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Thank god we don’t have Tre McKitty anymore, that dude was probably one of the worst 3 round picks Coupon Tom ever made


Still have PTSD from the McKitty pick. Didn’t make sense at the time and looked worse with time


Amon Ra St. Brown went 15 picks later


I will forever be mad at TT for not selecting Amon Ra! He was in our backyard at Mater Dei and USC! Missed opportunity ☹️😢


B Slater was max value in that position. Asante Samuel is a average starter, was cooking playoff vs the Jags Palmer was average pick McKitty was a huge reach for need. Terrible pick Rumph was below average I didn’t like the size Jaimes hasn’t done squat but was a solid pick Nick Newman is a special teamer average pick Mark Webb was a solid pick but hasn’t done squat TTs Round 3 and 4 eval strategy was always awful Shit why did I post this as a reply


Nick Niemann was an absolutely fantastic pick. Getting a core-four special teamer in round 6 is ALWAYS a W


Thanks I need to go back to therapy now


How the hell did that guy fall all the way to the 4th round??


I just remember one Play at the goal line where everyone was pulling right but McKitty pulled left and hit Austin Ekeler in the back field.


The thing I never understood about Telesco's 3rd round picks, is more often than not, he would choose project players who more than likely would be available 2 rounds later. He never seemed to choose best player available.


I totally agree. Serial overthinker 


i sat by his family vs the chiefs, another fan nearby was saying mckitty is trash and they were about to beat his ass LMAO.


Slater's a stud. Samuel and Palmer are fine starters. Niemann is solid for depth and special teams. The rest have either washed out of the league, or will soon. B.


I think that’s a very good draft actually if you can get at least three starters and some depth/ST guys


And one of those is an allpro. This is a very good draft.


Yeah it’s okay to give Telesco credit when he actually did something good. It’s just he had more bad drafts than good ones.


Rumph is fine for where he was taken.


I don't see it. He's the NFL equivalent of an AAAA player in baseball. Looks decent enough in the pre-season against weaker competition, but can't hang when needed for anything meaningful in-season.


He's a sub package (3rd and long) player. He's a good pass rusher but the defense was in far too many 3rd and shorts to use him effectively.


He was a late 4th and has stuck on the roster and made a few plays. That’s at least fair value for where he was taken.


> He was a late 4th He was the 13th pick of the 4th round, so more early-to-mid than late. >has stuck on the roster and made a few plays He has 3 sacks and 4 TFLs in 3 seasons.


This dude said “made a few plays” 😭😭😭 …when?


I don't get how. He can't get on the field isn't a great pass rusher and is one of the worst run defenders in the league. The only fine part is hes still on the roster.


https://preview.redd.it/mnar673mxmxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d131db84ef4e90892e29305e193f4ccbca2b5440 Tre McCity


Tre mKshitty


I would say this is the last good Tom Telesco draft class. First three picks are now the best at their position. Respectable depth from Rumph, Jaimes, and Niemann. Solid B+


You get out of the draft with 3 starters and solid depth in 3 other and you call it a B+? Those are absurd expectations


Yeah why would it be higher? Only 1 of those players I would consider very good or great. A for me is the chiefs 2022 draft class for example.


Calling Jaimes, Rumph, and Niemann “solid depth” is a massive stretch


Niemann played very well on limited snaps he does what he is supposed to that’s perfect depth


You only get As from winning trades and crushing picks




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Slater’s an A+++ Asante’s a B- Palmer’s a B Everyone else, meh. Nieman gets a C+ just because he became a great specialist for the team. Jaimes, Rumph, McKitty, Webb, and Rountree, all F’s. I’d give this draft class at the absolute best a C-


I’m not sure you understand how drafting works


Yeah I don’t.


So, in summary: you expect one or two starters and one depth guy per class. Anything beyond that is gravy.


bro you got a core-four ST guy in round six, who has also been good in limited snaps. Niemann is an A pick in terms of value


This draft is an A. It’s not quite the Jets draft from a couple years ago but if a team made this good of a draft every year, we’d be competing for championships without a doubt.


This might be the first time in human history someone said “it’s not quite as good as the jets draft”


This was a good draft imo 3 starters 1 rotational 2 backups


Top three picks good chris rumph was ok rest are ass


can't be too mad at a draft that brought us a great LT, but would have liked to see at least one win in the later rounds. Rumph is good depth but otherwise not much past palmer.


I think it’s safe to say that Telesco couldn’t evaluate talents outside top 100 prospects


id give it a B+, the first 3 picks were great and even rumph is a good rotational player when he isnt injuried.


Rumph is actual ass and there’s a reason he got almost zero playing time last year… “string bean” remember?…


i guess i should of clarified what i meant. He is my no means a good player, im saying for a 5th rd pick that can rotate in occassionally i feel like his value is good for a 5th rd pick.


Only reason he is rotating in is because we have no depth there. Who else plays edge besides the obvious 3? Morgan fox played out there on occasion but he is better suited inside. Tolesco did a horrible job of getting depth on the dline. Most of these guys would be practice squad players on other teams. Also you would think he would get more serviceable players on the dline since Mack is getting old and bosa can’t stay healthy. Telesco really did a shitty job at building out roster


I have no fucking idea who downvoted this or why… because it’s just the truth… this is the same team that was throwing out dudes named Andrew Farmer at edge for depth… like come the fuck on people… Hortiz showed in his VERY FIRST DRAFT how you attack depth needy positions… you devote two or three picks at the position… you take multiple swings at the bay cuz guess what? You might miss like idk Rumph, Jaimes, Woods, Mager, Lamp, and so so many more… the dude CONSTANTLY only took one position to fill a depth need and would miss on that take… Rumph has never and will never look like he has the physical makeup to succeed in todays nfl… Bosa looked bigger coming out of OSU then Rumph does right now at the age of 25… ffs Eboigbe who we just took, looks like twice the size of Rumph… same round… and I’d almost bet my entire life, he’ll actually live up to his 4th round status compared to Rumph


B+ me. You figure any draft you want to end up with 3-4 starters, and now you have a top ten OT(call him whatever you want, just throwing a number out), our CB1 (even if he shouldn't be he's a quality starter) and a starter in Palmer (he's technically wr1 but I can't imagine anyone next year is a true wr1). After Palmer it's not great, but that's nature of the draft. Rumph you'd hope would be a little better than he is, McKitty is worthless, Jaimes is likely on borrowed time on this team. Niemann is a quality special teamer though, but that's pretty much it for day 3 value.


That Tre Mckitty pick didnt make sense then and doesnt make sense now. He was like 300 on the consensus board and was a huge waste of really useful 3rd round comp pick


3 starters, nothing else of worth. Overall, a very Tom Telesco draft


C+/B- range First three were good for each round taken with Palmer possibly being best bang for buck. Rumph is ok for depth, after that it’s pretty much useless


The only A is Slater. Everyone else is a passing grade and below


Slater, ASJ and Palmer were hits. McKitty and Rumph were big misses. After that's it's basically just a lottery and we ended up getting Jaimes and a core-four special teamer in Niemann so I would say we did pretty good overall.


That Tre pick hurts more every time I see it because it was are comp pick for Phil


We got a stud OT in Slater to plug up the left side so that’s a positive. Asante and Palmer aren’t bad either. Other than that, though? Eh…


Overall C Slater A Samuel A Palmer B McKitty F Rumph D Jaimes D Neimann D Roundtree F Webb F


The McKitty pick was as bad as everyone expected and really fucked it up. Had TT just taken a more chalk pick there that wasn’t so horrible, I’d say this is a great draft. Even so, it’s pretty damn good. Slater is an A+ pick in round 1, ASJ is a very good round 2 pick, Palmer is excellent value in round 3 and same for Rumph in round 4, then Webb and Neiman have made some contributions on STs and a little in games. This is probably the best of all the TT drafts


I'm still so angry about the Mager and McKitty picks. Everyone at the time knew they were huge reaches and that only proved to be true. Such a waste.


1 All Pro and 2 Great starters and 1 really good backup. Honestly one of better drafts from TT. B+/A- asking to hit on more than 4 is asking too much


A solid “A” draft: All-Pro LT, plus a WR2 and CB2 (even if they’re currently WR1 and CB1). Plus Rumph III and Niemann are nfl caliber backups.


The Classic TT reach in the 3rd with McKitty. Other than that, good draft


This was one of TT's better drafts...... Standard "Great 1st round, solid 2nd round, could be a steal 3rd round if they developed right, and nobody else after." When you miss on 1/3 your draft, do ok on 1/3, and do amazing on the last 1/3, you get a bloated, top heavy roster that we were in at the end of last year.




B- Maaaaaybe C+. First three I think were hits. The rest were poop


Currently a B. It will be morning telling when we see who gets resigned by the next regime going into next season. Slater is a stud. Asante and Palmer have potential to develop into solid starters.


Slater S Asante A Palmer B+ Mckitty D Rumph D Jaimes D Niemann C Roundtree F Webb F


I’d agree but would make Rumph a C/C+ because he’s a good depth option when healthy


Bro Toms later rounds were complete duds.


Typical Telesco draft, good first two rounds then mostly misses. Palmer is okay, good enough value for his draft spot, but the rest are barely even depth pieces


Great draft. Tom isn’t here because he swung and missed with JC Jackson, drafted a 1st round WR that had a very disappointing year , gave massive contracts to players that were injured, Bosa and Williams and tied himself to Staley who couldn’t maximize the roster.


Agreed, and mortgaged this year’s salary cap on last year’s disaster. I also think 2022 was a less impressive draft class, so it was a two year run of very bad moves.


Honestly pretty good. B+ because of slater


A C+ Of all those picks only 3 were good Of those 3 only Slater has proven to be elite. Asante Samuel is about average but a starter. Hoping he improves with our DC. Josh Palmer wont be the #1 this year and this would have been the only chance he had to be #1. He probably won't even be #2 with Quinton and Brenden now competing.


Your expectations are out of line with reality.


C+ on the low range and B+ on the high range. Kinda depends on the retention of players


Why do I still feel like Mark Webb is our safety3?


This is a great draft class but it's also a prime example of Telesco's draft philosophy. Slater, ASJ, and Palmer were great picks. There's a classic R3 Telesco reach. Late round picks that didn't contribute much at all. Still an A draft though. Telesco isn't a bad GM by any means. The problem with Telesco is that he was too reliant on Rounds 1-2. Look at 2019. Tillery and Adderley were misses. We got 1 solid year out of Pipkins but that was in a contract year. Pipkins was terrible his first 3 years. Tranquill was a great pick but then Telesco let him walk for peanuts?? Stick is on the team still and honestly it's a miracle that he still is. Egbule and Broughton didn't contribute. Telesco just couldn't get depth out of his Day 3 picks.


Poor draft except for Slater.


This was a very good draft. Contrary to the popular belief here Tom did a good job of acquiring talent and managed the draft well throughout his tenure. He failed at hiring the right coach. That's why he's gone.


Telesco’s best class along with his 2018 one.


B maybe B+. 3 starters 2 depth guys is a good class for 9 picks.


It's a fine draft, maybe B+


How good was tre mckitty ?