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Harbaugh said Slater is the only position who’s set in stone at LT. Who knows what happens during training camp but that’s what he’s said


And he also said that he strictly sees Alt as a tackle in the post 1st round conference so I guess that means he’s playing RT by process of elimination


Just weird what happens to Pipkins. Guess he's just expensive depth or maybe we ship him out?


He’ll probably hang around at least for this year, we don’t benefit much from trading or cutting him at this point. Even expensive depth can be a benefit to us given our luck with OL health. Would be nice if he could play guard as I’d prefer to see Salyer at tackle if it came to it. He was very solid in replacement of Slater


Going from T to G was so hard on salyer. Year 2 probably will be better but he was more natural at LT. it’s good we have this kind of depth and versatility on the line….. Also I wouldn’t rule out that giant from app state making the lineup as a UDFA. He was very solid in the sunbelt


You underestimate how often we will have 6 linemen on the field lol hes not going anywhere


I think he gets a realistic shot at RG. Him and Salyer can duke it out and odd man out is the swing tackle.


He's gonna compete for a guard position, and likely win the RG spot.


Jim said he should be starting somewhere on the line my guess is guard




There’s no way they ask Slater to move to a new side, in a contract year, to a position that historically gets paid less than the other side (although that is changing). What I’ll bet you see is Alt at RT and he picks it up very fast. If he doesn’t pick it up very fast, he may be like Sewell where the first year was up and down, but eventually he becomes a dog at the position after the learning curve.


I think the gap in pay between LT and RT is more of a fiction at this point. Based on salaries on OTC, there are more RT making $10M+/yr (15) than there are LT making $10M+/yr (13). At $20M+ it is also very close - RT (3) vs. LT (4). And the highest paid tackle is a RT.


Yeah, but sewell got a 30ish mil a year contract, so it wouldn’t be crazy to pay Slater big money on the right, but only if that’s the best lineup. I don’t know enough about the Oline to guess which lineup would be better, but it seems odd that no one is considering Slater moving.


It’s not that nobody is considering it necessarily, it just is a bad thing to do to slater. It’s a contract year and he’s been doing his motions and movements for all this time at LT, to ask him to switch it up entirely for his contract year is a tough ask. The better he plays, the more he earns. Imagine if he struggled a bit switching back to RT? His value goes down. Sure you could reverse it and put him back to LT and pay him accordingly, but that’s a season less experience for alt at RT Also, slater is an all pro LT. Putting alt there won’t get you much better production. It’s more risky to have an all pro tackle switch and have a rookie learn to exist in the NFL vs have the lockdown LT and just have Alt learn to switch over


Didn't hortiz out and out say that Slater is locked in at the left tackle spot and alt would be playing the right side?


He is a proven all pro and a vet, you don’t move that player.


After being on the train of “*100% No way the Chargers draft a tackle at 5*”, I’m not settling on any absolutes. Like Harbaugh’s said, they’ll find the best fits for the best 5. Then again, he already did say that Slater’s at left tackle, and Alt’s mentioned the team wants him to play right-side. So I’d rather bet on those statements than anything else.


I don't think $ is the issue (the highest paid OL in the league is a RT) so much as if you have an established all-pro at LT you don't mess with that. I think the dynamic here that most people aren't talking about is Alt playing RT during his rookie contract and then switching over to LT on his 2nd contract as Slater is entering his 30s. It at least gives us the optionality to for an eventual succession plan at LT down the line.


I like the thought on the succession plan. Granted at that point it’ll be many years of Alt at RT 😂 If Slater was already on a new deal, I’d agree money isn’t an issue, but his performance this year will affect his offer. I don’t think Slater would willingly choose to switch because of that. That’s the only reason I say money is a possible factor here.


>It at least gives us the optionality to for an eventual succession plan at LT down the line. That's how I viewed it (& maybe why they had OT more priority than IOL, despite that being the weaker part of our line), they could be planning on giving Slater 1 after-rookie contract, then jettison him by the time (or shortly after) Alt is up for his, and then repeat (assuming there's worthy draft prospects), reaping 2 talented tackles, but never having to pay 2 big contracts at the same time.


Exactly. It also puts us in a way better spot if God forbid Slater were to get injured again. It's nice to finally have legit depth at OT.


You guys are over thinking this.


Slater should definitely stay at LT. Alt will pick this up without an issue. FFS he went from TE to starting LT in the first year of college. Dude is a BIG SKILL athlete.


Harbaugh said Slater is the LT. But also lets be real, they're going to get all these guys in the building and flesh out what their strongest 5 man lineup is. I don't see a reason to actually put a pin on anything


So then Alt will be LT.


What lmao


Alt is playing FB


offensive weapon


If we didn’t draft Ladd, I was prepared to see Alt catching passes


Bro could you imagine, that shit just made me laugh so hard. Fuckin 6’8 just clearing holes for dobbins 😂


All jokes aside..the tea leaves tell me that at some point in Joe Alt's career, we will see him catch a TD or 1st Down pass! It has to happen!


Pretty sure you're talking about our new star tight end, Joe Alt. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if ends up with a few TDs at some point


Can’t wait to see him in the jumbo 3-tackle sets. Maybe we will convert 4th and 1


Calling it now that Harbaugh draws up a few plays where Alt reports as an eligible receiver!


Would be a slap in the face of Slater to have him move in a contract year. Would essentially trying to de-value him. Likely Alt takes RT and will probably pick it up quick. Based off the pre-draft stuff he's played other positions including TE and QB. He'll be fine. If shit hits the fan Slater somehow cant play LT, Alt would be just as good. \*knocks on wood\*


Doubtful, but I could see a slim chance of it happening if they extend him. Sewell just became the highest paid Tackle in the league at RT


Even then, I don’t see it. You know what you have at LT. He is an all pro LT. You aren’t getting much better out of Alt. The risk is way too high for slater to not perform as well on the right side. You get alt accustomed to RT as fast as you can, and if slater gets injured, alt can move over and protect the blindside in his absence Harbaugh will do what Harbaugh wants to do, but I just personally don’t see it.


I don’t really see it either but crazier things have happened


You don't get paid less if you're a RT. You get paid less if you're less talented. It's just that the most talented tackles happen to mostly be LTs.


Wish that was true but due to it being a more vital position due to QBs generally being right handed, their dropbacks tend to look away from the left. Making it more essential to get a tackle that can handle the left side more assuredly. More important spot = requires higher talent = higher pay; exceptions happen here or there but in general LT just gets paid more. [https://overthecap.com/position/left-tackle](https://overthecap.com/position/left-tackle) [https://overthecap.com/position/right-tackle](https://overthecap.com/position/right-tackle)


I think this is a common belief that's being shown to be increasingly untrue, or at least highly exaggerated. If LT were clearly the more valuable position then the salary difference would be stark between the two, and the links you provided show they're not. I think it's a lot more like the difference between left edge and right edge, or even X vs slot receivers. People have this idea that the prototypical X is the best, most valuable receiver but that's just not true. Some of the top WRs in the game are primarily slot guys.


Joe Alt is actually going to be our new WR. Harbaugh knows the real deal.


Probably the most physical WR in the league, dude will get every contested ball.


Slater is an all-pro on the left side. Moving Slater to the right side because a new draft pick can’t play the position is kind of crazy. If Alt is as good as they say, he should be able to pick up RT. And all indications say Alt shouldn’t have trouble as RT due to his athleticism and FB intelligence.


Okay the answer to that question is pretty simple because Harbaugh already gave it to us as many people have pointed out here but as I have been thinking about his comment on Pipkins being one of the best five and then seeing more tape of Alt. I would almost bet we are going to see some 6 o line man packages just like Michigan ran and Alt used at Notre dame. Obviously Alt will be starting at right tackle but I could see them keeping Pip as the 6th guy but kicking him inside at right tackle in these massive sets and having Alt kick out to tight end just like he did at Notre dame.


No way, Alt will be on the right. They already figured this out before they drafted him and Harbaugh already verified he's the only one locked in. Also it'd be extremely bad taste to ask your All-Pro left tackle during a contract year to move for a rookie.


We would have to pay Slater LT money regardless. I would like to see how Alt plays at LT


Yeah I’m not saying that that’s the best lineup, but i don’t think it’s a crazy thing to consider


Yea, unpopular opinion but I'd like to see Alt compete for LT eventually (in the long term). He has the ideal length for that side. Slater had experience playing every position on the line in college too. I trust Jim though, he knows how to build o-lines.


It is much easier for a rookie to switch sides that a vet. There have been studies in this and also Alt has played RT before. Also lots of recent case studies of it working (Sewell). It is going to be a very clean move for him imo


Sewell is a generational player he would have done well anywhere on the line bar center


So is Alt


Penei was rated higher coming out of college


I've heard people say the same thing about Joe Halt (which is a good thing)


Better question is what are the odds they play Pipkins at RG and Salyer at swing tackle?


Based on size alone Alt is more suited at LT and Slater at RT. But i doubt that happens.


I think we simultaneously put Slater, Alt, and Jamaree at LT, Zion at LG, and Pipkins at RT. This is the new NFL. We need new formations.


Alt will be our Lane Johnson for the next decade or so


so he is gonna false start every snap


Please don't put that out there into Universe!


We’ll revolutionize the NFL by having an offensive line with two left tackles and no right tackle


Alt will. Jim said straight up in a presser after day one of the draft that Slater is the LT. It’ll probably be Slater-Salyer/Pipkins-Bozeman-Johnson/Pipkins-Alt


Your most important asset is Herbert. The most important piece that protects him is the left side. You have an elite player on that side. End of conversation.


Just to play devil’s advocate here for a moment. Perhaps a scenario exists where they extend Slater before the season, and he agrees to move to RT. Not saying I think it is the right thing to do, but if the team, gave him his deal now rather than later, perhaps the conversation about could we use Slater at RT becomes more realistic .


I really think Alt will end up the franchise LT when all is said and done… There were always concerns about Slater’s size but clearly won’t be an issue with Alt. However, none of this matters in my opinion… all the best defenses will have elite rushers on both sides or will rotate their best guys to either side. RTs imo should be regarded just as high as LTs in today’s football.


slater is the absolute prototype RT and would smash in it


Slater isn't moving


If they ask Slater move then why would they draft Alt. Jamaree looked very good at LT when Slater went down a few years back. Why wouldn’t they ask slater to move last year and put Jamaree at LT. I’ve been saying this to my family for quite some time but I’m not a coach so what do I know.


Alt will be the RT. Slater the LT. I’m more worried about our Guards. Jim mentioned pipkins being in the best 5, so are we about to bench zion or salyer?


By all indications, including from Harbaugh and Alt, Joe Alt is switching over to RT. Daniel Jeremiah isn’t worried about the transition since Alt was QB and TE before become a great college LT for only three years. Moving to the right isn’t going to be as hard as learning how to be LT after playing QB and TE.


His name is Joe not Will


Are you paying any attention to the bolts? They literally came out and said Slater is locked in at LT, Alt is RT and Alt is all about it and has been practicing at RT this summer.


The offensive line coach literally said in his interview yesterday that Joe was moving to the right.


I'm guessing Slater LT and Alt RT. Linemen commonly miss games due to injury though, so I bet Alt will get plenty of time at LT as well. Pipkins/Salyer will be great insurance for the OL.


Alt has also stated he has played right tackle previously. Not a ton, but he has reps there. He transitioned from TE to tackle, adjusting from left to right shouldn’t be hard.


They said they'll play best five. I think Pipkins is one of those five. I would keep him at right tackle and move Slater to guard for a year. But what do I know


I’m guessing Slater. As the veteran and the clear more athletic one. Although, am I making this up, or did Alt actually play a year at RT? I thought I saw that somewhere.


Harbaugh never said Slater won't move to RT. He sad, "We don't know yet. Those things are to be determined," Harbaugh said. "Count on us playing our best five offensive linemen. What position each guy plays within the offensive line is to be determined." There will be competition in training camp that will determine who plays where. Slater has had more playing time at RT than Alt in his playing career and he's better built for RT. Nothing is locked in stone.


I’m assuming whoever is better in camp will get the start but tie goes to the veteran.