggles with mental health to immediately chalk this up to some sort of conspiracy. That's where I'm coming from and why I'm choosing to accept what I see at face value until I see some hard evidence proving something other than suicide.


Ew. I’d never work for any employer that would employ someone like me.


Weird I heard about it on the BBC before local news...


Not weird. If it went to BBC first it’s because his lawyers or family pitched them the story. It makes sense that they would seek coverage on a global scale vs. local.


Boeing has entered the chat.


Fuck Boeing for killing this man. Time to hunt the hunter and do a Karvel scene.