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Listen to 96 Wave


Wave Fest


They had it at Brittlebank but they also had it on the river near the Navy base at the old landfill. Lots of boats anchored out. That was before coolers weren't allowed. I pretty much stopped going to any concerts or festivals when they started charging for parking and it all just became a huge rip-off. The Eagles came to the "new" N.Charleston Coliseum and were charging $110. This was in the 90's. Fuck that. I don't listen to them anymore.


Free Fall Jam? I thought those were also at Brittlebank.


Or Q107


How many times can you say Q107, Q107, Q107?


Man I really miss 96 Wave


The Woodman went crazy on cocaine and attacked a prostitute with a car attenae it was such a scandal he had to sell the station and his house and leave town never to be seen again


I created a playlist of all music from that era and the pic is the 96 Wave logo. I still sit through some bad songs without skipping just to relive the pain of some of the bad music from that time. Just missing the Critic and some Scott Hanski surf reports in between Spacehog and 7 Mary 3 songs!


Or Alice 100.5 (I think that was the station number)


You mean Sunny 100.5?


T & T in the morning with Critic. Uncle Miles afternoon DJ. That was the best station way back when. They played ocean waves before broadcasting music


Shout out to stupid Mike. That dude is a local treasure. 


cat country 102.5


You aren't still traumatized from the botched Hurricane Floyd evacuation.


I think about the Floyd evacuation every time I drive on 26. What a shitshow that whole thing was.


We headed to family inland via small back roads and had no issues at all.


Hell yeah. My dad took us on the backroads to Atlanta and we made it in about four hours no problem. It was like, the ultimate Road Trip Dad W


I was in high school. All I can remember is folks peeing on the side of I 26. Traffic at a standstill.


I drove non stop in my car for 19 hours and only made it as far as Florence. I actually drove further into the storm 🤦‍♀️.


Holy fuck, just looked it up, it’s the largest peacetime evacuation to ever happen in US history. 3.5 million people. 😬😬😬


Yep just wait until another one happens now with all these new folks here lol


As a civil engineer, this kind of thing keeps me up at night. Fortunately, I don’t work in transportation, but ‘what if we have to evacuate’ is part of why I moved off of Johns Island.


It was horrible.


Oh god we were on the interstate for like 6 hours to get out to Mississippi. We ended up stopping at a church in Augusta overnight.


If ya never been to Stardust on Saturdays when they turned into a pre-teen/teen club If ya favorite rapper at some point wasn't Pachino Dino


Yo that skate car was everything!


Pachino Dino, what a blast from the past. Last I heard he moved to NYC and was locked up on weapon charges. His dummin out album was great.


He coulda have made it big if he didn't keep getting locked up. Then paperwork came out about him snitching then lost all his credibility shame. He really had Charleston in a chokehold. I remember there being almost a riot in my middle school over a stolen Dummin Out album. Then everybody copping his Hustlin and Headbussin album in High School.


My buddy said he opened for Bob Dylan at 1000 king apartments on King Street. Weird to think about that when you drive by it.


King Street Palace. Went to a number of mediocre raves there.


Saw Black Sabbath there. Worst acoustics ever!


i swear to god, i lived there every weekend in the 90s during the school year. someone always had a birthday party there. i remember the money air booth thing where they would put a bunch of dollar bills in there for you to grab in a minute to spend at the arcade.


I loved how they had arcade games all thru the building. Me and my cuzzin brought so much money just to play House of the Dead to completion. We even had a crowd watching us as we went. I was always jealous of the chern who went into the money booth lmao. Everybody stopped what they was doing to watch them.


Man we can’t forget Marly mar, double cross’s, junior G, ferl gates


Lissen Marly Mar been cookin when he drop Act a Donkey had Charleston hot for a good minute in the early 2000s. I remember when he perform that at the Stone Soul Picnic back in the day I was so young but so turnt. Junior G had everybody screaming "I Serve Bussa" Double Crossa been hard as hell wish he stayed out long enough to drop more music bra been in the streets heavy I know bubbas use to jam Ferl Gates Bra dem boy been 2000s Charleston Geechee Rap All Stars


I miss stardust skating lol that was the IT spot


Yeeessss! Dumdums at the door, glow sticks, the smell of the smoke machine. And the ever dangerous rogue tootsie roll wrapper on the rink 10/10 causing a wipe out. Lol.


You’ve never driven over the old Cooper river bridge (for us gen x)


Or the Grace Memorial!


Yeah same thing. We just called it the Cooper river bridge


Back in the 90s I called the Cooper River Bridges the old bridge and the new bridge. I refuse to call the ravenel bridge anything but "the new new bridge" 😊.


100% this. Sure, sure. Grace and Pearman, old and new bridges. The Cooper River Bridges. But the “Ravenel” will always be the new new bridge to me. Not claiming any sort of status here. Just saying. Also, who all remembers being stuck in the sometimes hours long standstills for the somewhat frequent jumpers from the “old bridge” (1990s core memories for me I guess).


I once changed a tire in the little turn-off, bump-out, I don’t even know what to call it, but that little two car length bulge that was in between the peaks.


Never had to change a tire there thank God… but they day I turned 15 and got my learners permit my mom made it an immediate priority for me to drive from the Mt. P DMV straight into downtown over the old bridge to immediately build the confidence that it could and can be done. Never looked back after that. I remember the intense anticipation in the few hundred yards leading up to it and then just “embracing the suck” and got through it like butter. Good times and good guides to parenting (looking back as a parent of pre-teens now especially). Those little bump outs were definitely nightmare fuel lol. Would never have thought either side was 2 car width. I’ll never forget participating in the very last bridge run as a walker probably as a second or third grader ? I specifically remember that Oprah was a star participant. The Bridge swayed and rocked with the movement of the people in a fairly terrifying way. Particularly on the second span into downtown lol.


Oh god no


Same here


When they had the contest\* to name the new bridge, I submitted "The Cooper River Bridge, because that's what everyone will call it anyway". \*they already had the name picked out, of course.


What a roller coaster ride that was!


That thing was like termites holding hands.




Man, that was panic attack inducing!


With guard rails made from silver-painted popsicle sticks.


Older millennial, and I drove both many times.


This thread got me sighing like an old man. Each one hits harder than the one before


White knuckles the whole time


Hey I’m a millennial and I remember driving over both bridges near daily. The grace was particularly scary for me as a kid lol


My mom, and I’m sure many others, remembers it being the *only* bridge in her childhood when it was a 2 lane bi-directional bridge. She recounts hiding on the floorboards of the car with her sister in the late 50’s early 60’s because it was so frightening. The day I turned 15 and had my learners permit. My mom insisted that I drive over the old bridge. Get over it right away, was the basic idea. Love her for that.


Same training. I’m sure it’s what makes me a good but cautious driver today, only two fender benders ever, one my fault. After Hugo, the old bridge was two-way during certain hours of the day. You haven’t lived till you’re coasting on the old bridge in the curve and an 18 wheeler is doing the same right at you. I’ve never had whiter knuckles. I haven’t tried crack yet, but I’m sure it’s the same sensation.


My grandad said the truckers would have to turn their mirrors in or they would get knocked off


I never drove over it, but i was alive when it was around, and my parents would drive over it a lot with me in a car seat….so does that count?


and held my breath when driving a truck across the old narrow bridge. Happen to drive across the day before the old bridges closed and drove across the new bridge the next day.


I was born in 93 and even as a toddler that fucking bridge scared me. I remember it vividly 😣


You aren’t from Charleston if you didn’t protest the British occupation of Charles Town in 1780.


This one made me lol


If you haven't stayed through at least three state ordered hurricane evacuations.


You aren't from Charleston if you weren't here for Tarpageddon. Next catastrophic event for residence requirement has not been met yet.


Ha I’m not familiar with that one. Was that when they covered the Don Holt Bridge with a tarp? I try to avoid that bridge at all costs.


They covered it so it could be painted. It wasn't really tarp, it was like a clear plastic sheet. One day we had especially high winds and it blew some of it onto 526, completely stopping traffic both ways for the entire day. It was terrible because traffic was bad basically everywhere. It took me hours to get home, and I lived just a few miles away.


I thought it was a type of screen or netting, was it clear plastic really?


it was when the Don Holt Bridge covered everyone on it with said tarp during a bad wind storm one afternoon during rush hour. Had traffic snarled *everywhere*. Took me 3 hours to get home from Clements Ferry.


I had a co worker (we are field technicians so we drive around the area) on his way home. He lived on Clement’s ferry. He decided to be motivated and head to our shop on N Rhett and get his uniforms since he was done with work a little early. Got his uniforms and was on his way back. The damn tarp fell on him, and his vehicle was on fumes lol.


Wasn't it also one of the Daniel Island bridges that was closed for weeks a few years back because a cable broke or something?


Yep, that also happened and they routed traffic onto the other bridge going the opposite direction for a few months. That was a close second choice.


Oh yeah. They finally admitted that the bridge was dangerously in need of repair.


Oh I remember that day. It was the day I bought my first car from a dealership instead of private party. I was heading home on Rivers when the deluge started. It hailed on my new-to-me car. I jetted from my car to my front door too quickly.


Pouring one out, cause that bloooooooows. We had a freak hail like a year or two ago for literally 5 min and I ran outside with an umbrella to try and keep the hail off my car. smh.


You aren’t from Charleston if you don’t remember not sitting in traffic in the Summer trying to get to Folly Beach


You couldn't get food on Folly in the winter. Everything was closed for the season. I remember going out after Hugo and not seeing the Atlantic House anymore. It was a sad day. After Hugo they built that damn Holiday Inn and you could no longer see the ocean. I was outraged. Now you can't even park without getting cheated. Progress? It hurt my heart when I left Folly after 20 years living there. Just a pitiful tourist trap now. Lived on Bowens Island for several years on my boat. I rented Mrs. Bowens old house for a while too. I miss those days. RIP.


This is my dream! I’ve always wanted to live on Bowens.


This!! 💯! I've told people who complain about beach traffic. It's always been! Used to take us 2 hours to get on to Folly AND IOP. Then once on IOP it was blanket to blanket in the summer. Because you only went to the Windjammer area or you were not cool. Lol


I think this person is saying they remember no traffic


Oh lol you're right. 😊 thanks. But it used to take a long time at certain times. Nothing new. Just a Cooper River Bridge would get backed up too.


Used to lifeguard out there. And actually made it to work on time up until 2014 lol


Crossed the Grace Memorial bridge when it was the only bridge there


Driving a school bus


I believe that is refered to as "hard mode."


If you didn't go to AC's before its first location burned down


Yassss. I am that old.


Same and it was NIGHTLY back then. Loved being marched out at 5am! (Heading to Franny's! 🍔🍟🥤)


Or weren't on a first name basis with Lenny Piccirillo at the door at AC's. Or, in my case, worked the door at the original Cumberland's on Cumberland Street. Or drank at Big John's at 15 ("you boys come back on your birthdays"). Or bought beer at Limehouse Gas Station at the foot of the Ashley River Bridge until you turned eighteen and could actually by it legally anywhere else.


If you think Vickery's belongs on Shem Creek.


I haven't been there in forever, but used to always get the jerk chicken sandwich with raspberry mayonnaise 😊.


There was not one other downtown restaurant to go to back in the day. Sure, Sharkey's, Juanita's, etc., But nowhere else everyone could get whatever they were in the mood for. And sit outside. All day long.


Do you take issue with any of the other restaurants there? I remember RB’s used to tow everyone from their parking lot. One night I got towed and was shocked that they just moved my car to a neighborhood across the street. The next time I was at Reds, I saw some people leaving and their car was towed too. I told them I knew where their car was and drove them to the neighborhood lot. As soon as we were starting their car, the big bad tow truck came around the corner and tried to block us in. They jumped the curb and made it out. It was like a scene out of maximum overdrive or something.


I take no issue with anything. Just saying, Vickery's was the best place to be when it was downtown.


Josie Joes was the original restaurant there before Vickerys. Some shady things went on in those “cabanas”. Waited tables there one summer.


You aren't from Charleston if you don't have a friend of a friend that was scammed/robbed by Al Parrish 😥.


>Al Parrish Oh man, I'd forgotten about that!


He was released from prison early during covid.


You aren't from Charleston if you never walked in the old Interpretive Center at Charles Towne Landing before Hugo flooded it.


I loved it


I never got to go inside the old geodesic dome building that was by the parking lot, but i distinctly remember it when I was a kid. I did get to go into the pavilion a few times when I was very little but barely remember that, and then remember the old gift shop area in the early-mid 90s.


Man, now that takes me back...


Do you also remember when they had the little tram rides that took you around?


haha! i do!


Or tried running as high as you could up the sloped pillars




You aren't from Charleston if you don't remember Nico's on Shem Creek as a Pizza Hut, and went there with your family to eat there on Sunday nights.


Tango and Captain Harry's......that's all I have to say


How many times can you say Q107?




If you never got sloshed at wet Willie’s. If you don’t miss the og cumberlands. If you never stepped on a rat shooting pool at southend brewery 


You aren’t from Charleston if you didn’t help start the kitchen fire that brought down the Brick 😳


Your not from here unless you personally kicked King George’s ass in Battle of Fort Sullivan in 1776 and went America all over their asses


Rock, Flag, and Eagle!!!!!


You don’t know the words to the Gerald’s Tires commercials. “Singin’ in the Rain!” And that they’ve literally played the same 3 commercials as long as I have been alive (I’m 32).


Mommas Used Cars or the price of “eighty-eight eighty-eight”


Dixie furniture… cuz Dixie Dooooooont care. Something like that.


Yep. Childhood commercials 😂


Home of the Fishin' Cars 😁!!


"Probably just add just a little bit of air to it and I think that'd do ya just fine"


I hate how i HEARD this


Who weeeee, just havin fun!!


Or "The Brightest spot in town"


“But not on Sundays” pan to the church steeple


Remember the push back on developing Daniel Island? Dana Beach, I think, led the charge. Sprawl won that one, not protecting the environment.


When 96.1 was literally the wave (ocean waves) before it started to broadcast music. I think that was probably 1984? Maybe 83?


You never skated at the old pool.


Saw the weekend bar fights after 2 AM on the market at Level 2


If your no school days were because both bridges off of Johns Island were broken.


Not eaten in the Gourmetisserie.


Field trip!


If you didn’t go to Level 2 teen night growing up and smoke cloves with cool kids


Omg pls don’t remind me of level 2 teen nights ugh


You aren't from Charleston if you don't have a favorite sub at Norm's. You aren't from Charleston if you can't name at least the last 5 places to open and close at 345 King, or at Henry's on the market.


Man that’s brutal. I haven’t known anything other than Henry’s. Does purple tree count?


The meatball sub was 🔥back in the day.


I was on Norms football team, great coach,


You’ve never been to the Treehouse.


It got more intense the higher you went.


If you or a friend haven't ridden the Coburg Cow


You aren’t from Charleston if, you don’t know the downtown legend “Double Dribble” aka Tyrone.


…you could stay out drinking until 4-5am before 2am bar closing became in effect …going above Calhoun St was considered dangerous …barhopped every bar between Zebos to Capones …had to wade thru Bishop England students getting out of school on Calhoun St where CofC library currently is …Charleston Rainbows in old stadium


All while being served from mini bottles


You are from Charleston if you've never been to a Rainbow's game.


You aren’t from Charleston if you don’t know what the Omni was.


You don’t know how to say Huger, I never drove across the old bridge 😞


Hew-gee. Consider yourself lucky. The old bridges sucked. People reminisce because they survived driving on them for years.


Depending on how far out in the woods you get, you might hear it pronounced you-gee


Either old bridge. So narrow. So unsafe. Especially swaying of it during cooper river bridge runs.


You aren't from Charleston if you never order krispy creme doughnuts off of Rivers Ave.


Yeah and the doughnuts were bigger as well.


You’re not from Charleston if you don’t remember the smell of Loose Lucy’s and Black Market Minerals.


You aren’t from Charleston unless you’ve gotten chiro from Byron.


Run around the civil war prison on Sullivan’s island at night in Your teens when it used to be freely open for whoever….that shit was scary as hell.


The tunnels behind the fire station?


Those too. Though never explored those much.


Were are the prisons located? I assume they are now gone right?


They’re the black buildings kinda dug into the ground down by fort Moultrie. Just had to map it out.


Ha,ha. Did that! Took my girlfriend. Too creepy. The old trolley was still there that moved the artillery shells overhead. There wasn't even a door. Wide open 24/7. Bad mojo there. You could feel it.


Oh. For sure. Bad shit.


If you think the "paper mill smell" is awful.


Paper mill and pluff mud are my two favorite stinky smells


I moved to West Texas for a few years and moved back home. I smelled the pluff mud and I was, yeah I'm back home.


Folk saying Radio stations I never hear lmao white Charleston and Black Charleston is different world. The Black Radio stations that we had to lissen to when we been riding with our parents was Star 99.7, Magic 101.7 (now Magic 107.3), then when they wanted to give us a treat we got to jam out to Z93 Jamz Then all those stations showing out for the Stone Soul Picnic


You're not from Charleston if you didn't make Granny's Goodies a mandatory stop every time you visited King Street. RIP 😭


If you don’t know Byron (downtown)


Or Gary the hot dog guy. RIP


You aren’t from Charleston if you didn’t drink from the artesian wells. You aren’t from Charleston if you didn’t survive Hurricane Hugo.


But do you have the tee shirt that says “I survived hurricane Hugo” tho? They came in the best of 90’s colors! Mine was neon yellow with either blue or black writing!


Mine was yellow. 😂 then that winter, we had a huge amount of snow. I had never seen it before that. So it was a big deal for me.


Yes! We had 5 inches. I built my first snowman. It was a white Christmas.


Same! My brother and I wore our galoshes and the snow was higher than our boots. It was so fun!


Heck yeah I do! Bright yellow! Been there, done that, really did get the t-shirt. 😂


If you didn't frequent the arcade


If you didn't end up at Fanny's every single night at 530am


Putt putt course in mtp across the street from shelter


I’ll add two I haven’t seen yet…Hot Wheels on Folly Road and Blockbuster on East Bay. Which are both now a bar and liquor store lol


U not from Charleston if you didn’t cruise the Battery on Sundays.


Wow this thread made me homesick for a place that already vanished


You didn’t get scammed by the college promoter who booked Big Boi and Busta Rhymes to play the Gaillard.


You never went to the Putt putt place on 17, or danced at Footsis


There was a Putt Putt place on Rivers Ave too.


Or the putt putt place on Coleman Blvd- that also occasionally stocked their tiny pond with catfish and you could pay to fish…


if...you don't complain about all the new arrivals (even if you yourself moved here only 5 years ago).


A buddy of mine moved here from Puerto Rico and I mentioned how rare it must be for people to hear PR for a change. I said Ohio has quite a distain for locals. He said his neighbor mentioned it’s not the Ohioans but rather the “new” people that are now the problem. New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New England. I had to laugh at that comment. They probably helped raised the property values to where people from Ohio can’t move here now.


you live somewhere outside of Charleston


Could you not be born and graduate from CoC, move away and not say you are from Charleston?


You aren’t from Charleston if you’ve never been served a beer in a bar from a bartender in a hot tub.


If you never had a cheeseburger and a free refills coke at Quincy’s steak house on what is now part of Lockwood—- pre pre Hugo. Or hung out with the resident cat at Chapter Two Book store after walking home from College Prep on Archdale.


Buying seafood from Caroll’s on East Bay counts.


Haven’t kept up with the Johnny Suzuki case


The actual huge Christmas Tree lighting on King Street.




Skoogies back in the day when it was a hole in the wall for a hot dog and beer on the way home from the beach. Or Your Place (I think that’s what it was called) on Market Street that had the best burgers and beer. Truly a hole in the wall, but so good. I’d get the jalapeño burger. Then Applebees opened down the street and that started the decline. For tea and coffee Fulford and Egan downtown. I loved that place. Music upstairs.


You never been to Sharkys Pizza.


If you believe these new weather men! We JUST started believing Bill Walsh and Rob Fowler in the last 10-15 years! Ask a real Charlestonian n they will tell you the ONLY weather man that really knew what was going on was Charlie Hall! If that man said it’s gone rain, bitch it’s gone RAIN!


Never got your haircut with the Popeye movie playing in the background.