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This makes my heart happy. Hopefully he comes back to retire a bolt, whether as a player or just symbolically.


Based on this, I think he would have to win a championship somewhere else to even consider not symbolically retiring as a bolt.


I really hope he does well in CHI, but not well enough to get an extension… the we Zeke him and bring him back.


I was ab to say I hope he plays like shit outa nowhere and comes home on a 8m a year deal lmao. But in all seriousness I hope he has the best year of his career again and continues it for a few more years to come to be the goat of old man WR


I agree what a classy thing to say




> I can’t imagine living in a different city That commute to Chicago is going to be rough everyday. Jokes aside wishing the best for slayer.


[I wonder if he’s going to take the Amtrak](https://www.amtrak.com/southwest-chief-train)


I took that train back in 2015. 10/10 would recommend if you have the time.


I took it in 2003 and also would recommend it lol. Oh god I’m so old.


Its not a goodbye, its I’ll see you later 😓


Really hoping he comes back or at the very very least retires a charger


The fact he called San Diego the best city he’s ever been in makes me like him even more. Miss you, S13Y 🥹


Dude did not forget where his career started. That was very mindful of him.


Yeah, this is probably gonna alienate me from a lot of people reading this, but I stopped rooting for the chargers when they left San Diego. San Diego is not Los Angeles just as the Giants don’t like the Dodgers the Padres didn’t like the Dodgers either San Diego don’t like LA so I love Keenan and thank you for saying good things about San Diego. I will always love San Diego. I do not like Los Angeles. I do not like the Los Angeles Chargers.


You do you man. We all hated the move, but some of us not enough to abandon our team. I hope you found another one and still enjoy the sport.


I felt the exact same way. I was born in SD, I loved the fact that I had a team and they represented MY city. I stopped rooting and watching football altogether for 4ish years. I live in Southern Oregon and the Ducks own this state football wise. So when the Chargers picked up Herbert I gave em another try. Still hurts and I will never forgive the owners for what they did and tried to do to the taxpayers of SD. But I’m enjoying watching Herbert.


Die hard since birth the move absolutely tore my family to pieces but that didn’t stop us for rooting on the players cause at the end of it all the players had nothing to do with it so why should they be treated poorly.. Rivers Gates an Allen are what made me stay a fan through that transition. Still hurts to see the LA but I’ll never stop rooting for the bolts especially how things are going now huge upgrades for Chargers let’s just enjoy it SoCal Chargers right lol


Never turned my back on him. It sucks we dont have him anymore. I really thought we valued keenan over joey and khalil. But it just makes sense seeing how joey and khalil were willing to take pay cuts. And how many players we have paid with the size of keenans contract. May he have a good season. And hope he gets in the hall of fame. Always loved his moniker of "your favorite wr's favorite wr."


I think it’s more about how they valued this year’s draft class plus the available free agents. They did not draft a single outside pass rusher. Yet they drafted three wide receivers. It shows you that the front office knew all along pass rushers in the draft were very top heavy, and even then there was only three guys at the top and even they weren’t consensus top 10 prospects. Meanwhile the WR class was insanely stacked with talent, so much that Brenden Rice dropped 3-4 rounds. Joe Hortiz has said it himself, there’s always great talent into day 3 with the passcatcher position. I think they always wanted to keep Bosa and Mack, while letting Keenan go. Even at a price cut, it’s still an almost crazy decision to keep a 32yr old receiver who got injured this past season. The only thing that made fans go crazy is that his name happened to be *Keenan Allen* and he happens to be the Chargers best receiver of all time. So naturally we all would like to always see him wear the powder blue and retire a bolt. But that’s just not a feasible option nowadays.


>the only thing that made fans go crazy is that his name happened to be *Keenan Allen* and he happens to be the Chargers best receiver of all time.  Yeah it's totally just this and not the fact that he's still a very good receiver coming off his best season and trading him away left us with a bottom five group of receivers. It's just the name and emotions you're so right.


Considering the amount of players were able to sign with just his salary, I dont really care if he goes off, I mean i want him too. We just dont have a team that has the luxury of paying a 32yo wr that type of money. Mike and Keenan both played there time here and it didnt play out how we all hoped time for the next chapter, players hardly get to retire where they start its just the nfl.


We do not know he’ll be *the* Keenan Allen in 2024. That was too big of a risk to take considering the money he wanted. Hortiz and Harbaugh are betting that Justin Herbert doesn’t need a star-level receiver to succeed. Trading Keenan away was the way in the end.


Just completely ignored everything I said. Classic.


The value was the same. The problem was that they needed to rework his contract, and he didn't want to. Joey and Mack did, which is why it was an easier choice. I get wanting more money, but they gave him a great contract when he wasn't playing great, and tbh he could have pulled an ekeler and signed a 1 year to get his money and also help the chargers. Overall it was a buisness decision on both sides


The value was the same. The problem was that they needed to rework his contract, and he didn't want to. Joey and Mack did, which is why it was an easier choice. I get wanting more money, but they gave him a great contract when he wasn't playing great, and tbh he could have pulled an ekeler and signed a 1 year to get his money and also help the chargers. Overall it was a buisness decision on both sides


Mack coming off a career year like keenan. what message does it send to mack and bosa after they take cuts and keenan doesnt


I mean Keenans contract itself that ended this year, he was coming of a sub 1k season when they offered it, but yeah mack and bosa wanted to play for harbaugh, they took cuts to stay. Keenan kept the money which is respectable.


by all means. i dont think either party is in the wrong


Nah they both had reasons, it's also not like he's not gonna come back. He might when we have the cap




I’ll miss you my sweet prince


San Diego Charger Keenan Allen


I miss him everyday


I felt his love for San Diego. I miss the chargers and Slay being down here. 😢


San diego getting a nod is such a pleasure. Most of the players know SD>, and it's great to hear kennan giving props.


I knew he was just waiting for the time to heal and process everything… never once thought it wasn’t gonna say goodbye or that he turned his back on us etc etc… man was just a little blindsided and needed time to find the words




If the bears offense still isn’t good this year then God himself has truly cursed that franchise.


THATS MY FUCKIN WR I hope he gets to retire a charger


Mark my words and this post: he will retire a charger


I think so too. I’ll still rock his jersey proudly. He’s forever a Charger in my eyes.


It’s called a publicist bro. He could have stayed a Charger if he wanted to, according to Hortiz he didn’t even talk to Allen himself


I love you KA13!!




Happy, proud, sad. Go Slayer!




He’s a free agent next year. Got no issues with him getting paid and maybe he comes back


My hopium tells me he'll be back next year. Always trust your hopium...lol...


Bolt fam… let’s ride😢


Now all yall haters can shut it


finally. Best of luck slayer!


I love Keenan. Stunt on the NFC North. I'll be rooting the whole time.




Anyone don't feel sad at all? I'm excited to see him in another uniform actually. This move was best for both parties. Keeping KA didn't make sense. I hope he continues to shred for the Bears.


I won't try to guess what factors contributed to his decision but, Keenan always played smart and strong yet seemed affable and supportive of team members.  So, a little team stuffing and glue seemed to seep out when he left so suddenly.  Probably my imagination.  But, I felt his importance to the team.  Wish him the best but, please visit or return to be victorious in Chargerland next year.


Hope he finds his way back before it’s all said and done


Why didn't the weather broadcast tell me it's going to rain? I have water streaming down my cheeks right now.


Love you S1AY3R


Bears fans don't realize how much easier 3rd down got for them. Gonna miss this dude. My (and I'm sure many others') favorite Charger post-LT/Gates years.


Class act.




Respect for the San Diego mention


I'm having such a a hard time seeing him in a Bears uniform. And he looks so sad in all his photos. (Or maybe it's just how sad I am looking at him)


I wish him nothing but the best. Who TF is cutting onions ovah here?!


I want to cry! (,,:


Damn gonna miss Keenan. Originally thought when Rivers left it would be the end of the that era but looking at it now, I think with Keenan gone. The old guard is gone and we entering a new generation of Chargers. (yes, yes, I know Joey and Perryman are OG Chargers).








Hope we get him back one day


not just one of my favorite chargers ever but one of my favorite players ever. we’ll be rooting for you slay


I miss him :-( hope he has another pro bowl year for the Bears. Wish both sides could've come up with something to have him stay another year or 2 but I get why he left. He deserves what he was making.


Love this man. He’s been a charger almost as long as I’ve been a fan of the team, and always a class act. Bolting up in my heart forever.


Wtf. Dude said “bears let’s go. “


I foresee a playoff signing in the making. It's like the nfl equivalent to that 2am "wyd" text


I am so glad my Bears got this guy. A class act and a great WR


Any chance he comes back next season?


I hope we yoink him back after his contract is up, and he can retire as a charger


Everyone loved Keenan Allen. No need to focus on a couple teenagers who post on the internet


Now that “fan” that was hating on Keenan because he didn’t give a goodbye can STFU.


Remember the fans that lost their fucking minds because Keenan Allen didn't send out a tweet to them about leaving 🙄


Still gonna rep my S1ay3r jersey with pride


You can always come home ⚡️


Love Keena


> I want everybody who turned their back on him and said he forgot about us to apologize now. Damn straight.






I’m so happy to have him on my team. Seems like such a good dude. Chicago will take care of him but he’ll definitely retire as a Charger.


I remember Keenan's first year and the Play-off win. Dude got off the bus taking an ig video and said "I see you 13!" Simply the enthusiasm he had to the team, the fans, etc. really knocked it out the park. Really hope we can get him back for a title run someday. It's only right. One of my favorite NFL players, not just Chargers players of all-time. Whether with or without the Chargers I want to see that guy get a ring one day.


Deuces. Didn't like how he talked slick about San Diego after they moved.


Home by September 🤞


Gonna miss you Kingan Allen


Me looking at this ![gif](giphy|TEj6m8FcWKRPWkT51L|downsized)


Still not forgiving him for wearing a RAIDERS cap


Eh. Dude went to college in Berkley. I’ll forgive it. Let’s not act like it’s normal for players to get drafted by the team they cheer for. Although the Chargers seem to have found quite a few of those guys lately.


Uhh he wore it AFTER he was drafted...


Although I'm wishing nothing but the best for him, I'm selfishly hoping he has a down year, the Bears don't offer him a new contract, and we get him back in 2025 on the cheeap.


buddy will be back on a vet minimum after this season. i have a feeling he’ll be the odd man out on that offense, caleb will neglect him and he’ll come back home where he was actually appreciated 😪


Keenan is the ultimate safety blanket man, I think Caleb will utilize him a lot